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Stalker Revision


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3 hours ago, EmptyDevil said:

Being perma-marked sounds interesting -- wonder if DE would take that approach. I'm not found of the MR increasing spawn chance though.

Some kind of penalty on the Warframe after decapitation sounds cool. Maybe instead of outright disabling it, maybe the frame will have halved health and power capacity for a duration. Maybe some kind of way to speed up the repair process.

This would not work with Warframe. It would if this was mainly a single-player game.

The disco ball thing actually does pretty high damage. I wouldn't want to see it get buffed. Shadow Stalker's sprint speed needs to be boosted.

The sprint boost sounds interesting.

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On October 29, 2016 at 7:24 PM, HellFireHound said:

Make him more smarter when you're using higher level MR weapons, things that are maxed out/near maxed out. I know walking about with forma'd gear isn't the smartest thing to do when grinding after you just killed a boss, but he has a higher chance of popping up with rank 0 or so gear versus gear that's maxed out. Sure I like playing tag with him around a map, to summarize: CMERE GIMME SUM SUGAR. Me: oplznogoawayedgelord. *runs around map in circles shooting over shoulder* I wanna clash blades with this guy.

Also, if you're going in missions melee only, he should melee only also. Unless his character is just to crush you with no remorse or leeway, with every sense of the word honor without. And play some kind of scary sentient theme as some intro, give him a cinematic too! And as for you, when you defeat him, it should cut to a cinematic where he's limping away and Hunhow recalls him, but right before you deal a melee finisher he vanishes into smoke leaving you to strike the ground or get your melee stuck in a wall and you pull it out in anger. Love your idea for his finishers! As buggy as the game is, I would still like to see more dazzle and cut scenes than what we have now, as raw as game play is. But DE is DE, we all have a love/hate relationship with their updates. I really hope they look at this thread and make it happen sometime soon!

What you are asking for exists in the game Dying Light.

The catch is that Nighthunters are real players.

Edited by (PS4)Silverback73
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Here's a thought: make Stalker scary again and you can toggle your account as HARDCORE MODE where if he kills you, a cut scene plays where he invades your orbiter and stabs your Tenno. Then your account gets deleted. Maybe that would be enough of a challenge for the challenge seeking, skillful players.

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1 hour ago, JalakBali said:

Here's a thought: make Stalker scary again and you can toggle your account as HARDCORE MODE where if he kills you, a cut scene plays where he invades your orbiter and stabs your Tenno. Then your account gets deleted. Maybe that would be enough of a challenge for the challenge seeking, skillful players.

Interesting feedback.


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On 11/9/2016 at 0:10 AM, Flirk2 said:

Sorry, what?

Auto-fail when Stalker kills you? And buffing him as well?

Disabling the warframe that got killed? Why not take it away permanently then? With all the weapons, gear and companions while you are at it?

When Staker kills you you don't have the mark removed. And you get one for every boss including Phorid and Lephantis, so you are proposing a potentially infiite number of auto-failed missions.

You don't mind failing missions? I do. I hate failing missions.

So all I ask is if all those buffs to Stalker got implemented, to add an option to delete an account. Because I'll want to do just that after two or three such auto-fails. Call me crazy, but I'm playing this game to have fun. Not to feel threatened and miserable.

What's the point? okay, delete your account and make a new one. And a month later you'll do the same thing. the point here is the stalker is made out to be a threat, but he's not. I look forward to stalker attacks because it means free S#&$ for me. I don't want that anymore than OP does. I want his appearance making me pucker up and spam chat "STALKER!" and watch our whole squad go into action. He needs to be a bigger more menacing threat. and oh my god, you fail a mission. Boo hoo. it takes like fifteen seconds to get back to it. I don't want another Grineer Vectis fodder. I want a challenge. And these changes make the Stalker an end game challenge worthy of my time being wasted running lower MR folks through the game.

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3 minutes ago, (PS4)LordBartimus said:

I want a challenge.

Nice. I don't.

And when I say I would like to get an option to delete the account if those things would be implemented, I mean it.

You think failing a mission is nothing special? Good. I hate failing missions.

If I don't get to feel powerful with progression, if I don't get to laugh on the things that were threatening once upon a time, I don't see any reason to play the game.

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This thread makes me feel like we're designing a car where everyone just shouts out what they want. It should be cool, but also warm! Also giant cup holders! Yeah!!


This could totally be stalkers Liset type craft that we fight in Archwing. So menacing, just look at those bubbles!!

Edited by Skaleek
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All of this does sound very interesting and would help make this poor hunter actually worth facing or running from. 


Anyway just to add to the list of proposed changes, I will having Shadow Stalker use his old gear (Dread, Despair and Hate) just for consistency after all that happened in The Second Dream. He would be less predictable compared running around with a huge sword mindless following you everywhere while you simply kite him. 


It would be like old Stalker but with his Sentient powers to boost him further... 


Plus, thus makes sense. 

39 minutes ago, Skaleek said:

This thread makes me feel like we're designing a car where everyone just shouts out what they want. It should be cool, but also warm! Also giant cup holders! Yeah!!




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17 hours ago, midtarget said:

His strength should scale (and decrease)with mastery rank, gear rank, and nodes, because he's kinda op to all my weapons right now, so having him weaker because I don't have a good set should be nice

Yes and no. Since he's supposed to try and kill you, it wouldn't make sense for him to be weaker just because you're weak, he should be smarter with each encounter. He's more likely to dodge my Dread on the third encounter as I have the same loadout. Mastery rank should scale his strength but not the nodes. You could bring a low lovel melee to a Shadow Stalker fight as you're not going to be using it on him.

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13 hours ago, (Xbox One)LAZYNOOB2015 said:

Yes and no. Since he's supposed to try and kill you, it wouldn't make sense for him to be weaker just because you're weak, he should be smarter with each encounter. He's more likely to dodge my Dread on the third encounter as I have the same loadout. Mastery rank should scale his strength but not the nodes. You could bring a low lovel melee to a Shadow Stalker fight as you're not going to be using it on him.

yes, that makes sene lore and universe wise, but not mechanics wise, who would wnat no play warframe if they have to fight a character redy to fight endgame content when you just started? do you want to fight stalker your first time when hes using exalted blade and is immuse to 90 percent of your gear?

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11 hours ago, midtarget said:

yes, that makes sene lore and universe wise, but not mechanics wise, who would wnat no play warframe if they have to fight a character redy to fight endgame content when you just started? do you want to fight stalker your first time when hes using exalted blade and is immuse to 90 percent of your gear?

No to each player. Not to the highest mastery rank.

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I dislike these ideas, Stalker is already a pain in the butt when I'm in solo nightmare missions the last thing I want is buffed up Stalker beheading my warframe. Shadow's damage reduction is cheesy af and it kills build diversity, if players have to run around OP anti-stalker gear all the time.
I was more glad if I could remove the mark by going after him in a tough mission and by completion the player won't get mark for 30 days or something .

Edited by DamienDaredevil
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There's a lot of good stuff here, but I'd like to offer some tweaks:

-Rather than reset the marker to 0, make it keep going and give us a mark every 100 points. The way you suggested it, you could be at 99%, kill a boss and instead of going to 199% you'd go back to 0.

-Since the game is being divided into difficulty tiers lately, let's apply that to the gauge: 3% for completing a low-level mission, 6% for a middle-level and 10% for a high-level.

-Also, killing a boss should give you 20%, 25 at most. Imagine you're farming Equinox. Even if RNGsus is beside you 100%, you're still gonna need to kill Regor 8 times. That's 8 Stalker marks. And if you wanna farm Alad V for sensors, or Sargas Ruk for cells, you finish the farm and all of a sudden you've got a dozen marks on you. This way it'd make the meter rise a bit slower.

-I think the Acolyte thing should be simpler. Regardless of whether you've defeated him or not, Stalker now spawns with as many acolytes as teammates you have. These acolytes will target your teammates while the Stalker goes after you. If the acolytes down your teammates they will join the Stalker in trying to kill you. Also, killing the acolytes should give a reward. Maybe one of the mods unique to them?

-Rather than consume all revives, have the execution kick the player off the mission, like the G3 do. Also, if the idea is to traumatize the Tenno, then after completing the Second Dream it should fall on the Operator to do whatever task necessary to get the Warframe back to full health.


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The problem I have with Stalker is, if I'm running a frame whose powers are useless against him and I'm leveling up weapons, I'm dead and while I understand your argument about his being a threat, this is still a game and in a scenario as I listed, it's a zero sum game and what's the point?

I do like the meter and his actually stalking you.

Edited by tomnmillie
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41 minutes ago, TaleTeller said:

-Also, killing a boss should give you 20%, 25 at most. Imagine you're farming Equinox. Even if RNGsus is beside you 100%, you're still gonna need to kill Regor 8 times. That's 8 Stalker marks. And if you wanna farm Alad V for sensors, or Sargas Ruk for cells, you finish the farm and all of a sudden you've got a dozen marks on you. This way it'd make the meter rise a bit slower.

Does a farm run like that get you marked more than once? I kind of thought once you got marked for a boss, that was it until either you or the stalker died in a confrontation over that particular mark.

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1 minute ago, tomnmillie said:

Does a farm run like that get you marked more than once? I kind of thought once you got marked for a boss, that was it until either you or he died in a confrontation.

As it is right now, yeah, I think that's how it works. But if what OP's saying would get implemented, then either you keep the only one mark at a time, making the marking system rework useless (again, imagine having 99% then fighting a boss), or we get multiple marks, thus making getting 100% from bosses overkill

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It sounds really good, but I think the order of the Stalker's squad should increase only if you have defeated him previously. Adding Acolytes to the Stalker's squad if he defeats you would hurt lower level players more and provide a stupid incentive for losing ( especially if they are still dropping their Acolyte mods). 

Reward the player for their efforts by providing equal challenges. Because I remember struggling in the early game with just the Stalker. 

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I think the problem is that you are looking at the situation from an end game perspective.

You're to the point where the stalker isn't really a threat to you but that isn't the case for a lot of players. What is going to be difficult for you is going to be down right impossible for them. Add in the mission failure state and crippling their warframe and you have just turned a frustraiting experience for them into a downright miserable one.

They might be able to do something to tweak the AI or maybe play around with some scaling but for the most part you've just outgrown the stalker.

You could always try equipping less effective gear. Maybe try something that you haven't tossed a potato or forma in and doesn't sport a bunch of fully leveled mods. 

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On 30.10.2016 at 0:46 AM, EmptyDevil said:

When Stalker reduces a player's health to zero, the player should be put into the standard bleedout state(Including Inaros). Stalker will approach the player and perform a unique head-severing finisher, consuming all revives(including Arcane revives). The player would not be able to continue the mission if Stalker is successful.

Hell, no!

Imagine doing some regular mission and finally finding an extremely rare mod that you try to farm for a very long time (like this new tonfa stance) - then a wild stalker appears and kills you. That would be an instant quit for many players.

And no, I won't be taking full maxed best gear to every starchat mission in case that I may encounter stalker.
Stalker is already too annoying because he tends to attack mainly when I'm leveling my equipment - sometimes I wonder that maybe he's just a coward if he's afraid to fight me when I have better gear.

Edited by blueThunder24
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