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What about incorporating the Conclave into the Clans?


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Noticed today that absolutely nobody played any sort of Conclave. So why is that, is it because the players don't like the gameplay or because they want to be better rewarded? Since once you get all the rewards there is nothing really to gain from playing I'm assuming it's the latter. Now how about adding a reward that's temporary?

I wasn't really in a clan during the Era of the Dark Sectors, so I didn't participate, but I also haven't heard anyone complaining about people not competing in them. So why not makete clans want to compete in the Conclave? There are already Lunaro leaderboards incorporated into the game that track clans' success. Have the best clans recieve some sort of boon! It will be given to the top clans at the end of the week and will last for 7 days until the leaderboards reset and the boons are given to the best clans of those next 7 days. I probably didn't word this correctly, but I think the readers get my point.

My specific suggestion is the following: Each week the best 5 clans of each leaderboard category (wins, points, goals, assists, etc) and tier (ghost, shadow...) would get a passive aura-like buff with the effects of a booster. Maybe it will be a different kind of booster for different categories, maybe the clan's Warlord picks the kind of reward, maybe all the members vote for a day, maybe DE decides if it will be a credit/affinity/resource booster. The effect would be equal to half a booster if 4 members of the same clan are in a squad during the following week and a full booster if there are 8 members.
I don't know how many clans there are and how many rewards would be appropriate, so change the numbers accordingly. Conclave rewards may or may not stack with regular boosters.

Since often the same clan would be first in more than one category maybe give the reward to the next best that hasn't received a boon yet instead. Stacking boons would definitely be too much.

Edited by Kethus
stacking boons
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So, Conclave Clan Tournaments. I like the idea, though instead of being weekly it could be monthly (or coincide with the Sortie seasons).

Participants of the top 3 clans of each tier (shadow, ghost, whatever, mountain) could get a Conclave badge (that works like the Stratos emblem, every time you win it again it slightly changes) and some other non-cosmetic reward (like boosters or maybe event mods/weapons/etc)

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Most players don't play Conclave because of the gameplay. Despite being the same mechanics, it's entirely different from what they're used to in PvE, which creates a huge disparity in skill level between frequent PvP players and PvE focused players.

Also, I'll bet the dragons would win most if not all Conclave competitions, since there's only a few PvP clans.

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@Nazrethim I said weekly because the currently implemented leaderboards appear to be weekly so it would be easier to make if it uses assets that are already there. But that's an example, the idea is to make the clans want to do conclave by rewarding them with something they have to constantly fight for to keep.

@Heckzu That's why the reward shouldn't be something huge, but still big enough to be desirable, and something that is possible to be temporary. It's unavoidable that some clans would be better than others.

Edited by Kethus
addressed Heckzu without double-posting
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Winning matches, number of kills, and K:D, over a week of public matches, is not a good representation of a player's skill level. If anything, there should be some sort of competitive duel/team mode variants for players to actually compete. Otherwise there would be a lot of clan sponsored farming in matches, rather than the occasional non-pvp player who asks their clanmate to help them farm a couple challenges.

I also don't think boosters would be an appropriate award for winning clans. Top players tend to already have all the pve equipment they need, and don't need affinity boosters because they tend to have standing to spare all the time. Cosmetics like permanent armor sets similar to the Guide of the Lotus armor, awarded on a bi-weekly basis to winning clans and individuals. There'd still be some groups of people that complain that DE locked more "content" behind  PvP wall, but since there's no viable way to just farm their way to the top, game integrity should be preserved. It would also be nice to see the celestia permanently lit for any players who place highly in the tournament mode. A special cutscene for top players each season, clan highlights, and an official trailer for a new somewhat competitive conclave expansion could draw some positive attention to pvp.

However all this is assuming DE wants to pursue Conclave as a competitive gamemode, rather than a hardcore gamemode for the experience of just being an epic space ninja having anime level fight sequences.

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Nobody plays conclave because its not fun. Its not fun to jump from one game mode to another with mechanics different from the base game, only to not be able to do anything since its dominated by a dozen players that only play it, 24/7.

Lots of changes that DE made also are reasons why few people play it, like not being able to fight your squad since they all join the same team, cutting standing rewards from challenges by half, which only rewards the few players that dominate conclave and the whole emply dedicated server fiasco. The most fun I had with conclave was when boosting challenges with friends.

Like, wow, I really enjoy finding only empty servers, only to find one that one of the regulars is playing, which is basically invincible due stacking all mobility mods, teporting away if his shields get scratched and is using one of six or so meta weapons with godly aim due playing only this game mode, while I, using a slow frame, with weapons I find fun, coming from a mode where you blow groups instead of focusing in one enemy and having none of the mandatory meta mods, will get killed over and over again, ending the round with maybe 50 standing and a mod that requires me to hit 4 bullets in a split second to get a small damage boost on the 5th bullet.

Honestly, the only solution for conclave is to remove it from the game. It already poisoned Rathuum and now the Index. Adding even more exclusive skins for it wont make even 1% of the player base happy.

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16 hours ago, Kethus said:

Noticed today that absolutely nobody played any sort of Conclave. So why is that, is it because the players don't like the gameplay or because they want to be better rewarded? Since once you get all the rewards there is nothing really to gain from playing I'm assuming it's the latter. Now how about adding a reward that's temporary?

I wasn't really in a clan during the Era of the Dark Sectors, so I didn't participate, but I also haven't heard anyone complaining about people not competing in them. So why not makete clans want to compete in the Conclave? There are already Lunaro leaderboards incorporated into the game that track clans' success. Have the best clans recieve some sort of boon! It will be given to the top clans at the end of the week and will last for 7 days until the leaderboards reset and the boons are given to the best clans of those next 7 days. I probably didn't word this correctly, but I think the readers get my point.

My specific suggestion is the following: Each week the best 5 clans of each leaderboard category (wins, points, goals, assists, etc) and tier (ghost, shadow...) would get a passive aura-like buff with the effects of a booster. Maybe it will be a different kind of booster for different categories, maybe the clan's Warlord picks the kind of reward, maybe all the members vote for a day, maybe DE decides if it will be a credit/affinity/resource booster. The effect would be equal to half a booster if 4 members of the same clan are in a squad during the following week and a full booster if there are 8 members.
I don't know how many clans there are and how many rewards would be appropriate, so change the numbers accordingly. Conclave rewards may or may not stack with regular boosters.

Since often the same clan would be first in more than one category maybe give the reward to the next best that hasn't received a boon yet instead. Stacking boons would definitely be too much.

On xbox we have clans that hold pvp tournements. one is being held in December. 

DE already gave us the tools for that. 

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5 hours ago, MobyTheDuck said:

Nobody plays conclave because its not fun. Its not fun to jump from one game mode to another with mechanics different from the base game, only to not be able to do anything since its dominated by a dozen players that only play it, 24/7.

It's Fun for those that seek skill-based challenge, since other than Rathuum (without cheesing it) or Intex (also, without cheese) are the only somewhat challenging modes DE has added so far it stands to reason that Conclave players are very good. The mechanics are pretty much the same, except some powers work differently and practice is what defines how you well you fare and not what gear you bring.

5 hours ago, MobyTheDuck said:

Lots of changes that DE made also are reasons why few people play it, like not being able to fight your squad since they all join the same team, cutting standing rewards from challenges by half, which only rewards the few players that dominate conclave and the whole emply dedicated server fiasco. The most fun I had with conclave was when boosting challenges with friends.

The dedicated servers are on the first steps, wait until server browsers or something similar is added.

5 hours ago, MobyTheDuck said:

Like, wow, I really enjoy finding only empty servers, only to find one that one of the regulars is playing, which is basically invincible due stacking all mobility mods, teporting away if his shields get scratched and is using one of six or so meta weapons with godly aim due playing only this game mode, while I, using a slow frame, with weapons I find fun, coming from a mode where you blow groups instead of focusing in one enemy and having none of the mandatory meta mods, will get killed over and over again, ending the round with maybe 50 standing and a mod that requires me to hit 4 bullets in a split second to get a small damage boost on the 5th bullet.

There isn't really a "meta" in Conclave right now, sure high mobility is pretty dominant but a single melee stagger can ground the most mobile enemy now. Mods have little impact on gameplay, and the mods that do have an impact have a serious drawback or a gimmick mechanic. If you are used to standing still over a crate spamming the same ability or weapon, then that's your problem, Conclave is not much about gear, is about using your guns, powers, melee and mobility tools to outplay your foe.

5 hours ago, MobyTheDuck said:

Honestly, the only solution for conclave is to remove it from the game. It already poisoned Rathuum and now the Index. Adding even more exclusive skins for it wont make even 1% of the player base happy.

If you don't like it don't play it. If you want it's rewards work for them. "It already poisoned Rathuum and now the Index". Sure, being the inspiration for a truly challenging PvE mode (when not Cheese) without relying on bullsh*T lvl scaling it's poisoning. I actually found those modes as more engaging and Fun than any other direct combat mission due to them requiring me to use what I learned in the Conclave. I also found hilarious when people used to sitting in oldDraco-style farms got beaten into paste due to not being used to move and shoot/melee at the same time or rely entirely on eternal AoE nuke/CC map lockdowns. Adding more cosmetics items will make the players who enjoy the mode and apreciate DE's efforts on it happy.

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1 hour ago, (XB1)Aeries Vendetta said:

On xbox we have clans that hold pvp tournements. one is being held in December. 

DE already gave us the tools for that. 

That is awesome! Are there gonna be streams? where can I follow the tournament's progress? :3

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11 hours ago, Nazrethim said:

It's Fun for those that seek skill-based challenge, since other than Rathuum (without cheesing it) or Intex (also, without cheese) are the only somewhat challenging modes DE has added so far it stands to reason that Conclave players are very good. The mechanics are pretty much the same, except some powers work differently and practice is what defines how you well you fare and not what gear you bring.

It is fun, as long you actually play with players near your skill level. I'm pretty sure I dont have fun while I'm dying every 10 seconds and I cant improve because I'm always dead and cant get the standing for mandatory mods.
Its like if you played Dota, and right after your calibration rounds, you would only get matched against the International teams. 'Skill level' are the keywords here. Maybe regulars have a blast killing that newbie over and over again, then laughing and telling him to 'get good' once he decideds to never play Conclave again.

11 hours ago, Nazrethim said:

There isn't really a "meta" in Conclave right now, sure high mobility is pretty dominant but a single melee stagger can ground the most mobile enemy now. Mods have little impact on gameplay, and the mods that do have an impact have a serious drawback or a gimmick mechanic.

I'll call BS on not existing a 'meta', because there sure is. Try playing with less than 1.00 mobility and see what happens. +Health/Shields mods are useless on Conclave, every regular player will always stack every +Mobility mod and use a small selection of weapons, those usually being snipers, Daikyu or Braton.
Some mods are mandatory, stuff like Lie In Wait, Rentless Assault, the increased weapon hoster speed ones, mobility mods, among others. Not having those means you will be severely crippled and turns you into dead meat as soon as you enter a round.

Melee stagger is easier said than done, with ping and lag compensation, its like trying to catch flies with chopsticks. 9 times out of 10, I'll hit an afterimage, if my attack actually hits, only God knows if it caused stagger, because I'm dead either way.

Even if I try to escape and manuever around corners, I drop dead either way. I guess bullets can curve and melee has 10m range, since jumping out of the way still means I take the full channeling blender multi hit attack or get headshot across a wall.

So, what happens? I'm forced to play the meta to 'get good' or at least not die. So that means playing a mobile frame with low health/armor and the same 3 weapons. NO, I dont want to play that. I want to play with a slow &#! Rhino, using the Penta and the Angstrum! Guess what, it sucks and I cant do anything, since low mobility = easy death and for some INSANE reason, explosives have this unreal damage falloff if YOU are away from the blast range.

12 hours ago, Nazrethim said:

Conclave is not much about gear, is about using your guns, powers, melee and mobility tools to outplay your foe.

So it IS about gear. If you dont play with the right gear, you lose.

12 hours ago, Nazrethim said:

If you don't like it don't play it. If you want it's rewards work for them. "It already poisoned Rathuum and now the Index". Sure, being the inspiration for a truly challenging PvE mode (when not Cheese) without relying on bullsh*T lvl scaling it's poisoning. I actually found those modes as more engaging and Fun than any other direct combat mission due to them requiring me to use what I learned in the Conclave. I also found hilarious when people used to sitting in oldDraco-style farms got beaten into paste due to not being used to move and shoot/melee at the same time or rely entirely on eternal AoE nuke/CC map lockdowns. Adding more cosmetics items will make the players who enjoy the mode and apreciate DE's efforts on it happy.

I like it. I want to work for the rewards instead of boosting with people, but I cant do much lying dead on the floor.
And I'm sorry, but both Rathuum and Index 'challenge' involved having no energy and insane level scaling. If we had the same mechanics from Conclave on them, making it basically Conclave vs Bots, then would be actually fun! But all we got was PvE and a hammer to our knees.

Honestly, all my equipment was leveled outside Draco/something similar. Even if it meant bringing stuff like an unranked Stug for some missions.
And as I said, adding even more content locked behind conclave will only make the small SMALL playerbase happy.

If anything, they should either focus on making a Conclave variation of Rathuum/Index, or adding skill levels so newbies fresh from the conditioning dont get stomped by regulars and never play again, or maybe adding a more 'grounded' Conclave mode for those who cant keep up with high mobility.

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4 minutes ago, MobyTheDuck said:


So far we have recruit conditioning, though honestly I think there should be at least 3 tiers of instead of two (Initiation/Mistral/Whirldwind >>> Tempest/Hurricane >>> Typhoon). As for lag, well, dedicated servers somewhat eased that a bit.

When I said it's "not about gear" I meant specific gear, there isn't a winning combination, everything is generally balanced.

While low mobility are rare, they are capable of going on par if you know when and where to strike, seek areas of the battlefield where mobility is hindered or try to lure your enemies. You can tank a few shots while the super mobility die pretty easily.

Mandatory mods are few and most are quite accessible at lower conclave rank.

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