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So what do Oberon Fans love about him?


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3 hours ago, MumblesMcphatty said:


He does not need to be brought up to par with the ridiculously OP standard of the majority of the frames - there should be a frame option that isn't toting a game-ending power in his toolkit. There is nothing wrong with this - and the majority opinions around Oberon needing a buff are either willfully or accidentally ignorant of this fact.


I greatly disagree with this. Every frame should be an end game frame, however that doesnt mean that every frame should be the best frame. The problem is that he isnt even close. You arnt getting say...80-90% and just dealing with it, you are getting 30% of another frame's power.

If you want more difficulty, then dont maximize your frame. People dont have to make an OP build, use different mods and make an ok build. Every frame should be great at what they do. Its up to the player to build the frame in a way that makes content easy or hard. However, dont take away that choice.


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I like homing bullets.

I don't like every other aspects of oberon.

1.homing projectile should have %armor reduction already 

2.small rectangular buff zone that gets you killed regardless in high lvl.

3.clumsy healing. Slow animation plus on/off switch.... 

4.Outdated ult..... Make him more of a redundancy when you have nyx

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17 minutes ago, leperkhaun said:

I greatly disagree with this. Every frame should be an end game frame, however that doesnt mean that every frame should be the best frame. The problem is that he isnt even close. You arnt getting say...80-90% and just dealing with it, you are getting 30% of another frame's power.

If you want more difficulty, then dont maximize your frame. People dont have to make an OP build, use different mods and make an ok build. Every frame should be great at what they do. Its up to the player to build the frame in a way that makes content easy or hard. However, dont take away that choice.


Oberon can be end-game viable with the use of Rage+QT+Phoenix Renewal combo. Phoenix Renewal kinda helps in resetting the the Rage+QT combo.

But of course like I mentioned in a previous topic, people will choose maximum cheese for squad efficiency. This is only case where I find it acceptable when players use the "but x frame does this role better than Oberon" mentality. People who are trying to farm stuffs will use whatever at their disposal to trivialize the mission as much as possible. 

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14 hours ago, cookieknife said:

the problem is it is no where close to versatility when you fall flat on everything you do!

Oberon's issue isn't that he's lackluster at what he does. He's awesome at what he does. He just doesn't have that specialization that many frames have, so he appears underwhelming in comparison to others.

Oberon's value is in his mix of abilities. Trin is the top-tier support, but she can't CC; Nova's great at damage but can't tank. Oberon can do anything at any given time. Sometimes that's what a Tenno needs. More often, due to the ability to co-ordinate specialized squads, he is overlooked for a frame that leans toward one end of the spectrum, because you know you're okay playing Trin support as long as another frame on your squad has good CC. Oberon is not in the "meta", but he's great for supplying exactly what a squad needs at any given time, or at efficiently giving himself all he needs to run solo. I enjoy Oberon because I can support my squad and still be on the frontline swingin' around a BFS. He's good times.

Except that damn passive, why was that ever implemented. I mean it's cool(ish) and surprisingly useful when the situation presents itself, but that situation is so damned rare.

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Personally, Oberon's Oryx helm is one of my favourite in the game outright, and his Immortal skin is nice to play with on colouring. If he can get some PBR on his default form and Immortal skin, that'd just be swell.

As for anything more gameplay related, Oberon plays well with my kind of 'cautious' playstyle and also helps prevent me getting complacent. Whilst this is not an argument against him seeing some improvements, it does leave me somewhat at an odds on just want I would want out of any future reworking and touch ups. Definitely not another Exalted weapon at least.


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21 hours ago, GiraffaYandereBeetle said:

Oberon can be end-game viable with the use of Rage+QT+Phoenix Renewal combo. Phoenix Renewal kinda helps in resetting the the Rage+QT combo.

But of course like I mentioned in a previous topic, people will choose maximum cheese for squad efficiency. This is only case where I find it acceptable when players use the "but x frame does this role better than Oberon" mentality. People who are trying to farm stuffs will use whatever at their disposal to trivialize the mission as much as possible. 

I suppose, people have taken Mk weapons on end game content too and managed to make it work. Just because a frame is able to complete stuff, doesnt really mean it competes in the talks about which frame to bring. I do not think that oberon being ehhhh is a good reason to keep him ehhhhh. Rebuild him, allow his kit to scale better. That will allow people who want to max power him play him and it will allow people who dont want to, not. There is nothing lost that way, its adding an option. If they make his kit more useful, no one is required to put all r10 primed mods in it.

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9 minutes ago, leperkhaun said:

I suppose, people have taken Mk weapons on end game content too and managed to make it work. Just because a frame is able to complete stuff, doesnt really mean it competes in the talks about which frame to bring. I do not think that oberon being ehhhh is a good reason to keep him ehhhhh. Rebuild him, allow his kit to scale better. That will allow people who want to max power him play him and it will allow people who dont want to, not. There is nothing lost that way, its adding an option. If they make his kit more useful, no one is required to put all r10 primed mods in it.

You said it: even if it's low-tier but player can make it work then it's all good. Again, don't compare the whole kit of a frame to another, they each have ways of going up against enemies. Apples and oranges, my friend. All this talk of "Oh but can he CC as good as Loki? Can he heal as good as Trinity? Can he kill as fast as Ash? Lol no 10/10 terrible frame mastery fodder" meanwhile the aforementioned frames can't fill out the other roles Broberon can do. 

He's definitely way better than when he was first released. I have no issue minmaxing Oberon in his current state (heck, I didn't even need Primed mods back then), but of course like a lot of players I'd love DE to give him some decent rework to HG and Renewal along with a more fleshed out kit that could have a lil synergy, not the random Reckoning blind or his crappy excuse of a passive. If others can't get used to his JoAT playstyle, then they oughta just stick to the specialized role of their choice and let a capable player to make the most out of Oberon, like how Limbo (who I honestly feel honest to God is by far a frame that's in dire need of a rework more than Oberon) can be excellent in the hands of a player who studies his kit extensively.

Can Oberon be an option? Yes. 

Do you wanna play Cheeseframe instead? Sure, just host your dream team.

Don't take this in the wrong way, I hope you understand where I'm coming from.

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23 minutes ago, GiraffaYandereBeetle said:

You said it: even if it's low-tier but player can make it work then it's all good. Again, don't compare the whole kit of a frame to another, they each have ways of going up against enemies. Apples and oranges, my friend. All this talk of "Oh but can he CC as good as Loki? Can he heal as good as Trinity? Can he kill as fast as Ash? Lol no 10/10 terrible frame mastery fodder" meanwhile the aforementioned frames can't fill out the other roles Broberon can do. 

He's definitely way better than when he was first released. I have no issue minmaxing Oberon in his current state (heck, I didn't even need Primed mods back then), but of course like a lot of players I'd love DE to give him some decent rework to HG and Renewal along with a more fleshed out kit that could have a lil synergy, not the random Reckoning blind or his crappy excuse of a passive. If others can't get used to his JoAT playstyle, then they oughta just stick to the specialized role of their choice and let a capable player to make the most out of Oberon, like how Limbo (who I honestly feel honest to God is by far a frame that's in dire need of a rework more than Oberon) can be excellent in the hands of a player who studies his kit extensively.

Can Oberon be an option? Yes. 

Do you wanna play Cheeseframe instead? Sure, just host your dream team.

Don't take this in the wrong way, I hope you understand where I'm coming from.

I understand. I just dont see why you would be against bringing him up from being basically MR fodder to people wanting to take him on missions more.

Can he work? Sure, but he doesnt work because he is a good warframe. He works because the game is designed to basically not really let people fail. You can basically take a completely unoptimized frame of any kind, throw on a good weapon and call it a day. Hell take a look at hydroid. The ONLY reason people bring him is for loot farm and he can complete anything, and it sure as heck has nothing to do with how awesome his abilities are.

I do not see that as a reason why his power level cannot be raised so that he goes from being meh, to being more effective.

The issue isnt that he needs to use more than one ability. The issue isnt that some other warframes can trivialize content. The issue is that a basically unmodded oberon with a good weapon makes just as much contribution to a mission as a fully optimized oberon. He is a weapon platform. So he can CC and heal, thats nice, but he doesnt do either of those well. At least not so well that it feels like it makes a difference. Ohh he can make you immune to status and buff your armor....if you stand in one area and never move, which isnt a good thing.

His kit doenst need to be thrown away, it can be expanded. Hallowed ground needs something, it forces a player to be static in a game where you want to keep moving. His 3 needs to be bumped up a bit and take away the travel time for the orbs, just let it heal people. His 4 should have its area expanded so that it can cover more ground. The damage on that ability is meh, its the confusion and the health orb drop thats nice. However, he has to kill with it, which only really works on weak enemies, so its limited to being a CC, but with really low range.


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5 minutes ago, leperkhaun said:

I understand. I just dont see why you would be against bringing him up from being basically MR fodder to people wanting to take him on missions more.

Now now, correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure I never stated that I was against him being a common sight in missions (then again, considering how easy it is obtain him, it's not uncommon at the same time). Seeing players who bring a minmax Oberon, now THAT'S rare. As I've mentioned countless times to other Tenno, people can bring him into missions more, even so they just mod him to play in a specific playstyle rather than utilizing his whole kit (max range Reckoning seems to be a common one) which otherwise they'll rather choose a frame that can satisfy that role better for them.

5 minutes ago, leperkhaun said:

Can he work? Sure, but he doesnt work because he is a good warframe. He works because the game is designed to basically not really let people fail. You can basically take a completely unoptimized frame of any kind, throw on a good weapon and call it a day. Hell take a look at hydroid. The ONLY reason people bring him is for loot farm and he can complete anything, and it sure as heck has nothing to do with how awesome his abilities are.

because the game is designed to basically not really let people fail.

^ considering the amount of artificial difficulty this game tossed at us, doesn't seem so that way . And hey, don't speak for everyone now, I had my fair share of fun with Hydroid back in the old days. Tidal Surge and Undertow are decent, Tentacle Swarm has crap tracking while Tempest Barrage is eh at its finest, but I did enjoy using him for a good amount of time and occasionally use him in other missions to get a lil bit of that feel again. Problem it's the enemy factions are constantly changing with units that screws up the frame's kit while the more recent frames aren't all that affected.

5 minutes ago, leperkhaun said:

I do not see that as a reason why his power level cannot be raised so that he goes from being meh, to being more effective.

You see it as meh, I see it as bearable and usable, but we both can still see more work from DE. All of us don't see a reason why he shouldn't be brought up to par to current frames' standard while at the same time maintaining his current role, you just gotta ask how often DE actually notices feedback for some of the frames till they actually do something about it.

6 minutes ago, leperkhaun said:

The issue isnt that he needs to use more than one ability. The issue isnt that some other warframes can trivialize content. The issue is that a basically unmodded oberon with a good weapon makes just as much contribution to a mission as a fully optimized oberon. He is a weapon platform. So he can CC and heal, thats nice, but he doesnt do either of those well. At least not so well that it feels like it makes a difference. Ohh he can make you immune to status and buff your armor....if you stand in one area and never move, which isnt a good thing.

The general issue that every Oberon sh*tters have thrown at me so far is that he can't trivialize content as well as other frames, but you're the first to brought this up that's for sure.

I don't mean to offend, but can you back up your statement of an unmodded Oberon does as well with a fully optimized Oberon? We're just talking about Oberon here, it doesn't matter what gun or weapon he brings into the mission. Any unmodded frame can do that with a good weapon, but their abilities at its peak are what makes it more efficient. My Oberon when unmodded will hardly fare well in higher level missions, but mod it nicely with augments such as Smite Infusion and Phoenix Renewal can help in buffing teammates and saving them from near death respectively can be handy.

Oh just a plus note, Renewal actually removes any status proc on you once you've fully healed. Not entirely just restricted to HG.

6 minutes ago, leperkhaun said:

His kit doenst need to be thrown away, it can be expanded. Hallowed ground needs something, it forces a player to be static in a game where you want to keep moving. His 3 needs to be bumped up a bit and take away the travel time for the orbs, just let it heal people. His 4 should have its area expanded so that it can cover more ground. The damage on that ability is meh, its the confusion and the health orb drop thats nice. However, he has to kill with it, which only really works on weak enemies, so its limited to being a CC, but with really low range.

Yes, it can be expanded upon. 

Which is why there has been multiple feedbacks and suggestion. Most of the suggested improvements are almost the same among all players and it's all focused a lot on Hallowed Ground and Renewal along with Reckoning's health orb drop. From expanding Hallowed Ground's area to making it similar to Firewalker, turn Renewal into a toggle, have enemies marked by Reckoning to drop health orb on death instead of death by Reckoning. But DE's just too busy (apparently) with other stuff that they rather leave him to gather dust on the shelf.

I however do not agree that Renewal's travel orb to be removed, as that is what make its range infinite compare to Blessing now. Kinda the little things that counts, especially when you have that Leeroy Jenkins in your squad that just loves to move far away from your squad only to end up going down, the Renewal orb will travel far enough to extend the downed time for others to save him/her. Orb can stay, but it shouldn't be a duration-drain ability.

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While i've moved on from my Oberon days, I will tell you the original reason was the Paladin theme.  Paladin's are probably one of my more favorite things in fantasy, so it was a big hit to me already.  The second appeal was being able to heal ( Renewal ) and do damage ( Reckoning ).

He's pretty underwhelming in both areas looking back at it, and really needs some love.  Renewal needs help in particular, as well as how large hallowed ground is along with its shape.

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15 minutes ago, GiraffaYandereBeetle said:


You see it as meh, I see it as bearable and usable


I think this is the biggest difference between our points of view. I do not want oberon to be "bearable and useable". I want him to be great.

Bareable and useable is something for weapons. All warframes should be great.

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Just now, leperkhaun said:

I think this is the biggest difference between our points of view. I do not want oberon to be "bearable and useable". I want him to be great.

Bareable and useable is something for weapons. All warframes should be great.

You somehow completely missed the sentence I said after that. If that's the case let me just sum it up to you even Clem can understand:

Do I find Oberon good? Yes.

But can I convince people to see Oberon is at least good in his current state? No, because I know he needs to be reworked on and not stay in the current state forever.

Do I want people to see him as good? Yes.

If that's the case, should DE touch on his skills more and listen to player feedbacks and suggestions that can expand his role as a JoAT frame? Yes.

Plain and simple, agree?

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Just now, leperkhaun said:

Ill agree with that.

Well that's nice to know. Thank you for keeping it civil, it's rare for me to discuss about Oberon's situation without having the opposer start acting cocky and condescending.

But once more if any of my previous statement sounded as such, I apologize.

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19 minutes ago, GiraffaYandereBeetle said:

Well that's nice to know. Thank you for keeping it civil, it's rare for me to discuss about Oberon's situation without having the opposer start acting cocky and condescending.

But once more if any of my previous statement sounded as such, I apologize.

I dont have any issues. However, thats rather easy for me to do since we were not talking about Rhino or Valkyr, which are the frames I care about the way you care about oberon. 

I would LOVE to see the rework happen when Oberon Prime comes out. (well before that, but it sorta makes sense to drop a rework near when the prime is going to drop).

Edited by leperkhaun
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I like playing support roles in games--especially Paladins who have defensive and healing capacities. Oberon is still a bit squishy for my taste, but I really like that I have to use all of his abilities. He's the king of Infested--canceling out Toxic procs and knockdowns with 2, healing back any Toxic damage with 3, urinating all over Healer auras and going on a ground-punching rampage with 1 and 4. The only ability I want a complete overhaul from Oberon is 2, really; his 3 could use some buff like not draining energy while flying and continuing to heal-over-time after HP hits max. Other than that I desperately want his base HP to be increased, he should have the highest base HP after Inaros. 

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14 hours ago, traybong111 said:

Other than that I desperately want his base HP to be increased, he should have the highest base HP after Inaros. 

Yes. All my yes.

And maybe even up his armor to 200.

He has a skin that makes him look like the tree of life when you access the navigation segment with him, ffs.

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On 8/30/2016 at 0:02 PM, leperkhaun said:

I greatly disagree with this. Every frame should be an end game frame, however that doesnt mean that every frame should be the best frame. The problem is that he isnt even close. You arnt getting say...80-90% and just dealing with it, you are getting 30% of another frame's power.

If you want more difficulty, then dont maximize your frame. People dont have to make an OP build, use different mods and make an ok build. Every frame should be great at what they do. Its up to the player to build the frame in a way that makes content easy or hard. However, dont take away that choice.


Your faux-percentages are completely arbitrary and have no basis in fact. You're also referring to a nebulous concept of "end-game" that Warframe doesn't really have anyway and what it does have - the majority of Tenno cannot seem to agree on what actually constitutes "endgame". No choice is being taken away - there are at least a dozen face-roll worthy frames already. Oberon fills a niche - frankly one that is necessary considering how easy this game is and there's no way I'd have hung around for 1000s of hours without him. 

Spare me the old "don't maximise your frame" rubbish too - its beyond inane as an argument against the points I made. 

Oberon is perfectly viable for every bit of content available in game - always has been - you just have to work hard at it. Unlike all the easy-mode frames such as Trinity, Nova and Loki. 

The only officially sanctioned end-game we really have are Sorties - and I've never struggled in them using Oberon as my main. The only difference between him and the top-tier meta frames is that I have to be fully engaged for the mission - rather than standing around watching power counters and spouting inane BS in chat - like so many others. 

Contrary to meta opinion - every frame is fully capable of surviving Warframe's current end-game. So what is it exactly that makes him non-viable in your eyes? The option of choosing other obviously more powerful frames? The fact that he isn't a snoozefest to utilize like meta standards so often are?

Do you realise that in demanding he be brought in line with other frames (many of whom are arguably broken) it is in fact you that is removing the option of choice? 

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1 hour ago, MumblesMcphatty said:

Your faux-percentages are completely arbitrary and have no basis in fact. You're also referring to a nebulous concept of "end-game" that Warframe doesn't really have anyway and what it does have - the majority of Tenno cannot seem to agree on what actually constitutes "endgame". No choice is being taken away - there are at least a dozen face-roll worthy frames already. Oberon fills a niche - frankly one that is necessary considering how easy this game is and there's no way I'd have hung around for 1000s of hours without him. 

Spare me the old "don't maximise your frame" rubbish too - its beyond inane as an argument against the points I made. 

Oberon is perfectly viable for every bit of content available in game - always has been - you just have to work hard at it. Unlike all the easy-mode frames such as Trinity, Nova and Loki. 

The only officially sanctioned end-game we really have are Sorties - and I've never struggled in them using Oberon as my main. The only difference between him and the top-tier meta frames is that I have to be fully engaged for the mission - rather than standing around watching power counters and spouting inane BS in chat - like so many others. 

Contrary to meta opinion - every frame is fully capable of surviving Warframe's current end-game. So what is it exactly that makes him non-viable in your eyes? The option of choosing other obviously more powerful frames? The fact that he isn't a snoozefest to utilize like meta standards so often are?

Do you realise that in demanding he be brought in line with other frames (many of whom are arguably broken) it is in fact you that is removing the option of choice? 

Well, I have already said that every frame can complete the game. No one is arguing that. People take MK weapons to the "end-game" stuff.

However, the missions are not difficult and weather or not a frame can complete them isnt a good judge of if a warframe is good. Every frame and weapon can complete pretty much everything in the game. 

What part of his kit isnt a snooze fest? His heal? where you press a button every once in a while and you dont have to do anything? His hallowed ground where it takes half a dozen casts to cover a little bit of space, and because this game has a lot of mobility, doesnt get used really since people dont want to be static? His reckoning which doesnt do that great damage, is an ok CC, but has a pretty short range. 

Oberon's kit is a good foundation, it just needs to be tweeked to bring him up. 

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I'll just state that for the record.. If it's going the way DE says it's going. You shouldn't expect to see a min maxed Oberon until primes comes out.

I believe some people like him that much they're willing to re-kit later on but people typically save their potatoes for that now 

Edited by Emeraudes
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Sure, he has a reliable gameplay style, where you drag games into a victory because enemies can't really do much, they engane your team but everynow and then they get slamed into the ground, receive damage, get blinded and possibly even confused.

I am talking about his 4th ability, that grants you some time to do the regular killing, i often use him on defenses in sorties if it's something like an eximus stronghold, these few seconds are completely worthless if you don't react fast enough, but if you do, the movement, killing enemies while they are still standing up, everything becomes easier, for a few seconds obviously.

His second ability is usefull without fleeting expertise altough nothing major, this also benefits his 3rd ability, healing with sentinel, rejuvenation and arcane grace grants him a nice  steady ammount of resistance to attacks, the healing is some sort of emergency thing if you can spare the energy, altough this is completely worthless on players that like to take damage.

His 1st ability is usefull to radiate at long ranges and to knock down enemies, triggering finishers with melee.

Gameplay with him becomes easier overall since enemies can't do much, this however depends on the builds, the player and the effort during missions, but for me, no rework is required, i feel that any sort of rework will mess up the builds, it took me some time to find a nice combination so that all abilities, especially the 4th, work correctly.

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