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Sedna Junction is not how you get old players back in


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5 hours ago, MXultra said:

I don't care what a principle room is or what useless mods I can get from it. 0/3

You see, you unlock things by completing requirements, If you don't do the principle room challenges, then you don't unlock anything. It's as simple as that. If you go to Lua, most squads there are either Sentient farming or Principle room hunting. And sometimes even both, You can get them done in about 2 runs considering how 4 sentients spawn and approx 2 - 3 principle rooms spawn per run.


Vey hek isn't even that hard to do again OP, it's tedious but it's far from hard and would only consume a little bit of your time - I agree that it should already be completed if you HAVE beaten vay hek though.

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DE has been telling us what the requirements for TWW are for a long time, they even told pretty much all content creators to share the info too..

I am sorry to tell you but if you didn't know you had to complete Sedna's Junction to play TWW is only because you didn't want to know.


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I already cleared everything before that stuff was being tracked. I joined in U7, I'm MR 22. This is like putting a professor through summer school.

A lot of you just see this as a personal complaint, but I really mean it as constructive criticism. We've already heard of players wanting to get back in, but being turned off by the requirements and quitting. I liked WF enough to waste my time on the forums trying to help them out, knowing full well that I'm going to get **** from noobs.

My hope is that 10 minutes wasted on the forums will save me a few hours wasted in WF. But that 10 minutes is up, so I officially quit Warframe until the restrictions are lifted.

2 minutes ago, Loobiz said:

I am sorry to tell you but if you didn't know you had to complete Sedna's Junction to play TWW is only because you didn't want to know.

I'm sorry to tell you, but not everyone cares about the hype train as much as you. Some people have other responsibilities that prevent them from staying plugged into DE's twitter.

Edited by MXultra
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4 minutes ago, MXultra said:

I already cleared everything before that stuff was being tracked. I joined in U7, I'm MR 22. This is like putting a professor through summer school.

A lot of you just see this as a personal complaint, but I really mean it as constructive criticism. We've already heard of players wanting to get back in, but being turned off by the requirements and quitting. I liked WF enough to waste my time on the forums trying to help them out, knowing full well that I'm going to get **** from noobs.

My hope is that 10 minutes wasted on the forums will save me a few hours wasted in WF. But that 10 minutes is up, so I officially quit Warframe until the restrictions are lifted.

I personally think it's a little bit silly to quit Warframe because you have to spend perhaps the best of an hour to do something, not even that - Eitherway the decision is up to you.

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6 minutes ago, MXultra said:

I already cleared everything before that stuff was being tracked. I joined in U7, I'm MR 22. This is like putting a professor through summer school.

A lot of you just see this as a personal complaint, but I really mean it as constructive criticism. We've already heard of players wanting to get back in, but being turned off by the requirements and quitting. I liked WF enough to waste my time on the forums trying to help them out, knowing full well that I'm going to get **** from noobs.

My hope is that 10 minutes wasted on the forums will save me a few hours wasted in WF. But that 10 minutes is up, so I officially quit Warframe until the restrictions are lifted.

I totally get what you are saying about this, and i understand the feel of frustration with it.  I felt that way too.

However, it took nothing for me to breeze through those requirements and finally get the quest.  Way too easy, just like the quest I worked to get.

Edited by VampirePirate
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5 minutes ago, MXultra said:

I already cleared everything before that stuff was being tracked. I joined in U7, I'm MR 22. This is like putting a professor through summer school.

A lot of you just see this as a personal complaint, but I really mean it as constructive criticism. We've already heard of players wanting to get back in, but being turned off by the requirements and quitting. I liked WF enough to waste my time on the forums trying to help them out, knowing full well that I'm going to get **** from noobs.

My hope is that 10 minutes wasted on the forums will save me a few hours wasted in WF. But that 10 minutes is up, so I officially quit Warframe until the restrictions are lifted.

You are someone who has accomplished as much as you say you did... it really saddens me how easily you give up on Warframe.

Edited by ZiLei
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5 hours ago, Borg1611 said:

Yea, when I downloaded the update and came back after a long break, I came back for TWW, not to farm drift mods to complete a junction I never cared about before.

I have a friend that dled update, logged in, saw you needed to do the junction, said nope, logged out, will probably not be playing TWW.

I'm currently doing it, but farming Lua maps for tests I can do solo is not what I had in mind when I came back to see the update. Very poor design choice. It's like if WoW released a new expansion and said, guess what guys, you have to complete all the old outdated content you don't care about before we let you touch the new stuff!!! They would never do that because it would be stupid. 

Also note that there was ZERO INDICATION upon logging in that guides you to what you have to do. I had to google to find out that I needed to do the sedna junction. How stupid is that? Brand new content, you should want to pull people into it and guide them to it, but I logged in and seemingly nothing was different. No in-game mail, nothing contacting me telling me hey, go do X ! Just the same old Warframe, standing in my ship, no indication within the game itself that anything new even existed...

Exactly, they need to have like an AI that guides you or hints you as to what you need to do next or where to go and what to do  and not have you running in cycles. Like the AI similar to EVE Online  .  I am still trying to figure out why i cant get the TWW quest mail even thou i have sedna junction completed and it still has a lock symbol ???

Edited by Omega22
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Just now, ZiLei said:

As someone who has accomplished as much as you say you did... it really saddens me how easily you give up on Warframe.

Honestly, it was Damage 2.0 and a number of other changes that gradually killed it for me. I was hoping fresh enemies an environments would rekindle my interest.

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5 hours ago, Gelkor said:

Honest to goodness, I didn't know there actually were vets who didn't complete all junctions a few days after SotR dropped. 

there's not reason to complete them for vets. They provide nothing to most people.

5 hours ago, ZiLei said:

^^^^^^^ it's just sad that lots of these kind of post make vets look like a bunch of cry babies... even newbies in my guild are confused at this outcry.. "I don't want to do this because I don't want to!" This kind of mentality I really do not understand..

They dont want to do it because they have  completed those requirements endless times but because of the new system they have to do them again.

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1 minute ago, Mak_Gohae said:

there's not reason to complete them for vets. They provide nothing to most people.

They dont want to do it because they have  completed those requirements endless times but because of the new system they have to do them again.

If they complete it endless times... I don't see the point of infinity + 1 because it's still infinity... so just do it?

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1 hour ago, ZiLei said:

If they complete it endless times... I don't see the point of infinity + 1 because it's still infinity... so just do it?

cause it's a new update and they just want to play it.

They dont want to load up the game and have to run a bunch of stuff over and over.

This stuff was completed on their own time before.

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I agree, this system of locking things behind junctions is just ridiculous and boring. They should have based it off of planet unlocks and not junctions, that would make it not boring and not affect new player progression.

Of course your post is going to get buried with belittlement and no constructive rebuttals since Warframe has the most rabid fanboys of any player base I have ever seen that will defend anything that DE does.

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2 hours ago, Mak_Gohae said:

cause it's a new update and they just want to play it.

They dont want to load up the game and have to run a bunch of stuff over and over.

This stuff was completed on their own time before.

Actually the stuff they complete before would be count as completed already... The only reason it's asking you to do them because they have not done them at all. 

These guys are just saying if they have the planet unlock they should progress the story... which makes your argument invalid

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10 hours ago, ZiLei said:

Actually the stuff they complete before would be count as completed already... The only reason it's asking you to do them because they have not done them at all. 

These guys are just saying if they have the planet unlock they should progress the story... which makes your argument invalid

You're wrong.
I'm MR22 and I've done all the requirements except the principle rooms, but it says I've done none of them.

Why are you pretending to know what you're talking about?

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14 hours ago, MXultra said:

Honestly, it was Damage 2.0 and a number of other changes that gradually killed it for me. I was hoping fresh enemies an environments would rekindle my interest.

Probably bugged for you then? I only had to do scanning, principe, and new enemies that I haven't kill when I came back? Or maybe I just play the game and complete majority of them without noticing. Anyway just go back to your hiatus until Warframe "fix" this... if they ever will.

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I have played Warframe for nearly 1000 hours and came back after having not played for 4 or 5 months. This principle challenge room thing or whatever requirement is such BS for such an essential part of the story. I've done Second Dream and I have the Sedna planet unlocked. Why do I still have to deal with this RNG junction  grind BS?

I just ran the damn place about 6 times and I have no idea what the hell I am looking for. I know 6-7 runs isn't much in Warframe but with all this hype about the story and trying to get players to come back, you would think DE would at least try to mask the grind and RNG a bit better. For something so critical to the progression of the story, I shouldn't have to go to the @(*()$ wiki to find out what it is. "Oh, I hope you notice these random things lighting up as you're running through the map at 1000MPH." The challenges aren't even guaranteed spawns and the randomness of the tile sets don't help at all. You have to search every inch of the tileset using the terrible map on your screen.

Oh, you found a challenge? Hope you brought the proper frame or good luck getting through some of them. I've seen the Endurance one 3 times now and each time my party failed because either we didn't know how to do it correctly or we had squishy frames and failed to do it properly. I just got done watching an ally fail the agility test with the fairy frame for 10-15mins. The new quest isn't worth all this trouble.

I had planned on buying 2000 plat or so, completing the new quest, and farming for Vauban Prime, but never mind. I guess I'll go back to Overwatch and Battlefield  until DE makes some changes. I didn't expect to meet the RNG/Grind brick wall as soon as I returned.  2 hours played today, 0 challenges completed. GG

Edited by Yinkuji
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20 hours ago, Gelkor said:

Honest to goodness, I didn't know there actually were vets who didn't complete all junctions a few days after SotR dropped. 

I did the sedna junktion yesterday, still haven't done some of the others.

Doing the lua puzzles where a pain in the &#!, as I had to do them solo. I had to repeat 20 or more times and in the end I got the detection laser room 3 times (thanks to 2 well timed bulletjumps the easiest and fasted puzzle).

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2 minutes ago, (XB1)Englands Own said:

A quick question to you PC gamers out there. I play on the Xbox One and I've completed all planet nodes pre SOTR. Does that mean I have to do all the junctions again to enable me to do TWW when it lands on consoles?.

Only the sedna junktion on pluto.

God knows why.

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28 minutes ago, (XB1)Englands Own said:

So another quick question to you guys, I've already done the 7 principles on console, will I have to do them again?, the Agility Drift was a real pain for me.

Did you do them before or after Specters of the Rail. You only need to do 3 total, and they can be the same one.

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36 minutes ago, (XB1)VTG xSTEVIEx said:

I'm not sure I understand, are you mad that you did not know about it? And now have to play through some progress locks to unlock the new hotness? Or is it just about the prerequisites required to unlock the new hotness?

It's that my only interest is the new content and I'm letting DE know I'm not willing to do this BS to get to it.

This isn't even one of those "you can spend plat to bypass the grind" situations. Locking players out helps them in no way.

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