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Excavation shouldn't give credit caches.


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Don't you think we had enough credit caches from excavation when we have dark sectors like Akkad and Hieracon? Why are they even there? It's not like it's a hard to get currency that can be obtained simply by playing casually? 5 waves of akkad give  about 22k credits, a good team can sweep them from the face of the Earth easily and quickly, so 5 times of that and you already have over 100 k credits.

We don't need more credit farms, Hieracon and other excavation missions should never have something that can be obtainable without effort elsewhere (and i mean credits) . Removing those credit caches would increase the chances of getting either good mods, good ammounts of endo and good relic drops. It's just that credit caches are a hindrance of getting good stuff, like leaving hosts.(Got an axi 2, but the host left and i couldn't rejoin, while we had an axi n2, which i wanted bad while having n1 and n3...)

I for one don't want to get 4 credit caches and hope i would get something good (that happens to me far too often) or people just leaving the mission out of nowhere just so i would get the 'Session unavailable' message. The removal of these useless caches would make the game even a tiny bit less grind 2 win and more people would be happy to get something more worth their while. :)

Edited by Ernestasx
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Just now, (XB1)rocketstar31 said:

I agree, but newbies do rely on credit farms like this early on in the game on planets like Earth, Mars, Mercury and Venus. A solution would be removing them from higher level Excavation drop tables.

Agreed, forgot about newbies.So, what level should the exclusion start, in your honest opinion? I think those at lv 30 and higher should or maybe 25, i don't know. Anyways, never make the newbies suffer (*-*)b

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I say they stay on Rotation A. But the Credit Caches should increase with the difficulty of the mission.

A low level Excavation can give 2k-5k credit caches while a place such as Hieracon could give 10k-15k.

As an MR 21 that has cleared most of the content, I still struggle with Credits from time to time, so a decent farm other than Law of Retribution would be helpful.

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4 minutes ago, Ernestasx said:

Agreed, forgot about newbies.So, what level should the exclusion start, in your honest opinion? I think those at lv 30 and higher should or maybe 25, i don't know. Anyways, never make the newbies suffer (*-*)b

How about starting from Europa onwards? True it leaves most of the star chart without credit caches, but by then a newbie would probably have a decent amount of credits.

Just now, secret9005 said:

I say they stay on Rotation A. But the Credit Caches should increase with the difficulty of the mission.

A low level Excavation can give 2k-5k credit caches while a place such as Hieracon could give 10k-15k.

As an MR 21 that has cleared most of the content, I still struggle with Credits from time to time, so a decent farm other than Law of Retribution would be helpful.

Sortie missions and again other ones that aren't excavation can still give you a good amount of credits.

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6 minutes ago, secret9005 said:

I say they stay on Rotation A. But the Credit Caches should increase with the difficulty of the mission.

A low level Excavation can give 2k-5k credit caches while a place such as Hieracon could give 10k-15k.

As an MR 21 that has cleared most of the content, I still struggle with Credits from time to time, so a decent farm other than Law of Retribution would be helpful.

No, people do not need an expansion of credit caches' value, they have to be removed from the higher level excavation completely! Everyone can get a taxi to Akkad and farm as much credits as they want, and all dark sectors give awesome ammounts of credits.

They have to be removed, not enchanced in value. I'd rather get a good mod or a relic instead of credits i can get 100% every mission i play.

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Just now, Ernestasx said:

No, people do not need an expansion of credit caches' value, they have to be removed from the higher level excavation completely! Everyone can get a taxi to Akkad and farm as much credits as they want, and all dark sectors give awesome ammounts of credits.

They have to be removed, not enchanced in value. I'd rather get a good mod or a relic instead of credits i can get 100% every mission i play.

You say everyone yet here I am. Anyways that was just my opinion. Don't hate on me for not agreeing with you.

7 minutes ago, AlphaPHENIX said:

Sortie missions and again other ones that aren't excavation can still give you a good amount of credits.

I know of Sorties and Akkad, but you can only do sorties once a day, and Akkad takes a bit longer than 200 seconds. I mean an excavator lasts 100 seconds + you can do 2-3 excavators at a time, cutting it even more. If it gave 15k per run that would mean a much faster credit farm than Akkad. It gives you what Akkad gives + more.

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I agree that credit rewards should be removed from drop tables, honestly after a conversation with fellow clan mates last night of varying MR levels endo seems to be the resource people want the most of outside of oxium, none of us complained about credits.  At starter levels credit isn't really that needed imo and it drops fairly easily from just completing the levels. 

If they need credits theres plenty of credit farms at lower levels on earth, mars and venus, while not giving as much as akkad etc they give MORE than enough for a new player after just doing 5 rounds of a dark sector defence. 

What I'd prefer to see is endo amounts increasing in drops (in general actually as it's far too low considering how much we need) and excavation and defence levels getting a higher completion credit reward to 'compensate' for the credit rewards being removed.  Higher levels should also give increased amounts of 'necessary' resources like endo.


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4 minutes ago, bluepheonix13 said:

Personally, I need Endo AND Credits to use the Endo and if I can farm both in one mission (Hieracon), that is great for me. I just wish the Credit caches gave more, as someone else already posted above me 10-15k would be nice to compete with 400 Endo as a reward.

Oh good, I thought I was the only one. Yeah I only have 4m credits even when doing daily LoRs. But I only did those recently because of my Credit problems. Baro comes in and just swoops all my credits away. But he hasn't brought anything new recently, so I didn't use that much this time.

I solved my Endo problem by doing Rathuum, Sedna, Vodyanoi. It gives about ~400 Endo in around 2-3 minutes if bringing the right squad. Sometimes it can even give 900 or so, but that's if you're lucky.

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19 minutes ago, secret9005 said:

You say everyone yet here I am. Anyways that was just my opinion. Don't hate on me for not agreeing with you.

I know of Sorties and Akkad, but you can only do sorties once a day, and Akkad takes a bit longer than 200 seconds. I mean an excavator lasts 100 seconds + you can do 2-3 excavators at a time, cutting it even more. If it gave 15k per run that would mean a much faster credit farm than Akkad. It gives you what Akkad gives + more.

Yes, but Excavation missions are also the fastest way to farm relics. Given that not everybody had hundreds of void keys before the Specters of the Rail and that new relics appear once others get vaulted. WE! NEED! A! BETTER! WAY! OF! FARMING! RELICS!

Yes, if you rank up Primed mods to max every day you will need Credits, but to get those Primed mods without Trade Chat you will first need Ducats...Ducats are obtained by selling Prime parts to Baro...Prime parts are obtained trough Relics...Do you get what I am trying to say yet?

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Also you guys, renember. You get Credit Alerts all the time and even if they are not purely Credit Alerts they still reward you with Credits, on top of that you get Credits simply by going through the mission.

Credits are availabe everywhere!

Relics, Endo and Mods are not.

Before you say anything about the Endo and Mods, keep in mind. Endo can be a reward in Alert missions, is in the Excavation Drop Tables, drops from enamies, is a reward for completing Sorties and so on, and so on, BUT you can not find it Storage Containers like Credits. Mods drop from enamies, are sometimes rewards from Alerts and ect., BUT AGAIN do not drop from Storage Containers or at least not as often.

Will removing just one place from where you can farm Credits really affect you so much?

Edited by AlphaPHENIX
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36 minutes ago, AlphaPHENIX said:

Yes, but Excavation missions are also the fastest way to farm relics. Given that not everybody had hundreds of void keys before the Specters of the Rail and that new relics appear once others get vaulted. WE! NEED! A! BETTER! WAY! OF! FARMING! RELICS!

Yes, if you rank up Primed mods to max every day you will need Credits, but to get those Primed mods without Trade Chat you will first need Ducats...Ducats are obtained by selling Prime parts to Baro...Prime parts are obtained trough Relics...Do you get what I am trying to say yet?

Dude, calm the hell down. Leave caps lock outside.

People disagree, they're allowed to. It's called an opinion. Deal with it. They should increase credit cache amounts. The way to ease relic farming is not to make excavators drop relics exclusively, rather, they should simply reshuffle the nodes they drop in so you don't have x relic dropping on three planets, while y relic drops on five nodes in two planets, whereas z has to deal with dilution by being pooled in with t-y relics.

Besides, by increasing caches to 15k minimum, where you can have 3 or even 4 drills up at once, you could create a risky, but highly rewarding way of getting credits, rather than near-afking sechura 15 times in a row.

Also, as a long time forumite, you're far more likely to get DE to listen if you suggest number tweaks rather than removing or changing things significantly.

Edited by BulletsforTeeth
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9 minutes ago, BulletsforTeeth said:

Also, as a long time forumite, you're far more likely to get DE to listen if you suggest number tweaks rather than removing or changing things significantly.

That is the easiest way, yeah. It's a lot of work to exclude credit caches from one place and leave them in the lower levels. The problem is clear and the solution can be either drastic or a simple number change.

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10 minutes ago, BulletsforTeeth said:

Dude, calm the hell down. Leave caps lock outside.

People disagree, they're allowed to. It's called an opinion. Deal with it. They should increase credit cache amounts. The way to ease relic farming is not to make excavators drop relics exclusively, rather, they should simply reshuffle the nodes they drop in so you don't have x relic dropping on three planets, while y relic drops on five nodes in two planets, whereas z has to deal with dilution by being pooled in with t-y relics.

Good point.

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6 hours ago, AlphaPHENIX said:

Yes, but Excavation missions are also the fastest way to farm relics. Given that not everybody had hundreds of void keys before the Specters of the Rail and that new relics appear once others get vaulted. WE! NEED! A! BETTER! WAY! OF! FARMING! RELICS!

Yes, if you rank up Primed mods to max every day you will need Credits, but to get those Primed mods without Trade Chat you will first need Ducats...Ducats are obtained by selling Prime parts to Baro...Prime parts are obtained trough Relics...Do you get what I am trying to say yet?

You do know that Credits are far more useful than the mods that drop in excavation rotations, unless you trade them in for Endo, but that's still only 1 mod so it's rather not useful. You might say to replace them with more useful mods, but what are you gonna put in there then? Anything too rare wouldn't appear (like Life Strike) and anything too common would be useless.

Farming relics (keys) before the SG update was easy because it was a guaranteed drop in Rotation B. Although it was a random relic, still a guaranteed drop. Now you can go 2000 excavators without even dropping a single relic (chances of that are slim but you get my point). Mods shouldn't drop in Rotation B and C is what you want, because if relics were also in Rotation A, that would be TOO EASY. At least those are my thoughts.

I just suggested another way instead of removing the credit rewards completely, since I thought they were fine being there.

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10 hours ago, ograzzt said:

Why people still farming relics on excavations? Seriously, defenses and interceptions are so much better for relics now.

It is still only one Relic per 5 waves and by the time you go through 5 waves in Def or Int you could have already gotten at least 2 Relics. That and plus you aren't guranteed to get a relic every single wave.

Sure Stoffler is a nice affinity farm, but sometimes I get bored of moustly sitting in one place and shooting enemies in a 360 radius.

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14 minutes ago, AlphaPHENIX said:

It is still only one Relic per 5 waves and by the time you go through 5 waves in Def or Int you could have already gotten at least 2 Relics. That and plus you aren't guranteed to get a relic every single wave.

High level interceptions give you guaranteed Axi relics on B and C rotations, ~70% chance for Neo relics on A rotations. Defenses are little worse, relics on B and C are not guaranteed there, but they are still way better than excavations. Excavations only sometimes give you relics on B and C. Excavations are not even faster now because drills spawn across the whole map and not in one tile as it was before. You also waste a lot of time for running, you waste time for searching power carriers, who sometimes just don't spawn, etc, etc.


With current droptables DE made it pretty clear:

Want cores, credits, cryotic? Go excavations.

Want relics and affinity? Go interceptions and defenses.

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On 16/10/2016 at 3:37 PM, Ernestasx said:

Agreed, forgot about newbies.So, what level should the exclusion start, in your honest opinion? I think those at lv 30 and higher should or maybe 25, i don't know. Anyways, never make the newbies suffer (*-*)b


I would say, rather than determine the exclusion by level, it should be by planet, as such:

Caches Included:

Earth, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Possibly Jupiter and Phobos.

Caches Excluded: Every other planet.

However, if we're strictly only going by level, I would agree with you at around lvl 25 or 30 upwards.

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Lotus states that "artifacts" are at the dig sites... are credits ancient or artifacts? Not in my opinion, are mod cards artifacts? Not in my opinion...  haha. Just saying it is all a  little crazy. I think more like rare statues or actual relics are artifacts.  Maybe some kind of Items that can be sold to different merchents on different relays for different amounts?  Axi era merchant pays more for Axi than any other and Meso for Meso etc... Adds more of an individual story/trade feel. You can choose to just sell to the first trader or seek out each trader for each artifact.  Can be jokes, staff or founder named collector cards/items.  Rarely, parts of noggle statues that when u collect all parts can foundry it and display or sell to players or traders.   (Base as uncommon, "name" midsection and "name" noggle head as rare.)  

This way it will remove the "cradit cake" (caches) XD   annnnnnnnd adds a lot more randomness! Wheeee!



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