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[The Silver Grove Update] Lunaro and Conclave Additions and Changes Feedback!


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3 hours ago, clemza said:


Here's my opinion about your suggestion on cutting the duration of ball handling in half, and having a 3-4 sec delay before you can catch your throw, and having to pass twice to be able to do an unstable lunaro:

1. Imagine a 1v1 match

There you go.

Your ideas are great to force people to pass, but it will hurt the whole game. Self-passing is a part of lunaro, just like dribbling in basketball. Unstable shots are also a part of lunaro, just like spiking in volleyball. Also, why not just ask your teammates to pass the ball if you're really frustrated about it? It's the best way to get a pass. Instead of making the game force you to pass.

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10 minutes ago, P.kai said:

1. Imagine a 1v1 match

1v1 that the only thing is see in lunaro ... Well when i play lunaro it can be 1v1 2v2 3v3, in the end it always feels 1v1 ...

If you wants 1v1, then they could just make 1v1 matchmaking for people you do play alone and never pass and likes to drible and all with the current gameplay.

14 minutes ago, P.kai said:

just like dribbling in basketball. Unstable shots are also a part of lunaro, just like spiking in volleyball

It's working for these "collective sports" which are totally differents but not for lunaro.


12 minutes ago, P.kai said:

why not just ask your teammates to pass the ball

I keep doing it ... Nobody listen. When you ends up 1v3 people barrely care and just keep scoring, they are not trying to be fair at all ...

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Is it me or now you throw the Lunaro everywhere but where you're aiming? I was practicing a bit and I noticed that half the time the ball starts its trajectory 1 meter left to the warframe and then goes right beyond the aim reticule, wth? Also curved shots now hit directly the ground, the lunaro bounces and goes straight, so no more curved shots.

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I'll be a little more enthusiastic. People who read my thread know the reasons why I was considering leaving Lunaro for good. And some changes make me enjoying this mode again.

The first is probably the new stage. No more straight unstabled Lunaro shots all the way. You actually have to be more creative and use team play. It is not something that is absolutely necessary, but at least it encourages team play. The best strategy being to use cross-ways tactics with team mates to mislead the defense. And that's something that feels more like sport tactics. I still can play solo and throw the ball to myself fast enough to cover from my goal to the other, but this feels boring compared to a good strategy. Other thing is the pass button that doesn't mess up our shooting anymore. I asked for this when I first sent a feedback, and I am so glad we got it. Good job here DE at listening feedback !

The increase in movements is also a very good point. Being a controller player, I always felt kind of hobbled in front of keyboard/mouse players, and this is really a good step for us, controller players. It feels smoother. Talking about movements, the guarding thing gives me mixed feelings. It is a really good addition when you're up in the air. Especially in my case when moving forward solo by throwing the ball mid air and catching it with another mid air jump. No more "I can't catch the ball so I'll slow you down by hitting you". When you enter the opposite zone, and you are on your two feet with the ball in your hand, here is when it gives me mixed feelings. Should this guard thingy work only in the air? Or only outside of the goal zone? I don't know. It's nicely done enough so it doesn't feel like an unfair thing. In my experience, you can resist one check, and most of the time you'll loose it on the second. OR, most player will hold the guard, resist one hit, and release the key. So they are vulnerable after one hit. Anyway, it's a good step towards punishing all the "check spammers".

The smaller goal. I see a lot of complaints about how you need a pinpoint aim. I have to disagree here strongly. Guys, I'm a controller player. Do you know how clumsy it can be to aim with a controller? Well, let me tell you that I still can score 8-10 goals in a match. That I still can score 2 points from outside the zone, and unstable shots. I only need to train at 3 points unstable shooting from outside the zone and I'll be fine. If I can do that, all players with a keyboard and a mouse can do it. I might be one of those controller players with a good aim, but still. With one of the player I meet a lot in Lunaro, we still managed to win a match at 22-1 (I think). Just be creative, use teamplay, and forget everything about the old Lunaro map. All players I met since yesterday just changed their gameplay. And some of them were top players with unstable shooting all the way in the old map.

Anyway DE, this is a good update. And I think you are going in the right direction here. This finally feels more like Lunaro can become a real sport game because it introduces tactics as a "better way". Teamplay was just an alternative in the old map, and not efficient enough. This here is a deal breaker.

So a big thank you. And damn, if you know me a bit, you know that positive feedback is not my thing ;)


EDIT : Just a quick edit, there are some issues with glitches in Lunaro matches. One being you becoming unable to catch the ball or check or anything. It used to happen in old Lunaro and the controls would come back after a goal was scored. Now it is permanent and the only option is leaving the match (making me concerned about the penalty system). The other is kind of the opposite bug. You catch the ball and get permanent holding. The ball will explode on you, but you'll stay steady with the ball in your end. Also, entering the opposite zone before the camera comes back after a replay is still a thing DE. You have a 1-2 sec window during which you can bullet jump before the camera is back. It is just after the replay, when the camera is returning to the game.

Edited by matto
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Not directly linked to Lunaro, but new conclave secondary skins (akstiletto and kraken) cost 50k standing, while others secondary skins cost 40k standing. Is it intended or an oversight?

Also karak skin has the braton's sprite and seems to not work on wraith variant.

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Something changed for me here. Movement feels weird and sometimes it feels like I am playing on low gravity field. Don't know what is happening but I just can't play properly right now. I posted on Sunday and said how smooth it was running. It's been almost unplayable for 2 days now.

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16 minutes ago, P.kai said:

It is for all conclave game modes.

Oh sweet!!! I've been hoping for some kind of punishment system and DE finally listened. I don't know how its like on PC but on Xbox One their are wayyyyyy tooo many people leaving mid-match. I'm sure some of them got legit reasons but I'm also sure a lot of them just rage quit. And then when several people rage quits you get host migrations and kicks back to your ship smdh.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 27 August 2016 at 5:05 AM, Tymerc said:

That penalty sounds ridiculous. 

It is. Now if you join a lagging match you have to just suffer the host teleporting everywhere for 10 minutes instead of looking for another game.

you simply cannot punish players for seeking a level playing field if you won't provide servers, it will just reduce the players further.

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  • 1 month later...

Please make it so that more people play lunaro, because now it feels like I'm the only one all the time. And when I find an opponent it's a noob and he ragequits after I score five times in a row. Please make it so that more people play lunaro, and more people know how to play it. I would suggest adding other rewards, such as non conclave mods, endo, and maybe occasionally a forma bp or something like that. That way lunaro will be a lot more popular and I for one will have a lot more fun with it. And that's the meaning of it all right? Fun.

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5 hours ago, DarrTahBane said:

Please make it so that more people play lunaro, because now it feels like I'm the only one all the time. And when I find an opponent it's a noob and he ragequits after I score five times in a row. Please make it so that more people play lunaro, and more people know how to play it. I would suggest adding other rewards, such as non conclave mods, endo, and maybe occasionally a forma bp or something like that. That way lunaro will be a lot more popular and I for one will have a lot more fun with it. And that's the meaning of it all right? Fun.

I'd recommend trying europe regions, if you're not too far away. That's where the clan Lunatic usually plays, they're a lunaro clan.

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  • 1 month later...

I will state here the lunaro interface behavior before you start a game and give my opinion between {}

you click on lunaro to start a game:


     - people are playing on the server:

         - you join the game right away after vaguely seeing the name of the players before you join the game

         { maybe putting the name of the players and a start button would be better since some players quit right away after seeing some players they don't want to play with }

     - nobody is playing on the server:

         1 - there is a counter to 10 before you go alone in the waiting room

         2 - you directly go in the waiting room(i get those 2 options depending on the region i'm playing in, wierd)

         { just option 1 but without the counter and a start button to go in the waiting room if you want to play alone would be much better }

my goal here is to loose less time and be less frustrated by the public match interface.


Edited by Caorun
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