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Sedna Junction is not how you get old players back in


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19 hours ago, MXultra said:

Gotta love fanbabies calling people crybabies. I always forget how defensive WF's community is.

Anyone that's played this game a while starts to find it mind-numbingly boring. I like DE as a developer, but if you want players that have grown bored to come back, don't put a wall of boredom between them and  the new content. You think it's just my personal opinion, but I'm speaking on behalf of a lot of bored players.

Yes. Yes you are. And that isnt sarcasm.

Look. New content. My girl and I should finally log back in and try it.

Oh, wait. We HAVE to go back and fight those utterly tedious Sentients again? Despite having killed 50 of them? 

We HAVE to go do MORE "Challenge" rooms on the moon? Despite having done them?

We HAVE to grind just to unlock the "New" content? By playing old content AGAIN? AND Suffer a forced Archwing segment to boot?

Ok then. Back to Shadow Warrior 2 we go. Goodbye and fare you well, Warframe.

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38 minutes ago, (XB1)VTG xSTEVIEx said:

So you're whole complaint is about a bug? Try a ticket yet?

This is not a bug. IF you had already completed the tasks required by the junction 'honey do' lists BEFORE the release of the new star map, they don't count. For example, I ran Lua and got all the Principle Challenge Room (Drift) mods, and some several times over, but when the junctions were released, the code does not look into player stats or inventory to determine whether or not you have the tasks completed. Accordingly, even if you've already killed Vay Hek 50 times and even have the challenge unlocked, if it was before the creation of these junctions, it doesn't count. Same for killing sentients and whatever else.

People are failing to understand that it isn't the issue of having to do the junction, it's more of an issue that vets have done the task requirements a hundred times over, but they don't reflect properly IF they were done prior to the release of the junctions. Is it a huge deal? Not really. The &#!-pain came for me when I followed Twitch and the livestream from 3pm, so excited for the drop, only to find out I couldn't even play the damn thing because it required one of the two junctions I hadn't gone back to open. Same for the three other friends who wanted to play - one another vet and the other two newer players. So, we spent the remainder of our night chasing sentients, jumping into organ pipes and other various orifices to get mods and chasing Chicken Man across the goddarn map. Just wasn't my idea of a good time.

*And before someone pipes up about pre-knowing you had to have the junction open:  Please understand that although I do not post often on the forums (I have plenty of sodium in my diet, thanks), I read them daily. I never saw or heard in the Dev Stream that you'd have to have this junction open. I do not sit on YouTube and watch others play a game I like to play myself. I expect, and I believe reasonably so, info like this should come from DE in a sticky post, not some rando on YouTube. Just my two cents.

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28 minutes ago, DJ_Tyranny said:

This is not a bug. IF you had already completed the tasks required by the junction 'honey do' lists BEFORE the release of the new star map, they don't count. For example, I ran Lua and got all the Principle Challenge Room (Drift) mods, and some several times over, but when the junctions were released, the code does not look into player stats or inventory to determine whether or not you have the tasks completed. Accordingly, even if you've already killed Vay Hek 50 times and even have the challenge unlocked, if it was before the creation of these junctions, it doesn't count. Same for killing sentients and whatever else.

People are failing to understand that it isn't the issue of having to do the junction, it's more of an issue that vets have done the task requirements a hundred times over, but they don't reflect properly IF they were done prior to the release of the junctions. Is it a huge deal? Not really. The &#!-pain came for me when I followed Twitch and the livestream from 3pm, so excited for the drop, only to find out I couldn't even play the damn thing because it required one of the two junctions I hadn't gone back to open. Same for the three other friends who wanted to play - one another vet and the other two newer players. So, we spent the remainder of our night chasing sentients, jumping into organ pipes and other various orifices to get mods and chasing Chicken Man across the goddarn map. Just wasn't my idea of a good time.

*And before someone pipes up about pre-knowing you had to have the junction open:  Please understand that although I do not post often on the forums (I have plenty of sodium in my diet, thanks), I read them daily. I never saw or heard in the Dev Stream that you'd have to have this junction open. I do not sit on YouTube and watch others play a game I like to play myself. I expect, and I believe reasonably so, info like this should come from DE in a sticky post, not some rando on YouTube. Just my two cents.

So its about the requirements? Or not knowing beforehand? Yah SOTR did make players who completed the chart already to do it again but they addressed this with saying it would provide feedback from both new and old players alike 

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Just now, (XB1)VTG xSTEVIEx said:

So its about the requirements? Or not knowing beforehand?

Honestly, it's about both. IF I had known about them beforehand (or had any of my clanmates/friends so we could share the info amongst each other), we could have prepared better, but it's not that huge of a deal. We'd have done the necessaries to do the Sedna junction before the drop. We all were already in the process of unlocking them, but more 'as and when' rather than some unknown sense of urgency. However, it's also that the requirements were bogus for many of whom already had 10,000 rubedo, yet needed to complete a task of "Get 500 rubedo." Kill Vay Hek when stats show you've killed him several times over, etc. It is fine for new players because they are given blueprints, materials, quests and so on and it provides a sense of accomplishment. For those who have already done those things, it's sort of an unnecessary add to grind that already runs rampant. I feel like I paid my dues - completed all the requirements a long time ago, and my reward was being able to enjoy the parts of the game I find enticing, which are many. I feel like I earned that choice by opening up the nodes, fighting the bosses, getting my frames the hard way, my mods, weapons, resources, credits, etc. the hard way. Then to have these junctions thrown at you, in which the task lists completely void your prior accomplishments... it feels shoddy. 

Now I am an adult, I don't have to have everything 'right meow!" and I have a lot of patience. I am not trying to make mountains out of molehills. Yes, the quest was there the next day and I was able to do it. Yes I ran Sedna, helped three other people get theirs open and it didn't kill me. It is just meant as a simple piece of feedback that by those junctions not reflecting the accomplishments of the past, it causes unnecessary grind, for no reason. It is also meant as feedback to suggest to DE, as much as I adore and respect them, that their reliance on Wikis, YouTubers, Twitch, Reddit, Twitter, etc. ad nauseum, seems irresponsible. Be accountable for your own game. Present needed info. on the forums and display it loudly and proudly so everyone knows there is ONE sure way to get the latest and greatest. And you can access it from the ship under News.

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12 minutes ago, (XB1)VTG xSTEVIEx said:

Ah I see, so you want to know before any new grinding comes out as well as a retroactive payment on all players who have completed any tasks deemed necessary to complete new content.i was just trying to figure out what's the big deal without any spoilers 

Just think about it logically from a marketing perspective. You're promoting a new update, you want players talking about the new stuff, but at best you're making players angry and at worst you're having people walk away.

Trying to figure out quantitatively whether or not it's a big deal is irrelevant. It was a bad idea and it's easy to change.

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On 12/11/2016 at 6:12 PM, MXultra said:

I got no explanation on why the first topic was deleted. This is constructive criticism from someone that joined in U7.

Get rid of the Sedna Junction requirement for TWW.

I've beaten Vay Hek countless times, still says 0/1
I've beaten tons of those annoying damage immunity enemies, still says 2/10
I don't care what a principle room is or what useless mods I can get from it. 0/3

EDIT: I was hoping fresh enemies an environments would rekindle my interest, can't take the wall of boredom to reach them.

it's more easy to get rid you . If you cant spend 1 or 2 hours at most in complete the requierements , better quit now . About mods , at least 2 of the lua mods are use in a lot of builds so... that you think that are useless speak about your knowledge of the game , maybe "the professor" need to spend time in that .

Edited by Yagamilight123
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On 12.11.2016 at 11:38 PM, ZiLei said:

^^^^^^^ it's just sad that lots of these kind of post make vets look like a bunch of cry babies... even newbies in my guild are confused at this outcry.. "I don't want to do this because I don't want to!" This kind of mentality I really do not understand..

Because we did it ALOT and ALOT and ALOT already, very simple.

I had all Drift Mods and had to find 3 duplicates for no good reason other than to complete the Sedna Junction. Why I had to do it in the first place although my Starmap was completed before its rework is a mystery to me.

I remember very clearly when we have been told in a Dev Stream veteran players would have a reason to do the Junctions as well. And I still wonder to this day what that could mean, it can`t be for a blueprint for low level weapons we most likely already have, or Quests we most likely already did! oO

Ok the cutscene was cool - once! 

You can only mash eeee eee eeeee eeee so much across several months before you start to question why. And forcing content on players who are sick of it.....well. 


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14 hours ago, Gelkor said:

Did you do them before or after Specters oDrnil. You only need to do 3 t otal, and they can be the same one.

Hi, I checked the Junxtion and It was showing 2 of 3 mods, so I ran one which happened to be the Coaction Drift puzzle with myself and two others.We got the mod and It's Showing 3 of 3 now. Thanks for your reply.

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12 hours ago, MXultra said:

Mods, can we get any confirmation that DE is considering dropping the Sedna Junction requirements from TWW?

There has been ample backlash and it benefits you none to keep them.

I would like to know this as well.

My brother and I came back to Warframe just to check out TWW, because the story missions are pretty much the only things keeping us from uninstalling Warframe. We're done with the constant grind, but we still love the lore of Warframe's universe.

To be honest, I don't mind if they kept the junction as a requirement. My brother and I didn't have much difficulty completing everything except for the Lua mods. If they changed that requirement to something else that didn't involve the dreaded RNG system, that would be great. The two of us just have the worst luck when it comes to finding those rooms.

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kinda silly that the new quest is gated for the older vets

it's like saying

try this out man this is good stuff but i locked your room and changed the lock to your house and your computer I changed the password and you have some how get through all that to finally try it out isn't that great!

forgive me but i would rather forego not playing the game over getting told to yell uncle


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I still did it. No excuses.  

There are things in TWW that are legitimate to complain about, but Sedna junction isn't one of them.
If anything, junctions give newbies a reason to progress and get rewarded. 
I like that.

So no special pass should be given to vets like ourselves. 
Do what we have to do.

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I feel the same way, OP.

I've done those required things before Specters of the Rail.

I completed some challenge rooms on Lua, I've killed some Sentients there.


Some people might ask - well then, why is it such a problem, go ahead and do it again. It's not like it's difficult or anything, right? Right.

The thing is, it's boring and it's doing the same thing again and again. And feeling of boredom is the exact reason why I'm taking longer and longer breaks from Warframe.

Knowing that I have to do boring stuff before I can even start the quest does not encourage me to return to the game at all.

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The Sedna junction is a gearcheck. If you can do this, you're good to go for TWW.

It's a bit clumsy, but it's not hard to do if you're geared well and familiar with the basic game systems. You aren't meant to do this right out of the box with a 100 hours of gametime.

Yeah, I'd done all this stuff before the junctions were a thing, but going back and doing it was pretty much a two hour project at most. So I had to take an hour or two out of my usual relic farming routine to do some other stuff. Woe is me.

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On 11/12/2016 at 2:42 PM, Borg1611 said:

The majority of players in the player bases of most games are actually not completionists. 

Considering the primary means of advancement in Warframe is "get all the things." I kinda assumed there'd be a greater overlap.

Idunno, I guess I'm wrong. But when SotR came out I looked at the junctions and was all: "Huh, new checklist to do, done most of this, not all of it, may as well do it." And completed in a few days while I was also doing the Ordis Fragment Hunt. Wasn't hard, and it came out months ago. *shrug*

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9 minutes ago, rapt0rman said:

Got everything done in around 5-6 missions (out of the thousands upon thousands of missions that I've run in this game) and then moved on with my life. Genuinely can't fathom the outcry about this.

I think the thing about the outcry is a lot of people feel like DE purposefully didn't count any progress pre-SotR.

But the fact is that DE didn't have a tracking system for the things the Junctions required prior to SotR, which is why only Junction Requirements like MR or Quest progress we awarded.

If DE actually had the logs to credit veterans for things done pre-SotR they would have, but they didn't, and it's really not all that hard to do it again.

Kill Vay Hek, OMG, that's 5 minutes, go look for some newbies trying to farm Hydroid and help them out.

Kill some Sentients, omg, that's 12 minutes in survival to kill 10, you may even get Vengeful Revenant to sell.

Get some drift mods while you're doing it, oh gee, you already have them? Sell the extras. 

Hunt some Cephalon Fragments while you're there.

Also scan some Lunar Pitchers for The Silver Grove while you're there too.

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On 11/12/2016 at 3:51 PM, OvisCaedo said:

I can't believe we're expected to progress through the game to progress through the game's plot!

You might think that you're clever or edgy, but you're missing the point completely.

Older players have already progressed through the game.  We're being tasked with adding more redundancy to the redundancy that we've already repeated in the course of repeating other redundancy.  Does that seem a little redundant?  It should.

For me, it was a matter of getting the two more drift mods before I could play the quest.  You know, two more drift mods to put on the pile of drift mods that I already have.  It's not as if I hadn't already progressed through the game WELL PAST THIS POINT.  I had a few hours of play time before I could even look at the new quest because I simply couldn't seem to locate the tests.  I don't know if they just weren't spawning up or if I was missing them, but a few hours trying to locate idiotic jump puzzles was a bit of a turn off in order to see the new stuff.

The junction isn't much of an issue in itself.  The tasks are not undoable for any person that has this complaint, and anyone past that point can more or less one shot the guardian at it.

The reason I hadn't unlocked it in the first place?  Because it was already unlocked long before the junction came to be.  Not only the node unlocked, but every one of its tasks was not something new either, I'd done all that too.  The reason it sat that way is because the unfinished portion was stuff I didn't care to do all over again just to arbitrarily unlock something that was already unlocked.

Is it a method of "making sure we have Sedna unlocked"....sure it is.  Of course, the game could also just check and see if we have all the nodes unlocked there, or check to see if we own three drift mods, etc.  As much as I love the responsiveness to some of this games problems that DE gives, it really needs to stop with the "when we aren't sure how to solve something will solve it with player repetition" mantra because it's gone beyond the game being a grinder to the point of insulting the playerbase.


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