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Procedural map generation and escalating difficulty


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I've bee modding Skyrim lately and came across some interesting dungeon mods which make new maps and spawn mobs each time you take a ladder up or down, or open a door. This got me thinking about my old RPG days and how much fun I had on those old Rogue like dungeon crawls. 

I would love to see something similar to this in Warframe. A map where we just keep going, each time we take the elevator down the system generates a new map with fresh mobs leveled and scaled up per floor. a roguelike 3rd person shooter dungeon crawl. 

at the end of each level we'd get the option to extract or continue. Each floor would get expidentially larger and more challenging. example-floor 1 would be standard mercury size extermination map, floor 2- would increase both size of map and mob count/levels, The system wouild use all existing tile sets to choose from, which would then generate at random. Even outdoor tilesets..this would be great in void runs and fissure maps. it would keep going like that until we decided to extract. No other point to mission but to kill, and loot. Perhaps a leaderboard listing showing dungeon floor and level of  mobs completed. 

Edited by Babellon
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2 hours ago, Babellon said:

I've bee modding Skyrim lately and came across some interesting dungeon mods which make new maps and spawn mobs each time you take a ladder up or down, or open a door. This got me thinking about my old RPG days and how much fun I had on those old Rogue like dungeon crawls. 

I would love to see something similar to this in Warframe. A map where we just keep going, each time we take the elevator down the system generates a new map with fresh mobs leveled and scaled up per floor. a roguelike 3rd person shooter dungeon crawl. 

at the end of each level we'd get the option to extract or continue. Each floor would get expidentially larger and more challenging. example-floor 1 would be standard mercury size extermination map, floor 2- would increase both size of map and mob count/levels, The system wouild use all existing tile sets to choose from, which would then generate at random. Even outdoor tilesets..this would be great in void runs and fissure maps. it would keep going like that until we decided to extract. No other point to mission but to kill, and loot. Perhaps a leaderboard listing showing dungeon floor and level of  mobs completed. 

this idea, i like it, its like an endless extermination, and i really love extermination

Edited by rockscl
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I like this idea and I hate it. The reason I hate it, is because it would be death upon the computer processing power. I like it, because it does give new tile sets without them having to work as much. 


The game kind of does a procedural generated map as it is right from the beginning of the mission. My guess, is they generate the map, generate the stuff that goes into each section (Kind of like the DOJOs), then print when you get to that area. 

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On 10/14/2016 at 8:04 PM, Cydro_ said:

How exactly? Do you know how Procedural Generation works?

I'm a programmer and game designer....... Yes, I do. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=Procedural+Programming


The idea you have is to have it constantly load a new tileset every time you go from one area to another causing VERY large maps. Such as in an elevator. The problem with this, is there is no cut scene or load screen within the middle of warframe missions. This would cause the computers to overheat and possibly crash. This is why Skyrim tends to have the ability to have such a large map. It loads a portion of the map and then has sub sections which are loaded separately. The only time it does if for Law of Retribution and that is not really an extension of the map. It is separate places it loads after completion of the current mission.


IF they went ahead and placed the ability for more load screens in the middle of a mission, then yes. A VERY great idea. I highly doubt they will do this though as the game itself is very fast paced and it would require all team members to be within that one area or to load separately. (More server issues)

Edited by DarthBane1
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12 hours ago, DarthBane1 said:

The idea you have is to have it constantly load a new tileset every time you go from one area to another causing VERY large maps.

it would require all team members to be within that one area or to load separately. (More server issues)

He clearly explained that the idea is to extend the mission once its completed, meaning that neither of these things you said apply, and the maps being procedurally generated means theres a repeated usage of the same resources which adds nearly nothing of load to the computer running it, also every time a round is completed the previous tilesets would be obviously locked and removed along with its assets, drops, specific spawns, leaving no trail at all in the memory because that is how every program should handle the things that are unused and will not be used anymore, if they were unable to do this endless missions would be equal to endless memory leaks for every new unit spawned.

Edited by rockscl
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