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Please Fix: Bladestorm, Sound Quake, World on Fire and Synoid Simulor


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12 minutes ago, Demon.King said:

I disagree. It only allows you to kill one target per finisher, with a relatively slow animation attached to it. It mostly requires stealth or finisher openers abilities, and is still slower than using conventional means at any reasonable level (140 and under).

It does provide a rather absurd level of insurance, though.  As long as you can backstab an enemy, you know you can just erase it whenever you want regardless of how tough or threatening it is.  Only Nullifiers come close to curtailing this.  

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Will those players with Mirage + Simulor enjoy playing if I will put them on rift every time? Like you said : 'because i can'. 

Have different ways of what i mean, will not list it. Those who played with all frames know what I mean. 

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1 hour ago, secret9005 said:

It seems you play differently from me, right? These efficient builds are there so I can clearly sortie fast yes. Why? Because like I said, it's fast. Other people don't have 8 hours a day to play the game. Some people have jobs/school and other stuff.

You have your definition of fun and I have my own. You can't tell me, "BUT THAT'S NOT FUN!". I find destroying enemies in thousands fun.

If I want to play your "FUN" way I can. I do it when I'm done farming stuff, or when I'm tired of RNG spitting in my face. There's a randomize button in the game that I use. You don't go forcing your way of fun down people's throats.

Oh, i can't force anything. But i'm totally free to speak. Which i do.

Why should i stay silent when YOUR type of "FUN" ruining MY "FUN"?

Why should i "play solo", or "play with friends", or "just leave mission" every time, when brainless OP storm coming in my mission and swipe away all gameplay?

Equality works both ways.

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26 minutes ago, letir said:

Why should i "play solo", or "play with friends", or "just leave mission" every time, when brainless OP storm coming in my mission and swipe away all gameplay?

There is another option. Just wait out the few short minutes until the mission is over and reroll for randoms. A over powered speed freak will clear a node extremely quick why not wait it out get your loot/rewards and restart.

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4 hours ago, letir said:

Oh, i can't force anything. But i'm totally free to speak. Which i do.

Why should i stay silent when YOUR type of "FUN" ruining MY "FUN"?

Why should i "play solo", or "play with friends", or "just leave mission" every time, when brainless OP storm coming in my mission and swipe away all gameplay?

Equality works both ways.


So, you want to play a mission that can take up to 20 to 40 minutes because you want to play it slowly and your way? No one tells you to stay silent when someone's type of fun is ruining yours, that's exactly what you're doing to others. Why you want ruin others' fun?

The reason why we tell you to stay away from public is because someone will always get Ember, Mirage, Ash, and any frames that melt everything so quickly before you can see them shoot bullets, if you don't like to listen to us, then we won't speak any wise to you.

If you think storm is very brainless, then I tell you, majority of frames' abilities are mostly brainless as well, Rhino's stomp, Rhino's Iron Skin, Excalibur's RJ, Excalibur's FlashBang, Nova's MP, Loki's RD, and so on... I can keep on if you want.

And no, that's not how "Equality" works that way, you deprive others' fun and claim it is equal which is unhealthy.

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Fashionframe and trivializing content is the true end-game, I hate to say. That's the reality of this game. This will continue to be so even if one aspect gets reworked and satisfies a minority of players, but will eventually get "powercreeped" as new content or more reworks are laid out in the future. It's an endless cycle, a supposed snake that's eating its own tail.

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7 hours ago, DSjk22 said:

Will those players with Mirage + Simulor enjoy playing if I will put them on rift every time? Like you said : 'because i can'. 

Have different ways of what i mean, will not list it. Those who played with all frames know what I mean. 

thanks for the idea 

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2 hours ago, Mardana said:

So, you want to play a mission that can take up to 20 to 40 minutes because you want to play it slowly and your way? No one tells you to stay silent when someone's type of fun is ruining yours, that's exactly what you're doing to others. Why you want ruin others' fun?

The reason why we tell you to stay away from public is because someone will always get Ember, Mirage, Ash, and any frames that melt everything so quickly before you can see them shoot bullets, if you don't like to listen to us, then we won't speak any wise to you.

If you think storm is very brainless, then I tell you, majority of frames' abilities are mostly brainless as well, Rhino's stomp, Rhino's Iron Skin, Excalibur's RJ, Excalibur's FlashBang, Nova's MP, Loki's RD, and so on... I can keep on if you want.

And no, that's not how "Equality" works that way, you deprive others' fun and claim it is equal which is unhealthy.

do you not see how stupid your argument is  


 basically people playing 2 characters out of a roster of almost 30 are telling   are telling  everyone else playing the 98% of characters to give up in their games  

do you not see how flawed that is that 2 frames are disrupting the game by themselves 


also all your examples cant even be compared because they are all Debuffs or  stuns   vs Map wide  nuke kills  with virtually no risk nor cost and barely any input

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7 hours ago, letir said:

Why should i stay silent when YOUR type of "FUN" ruining MY "FUN"?

Why should i "play solo", or "play with friends", or "just leave mission" every time, when brainless OP storm coming in my mission and swipe away all gameplay?

Let's see here, you want to REMOVE our fun from the game.

We don't even ask YOUR FUN to be removed from the game.

We suggest you this because people play what they want. You want to remove their way of playing so it doesn't ruin yours when you have the means to avoid such players.

Just now, Retepzednem said:

also all your examples cant even be compared because they are all Debuffs or  stuns   vs Map wide  nuke kills  with virtually no risk nor cost and barely any input

Map wide nuke kills hmm... Equinox, Saryn, Every AoE ultimate that damages to a certain degree. Yeah sure those don't exist. It's just Ash's Bladestorm because it deals finishers and slash DoT, but again, I said that's being reworked so IDC about it.

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On 9/3/2016 at 6:02 AM, (PS4)ghinellil said:

I play this game for a while, and this stuff is the worse in the game.


- Bladestorm: will be reworked, i hope very soon. All the baby spam ninjas will move on. I don't hate Ash at all (nice frame), just who spam for play. 

- Sound Quake: after this ability is active, the player can go in bath. Have no sense to exist, like an auto pilot. When i see a Banshee in interception, i already know how it end. Yawn ! 

- World on Fire: really too powerful. The worse in on exterminations; it become run from A to B. Another boring situation.

- Synoid Simulor: really? :O I can't believe it still around all this time. Please DE, limit the bubbles active at the same moment; shot another and delete the first. 10 bubble max. Let people use it like the Torid... with some brain effort. Plus it counter nullifier much better then other weapons. All the bubbles make a visual mess, especially in dark mission; sometimes i have to play looking only the mini map.


The best is to encounter an Ash Prime with the Synoid Simulor, in sortie with Radiation Hazard  ಠ_ಠ


P.S: i don't like "please fix" threads, but after 200 login days, my patience start to fall.

Bring a Safegaurd Nezha and quickly place Halo on Ash so he doesn't catch the radiation sickness. =)) I notice I never get radiation procs on me when it's up.

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20 minutes ago, Retepzednem said:

do you not see how stupid your argument is  


 basically people playing 2 characters out of a roster of almost 30 are telling   are telling  everyone else playing the 98% of characters to give up in their games  

do you not see how flawed that is that 2 frames are disrupting the game by themselves 


also all your examples cant even be compared because they are all Debuffs or  stuns   vs Map wide  nuke kills  with virtually no risk nor cost and barely any input


No, you're worng, these guys are telling everyone to stop using Mirage, Banshee, and whatever frames that can melt down everything so quickly to make the game get completed faster and more efficient. That's not the way how you tell those who reached MR 12, and grind a tons of syndicate standings to give up their enjoyment, NO, THAT'S NOT HEALTHY, THAT'S CRUEL. You don't limit others, they're humans, if they have the chance to try out their long-wanted weapons to kill everything, it's their freedom to do so.

The way I see it is you and these guys forgot how many people spent time grinding mods and endo (Fushion cores in the past), leveling up frames and weapons.

And no, I don't think those are "FLAWS" to the game, if you think those abilities are flaws then I can tell you every frame have flaws as well. 

All my examples can't be compared because clearly you never used not even tried all frames' abilities, your reply to me is full of lazy and non-actual facts to counter my points. That is, you don't even bother to read them all.

For crying out loud, you and other two are not the only players who plays warframes, so you don't silent me and others' opinions about them. 

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3 minutes ago, Mardana said:

That's not the way how you tell those who reached MR 12, and grind a tons of syndicate standings to give up their enjoyment, NO, THAT'S NOT HEALTHY, THAT'S CRUEL. 


Rofl, it was so hard sitting in Draco and otherwise being carried to the -lofty- position of MR12.  If I didn't know better, I'd think you were allergic to gameplay!

Edited by RealPandemonium
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28 minutes ago, RealPandemonium said:


Rofl, it was so hard sitting in Draco and otherwise being carried to the -lofty- position of MR12.  If I didn't know better, I'd think you were allergic to gameplay!

So what's your points? I can't tell why you are assuming that I am allergic to gameplay. Is it because you have no idea what you're doing here?

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Personally dont think world on fire is that super op to deserve that much hate besides maybe with the extra dmg from fire dmg booster skill but by me it has indeed helped me a ton allready on passing at least 2 similar mastery tests were you need to keep hitting the light balls to gain time.

For synoid simulor i can admit it can be anoying sometimes to play with people that have them due to its natural "high dmg" aoe and vacuum but its not like synoid can shoot targets miles away of your location.

Side note about it though... Its vacuum effect does make vauban feel bad. His vortex is bigguer and "betther" for cc but it will still make you feel useless since it comes from a gun, has a vacuum effect too and actually kills stuff.

As for bladestorm lets face it... Its strong... And can indeed decently carry or help carry your team in harder missions with thougher oponents but depending on the person, may be annoying to who wants to do something.

Personal side note though... Some ash users just bad :/ 

As for sound quake... i personally use it on sortie interceptions when i want to make it an easier and simple run with what kind of group i may find but from what i find on normal matches few are the people that quake sorties anyways to personally consider it deserving much hate.

Other then that, in those cases, instead of looking at nothing kill the stuff that is alive or search for your sound quaker and check if enemies nearby it or below it depending on the map. 

At the end of the the day, whatever gets nerfed... Well just have to deal with it and move on

Edited by xxfiurionxx
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3 hours ago, (PS4)THE_HUNTER96929 said:

What I'm getting from this thread:

every weapon should have the same stats

Evey frame should have the same 100 damage powers and same stats

i wouldnt call balancing 2 frames and 1 weapon ALL of them in game 


and even then  the main problem is simulor itself  still

in Ash's case its that his ult can be reduced to use only 25 energy while    still managing to keep   massive range and damage  , not to mention that Unlike the other  AoE Nuke frames  Ash's nuke  has no resistance  because it is finisher damage 


as far as mirage goes  shes fine for the most part  they just have to make clone simulors not stack 

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13 hours ago, Demon.King said:

I disagree. It only allows you to kill one target per finisher, with a relatively slow animation attached to it. It mostly requires stealth or finisher openers abilities, and is still slower than using conventional means at any reasonable level (140 and under).

Tested on the Simulacrum.

Spawned five Corrupted Heavy Gunners. They were level 130, max that my MR could give me (still under your reasonable level).

Tried first with Mirage + Synoid Simulor. Could barely kill them.

Brought Inaros with Covert. Easily killed them off in a few seconds. Mods on my Karyst are, Covert Lethality, Berserker, Fury, True Steel (I could use Quickening to make it faster). No Forma/Catalyst on Karyst BTW.

Still not broken?

(Would provide video evidence, but I'm too lazy to download screen capture software and upload it on YouTube. If you still don't believe me, try it for yourself).

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6 hours ago, (PS4)THE_HUNTER96929 said:

What I'm getting from this thread:

every weapon should have the same stats

Evey frame should have the same 100 damage powers and same stats

What i get is:


if don't like, go play something else


 you can't judge others fun... people love to admire landscapes while Banshee is down. Watch Bladestrom animation 150+ times every days? It worth my time! LOL


There are other things to be fixed. Traduced: don't come here to break my farmframe tools. I formad the Simulor 5 times.


Farmframe>>Fashionframe is the reason i play this game. Otherwise there are better gunplay games LOL    


You come here to cry, because others steal your kills (Maybe the best result of the thread)


Edited by (PS4)ghinellil
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29 minutes ago, (PS4)ghinellil said:

What I get is:

you can't judge others fun...

Because you really can't.

noun: fun
  1. 1.
    enjoyment, amusement, or lighthearted pleasure.

If they enjoy it, you can't really stop them. Some people find skydiving fun, I do not, but I don't go and tell them "THAT'S NOT FUN". Fun is SUBJECTIVE.

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4 hours ago, Retepzednem said:

i wouldnt call balancing 2 frames and 1 weapon ALL of them in game 


and even then  the main problem is simulor itself  still

in Ash's case its that his ult can be reduced to use only 25 energy while    still managing to keep   massive range and damage  , not to mention that Unlike the other  AoE Nuke frames  Ash's nuke  has no resistance  because it is finisher damage 


as far as mirage goes  shes fine for the most part  they just have to make clone simulors not stack 


Uhh, please don't forget that Simulor can't kill everything that is too far away, you still have to search and destroy any stuck or hidden enemies in Defense and Intercept missions. Simpy magnetic damage can't kill all enemy types, you need to mod it with other element mods to make it killing enemies effective, that is, the way you call as problems are people who spent time and efforts to get and fuse.

You can't tell those people who reach MR 12 and grind tons of synidcate standings go f themselves because they fianlly got weapons they want and make the game completion easier and faster. 

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56 minutes ago, (PS4)ghinellil said:

What i get is:



Because that's what you get for playing as Ivara with bow weapons. You don't simply tell your allies, "Hey wait! That one's mine! (Draw the bow)". Because before that arrow even hits your target, they're already dead because your allies were near you, pouring a tons of bullets or grenades on them already.

Again, your issues are simple to solve, because you don't like others take away your efforts, you hate people who melt everything down with 1 button (Ash's bladestorm, Banshee's sound quake, and Exalibur's RJ). Your problem is you don't like "Others" who take away your effort, then the best way is to stay away from pubs and aqcuire assistance from crews via Recruit channel during fissures. 

Grow up, stop crying others taking away your fun, and you want to take away theirs for revenge. Quit being a kid, not healthy.


- Have fun.

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10 minutes ago, Mardana said:

Because that's what you get for playing as Ivara with bow weapons. You don't simply tell your allies, "Hey wait! That one's mine! (Draw the bow)". Because before that arrow even hits your target, they're already dead because your allies were near you, pouring a tons of bullets or grenades on them already.

Again, your issues are simple to solve, because you don't like others take away your efforts, you hate people who melt everything down with 1 button (Ash's bladestorm, Banshee's sound quake, and Exalibur's RJ). Your problem is you don't like "Others" who take away your effort, then the best way is to stay away from pubs and aqcuire assistance from crews via Recruit channel during fissures. 

Grow up, stop crying others taking away your fun, and you want to take away theirs for revenge. Quit being a kid, not healthy.


- Have fun.

Your assumptions are just ridiculous. You not get it at all, really. Just stop to imagine.

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1 hour ago, Mardana said:

Then mind tell me what do you do with Ivara and bows? I am curious what do you do if there are allies.

Can you read the title of this thread? If you have an opinion about, just say it. Buit i don't like play your games.

Edited by (PS4)ghinellil
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