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Mastery Rank Evolution


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Thinking about this while playing a mission today that the 50m reach on Affinity share can be really constricting for people who are otherwise cohesive players and having it increase as MR gets higher would give more reasons to increase it. The Mod Level thing is nice but there should be more uses for the fact you have put a lot into getting that far.

Discussing this with my friend who i was doing the missionl with we thought that a increase of 1m per MR would be a good compromise as even at MR10 you've got a bit of wiggle room over the 50m (which before the Display change seemed quite large but now that there is a icon is rather small) and by 30 will be 80m which is a really long way off and undoubtedly by that time the game should have evolved a significant amount more across the board. Even at 80m there are some tiles that you will be out of affinity if you try to be at some points vs others (interception maps come to mind)

The other idea we bounced around was having it snap to Tiles rather be a distance in Meters since this would work better for the Interception Tiles or larger rooms in a Survival but i think the increase in distance by meter would be a better effect over time maybe locked in intervals at 10/20/30.

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High MR players are faster at traveling the map, hence they get to the objectives faster and get most of the kills along the way.

If they were to increase the affinity share range for high MR players ,this would mean High MR players would get the benefits of kills made by players far behind while new players would not get any benefits for trailing behind.

Don't think it would work out, honestly. Plus, it would gave false indications... A MR 22 would see on his hud that he's in affinity range of his teammates when in fact, he's not and he's actually depriving them of the XP. Basically, it would be great for high MR players, but bad for any low MR player.


Edited by (PS4)Stealth_Cobra
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1 minute ago, (PS4)Stealth_Cobra said:

High MR players are faster at traveling the map, hence they get to the objectives faster and get most of the kills along the way.

you wot? i`ve seen rank 22 ppl asking me how to take out vey hek..................................................

and a solution to this, to have the range of the highest apply to all people in the squad, simply solved

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5 minutes ago, Bizzaro21 said:

you wot? i`ve seen rank 22 ppl asking me how to take out vey hek..................................................

and a solution to this, to have the range of the highest apply to all people in the squad, simply solved

Calling it now, Recruiting chat will be flooded by "LF DPS Bere MR20+ only!!1!!11"

Edited by bluepheonix13
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6 hours ago, (PS4)Stealth_Cobra said:

High MR players are faster at traveling the map, hence they get to the objectives faster and get most of the kills along the way.

If they were to increase the affinity share range for high MR players ,this would mean High MR players would get the benefits of kills made by players far behind while new players would not get any benefits for trailing behind.

Don't think it would work out, honestly. Plus, it would gave false indications... A MR 22 would see on his hud that he's in affinity range of his teammates when in fact, he's not and he's actually depriving them of the XP. Basically, it would be great for high MR players, but bad for any low MR player.


Hadn't particularly considered that but it could be alleviated by the range of the Highest MR in the squad applying to all members of the cell  ~ like a super aura as mentioned above.

While having a High MR doesnt mean you know what your doing it has a greater chance to be and elitism exists already in what people will only bring to a squad so wont chance a thing. (i personally don't have much experience with the recruit channel as i have only used it once to pick the first 2 responses for a ODD and when a friend did a similar thing for a T2S)

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