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Sedna Junction is not how you get old players back in


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3 minutes ago, rapt0rman said:

Genuinely can't fathom the outcry about this.

And you don't have to. This isn't a vote. It won't affect you.

However, you can see there are significant numbers of veteran players that are passing on TWW specifically for this reason. Remember that each player that is actually motivated enough to post on the forums represents hundreds of players that don't care enough to post but feel the same way.

This happens from time to time, DE just botches the release of an update.
But they're usually smart enough to fix it.

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6 minutes ago, Thrymm said:

or check to see if we own three drift mods, etc.  As much as I love the responsiveness to some of this games problems that DE gives, it really needs to stop with the "when we aren't sure how to solve something will solve it with player repetition" mantra because it's gone beyond the game being a grinder to the point of insulting the playerbase.


I think the reason for not simply scanning "do you have this item in your inventory" is because it's about completing the test, not merely owning the mod. Players could have simply purchased the mod, and that's not what they wanted. And because there's no achievement or tracking system for the Drift tests, then they didn't have a way to retroactively award completion.

Just like "craft mastery locked gun" requirements, they didn't track if you bought it with plat or built it prior to SotR, now they do, and going forward these things can be tracked.

They awarded what they could, and it's not that hard or long to repeat what they couldn't.

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5 minutes ago, MXultra said:

Then again, how hard would it be to just unlock TWW to players over MR20?

That wouldn't guarantee that they have the starchart unlocked. I know plenty of MR 20's who only have 3 Mercury nodes and then Draco unlocked. I don't want to hear the ruckus of people complaining they can't progress through the quest because they don't have an Archwing or can't access the node on Neptune or Sedna because they never unlocked it.

Oh wait maybe I do, carry on. 

Edited by Gelkor
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3 minutes ago, MXultra said:

That's poorly reasoned. If they've only done Draco, then they have nothing to complain about, Sedna Junction would be new content to them.

And I'm pretty sure you need Archwing content to reach MR20 anyway.

You can be MR 20 and only have Odonata, Veritux, and Imperator with 0 levels in them. I've run into it a lot while helping people farm Atlas.

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15 minutes ago, Gelkor said:

I think the reason for not simply scanning "do you have this item in your inventory" is because it's about completing the test, not merely owning the mod. Players could have simply purchased the mod, and that's not what they wanted. And because there's no achievement or tracking system for the Drift tests, then they didn't have a way to retroactively award completion.

Just like "craft mastery locked gun" requirements, they didn't track if you bought it with plat or built it prior to SotR, now they do, and going forward these things can be tracked.

They awarded what they could, and it's not that hard or long to repeat what they couldn't.

I understand you're logic(and ultimately it's what any of us had to do), and perhaps the reason I see it as just another slap is because of a bitter taste from the content unto itself.

The game has grown in leaps and bounds to allow players to not use content they don't want.  DE did a fantastic job of this and has continued to be responsive in regards to things such as the relic system.

For those of us that have not bothered to finish the new junctions in the months that we've had the opportunity(it certainly wasn't a matter of missing time), understand that there was a reason for this----we didn't want to.  We didn't need to because we already had the content unlocked, and if they didn't complete incidentally as we played the game, there was a specific reason for this.

In my case, I hadn't gone back and gotten drift mods that I already had.  If I'd found those drift tests enjoyable, surely I'd have done enough to finish these requirements(I bet I've run past hundreds of them while killing Sentients or simply farming neurodes on Lua)  The reason for this is that I don't like jump puzzles, if I wanted that kind of game I'd play tomb raider.  These kinds of arbitrary gatings force us to do what we don't want to do, and not only that is forcing us to do it over again after completing it.

So yeah, just doing it is the thing we've had to do.  In the future, I'd hope they consider this more heavily.  Perhaps I'm a bit of a pessimist, though, because I just had to complete jump puzzles to get a jump puzzle quest to find out I needed to grind existing sorties so....yeah, I guess I'm hard to please at the moment:P

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9 minutes ago, Zhoyzu said:

His point is hes already progressed and now has to repeat the same progress so he can enjoy the new progression in plot

And so what?

For an experienced tenno, the whole thing is trivial to begin with. It's a bit annoying because, yeah, I did it before. On the other hand, it doesn't take much time to do it again. You also had plenty of warning this was coming.

I had to take a night to do the drift thing again, but the team I had was fun to run with and I got one new mod and some extras. I also learned that Titania is Sentient kryptonite--if she sees them coming. Oh, and I forgot about Vay Hek and had to ventilate his sorry fundament again before I left for work one day. Yeah, that was a major imposition on my time. Not.

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2 hours ago, Sloan441 said:

And so what?

Still completely missing the point. It's not about whether or not the challenges are too challenging or how many hours it would take. Personally, I could breeze through it, but I'm boycotting TWW to let DE know what a bad idea it was.

Not everyone watches the streams, some people just see "Oh, new WF update", and then realize they have hours of boredom ahead of them just to see the new stuff.
It's a needless restriction and it's turning people away. That's all you need to know.

I'm done here. GG, DE.

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5 hours ago, Sloan441 said:

And so what?

For an experienced tenno, the whole thing is trivial to begin with. It's a bit annoying because, yeah, I did it before. On the other hand, it doesn't take much time to do it again. You also had plenty of warning this was coming.

I had to take a night to do the drift thing again, but the team I had was fun to run with and I got one new mod and some extras. I also learned that Titania is Sentient kryptonite--if she sees them coming. Oh, and I forgot about Vay Hek and had to ventilate his sorry fundament again before I left for work one day. Yeah, that was a major imposition on my time. Not.

I have no opinion one way or the other to be honest. Although i would lean to it not being an issue seeing as it was all pretty trivial. I hadnt even done most of that stuff before anyways.

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Call me crazy, but I'd rather finish a few tedious tasks in the game to play some new content then... let's say... pay for it like other games do. I know there is the allure of being able to get your hands on it instantly, but for those of us who had already done the Sedna Junction before the release of TWW... well... we did get it instantly.


And oh, if you think that the junction's tasks are bad, wait until you get a load of the new Riven Mod system!

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8 hours ago, Thrymm said:

Older players have already progressed through the game.

Except older players haven't done the junctions which were just recently added. Like it or not, they exist now and they're necessary to be done. We were told that we'd need to re-do them, even as vets, ages ago and we were warned a little over a month in advance about the fact we'd need Sedna done.

To quote someone else complaining, "this isn't a vote." You either do it or you don't do TWW.

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39 minutes ago, Chipputer said:

To quote someone else complaining, "this isn't a vote." You either do it or you don't do TWW.

Because you work for DE, right?

I said it wan't a vote because anyone who has completed the requirements is absolutely irrelevant. It would not affect you.
You have no reason to oppose this, so GTFO.

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It's actually not that bad. I finished it in less than an hour.

If you're looking to do the Principle Challenges, you can go to Plato, Lua. There's always people trying to do them, and the Drift Exilus mods are nice. And Sentients will spawn there (usually about two or three per mission), so it won't take that long to do them. It's nice because you're killing two birds with one stone. If anything, you could just ask for a squad in the recruiting channel.

And Vay Hek on Earth isn't too bad, either. There's usually people doing boss runs anyways, so...

Instead of complaining about outrageous requirements, if you just sit down and do them, they're actually not that bad. I felt overwhelmed until I actually started doing it.

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9 minutes ago, Zachles said:

It's actually not that bad. I finished it in less than an hour.

Still completely missing the point.
The point is the number of players that are choosing to walk away over something that shouldn't have been a requirement for this update.

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26 minutes ago, MXultra said:

Still completely missing the point.
The point is the number of players that are choosing to walk away over something that shouldn't have been a requirement for this update.

You have substantial evidence to back up what you're saying?

The time you spent complaining about something that isn't, in all likelihood, going to be changed, you could have completed the Junction several times over by now. But instead, here you are.

It's not that difficult. Actually, the most difficult thing about the Junction was killing the specter. The Junctions are just tedious, but so are a lot of things in Warframe.

If you want to play the War Within bad enough (which I'm sure a lot of people do), then you're going to complete that Junction. Digital Extremes even made it known a month beforehand that the Pluto-Sedna Junction was required to begin the quest. That's more than enough advance notice.

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11 minutes ago, Zachles said:

You have substantial evidence to back up what you're saying?

The time you spent complaining about something that isn't, in all likelihood, going to be changed, you could have completed the Junction several times over by now. But instead, here you are.

It's not that difficult. Actually, the most difficult thing about the Junction was killing the specter. The Junctions are just tedious, but so are a lot of things in Warframe.

If you want to play the War Within bad enough (which I'm sure a lot of people do), then you're going to complete that Junction. Digital Extremes even made it known a month beforehand that the Pluto-Sedna Junction was required to begin the quest. That's more than enough advance notice.

Plenty of other players in this topic have testified to logging in to see the new update and then uninstalling when they find the requirements.

The matter is not that the requirements are too challenging, I could have breezed through them if that's what this were about, but you are still missing the point entirely.


Only the people on the hype train heard about the requirements ahead of time. There was no warning in-game, there was no email to players that haven't followed the game in a while. So that point is moot because if everyone had been effectively informed, then you would actually be able to say "you were told ahead of time".

And DE has corrected some of their major mistakes before. Nekros' originally release had 3-stage RNG. Find nav coords, then in special nav coord missions find special nav coords, find enough of those to then have a chance at 1 of Nekros's parts. You'd have to have been there to know how bad it was, but DE realized it, owned up to it, and changed it.

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56 minutes ago, MXultra said:

Still completely missing the point.
The point is the number of players that are choosing to walk away over something that shouldn't have been a requirement for this update.

Does myself and my friends, who have been sitting afk for a few months, count? We aren't interested in doing the lua puzzles, AGAIN, at all. The result is that we are not playing warframe. <shrugs>

It's de's loss, as I like to pay a lot of money to free to play games. I will still check in every so often to see what's changed but otherwise we are skipping this update.

Edit : Strange it uploaded the wrong quote but the point is still made.

Edited by Karthunk
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Man, some of you really don't get it. It's not about how easy it is or having advanced notice, it's about unnecessary hurdles. People that have already played before the changes don't want to come back and invest time doing stuff they already did, otherwise they would have never left.

I myself already knocked out all the junctions, but that was because like many of you I was ACTIVELY PLAYING THE GAME at the time the new NAV and Void system came out.

Sadly, I lost many Warframe friends to other games...it's a crowded game market out there all vying for our time. I'm not sure what DE is doing but unfortunately it's not making many of my friends come back. People curious about the new content shouldn't have to clear hurdles, no matter how low they are. DE should be making it as easy as possible for them to come back.


Edited by (PS4)george6741
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2 minutes ago, MXultra said:

Plenty of other players in this topic have testified to logging in to see the new update and then uninstalling when they find the requirements.

The matter is not that the requirements are too challenging, I could have breezed through them if that's what this were about, but you are still missing the point entirely.


Only the people on the hype train heard about the requirements ahead of time. There was no warning in-game, there was no email to players that haven't followed the game in a while. So that point is moot because if everyone had been effectively informed, then you would actually be able to say "you were told ahead of time".

And DE has corrected some of their major mistakes before. Nekros' originally release had 3-stage RNG. Find nav coords, then in special nav coord missions find special nav coords, find enough of those to then have a chance at 1 of Nekros's parts. You'd have to have been there to know how bad it was, but DE realized it, owned up to it, and changed it.

If people choose not to play it, then that's their issue. Warframe should recognize achievements prior to the SotR update, but it doesn't. If you fulfilled the requirements post-SotR and the game doesn't recognize it, then you should report it. If you haven't played since the SotR update was deployed, that's not DE's fault.

Second, whether or not it was a bad idea is purely subjective. They want people to play and complete the Junctions. The other quests are also rewards from Junctions, but I haven't seen anyone complaining about those? If you choose to abstain from the Junction, and thereby not receive the quest, then you also choose to not play any quests following the War Within.

Third, again, if you haven't played in a long time, then that's not their fault. They did their part in keeping the active community informed, and some Warframe streaming services were given the information as well to share with their followers. I'm also fairly certain that they shared the information on their social media platforms, too.

Fourth, and finally, I don't know how Nekros farming is relevant. Sure, it was just as tedious as completing Junctions, but it's not really the same.


They're not locking the content out from anyone. All the quests are rewards from Junctions, as they intended them to be. SotR was just one part of U19, and Junctions were meant to play a part in the whole thing. If they change it, great, but don't hold your breath. It was part of the grand scheme of U19 and the War Within.

You can feel like it's a bad idea and voice your opinion about it, but you can still do it and get to enjoy the new content. I mean, I find that doing a few minute and tedious tasks more preferable than having to pay for it.

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7 hours ago, MXultra said:

Still completely missing the point. It's not about whether or not the challenges are too challenging or how many hours it would take. Personally, I could breeze through it, but I'm boycotting TWW to let DE know what a bad idea it was.

So, you like artificial drama? In a game? Seriously? Something so incredibly trivial, but...yeah, I know the type.

Whatever, dude. I'm sure the earth quakes at your pique.

Let's get this back on track. Should this event recognize prior completion? Probably. Did it? No. So...what do you do now? If the answer is anything but "do it again and drive on," then I think the issue might lie more on your side of the keyboard.

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OP claims multiple times to be "done here" or "quitting" and yet is still here replying...

also claims to be representing people, without actual proof of said representation...

apparently the OP is unfamiliar with the way the real world works.


The Junction requirement is something we ALL have to deal with, like it or not. Complaining WON"T make it go away. Junctions are how DE has decided to handle their progression system going forward, like it or hate it. Either deal with it, or actually leave like you've been claiming you are.



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