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I think someone want to revenge me in sortie today


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First of all, I apologies for My English is not good because I don't use it frequently.

Here is the story.

I run sortie sabotage in random public match with someone, I don't know he is (and don't remember his name) and he tell me i'm the one that let him dead form before.

My Emotion right now when I read the text is stun for a second I try to think who ? What ? When ?   

After that I remain silent and do mission until when we escape from the fire he let me die.

I think He want me to deserve this, but for me this is ridiculous. I don't know who he is and his action to me is very disgusting.

After Finish mission I told him When? I don't remember and thank you him to play with me and then leave squad.

For me I don't even remember who I play with everyday just want to play in random for fun ,but this person is very ugly. He doesn't have any prove that tell me I play whit him before.

Did you guy have an experience like this. or this is normal in this game

PS. Sorry if I post in wrong forum this is my first time to create new topic.



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I had someone and their friend try to get me to give back a mod I traded to get from one of them. Of course it was an agreement from nearly a month prior and I couldn't remember exactly what it was they wanted back because I had done several trades since then. But they continued to harass me in chat for several minutes trying to get me give them back what I got from them when neither one of us could or would say what specifically was traded. And I had no reason to believe that they would give back to me the platinum I spent either.

I ended up setting both of them to 'ignore' and left it at that. The mod in question I traded from the first person wasn't particularly rare, but I wasn't blessed by RNGesus in getting it for myself, and it was something I really wanted. I suspect they wanted it back so they could sell it at a higher price again, but I wasn't having any truck with that; the first trade was agreed upon and we both seemed happy about having made it at the time.

Edited by FLSH_BNG
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well, I had an experience like that, but I was on the other side, meaning I saw someone who was a total a******. I did a sortie 3 (grineer EXCAV with eximus...so you know how f*** up we were). and this guy just went AFK after 2-3 excavators by just suiciding and not reviving back , and when me and my other teammates finally finish the mission, this a****** finally revives and joins us at extraction, we had 2000+ hours ingame too >__>

and then I joined a bere match with him in it. I was implying him that I played with him before and stuff but we didn't remember  

for your case, he probably confused you with someone else 

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Without having been there, it is hard to say. One thing you should do is not take it personal. As fun as this game is, like any online multiplayer experience, it is filled with trolls and poor sports. There are times that I have gotten salty when teammates failed to pick me up in Randoms, oftentimes when they had plenty of opportunity to do so. Yet I would never go so far to call them out in SquadChat or PM, or even worse sabotage them later in the mission. People like that do exist though, and they are by no means exclusive to the Warframe player base.


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OP here is a tip, if you run a random squad, just consider the rest as collatoral damage first, let them take the majority of the hits while you try to hold your own and complete the objective as you would playing solo. When you notice that the rest is actually running like a team (like sticking together, running back to you or someone else when getting stuck by a bursa, etc,, adapt to it, help them as they most likely will help you, and be grateful for meeting cool players.

Great players are not only good at the game, they also know when and where their mates can or cannot help, and when it's better to move forward instead of risking going down too because of the urge to help someone else. For example, during rescue when the timer already started, and someone goes down, I always hope that the rest incl. me is going for the hostage.

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14 minutes ago, TennoPain said:

Vengeance is the law for thee
A thousand leagues below the sea...

You've been tracked, you've been seen
...it's the Grineer.

On topic: I've been playing with randoms since U8, the only place when I got yelled at was Viver back in the days (joined out of curiosity, went to collect thousands of loot, got yelled at for messing up spawns, so that was fair).
The only time I got trolled was actually hilarious, a person PMs me "WTS Voltaic Strike 15p" (was looking for it in the Trade chat), I accept the deal and he just writes "no" and ignored me. 
Yes, I died a lot because nobody bothered to revive me, yes, I've met people that weren't nice, but it doesn't seem to be a big problem. Usually the majority is nice and tries to help and even thanks the squad after a good run. Although it highly depends on your region.

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Thank you for the tip and comment from you all. For me when I saw someone down I try to reach to help as fast as I can, but if they down far away from me I can't do that.

My region is Asia. I was run from Dota2 because playing it for along time and upset about toxic player in SEA dota. Then I start play  warframe instead because I saw it show in my steam. Some Philippine language from Dota2 come to use in this game but most people use English to comunicate.


I think next time, I should use recruit squad chat or do it solo.


thank you guy again and have a nice day : )

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