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Void trace alerts completely miss the mark


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As of this writing, there is an alert for void traces at Mot. It's an exterminate, the faction is infested (??), the level is 44-49, and the reward is.... 10 traces.

I have seen many people ask for traces to drop from the void, and I have joined them. But this... this is not even close to what we meant.

What we wanted was for traces to drop from endless missions in the void such as defense and survival. Not as alerts, just regular void missions dropping traces. We wanted the void to mean something, and we wanted a reason to do void survival. The traces were just a way to justify going to void survival, since actual prime parts are off the table.

Leaving void survival empty of rewards and giving us these completely pointless alerts instead totally misses the mark. You are literally better off just running any fissure mission without a relic. For that matter, you could just take a relic! There is no reason at all to run these alerts.

Please DE, reconsider this. First, if these alerts are to continue, they should drop at least 75 traces (maybe 100), since there is no way to get prime parts at the same time. Second, we wanted survivals back, not alerts! Not even survival alerts! Just plain old survivals and defenses, dropping traces. What are these alerts even for?

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A similar issue is present for alerts offering Endo or resources, the new resource caches, resource rewards from mission droptables, and rewards for logging in.


We don't get anything with umph to it, it's always in such small amounts that you may as well ignore it all and go play Warfarm on your favorite nodes.

Edited by DeltaPhantom
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7 minutes ago, Nexecute said:

So here's a random post.

Uh... Thanks! Here's a random reply!  :)


3 minutes ago, LSG501 said:

yeah I saw them earlier too at 10 traces and was like... why would I bother doing that when I can get the same or more doing a relic run and also come out with a prime part or ducat fodder...

Yeah at first I thought it was just rng, but this one's still 10 traces!


6 minutes ago, Keybopsef said:

Level 44-49? 10 traces?

Flipping heck I would have thought they'd give at least double that amount and that's my worst-case scenario.

Even 20 would be a joke. But for a level 44-49 alert? Jeez, talk about making extra sure that nobody will ever run the mission...

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14 minutes ago, Lord_Azrael said:

As of this writing, there is an alert for void traces at Mot. It's an exterminate, the faction is infested (??), the level is 44-49, and the reward is.... 10 traces.

I have seen many people ask for traces to drop from the void, and I have joined them. But this... this is not even close to what we meant.

What we wanted was for traces to drop from endless missions in the void such as defense and survival. Not as alerts, just regular void missions dropping traces. We wanted the void to mean something, and we wanted a reason to do void survival. The traces were just a way to justify going to void survival, since actual prime parts are off the table.

Leaving void survival empty of rewards and giving us these completely pointless alerts instead totally misses the mark. You are literally better off just running any fissure mission without a relic. For that matter, you could just take a relic! There is no reason at all to run these alerts.

Please DE, reconsider this. First, if these alerts are to continue, they should drop at least 75 traces (maybe 100), since there is no way to get prime parts at the same time. Second, we wanted survivals back, not alerts! Not even survival alerts! Just plain old survivals and defenses, dropping traces. What are these alerts even for?

i agree with this. i also would not mind if the void survival rewards included increasing credit rewards based on how long you have stayed. getting 2500 credits as a reward when the mobs are lvl 40 and higher seems unrewarding.

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I'd say this comes down to the usual issue that DE seems to have and that's BALANCE, they just can't seem to get the balance of things right. 

Bring out a new way to get something, nerf the other way(s) to oblivion. 

Release a new item, realise it's actually useful, nerf it so it's now less useful

Add a new resource, force all new items to use resource that is made alert only....even if it makes no sense to the item 

Add some way to convert x into y, make the conversion rate to credit cost stupidly high (ayatan cost versus their endo return)

Says they want to reduce grind.... actually ends up increasing it...


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1 hour ago, CrystalRibbon said:

They annouced before that the void alerts would reward thraces so its fine with me but 10 thraces is too few to bother yourself with, it would be nice of it rewards 50-100 traces instead since the traces are a thing right now and its capped.

What he said. When I saw the 10 traces I thought to myself, "u wot mate?". Who even considers when running a fissure mission, "Boy what if I get less than 10 traces :(, rather do the alert instead". While it does happen most of the time I get somewhere between 12-17 traces. There is absolutely 0 incentive to do these alerts as they are. Admittedly I didn't pay much attention to their credit payout. The reward should be 40+ endo, equivalent to running a fissure mission but instead of relying on RNG you get the guaranteed maximum # of traces, or more. I would do those missions for 50 traces, for 100 hell yeah I'd do it. That's an instant radiant relic and it's not like we expect them to appear that often in a day. It just helps reduce the grind for relics.

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Yeah, a meager 10 Traces isn't worth the effort when you have Lith fissures still active that can grant you that much for a quarter the effort and/or time.  If they want to make Alerts actually worth it, they need to make it so Alerts drop an otherwise unobtainable volume per run, otherwise it's just much easier in the end to spam Lith runs for a while if you need Traces.

20 hours ago, LSG501 said:

I'd say this comes down to the usual issue that DE seems to have and that's BALANCE, they just can't seem to get the balance of things right. 


Says they want to reduce grind.... actually ends up increasing it...

Yep :/ I love Warframe and all but DE...really, REALLY has a lot to learn still about balance, especially since it's been what, 3+ years of this and they're still committing the same errors.  I cringe every time I hear them talk about decreasing the grind in the devstreams because it never actually happens, especially in regards to the Relics and related resources.

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Somewhat related, I did one of the void trace alerts.  Afterwards was party bugged, mission completed but progress not saved.  Had to Alt + F4.  Then couldn't log in for 30 minutes, then restarted the mission then same thing happened again.  Game lets me do everything else fine but feels that having a MERE 40 minutes to complete an exterminate is too good for me.

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