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Exterminate changes...


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31 minutes ago, (XB1)ThermalStone said:

Sounds like someone isn't good enough to get any kills before random teammates kill everything.

Please stop trying to turn this wonderful crowd murdering and looting game into a sneaky stealth game.  I can't stand the arbitrary stealth mechanics in most games in that genre.  I hate being penalized for using my arsenal of destructive weapons and powers to kill everything as loudly as possible. I think it is the height of lame gameplay to have to hide from enemies that I could easily massacre.

Warframe is not a stealth game.  If it was, I wouldn't be playing it.

This post, right there, sums it up for me. There are plenty opportunities to play stealth in Warframe and yes, I'm not a fan personally, but that's OK. But - There's no need to "force" it on us even further. I want to go out and kill sh... the bad guys, not to sneak arond without ability to choose how I play this game and have fun. One of the awesome parts of Warframe is to be able to pick your weapons and your own style. Restricting it would be countering the flow the game already has.

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55 minutes ago, (XB1)ThermalStone said:

Warframe is not a stealth game.

While in a sense this is only partly true.  Because of the stealth elements and mechanics that facilitate Stealthy play, Warframe can be considered a stealth game.  Warframe just doesn't force you to only play this way.  Just as it doesn't force solo or group play. 

While Warframe isn't a stealth game to you, it is for me.  The great thing is that neither of us is wrong.  :D  Happy Hunting Tenno.

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1 hour ago, Humble.Priest said:

this isn't a solo game, and being forced to solo is the same as forcing someone to any other game play. Forcing solo removes player choice. In that, the mechanic is broken. Try running your solo missions with randoms, and watch the difference in reward level. The disparity demonstrates the broken mechanic.

No , it's not a solo game .... and exterminate are not steath based mision ...

You started with a cry of "the other player kill all before me" and you continue with a cry of "i want more resourses" .... try to at least be consistent with why are you crying .

Edited by Yagamilight123
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Alright so a few things.

When i want to play Stealth I play Solo (excepting playing with 2 of my friends on the rare occasions that they actually have time to play and are in the mood for some Stealth play too). Reason is because it's been my experience that the majority of random public players display very little interest in being stealthy. 

If just one of the four people in a mission want to blitz/rush it then there it all goes.

So if I want to Rush an Exterminate I'll go Public, because I do generally enjoy playing with random other players (you just never know whats going to happen and most of the time it is actually Fun). If I don't want to rush it I'll go Solo and Stealthily assassinate my way thru it.

Also as far as an actual "stealth mission" type of game play goes, IMO the Spy missions are basically that. 

I used to run these Public pretty often but most of the time there's still someone that wants to blitz it and they just run in and set off all the alarms.

Again I'll refer to playing with my friends not too long ago, it was a Spy and we had queued Public. 3 of us and 1 random who was playing a Limbo.

The 3 of us each headed off to a different spy vault (I went to "C") and the random limbo proceeded to rush each of the vaults in turn. Each time he set off the alarms and failed to secure the data before the timer expired. I had just gotten to the terminal inside of C to get the hack when he set off the alarm there too. 

I have no idea if he had just decided to troll us or if he really thought that Limbo could just run thru everything and someone succeed. Whatever the case he did crash 2 of the 3 vaults and if I had been any slower making my way he'd have crashed that one too (Corpus vaults by the way).

I do have to give him credit for the sheer amount of speed he showed in getting from vault to vault to vault so quickly. Anyhow after that we always go Friends only and otherwise if they're not on I always do Spy's Solo. (Again this is not the only time "Public's" screwed it up, this was just the last one. =p)

Anyhow, TL;DR

- it's been my experience that there's a pretty large amount of the player base that does not seem interested in Stealth game play, certainly not Public anyhow.
- and we have a Stealth mission type, it's called Spy!


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5 hours ago, Humble.Priest said:

Had a thought about exterminate missions to make them more challenging and rewarding. Too many players rush the mission, removing fun factor for other team members. If they became stealth missions, no damaging powers allowed, with an INSTANT fail for tripping an alarm, this would change the node to be challenging and fun.

So basically you are saying "If you don't have a stealth frame or stealth weapons, well you're just not going to progress in the game!

Here's the thing: Some of the first missions in the game are exterminate missions for new players.
If they don't choose excalibur with MK1 Paris and MK1 Kunai then they are just going to be completely and utterly unable to progress past the first missions at all simply because its impossible for them to have the tools to do so!  And even better they won't be able to complete any of those missions meaning that they won't have the credits to even buy the right weapons!  And if they chose one of the other starts they are just completely screwed with utterly no recourse!

Your idea pretty much boils down to "Screw the new players!"
Especially if they choose Mag who has these abilities:
-Pull: damage and CC
-Magnetize: damage and CC
-Polarize: damage and armor/shield stripping
-Crush: damage and light CC
Because in entire missions with your idea the frame that they would be stuck with, with absolutely no way to change would be utterly useless as all of her abilities are damage abilities.

Even once you get beyond the new players though you have the problem of limited slots.
Not everyone will be able to keep a dedicated stealth loadout with the very limited starter slots.  And not everyone will be able to keep a dedicated stealth frame becvause of the very limited starter slots.
Oh and one thing: Don't try to say "But they wouldn't need a silent loadout, they can use hush and supress to quiet their rifles and pistols!" Because hush and supress drop only off of orokin enemies.  New players aren't going to see them for a decent length of time, let alone be able to farm them for those mods...and even some not-so-new players don't have both mods.

This idea in its whole just utterly screws over new players and players who can't dump a ton of money on slots to have dedicated stealth loadouts.

Also this has the problem of making entire frames nothing but newb traps.
After all, a large number of frames have 100% damage abilities....meaning that with your idea they would just become utterly useless in an entire game-mode for absolutely no reason than one player wants to force stealth on the rest of the playerbase.

5 hours ago, Humble.Priest said:

To further this, make exterminate missions have double resource, credit and affinity.

Exterminte missions don't need to give out more of anything.  Especially affinity.
I mean a stealth farming for focus can cap out my focus in 4-6 missions.
4-6 missions for 100k focus.  And done rather quickly, and without setting off the alarm or alerting anyone.

Stealth is already rewarded.  But in way much better than your idea: It doesn't punish players for not doing stealth by insta-failing them.  It just rewards them for doing stealth.

5 hours ago, Humble.Priest said:

This brings back stealth nodes, without being game breaking.

But it would be game breaking.
New players that don't choose the stealth options as their starting gear would be utterly and completely screwed because they simply lack the credits and mods and frames to do a mission in stealth.

Meanwhile it gives the option for trolls to ruin everyones day with absolutely no reprecussions or ways to stop them.  After all, how are you going to stop a random player from purposefully getting the alarms triggered by rushing as far ahead of the team as possible and not killing enemies?
And this should go without saying, but we really don't need to give trolls such an easy tool to use.

4 hours ago, Humble.Priest said:

This doesn't force a particular gameplay, rather encourages a different style.

Except that it does force a particular gameplay: If you don't stealth then you'll just fail with absolutely no other way to do the mission!
If that isn't forcing a specific gameplay then nothing is....

At least the current exterminates don't force you to stealth or force you to play loud...they give you the choice which your idea would completely get rid of.

Oh and this is completely ignoring the issues on Uranus where RNG would be able to force a mission failure by spawning in the occulysts which cause enemies to trigger the alarms immediately.  And better yet on Uranus this can happen as you start moving in the spawn room meaning that you have all of 5 seconds before seeing "Mission failed because you couldn't stealth it!" even though there was literally nothing you can do.
There also is the problem of death squads spawning and triggering the alarm as well.  That wouldn't be fun to have your exterminate ruined because a death squad dropped on your head and got the alarm triggered.
Finally, this idea would also make fissure missions impossible to complete as they alert the enemies and can and will trigger the alarms themselves, as will the alerted enemies.  And good luck stopping an enemy that is on the other end of a thick wall from triggering the alarm because a corrupted fissure enemy ran by him to get to you.
In short this "instant fail on alerts" would leave many missions literally impossible to play, or so purely up to praying to RNG to not screw you over that it wouldn't be funny.

Edited by Tsukinoki
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How about slow resistance build up after every kill. Kinda like Sentients but not so drastic. like .4% resistance to damage type used per kill. But finisher damage weakness increases much like Wardens. So by the end of a exterminate, The last few units can be very tanky but brute-forceable. But if you stealth you can one shot them. unlike Sentients. perhaps they can only adapt to two damage types at a time. And switching to a alternate weapon will make them re-adapt. So the resistance build up can be harsher, but they could only hope to armor up against one of your weapons.

And their damage can increase per alarm. That or the units are replaced with Nightwatch and a corpus variant as a flat boost after X alarms.

As it is, if you can one shot the first unit. All 150~ a few at a time will not touch you either.

Edited by Firetempest
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Exterminate and spy are the only mission types I play nowaday. I can actively find e emies to kill in that mose instead of sitting in one place waiting for enemies to come to me.

If I want to sit in one place holding down a button, I wouldn't play a shooter like Warframe.

I only play solo btw.

Stealth in this game is not very interesting nor challenging neither. All you need to do is go invisible and kill everything.

Edited by ClinkzEastwood
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Just throwing an idea I had again:

What do you think if exterminate missions are made to be more tactical? As in, we need to think when firing, take cover etc. by maybe letting the enemies  in extermination have an entrenched position, or more heavy weaponry. (Big mechs and tanks) Let the endless missions (survival, defense, etc.) be the hack & slash/cc missions, but make extermination missions more tactical since most of the time there aren't enough enemies in those missions to hack & slash anyway. :)

PS - Maybe the new assault mission are going to sort of be a bit like this. At least the "entrenched and possess more heavy weaponry" part. There could be a long hallway guarded by a rampart, where you have to move from cover to cover.

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It's a good idea but I think it should be a separate mission type. "Stealth Extermination" sounds about right. It could be special alert only if not part of the node. Or it could be Syndicate specific. Like a Syndicate wanted a whole group killed mysteriously so they could frame another Syndicate, or they don't want to be found out as the culprit.


Making it insta-fail if the alarm is triggered should have been enough to deter random players trying to rush it. But then again, even Spy missions don't seem to be able to stop those players.

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