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Mod Frustration


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1. Many mods are designed to work on a specific class of weapon. 

2. Some of these weapon classes are both Sentinel and a Main or Secondary weapon.

3. Based on other mods acquired/deleted And other mods specific to class of weapon in the inventory, the "location" of an installed mod may not be the same each time viewed when trying to modify load outs. 

My Frustration:
I am frustrated with receiving a message 90% of the time when switching weapons/sentinel weapons that states cannot equip {mod} as it is already being used on {other weapon.}
Is there any way to flag "Equipped mods" to differentiate where the mod is "already installed." 
My thoughts are simple, when equipped show a number in lower left corner of mod: 1, 2, or 3 where 1 = Main, 2 = Secondary, and 3 = Sentinel. It would alleviate many headaches as we could ensure if it was already equipped on a specific class - we would know not to try and equip that same mod on any other class, or at least be aware that it may meed to be removed from one in order to negate "error messages."

i have uninstalled the mod from both weapons, reinstalled it from the same spot and it works great, Until I try to load a different weapon! I don't want to go through my entire inventory trying to solve mod problems every time I make a change.
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that is big problem... i maxed 2x serration.2x hornet strike.2x heavy.calibar.. spent lot of time and effort just to can use sentinel and wepons...once u have  two maxed mod unequip wepon... and equip it again u will get msg mod is used on xxx.. and just acept resolve..

Edited by ashrah
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This is one of two changes I would love to see to the mod setup.  What I'd like to see done is:

1. Make it so we don't require separate mods for sentinels AND weapons

2. Make the rank of each mod adjustable downwards, so a rank 10 serration for example can be downgraded to a lower rank while levelling weapons without the need of multiple mods just to fulfil modding capacity at different levels.  My mods take an age to search through partly due to needing duplicates at different levels and for sentinels AND weapons...

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38 minutes ago, Nocam said:

If you look at mods, right above the rank dots, there's a small hexagon. This signifies the mod is already installed somewhere else.

I see that but it doesn't help - that just means it is equipped. I want to know, without trial and error, that it is already on the rifle and can't be used on the Vulklok or vice versa. Same applies with Sweeper and shotgun mods - as long as you have Vulkok installed no issue, switch to sweeper or sweeper prime with a shotgun and you get the auto resolve message. If we had a bit more visibility as to where they were installed, "we" could resolve the problem(s). 

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