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What with this bright blindly shinny light on saturn?


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Every corner in Saturn Grineer Galleon mission they got this blindly light that keep shinning in to our eyes ...it's annoying 

and even I turn of everything from bloom to glare to dynamic lighting ...They didn't turn this thing off

and when we back to our landing craft ...it getting worst 


could you please remove this or give us option to disable it?

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Short version... It's more than irritating.  I'm photosensitive and it's painful.  I've tried changing the glare/bloom settings too and it does nothing noticable so far as I can tell.  At the moment I just try and be aware of when it might happen and squint. 

I've come to think of it as playing in Fry mode. 





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On 8.10.2016 at 9:17 PM, DeMonkey said:

Not just Saturn, lighting and bloom as a whole appear to have been borked.


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Oh my gosh! Yeah... it's happening here, too.

I hope this will be fixed soon. Imagine god rays or the new fog with this BrokenBloom™ !

Edited by Zeranov
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