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Recommend me an archwing and arch-primary



Hello, fellow Tenno

I've decided that it is time for me to try to enjoy some of the Archwing content. I do not have the researchs done yet in my dojo, so before I go on a leveling spree, first I wanted to setup a good loadout that I can use in every type of mission, across all ranges. Therefore, I must choose which archwing and weapons I'll be putting more time into.

What can you tell me about the Amesha, the Itzal and the Elytron? I've read a lot about the three, and watched several videos, but how does each one of them feel to play with? Which one would you recommend for solo? (I don't like the Elytron that much, but being able to use that big f*cking nuke is just too tempting.)

Bonus points to the archwing that has an easier time soloing interception missions.


Regarding weapons, I'm divided between the Velocitus and the Phaedra. I like the Velocitus overall feel more, but I'm worried about the non hit-scan shots. Are they very bad? About the Phaedra, I love how it looks, but I'm worried about its accuracy. Any thoughts on that?


For melee, it will be the Centaur.


Any other recommendations will be considered.

Thank you!

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7 answers to this question

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Archwing :

  • Elytron is the best to destroy everything, and it's very tanky
  • Amesha is very powerful to defend objectives / players, it's almost immortal and has an ability that grant the "rage mod" passive
  • Itzal is "meh" but fast thanks to its blink, it's not tanky but can camp invisible
  • Odonata is like elytron but less good with more CC

Arch-gun :

I would recommend velocitus for the fatest burst, grattler / fluctus if you want to deal AOE damage, even though the grattler has a limited range and a high "kill yourself" potentiel.

Or the cyngas which have amazing damage per shot but it's poop against the jordas golem.

Or simply the imperator/imperator vandal.

The dual decurion / phaedra (and maybe corvas.. not sure) are garbage.

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Amesha is mostly for stationary missions, such as MD or Def missions.

Itzal doesn't really do much under most situations as it focuses on stealth and support and mobility. The only thing I find useful about it would be the Jordas fight, as it can teleport right behind Jordas to shoot the engines.

Elytron is the thing you'd want to go for. It's much tankier, way more aggressive and does well when you need to stay mobile.

Odonata is good for starters, and also works well in most situations with the shields on. Sadly, I think that's pretty much what it has to offer.

In conclusion, I highly recommend you get all archwings and try it out for yourself. Just beware of 6DoF, you'll be flying upside down most of the time.


For the weapons, Fluctus and Velocitus would be great choices. As I don't have the resources to build them, I go for the Kaszas, Imperator, Grattler and Knux. Centaur does have cool stats though, so stick with that.

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All opinionated, don't roast me here.

Archwing Section:

- Odonata/Prime - Probably the most balanced out of the bunch. Good defensive/offensive skill from 1. Never bothered with its 2. 3 seems to proc blast often. 4 is panic button. Stats are pretty well rounded IMO. Works for all missions IMO. Augment is good for good teams.
- Itzal - King of AW Interception, due to unparalleled mobility. 1 teleports you a fair distance. 2 gives a good breathing room for you and the party, also a good setup for velocitus charge-shots. 3 is for looting and disruption. 4 for some pretty good damage, since killed drones explode for good damage. Augment is good CC/lockdown. Ill advised for trench runs (unless you are good). 
- Elytron - Slowest of the bunch, but deals good damage. 1 is okay, i guess. 2 is for those pesky Hellions. Stack 3's in an area for good dps. The nuke is too slow, better off launching it to hit something immediately, damaging you in the process as well. Good for trench runs. Excellent for defending stationary targets (defense target or interception points). Energy heavy, pair with Amesha for good results. Augment turns its 2 into a good area control skill.
- Amesha - Probably the best AW for soloing. Can regenerate health and energy. 1 is situational, sometimes useless, sometimes useful. 2 keeps everyone alive, and makes a decoy as well. 3 is pretty decent, if you can maintain your energy pool. 4 makes sure you can maintain said energy pool. Not the best for interception solo, but good in general.

Arch-Gun Section:

- Imperator/Vandal - Former is garbage (but not as bad as corvass). Latter is a pretty good weapon, if you can farm for it. Decent dps with good ammo regen for the latter. 0 projectile speed means good for sniping.
- Corvass - mastery foder
- Dual Decurion - mastery fodder, correct me if I am wrong
- Fluctus - The better shotgun in AW. Infinite punch through kills everything, even shielded units like shield dargyn and shield hellion. Slow projectile, but does the job well.
- Grattler - I killed myself enough times to love this weapon. Limited projectile range, but explodes on hit usually. Good proc chance and damage.
- Velocitus - You saw people use this thing to kill Jordas Golem ezpz. Non-hitscan, but HURTS, especially if it crits.
- Phaedra - Too lazy to farm. Too much of a scrooge to trade for it. Seems to be a semi-upgrade to imperator.
- Cyngas - Refer to above. Good for straight shooters due to burst mechanic.

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The Amesha is virtually unkillable if you know what you're doing with it.

Watchful Swarm is essentially the old Iron Skin without the charging period, but with Warding Halo's Safeguard augment, allowing you to cast it on your squad members. Benevolent Decoy is a massive Magnetize that heals allies rather than damages enemies. Warding Grace is a toggled AoE slow that also makes allies immune to status procs. It eats a lot of energy, but you can sustain it for quite a while if you use it with Vengeful Rush. Vengeful Rush gives you and your allies a small boost to all ability parameters, but most importantly regenerates energy for you and nearby allies whenever you take damage. In Corpus Mobile Defense, it's incredibly easy to take damage by standing near the center of a Decoy and waiting for Penta Rangers to drop a grenade on it. Combined with the Amesha's enormous health pool, you can easily sustain your health and energy indefinitely in the presence of enemies.

The Itzal is squishy, but has abilities well-suited for Interception.

Blink makes you highly mobile and can be cast while under the effect of Penumbra to move while invisible. Penumbra lets you snipe at enemies without fear of retaliation, and is useful for getting scans on enemies if you're interested in finishing your codex. Cosmic Crush does respectable damage, but is most useful for gathering loot as it is effectively a 360-degree Greedy Pull. The augment, Cold Snap, also freezes enemies, and Archwings can easily fit augments into their build. Fighter Escort is nothing to call home about, but it does draw enemy aggro away from you, and the self-destruct damage of your Locust Drones is fairly impressive. Ever since Mobile Defense took over Interception's role as the high-level Archwing mission to play, my Itzal's been on the backburner, but it's a solid Archwing with a very good array of panic buttons should something go wrong.

I haven't used the Elytron since the old days before the Itzal, so I can't really say much about it.


The Velocitus is primarily used as a boss-killer against the Jordas Golem. You'll probably have some difficulty using it in missions like Mobile Defense where you're going to be swarmed with enemies, but it's still doable, considering the Velocitus was my main weapon while Interception was still the place to go. The Amesha's Warding Grace can help slow enemies down to better land your shots, and the Itzal's Penumbra prevents enemies from targeting you while you aim. Even the Elytron pairs well as you can use Thumper to destroy weaker enemies while using the Velocitus to snipe the stronger ones, namely Ogmas.

I'm not too fond of the Phaedra. Its stats are comparable to the Imperator and its lower accuracy makes it a bit harder to land hits on enemies at longer distances. Strictly speaking, though, there's nothing particularly wrong with the Phaedra, it's just that the Imperator is on the same footing since there aren't enough Arch-Gun status mods to make status builds matter yet and the Imperator Vandal is considered a superior weapon if you ever manage to obtain one.

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all the AW are good in their own away, the solo one is the amesha though, u can't die with it if u use it right 

for guns, I'd use imperator vandal, fluctus, or cyngas, these are for everyday use, I use the velocitus for J3 golem and stuff, it's pretty powerful, but for normal use, it's a bother 

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Amesha is the MC Hammer of archwing. CANT TOUCH THIS.

I haven't tried Elytron so I wouldn't know. Itzal is nice for farming, but never solo. Build for max range and efficiency and have no troubles with loot. You can also build 3 for CC using the augment, making it freeze anything in range.

As for Arch-gun, I suggest Fluctus/Grattler or Imperator Vandal.

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