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New Mission Type suggestion: Infested Nest(s)


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 Posting here as well so that more Tenno can provide feedback or suggestions. Before I go on, going to say this idea is focused around a fun alternative to grind for resources or items (whatever rewards the mission will have IF it is ever going to be considered, is up to DE to decide) This is just an idea I came up with that could add alot to the game's play-value, a way that even bored Tenno can still enjoy the game.   Thanks to your feedback this post will be constantly evolving, feel free to follow as I will update it the more it gets conceptualized!





  •  This will be a unique mission, that caters to the roleplaying crowd a bit. It will be an endless type of mission, where 4 (or more?) Tenno will go on a perilous expedition, inside a deep and sprawling Infested Nest. Think of it as a gigantic cave system that makes you delve deeper and deeper, with a dark and gory theme, aimed to bring back the creepiness of the old infested.
  • It could be designed in multiple ways, in terms of progression. For instance, there will be a timer, similar to survival, but with no oxygen penalty to worry about, when the timer finishes, the way clears out of infested tissue and the Tenno advance towards a lower level, while the next section of enemies becomes stronger as well. The deeper the Tenno advance, the harder it gets, but the better the rewards become, or loot drops (think of resources like Neural sensors, Neurodes, Tellurium, even Nitain... obviously ultra rare chance for the latter to drop).
  • Mission will fail if players do not seal the opened tissue that leads to the next part of the caverns when they pass by it , as the cave starts to fill with gas from the top level, a mechanism used to extinguish any foreign threats that have invaded it, hence there is no going back. There is a secondary timer that is added for players to advance when the first one finishes, aimed to force progression. Failing to seal the tissue-gate by not destroying the pores on the other side in time, places the entire mission in jeopardy!


    • There will be checkpoints where Tenno can gather around (imagine a solitary place like a camp where Tenno sit together and gather their energy, rest, stuff like that, to prepare for the upcoming terrors. It will be a place of safety, just a small camp inside the gory, dark infested caverns. Stats will be refilled, energy can be refilled at the cost of affinity/resources or credits (Gear items like health restores or energy ones will NOT be usable during the mission! Also abilities like EV and Bless will have NO effect on teammates). The energy pools will be BUFFED (to a certain cap... looking at you primed flow), so as to compensate for rare to no energy drops per stage. 
    • In the camp, Tenno as previously stated can exchange currency, it being affinity or credits (OR something new that is only gathered in this mission?) to get small passive or big but temporary buffs to power strength or weapon damage, or utility features that help the whole team in the long run.
    • In order to stop excessive cheesing of infested (since they are an easy faction to deal with), players will start with melee only (maybe Warframes will also be Unranked, but bear with me on that), and will later unlock the other 2 weapons that they have equipped, by exchanging currency as previously mentioned. All weapons (and Warframes) will have a fast affinity climb-up (Like the one that was used in Dark Sector clan fights), so that the weapon's mods the players have equipped, also get unlocked the more they level them up till max rank.
    • During these checkpoint sessions, all Tenno are also presented with the option to fall back with all the resources or rewards they have gathered so far, mission difficulty will scale with the player count currently active during the mission. (However it could remain static to four-player difficulty, even if someone decides to leave afterwards, so that they condemn their fellow teammates to more punishment... up to DE to decide for that, maybe an optional hardcore feature.)
    • Every 5 floors that the Tenno descent, 1 - 3 infested Mini-Bosses appear, scaled up just like Phorid is, raging from Ancients to Infested MOAs (let's face it, runners, crawlers or ospreys don't fit to be any kind of boss anyways). The bosses stats are scaled appropriately, just like Phorid's, not too strong, not too weak.
    • A fellow brilliant Tenno (Angrados) suggests that vaulted prime parts are also added to the reward tables. A way to obtain them is to introduce rotations as well, every 5 floors (or 3?) that the Tenno beat, they are presented with a rotation, every rotation of type C has a chance to roll a vaulted prime part. Angrados has provided a well-crafted Lore explanation, written as a story so that the Vault has literal meaning in the universe. I am going to put it in here as spoiler so that any of you don't have to scroll down to find it. Credits to him:

      Before the Technocyte plague took it, Eris was a hub of Orokin military activity, as well as scientific research. While the Orokin on Lua enjoyed their opulence and heard the suggestions of Corpus, out on Eris work actually got done. The projects confirmed by the Council would be sent here for work- originally, this is where the Sentient project was piloted before being shipped to Pluto for sendoff, and this is where they kept some of the Warframe project's prototypical vault. When it fell to the Technocyte plague, the Orokin took as many of the parts lying in the vault as they could fit on their ships, then sealed it up tight and fled, eventually ending up scattered across the system. Their hope was that the Vault would remain safe while they prepared to fight off the Infestation, then retrieve the Warframe parts for further research. 

      Then the Empire fell.

      Over the course of several hundred years, the Vault has slowly been cracked open by the Infested, and the contents of it have been scattered across the Nest. It still may hold some treasures, though- treasures the likes of which none of the system has ever seen. Few have dared dive into the heart of the Infested- and even fewer have returned. Dare you take the plunge into the Nest, Tenno?


    Alternatively, IF DE feels comfortable with the hub system, they could make this mission type even more immersive. What I mean is that these mission types will behave like public dungeon crawls. Maybe locked behind a big MR rating (10?), but there could be no timer, the mission would be hosted on a handful of dedicated servers, supporting a number of 4 - 8 or 12 Tenno, that spawn in random locations of the Nest's upper level. The map layout will be a Vast open but dark area, interconnected by tissue that opens up and lets the players walk towards the bottom, revealing another big area to fight in (this area could consist of smaller cave-like shortcuts, think something like underwater labs interception map tileset). The Tenno could randomly meet up and join forces as they delve deeper into the cave. The infested should be either stronger, or coming at larger swarms of runners and quadrupeds, inducing penalties if they manage to hit the Tenno. That is why care should be taken and players should not normally prefer to go alone. The checkpoint areas will still exist, functioning the same but more immersive since you meet strangers this time as well, a great way to make new Tenno friends!

                  At any rate, thanks for listening, open to suggestions, feedback or any kind of comment! Take care Tenno!

Edited by RebelOfWar
Fixed some wording and updated the Concept.
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Consider adding deadspace 3 crafting system to this, so players have to spend the loots to craft energy and ammo pads or the temporary buffs you mentioned . Left for dead squad system where players are not able to use revives if they bleed out to death so they wait for their team to reach next checkpoint and rejoin the squad

and finally this will bring back the endless missions

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Just now, Fulgie said:

Consider adding deadspace 3 crafting system to this, so players have to spend the loots to craft energy and ammo pads or the temporary buffs you mentioned . Left for dead squad system where players are not able to use revives if they bleed out to death so they wait for their team to reach next checkpoint and rejoin the squad

and finally this will bring back the endless missions

Mate if they pull this off this will bring the game to a whole new level!

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Im following this  post and waiting for news, also I want hole new game music and sound effects for this mod which is terrifying and dreadful like you are getting hunted by a wolf pack ( infested in this case ) and mini bosses at every 5/10 floor

Edited by Fulgie
I need no reason son
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I really like the idea of using collected resources to survive. This is definitely more of a survival mission where you have to live x amount of time to progress. It being vs infested though could be an issue because they are one of the easiest factions to cheese. If resources are limited (by that I mean energy) that you have ot use what you pick up to generate it, then it might work out really well. For example you either bring something with you, or there is something already (as you pointed out crafting station) that allows you to convert x amount of collected resources into energy orbs. But if ev trin + oberon is a thing + tonkor, players can do this till level 300+, that's not a bad thing per say but it means DE has to limit the rewards :(.

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8 minutes ago, Nazrethim said:

You could use Eris surface for this level, since the planet is overrun by infested.

 The theme I am suggesting is leaning towards creepy and dark though. The surface would be open yes, but it ruins the feeling of advancing towards something more horrendous the lower you go. They could although add the surface as the starting area, you fight some infested in the exterior as a team and advance towards the entrance, a seismic collapse of sorts happens and Tenno get separated, minimap is disabled so they can only find each other based on their visuals. Hehe this is getting more and more interesting!

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1 minute ago, RebelOfWar said:

 The theme I am suggesting is leaning towards creepy and dark though. The surface would be open yes, but it ruins the feeling of advancing towards something more horrendous the lower you go. They could although add the surface as the starting area, you fight some infested in the exterior as a team and advance towards the entrance, a seismic collapse of sorts happens and Tenno get separated, minimap is disabled so they can only find each other based on their visuals. Hehe this is getting more and more interesting!

It wouldn't have to be "open". You could drop in an outpost with a gigantic infested "Maw" in front of it, and begin the crawl from there, descending into the cavernous deeps. The surface part would be just an outpost on a barren-infested landscape.

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2 minutes ago, TaylorsContraction said:

I really like the idea of using collected resources to survive. This is definitely more of a survival mission where you have to live x amount of time to progress. It being vs infested though could be an issue because they are one of the easiest factions to cheese. If resources are limited (by that I mean energy) that you have ot use what you pick up to generate it, then it might work out really well. For example you either bring something with you, or there is something already (as you pointed out crafting station) that allows you to convert x amount of collected resources into energy orbs. But if ev trin + oberon is a thing + tonkor, players can do this till level 300+, that's not a bad thing per say but it means DE has to limit the rewards :(.

Or they simply disable benefits of EV to other players except for Trin alone, don't think it is hard to implement. About the weapons it can be tricky, it will require a lot of coding to even add exchanging of resources for just about anything during a mission. But I am positive that when DE puts effort into it, they can accomplish anything. To limit cheesing of infested I guess players will be limited to melee weapons during the start, and can only exchange currency for certain primary or secondary weapons (that they own obviously), so that they get to use them later on. DE tried something like this in the past with dark sector clan fights, where even if your weapon was modded like crazy, you had to level it up during the fight to make it reach it's true potential gradually. So I think that is easy to fix as well ^^

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I don't think it's necessary to disable revives, energy regen, or anything like that. Just scale the level appropriately and add in some new factors to balance it (traps that zap your energy, or disable your regen until you can fix it, etc.). The crafting idea for buffs and health someone presented seems like a brilliant aspect to me. I want this map type!

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So, a few things stand out to me. 

Firstly, if this is a gametype, it probably shouldn't only be restricted to Eris. That would be a little... well, narrow. I would suggest changing the name from Infested Nest to Complex, as this allows for a little more creativity and malleability of the game type. Obviously, a Nest would be the Infested's complex, but a Grineer Fortress (perhaps on Sedna) or a Corpus Headquarters (Pluto?) would both be excellent additions as well. Heck, even in the void, perhaps there's an Orokin Flagship tucked away. That, or perhaps the Orokin version would be located elsewhere in the system... 

Plot spoilers ahead, you have been warned.


Perhaps the Orokin Complex could be located on Lua. Stofler definitely gave the impression that the Moon has many layers of tunnels and chambers threading through it- it would fall pretty well under the definition of a complex. That would allow for Sentient intervention as well, thus reaching all the factions of the game in a lore-friendly way. But, enough about that.


Since the topic at hand is only concentrated on the Infested Complex mission, here are a few ideas regarding that:

1. Hard MR Lock: Since the game types are supposed to be difficult, there should be a MR lock on being able to play them, much like there was an MR lock on fighting Vay Hek or entering the Orcus relay on Pluto, if that still is possible or present. The MR lock should be pretty high- I had 15 bouncing around in my head, but really anything above 12 is feasible. The reasoning here is largely so that newer players don't try and tackle Sortie-level enemies in order to get rare mods or parts to sell on the market. Which segues nicely into my next point.

2. Vaulted Prime Drops: From what I understand, there's been a great deal of conversation about how to return Vaulted Primes to the drop tables in a way that allowed for newer players to get them without diluting the existing drop tables. There's been a few ideas thrown around about how to deal with this problem. Baro Ki'Teer was one measure implemented, as a potential way to reintroduce Vaulted Primes, but in all the times I've seen him come I have yet to see any Primes other than mods in his array of goods. In a way, the Relic system allows for that as well, but we run into the problem of supply again. Eventually prices for those relics will go up, and we'll be stuck back at square one in terms of attainability. My idea is that the Complex game mode could allow for newer players to get Vaulted Prime parts, while keeping the Prime tables of the Relics relatively pristine in comparison. That way, you can continue to introduce vaulted Prime parts to the market, keeping prices reasonable, but also allowing the Relic drop tables to remain balanced. 

While there is a concern about drop rates, I will address that in the issues section of my post. Worry not, it has crossed my mind. On to the next point.

3. Mini-Bosses and Bosses: This is equal parts concern and suggestion. It would be really cool if there were to be mini-bosses- like Phorid, imo- that would spawn randomly in some of the rooms or caverns you explore. Even the rare chance to run into Lephantis would be pretty sweet, as that would allow for more diverse gameplay. And on the note of diversity, comes the concern part of this suggestion. In order for this to make sense- and by make sense, I do mean logically- there would need to be introduction of new types of mini-bosses, and perhaps even a new boss or two. The Infested is relatively unique in this regard, as unlike the Grineer or the Corpus they have very few mini-boss characters already penciled in. The way around this would be to introduce other kinds of large infested entities- as Phorid was roughly based on a Charger, perhaps make an infested Leaper or Runner of some sort. A Boiler-type boss would fit in really well too, due to the spawning it does and the like. There's stuff to work with there, is what I'm trying to get across. 

4. Drops (General): This gametype, while already difficult, would need a significant reward attached to it in order to make it worthwhile. This would necessitate the introduction of either new drops, or hefty amounts of credits or Endo as a result. Not much else to say here that I can't address later in the post.

5. Objectives: This ties into drop rate and the Primed aspect of things as well. Perhaps there are certain objectives you can complete on every tile that change the reward you get- or at least, the drop table you access. Merely defeating all the enemies in the room would grant you access to the A rotation, which contains stuff like large credit bundles, Endo, or maybe a Forma blueprint, relatively minor stuff. Completing the Objective of the room (which could be anything from activate all four buttons and stand on them for x amount of time, to survive for x amount of time, to finding and extracting an asset of some sort for study/interrogation, etc etc) would land you in the B rotation, which would contain semi-rare drops (like vaulted Primed Weapon parts, depending on the weapon) and larger sums of Endo and Credits, or maybe even Exilus Adapters. The C rotation would be reserved for a flawless completion of the objective- everyone does their part, and the objective is completed perfectly (asset survives with no damage/objective is completed within a certain time limit/etc.). Those rotations would be reserved for very rare drops- Primed Warframe parts, and the very rare weapon parts and blueprints. This retains the idea of grinding- because lets face it, completing objectives while there are level 50-80 infested running around trying to cramp your game is difficult enough that it'll need to be done again and again and again in order to get it right. That and getting the parts one wants is going to be hard enough as is when the tables aren't segregated like the Relics. In my mind it works- let me know if I'm missing something here.

6. Hazards: Much like the Hive missions, different rooms could have hazards that would trigger on entering, and would significantly affect game play. A few that come to mind would be: Poison gas, vacuum, low gravity, radiation zones, lasers, toxic waste, energy drain, increased gravity. That's just what I could come up with off the top of my head- no doubt others could come up with far more creative status affects than what I've labeled there.

Ideas relatively done for the moment, I'm sure I'll think of more later and regret not putting them in, but that's just how it goes. Now, here come the concerns regarding this idea.

1. New Tileset: In order for this to look like what it should, there would need to be a completely new tileset made for this. Nothing we have on the books- save perhaps the occasional Derelict tile, for lore reasons I'll get into in a moment- will work with what the idea will need in order to work. Objective-specific tiles, if Objectives get implemented, will need to be able to host multiple objectives so that it's not the same objective every time you walk into a specific room. 

2. New Mini-Bosses/Bosses: I am well aware the designing mobs takes time, and more so minibosses/bosses. However, on a planet entirely taken over by the Infested if there's only one miniboss (Phorid) and one Boss (Lephantis) reappearing over and over again... Well, that would be silly. That or there would need to be a very good lore reason for it, otherwise there's something odd happening there. Thus, the more logical approach (lore notwithstanding) would be to implement maybe three new mini-bosses and perhaps one more full-on boss. That would allow for enough diversity to start with, and obviously you could work from there. 

3. Size: As you can probably tell, this would be a massive update should it be implemented. This would take a long time to put together- it's not like you can slap together a new tileset, several new bosses, assemble new drop tables and program it all to work properly over the course of a month. This would probably all have to happen incrementally, starting with the Complex gametype and the Objective tiles without objectives, no new bosses or minibosses, and a significantly reduced drop table, and then they would work from there. That's the most logical way to begin in my mind, anyway. Bottom line: this update would be a WIP for a while before it became fully implemented.


Now, we come to the question that I asked myself: Why are we sending Tenno into an Infested Nest- no, THE Infested Nest- at great peril to their Warframes? What good reason would we have for sending them there? Furthermore, why are we finding Primed Warframe and weapon parts in these nests? I have a hypothetical reason, and it's a good one, I assure you. However, in case you don't care or aren't interested, I'm gonna just pop it in this spoiler here so it doesn't clutter things up further.


Before the Technocyte plague took it, Eris was a hub of Orokin military activity, as well as scientific research. While the Orokin on Lua enjoyed their opulence and heard the suggestions of Corpus, out on Eris work actually got done. The projects confirmed by the Council would be sent here for work- originally, this is where the Sentient project was piloted before being shipped to Pluto for sendoff, and this is where they kept some of the Warframe project's prototypical vault. When it fell to the Technocyte plague, the Orokin took as many of the parts lying in the vault as they could fit on their ships, then sealed it up tight and fled, eventually ending up scattered across the system. Their hope was that the Vault would remain safe while they prepared to fight off the Infestation, then retrieve the Warframe parts for further research. 

Then the Empire fell.

Over the course of several hundred years, the Vault has slowly been cracked open by the Infested, and the contents of it have been scattered across the Nest. It still may hold some treasures, though- treasures the likes of which none of the system has ever seen. Few have dared dive into the heart of the Infested- and even fewer have returned. Dare you take the plunge into the Nest, Tenno?

For the moment, that's what I've got. Should more come to mind, I will suggest it. For now, please let me know what you think- I'm curious as to your perspectives.

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33 minutes ago, Angrados said:

So, a few things stand out to me. 

Firstly, if this is a gametype, it probably shouldn't only be restricted to Eris. That would be a little... well, narrow. I would suggest changing the name from Infested Nest to Complex, as this allows for a little more creativity and malleability of the game type. Obviously, a Nest would be the Infested's complex, but a Grineer Fortress (perhaps on Sedna) or a Corpus Headquarters (Pluto?) would both be excellent additions as well. Heck, even in the void, perhaps there's an Orokin Flagship tucked away. That, or perhaps the Orokin version would be located elsewhere in the system... 

Plot spoilers ahead, you have been warned.

  Reveal hidden contents

Perhaps the Orokin Complex could be located on Lua. Stofler definitely gave the impression that the Moon has many layers of tunnels and chambers threading through it- it would fall pretty well under the definition of a complex. That would allow for Sentient intervention as well, thus reaching all the factions of the game in a lore-friendly way. But, enough about that.


Since the topic at hand is only concentrated on the Infested Complex mission, here are a few ideas regarding that:

1. Hard MR Lock: Since the game types are supposed to be difficult, there should be a MR lock on being able to play them, much like there was an MR lock on fighting Vay Hek or entering the Orcus relay on Pluto, if that still is possible or present. The MR lock should be pretty high- I had 15 bouncing around in my head, but really anything above 12 is feasible. The reasoning here is largely so that newer players don't try and tackle Sortie-level enemies in order to get rare mods or parts to sell on the market. Which segues nicely into my next point.

2. Vaulted Prime Drops: From what I understand, there's been a great deal of conversation about how to return Vaulted Primes to the drop tables in a way that allowed for newer players to get them without diluting the existing drop tables. There's been a few ideas thrown around about how to deal with this problem. Baro Ki'Teer was one measure implemented, as a potential way to reintroduce Vaulted Primes, but in all the times I've seen him come I have yet to see any Primes other than mods in his array of goods. In a way, the Relic system allows for that as well, but we run into the problem of supply again. Eventually prices for those relics will go up, and we'll be stuck back at square one in terms of attainability. My idea is that the Complex game mode could allow for newer players to get Vaulted Prime parts, while keeping the Prime tables of the Relics relatively pristine in comparison. That way, you can continue to introduce vaulted Prime parts to the market, keeping prices reasonable, but also allowing the Relic drop tables to remain balanced. 

While there is a concern about drop rates, I will address that in the issues section of my post. Worry not, it has crossed my mind. On to the next point.

3. Mini-Bosses and Bosses: This is equal parts concern and suggestion. It would be really cool if there were to be mini-bosses- like Phorid, imo- that would spawn randomly in some of the rooms or caverns you explore. Even the rare chance to run into Lephantis would be pretty sweet, as that would allow for more diverse gameplay. And on the note of diversity, comes the concern part of this suggestion. In order for this to make sense- and by make sense, I do mean logically- there would need to be introduction of new types of mini-bosses, and perhaps even a new boss or two. The Infested is relatively unique in this regard, as unlike the Grineer or the Corpus they have very few mini-boss characters already penciled in. The way around this would be to introduce other kinds of large infested entities- as Phorid was roughly based on a Charger, perhaps make an infested Leaper or Runner of some sort. A Boiler-type boss would fit in really well too, due to the spawning it does and the like. There's stuff to work with there, is what I'm trying to get across. 

4. Drops (General): This gametype, while already difficult, would need a significant reward attached to it in order to make it worthwhile. This would necessitate the introduction of either new drops, or hefty amounts of credits or Endo as a result. Not much else to say here that I can't address later in the post.

5. Objectives: This ties into drop rate and the Primed aspect of things as well. Perhaps there are certain objectives you can complete on every tile that change the reward you get- or at least, the drop table you access. Merely defeating all the enemies in the room would grant you access to the A rotation, which contains stuff like large credit bundles, Endo, or maybe a Forma blueprint, relatively minor stuff. Completing the Objective of the room (which could be anything from activate all four buttons and stand on them for x amount of time, to survive for x amount of time, to finding and extracting an asset of some sort for study/interrogation, etc etc) would land you in the B rotation, which would contain semi-rare drops (like vaulted Primed Weapon parts, depending on the weapon) and larger sums of Endo and Credits, or maybe even Exilus Adapters. The C rotation would be reserved for a flawless completion of the objective- everyone does their part, and the objective is completed perfectly (asset survives with no damage/objective is completed within a certain time limit/etc.). Those rotations would be reserved for very rare drops- Primed Warframe parts, and the very rare weapon parts and blueprints. This retains the idea of grinding- because lets face it, completing objectives while there are level 50-80 infested running around trying to cramp your game is difficult enough that it'll need to be done again and again and again in order to get it right. That and getting the parts one wants is going to be hard enough as is when the tables aren't segregated like the Relics. In my mind it works- let me know if I'm missing something here.

6. Hazards: Much like the Hive missions, different rooms could have hazards that would trigger on entering, and would significantly affect game play. A few that come to mind would be: Poison gas, vacuum, low gravity, radiation zones, lasers, toxic waste, energy drain, increased gravity. That's just what I could come up with off the top of my head- no doubt others could come up with far more creative status affects than what I've labeled there.

Ideas relatively done for the moment, I'm sure I'll think of more later and regret not putting them in, but that's just how it goes. Now, here come the concerns regarding this idea.

1. New Tileset: In order for this to look like what it should, there would need to be a completely new tileset made for this. Nothing we have on the books- save perhaps the occasional Derelict tile, for lore reasons I'll get into in a moment- will work with what the idea will need in order to work. Objective-specific tiles, if Objectives get implemented, will need to be able to host multiple objectives so that it's not the same objective every time you walk into a specific room. 

2. New Mini-Bosses/Bosses: I am well aware the designing mobs takes time, and more so minibosses/bosses. However, on a planet entirely taken over by the Infested if there's only one miniboss (Phorid) and one Boss (Lephantis) reappearing over and over again... Well, that would be silly. That or there would need to be a very good lore reason for it, otherwise there's something odd happening there. Thus, the more logical approach (lore notwithstanding) would be to implement maybe three new mini-bosses and perhaps one more full-on boss. That would allow for enough diversity to start with, and obviously you could work from there. 

3. Size: As you can probably tell, this would be a massive update should it be implemented. This would take a long time to put together- it's not like you can slap together a new tileset, several new bosses, assemble new drop tables and program it all to work properly over the course of a month. This would probably all have to happen incrementally, starting with the Complex gametype and the Objective tiles without objectives, no new bosses or minibosses, and a significantly reduced drop table, and then they would work from there. That's the most logical way to begin in my mind, anyway. Bottom line: this update would be a WIP for a while before it became fully implemented.


Now, we come to the question that I asked myself: Why are we sending Tenno into an Infested Nest- no, THE Infested Nest- at great peril to their Warframes? What good reason would we have for sending them there? Furthermore, why are we finding Primed Warframe and weapon parts in these nests? I have a hypothetical reason, and it's a good one, I assure you. However, in case you don't care or aren't interested, I'm gonna just pop it in this spoiler here so it doesn't clutter things up further.

  Reveal hidden contents

Before the Technocyte plague took it, Eris was a hub of Orokin military activity, as well as scientific research. While the Orokin on Lua enjoyed their opulence and heard the suggestions of Corpus, out on Eris work actually got done. The projects confirmed by the Council would be sent here for work- originally, this is where the Sentient project was piloted before being shipped to Pluto for sendoff, and this is where they kept some of the Warframe project's prototypical vault. When it fell to the Technocyte plague, the Orokin took as many of the parts lying in the vault as they could fit on their ships, then sealed it up tight and fled, eventually ending up scattered across the system. Their hope was that the Vault would remain safe while they prepared to fight off the Infestation, then retrieve the Warframe parts for further research. 

Then the Empire fell.

Over the course of several hundred years, the Vault has slowly been cracked open by the Infested, and the contents of it have been scattered across the Nest. It still may hold some treasures, though- treasures the likes of which none of the system has ever seen. Few have dared dive into the heart of the Infested- and even fewer have returned. Dare you take the plunge into the Nest, Tenno?

For the moment, that's what I've got. Should more come to mind, I will suggest it. For now, please let me know what you think- I'm curious as to your perspectives.

 I don't recommend DE focus on creating the mission on more tilesets for other factions, at least not until they make the base one, since it would theoretically take times more to finish as a product, even if they make a template. The MR should be 10 so it stays neutral as an endgame lock, more than that is tedious to farm affinity for. The Hazards, as a fellow Tenno mentioned, are a great addition to have making the mission just a tad harder, and forcing people to think instead of only going guns blazing, I like it!

 Part of your drop table suggestion has been added to the original post, genius idea to add vaulted parts back via this mode only, so that it really feels unique. Constructing new bosses for this mission would also take a lot of time, I say just add scaled up versions of neutrals, like the ones you mentioned. Remember, this is not an assasination (althought with so many thoughts we put into it, it could very well turn into a Raid xD)

 The lore part you provided about The Vault is very authentic and well thought-out, couldn't help but add it up for people to see. It could very well be a part of the game's lore at once. All in all, great suggestions, I like your passion about this idea, we need more Tenno like you!

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17 hours ago, Angrados said:

So, a few things stand out to me...


Firstly, if this is a gametype, it probably shouldn't only be restricted to Eris. That would be a little... well, narrow. I would suggest changing the name from Infested Nest to Complex, as this allows for a little more creativity and malleability of the game type. Obviously, a Nest would be the Infested's complex, but a Grineer Fortress (perhaps on Sedna) or a Corpus Headquarters (Pluto?) would both be excellent additions as well. Heck, even in the void, perhaps there's an Orokin Flagship tucked away. That, or perhaps the Orokin version would be located elsewhere in the system... 

Plot spoilers ahead, you have been warned.

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Since the topic at hand is only concentrated on the Infested Complex mission, here are a few ideas regarding that:

1. Hard MR Lock: Since the game types are supposed to be difficult, there should be a MR lock on being able to play them, much like there was an MR lock on fighting Vay Hek or entering the Orcus relay on Pluto, if that still is possible or present. The MR lock should be pretty high- I had 15 bouncing around in my head, but really anything above 12 is feasible. The reasoning here is largely so that newer players don't try and tackle Sortie-level enemies in order to get rare mods or parts to sell on the market. Which segues nicely into my next point.

2. Vaulted Prime Drops: From what I understand, there's been a great deal of conversation about how to return Vaulted Primes to the drop tables in a way that allowed for newer players to get them without diluting the existing drop tables. There's been a few ideas thrown around about how to deal with this problem. Baro Ki'Teer was one measure implemented, as a potential way to reintroduce Vaulted Primes, but in all the times I've seen him come I have yet to see any Primes other than mods in his array of goods. In a way, the Relic system allows for that as well, but we run into the problem of supply again. Eventually prices for those relics will go up, and we'll be stuck back at square one in terms of attainability. My idea is that the Complex game mode could allow for newer players to get Vaulted Prime parts, while keeping the Prime tables of the Relics relatively pristine in comparison. That way, you can continue to introduce vaulted Prime parts to the market, keeping prices reasonable, but also allowing the Relic drop tables to remain balanced. 

While there is a concern about drop rates, I will address that in the issues section of my post. Worry not, it has crossed my mind. On to the next point.

3. Mini-Bosses and Bosses: This is equal parts concern and suggestion. It would be really cool if there were to be mini-bosses- like Phorid, imo- that would spawn randomly in some of the rooms or caverns you explore. Even the rare chance to run into Lephantis would be pretty sweet, as that would allow for more diverse gameplay. And on the note of diversity, comes the concern part of this suggestion. In order for this to make sense- and by make sense, I do mean logically- there would need to be introduction of new types of mini-bosses, and perhaps even a new boss or two. The Infested is relatively unique in this regard, as unlike the Grineer or the Corpus they have very few mini-boss characters already penciled in. The way around this would be to introduce other kinds of large infested entities- as Phorid was roughly based on a Charger, perhaps make an infested Leaper or Runner of some sort. A Boiler-type boss would fit in really well too, due to the spawning it does and the like. There's stuff to work with there, is what I'm trying to get across. 

4. Drops (General): This gametype, while already difficult, would need a significant reward attached to it in order to make it worthwhile. This would necessitate the introduction of either new drops, or hefty amounts of credits or Endo as a result. Not much else to say here that I can't address later in the post.

5. Objectives: This ties into drop rate and the Primed aspect of things as well. Perhaps there are certain objectives you can complete on every tile that change the reward you get- or at least, the drop table you access. Merely defeating all the enemies in the room would grant you access to the A rotation, which contains stuff like large credit bundles, Endo, or maybe a Forma blueprint, relatively minor stuff. Completing the Objective of the room (which could be anything from activate all four buttons and stand on them for x amount of time, to survive for x amount of time, to finding and extracting an asset of some sort for study/interrogation, etc etc) would land you in the B rotation, which would contain semi-rare drops (like vaulted Primed Weapon parts, depending on the weapon) and larger sums of Endo and Credits, or maybe even Exilus Adapters. The C rotation would be reserved for a flawless completion of the objective- everyone does their part, and the objective is completed perfectly (asset survives with no damage/objective is completed within a certain time limit/etc.). Those rotations would be reserved for very rare drops- Primed Warframe parts, and the very rare weapon parts and blueprints. This retains the idea of grinding- because lets face it, completing objectives while there are level 50-80 infested running around trying to cramp your game is difficult enough that it'll need to be done again and again and again in order to get it right. That and getting the parts one wants is going to be hard enough as is when the tables aren't segregated like the Relics. In my mind it works- let me know if I'm missing something here.

6. Hazards: Much like the Hive missions, different rooms could have hazards that would trigger on entering, and would significantly affect game play. A few that come to mind would be: Poison gas, vacuum, low gravity, radiation zones, lasers, toxic waste, energy drain, increased gravity. That's just what I could come up with off the top of my head- no doubt others could come up with far more creative status affects than what I've labeled there.

Ideas relatively done for the moment, I'm sure I'll think of more later and regret not putting them in, but that's just how it goes. Now, here come the concerns regarding this idea.

1. New Tileset: In order for this to look like what it should, there would need to be a completely new tileset made for this. Nothing we have on the books- save perhaps the occasional Derelict tile, for lore reasons I'll get into in a moment- will work with what the idea will need in order to work. Objective-specific tiles, if Objectives get implemented, will need to be able to host multiple objectives so that it's not the same objective every time you walk into a specific room. 

2. New Mini-Bosses/Bosses: I am well aware the designing mobs takes time, and more so minibosses/bosses. However, on a planet entirely taken over by the Infested if there's only one miniboss (Phorid) and one Boss (Lephantis) reappearing over and over again... Well, that would be silly. That or there would need to be a very good lore reason for it, otherwise there's something odd happening there. Thus, the more logical approach (lore notwithstanding) would be to implement maybe three new mini-bosses and perhaps one more full-on boss. That would allow for enough diversity to start with, and obviously you could work from there. 

3. Size: As you can probably tell, this would be a massive update should it be implemented. This would take a long time to put together- it's not like you can slap together a new tileset, several new bosses, assemble new drop tables and program it all to work properly over the course of a month. This would probably all have to happen incrementally, starting with the Complex gametype and the Objective tiles without objectives, no new bosses or minibosses, and a significantly reduced drop table, and then they would work from there. That's the most logical way to begin in my mind, anyway. Bottom line: this update would be a WIP for a while before it became fully implemented.


Now, we come to the question that I asked myself: Why are we sending Tenno into an Infested Nest- no, THE Infested Nest- at great peril to their Warframes? What good reason would we have for sending them there? Furthermore, why are we finding Primed Warframe and weapon parts in these nests? I have a hypothetical reason, and it's a good one, I assure you. However, in case you don't care or aren't interested, I'm gonna just pop it in this spoiler here so it doesn't clutter things up further.

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For the moment, that's what I've got. Should more come to mind, I will suggest it. For now, please let me know what you think- I'm curious as to your perspectives.

even after all this stuff we still need new infested mobs beside all the new mini/main bosses , current infested is soooo viable to cheese

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If anyone here played World of Warcraft and been in the Temple of Ahn'Quiraj (Vanilla raid). Imagine it in Warframe dark infested theme. It would be the perfect example how this new infested mission type should be like. The tunnels however should be more narrow.





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14 minutes ago, Doxorn said:

If anyone here played World of Warcraft and been in the Temple of Ahn'Quiraj (Vanilla raid). Imagine it in Warframe dark infested theme. It would be the perfect example how this new infested mission type should be like. The tunnels however should be more narrow.


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Yes of course, also gory, eerie and filled with swarms, imagine if you can only see for like 30 meters or so, everything more than that is pitch black, your flashlight is your friend (last time i loved the fact that we had flashlights was back in U8)

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Err ... no, you will not get a new "Farming area", and there is no need to have missions go on for hours on end when DE could just re-hash the Trial missions mechanics to simply re-group the team outside at shorter intervals.

Since we can wipe out enemies at level 100+ already and the AI of level 1's is identical to the AI at level 500, everyone just re-hashes the same tricks, anyway.

If this was an MMO, the enemies would change drastically as you "go deeper" and we don't have that here, hence why "endless" just means "identical gameplay, just use slightly more bullets", also known as "Dungeon Defenders", or "Tom Clancy: The Division".

Get DE to vastly enlarge the enemy variety, THEN discuss "Endless" as something actually worth doing.

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11 minutes ago, RebelOfWar said:

Yes of course, also gory, eerie and filled with swarms, imagine if you can only see for like 30 meters or so, everything more than that is pitch black, your flashlight is your friend (last time i loved the fact that we had flashlights was back in U8)

Yes, because making someone with poor starting vision or color blindness TOTALLY blind until he turns his Brightness and Contrasts setting up on his monitor is always a great idea.

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2 minutes ago, DSpite said:

Yes, because making someone with poor starting vision or color blindness TOTALLY blind until he turns his Brightness and Contrasts setting up on his monitor is always a great idea.

he meant to say dense fog/infested cloud like vision disability or even constant swarm 

Edited by Fulgie
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6 minutes ago, DSpite said:

Err ... no, you will not get a new "Farming area", and there is no need to have missions go on for hours on end when DE could just re-hash the Trial missions mechanics to simply re-group the team outside at shorter intervals.

Since we can wipe out enemies at level 100+ already and the AI of level 1's is identical to the AI at level 500, everyone just re-hashes the same tricks, anyway.

If this was an MMO, the enemies would change drastically as you "go deeper" and we don't have that here, hence why "endless" just means "identical gameplay, just use slightly more bullets", also known as "Dungeon Defenders", or "Tom Clancy: The Division".

Get DE to vastly enlarge the enemy variety, THEN discuss "Endless" as something actually worth doing.

 I am nearly convinced that you think I idolize one of those stupid "loot cave" ideas, my main concern is that there is little to no interesting content to do for endgame or anything apart from sorties or trials. I also like to point out that the whole game translates to "farm" as you put it, everything we do in the game is farm, everything IS grind, so remind me how it is wrong to suggest a new and potentially massively fun way to farm, play and enjoy the game?
 Search forums or watch certain youtube videos of people remarking how stuff has gotten boring since they removed the incentive to do endless missions. Trying to keep that part of the community entertained is what I am trying to give ideas about. And no, waiting for new enemy variety is pointless, unless they fix the whole damage mechanics (looking at the discussed Damage 3.0)

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