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[Spoiler] Regarding the inexcusable state of the transference gimmick


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We're currently in a patch that has been delayed for more than 6 months, and has been in the works for over a year. At no point did you stop to say "maybe this thing we're introducing is actually not that good"? Because even if you didn't, maybe somewhere in the development of this gimmick you could've stopped to ask yourselves whether it was working as intended or not

I could maybe overlook this if it was filled to the brim with bugs, but you can tell from a mile away that you didn't really stop to test this for functionality or fun at all, this is all your design working as intended and that's a big middle finger to your own players

Tenno get less defensive stats than a sentinel, are reset if they are damaged, which also causes you to lose all your energy and to have a back-and-forth switch between your tater and your warframe because in the event of kuva farming the room is goddamn swarming with enemies, and they don't even get enough energy for a stun and two dashes, which would be enough to take a guard and dash for kuva - you barely get to do one or two of those before whooshing back into your frame, which again, leaves you without tenno energy for about 10-20 seconds before you can actually try again, which limits your abilities greatly and also makes you miss out on potential kuva before it reaches the siphon

I generally try to look on the bright side of things - "with these and these changes, it might work out just fine!" but you've had a really long time to concept-proof and test your stuff, and you clearly didn't, because you made a last-minute delay the day of deployment

The worst part for me is that in the quest the system is not actually that bad, which means that you downgraded it specifically for the intended gameplay of your own game

I'm all for respectful and constructive criticism, specially if it's for the betterment of this game, but you've had more than enough time to think stuff through and you clearly didn't take your chances, because otherwise we wouldn't have gotten whatever this duct-taped pile of gimmicks you call a patch 

I really like this game, and it pains me that you keep diverting the gameplay and actual content that needs attention in order to keep introducing these broken gimmicks that add nothing to the game that you keep leaving aside when the next big thing comes along, and people have been telling you this for years


Plain and simple, what are you doing?

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I agree. While I greatly enjoy the concept of Transference I do not enjoy its execution, much like a lot of other things in Warframe. We've no way to make our Tenno better and we have no incentive outside of Kuva farming to even consider using our Operator for anything; there's the reasons listed above, they barely do any damage to enemies commonly encountered in the only situations they're useful for and they take fall damage too! Not only that but they're irrelevant anywhere else and a few amazing concepts displayed in TWW weren't even carried into the rest of the game. Ya know how awesome it was to Link to the Orokin gold teethy snake thing? But we can't do it anywhere else. Come on DE!

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Agree wholeheartedly.

DE have demonstrated time and time again that the people in charge of Warframe's gameplay changes blatantly do not even play the game to a meaningful extent such that they are capable of making gameplay-related judgements.

Frustrating and rather sad.

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The quest came out a few days ago, I'm certain if you give it a bit more time for tweaks they'll patch up the rest and make it better for us to enjoy it.. The quest did take a bit to come out but so far I'm enjoying the new weapons, riven mods and the gameplay overall.

Kuva farming needs a few tweaks though, spamming a mission for a chance of finding a syphon will get boring overtime unless they change it (or not) and they should change the transference button to 6, so the abilities are separated.

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I'd be careful of giving good criticism to DE, threads like these usually get banned almost instantly if there is any negative feed back to their Updates or Game. I'm expecting them to outright remove their forums like BioWare who didn't like being critiqued or people speaking out and having opinions

Edited by (PS4)Citamorf
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2 minutes ago, Dousei said:

This was a little harsh but I do agree with you.

Not harsh at all.

It was a considerably realistic post from a frustrated player who was upset at the current state of the new patch. In fact with this patch being a bomb the only thing that could really bring people's good vibes back about the game would be releasing Valkyr Prime pretty soon.

Ya know. Valkyr Prime. Released. Soon. Released. This month. Valkyr Prime.

NOT that I'm taking advantage of this thread or anything to subliminally tell DE to release the Best Kitty Prime. Fix TWW first.

But after you release Valkyr Prime.

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Just now, (PS4)CuddlyZebesian said:

Not harsh at all.

It was a considerably realistic post from a frustrated player who was upset at the current state of the new patch. In fact with this patch being a bomb the only thing that could really bring people's good vibes back about the game would be releasing Valkyr Prime pretty soon.

Ya know. Valkyr Prime. Released. Soon. Released. This month. Valkyr Prime.

NOT that I'm taking advantage of this thread or anything to subliminally tell DE to release the Best Kitty Prime. Fix TWW first.

But after you release Valkyr Prime.

you need to leave

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What annoys me is that that Operator can indeed only be used for one thing: Kuva farming.

Yet my muscle memory of tapping 5 when I need to use my Focus Power has been changed to calling out my operator, with resulting camera swings and disorientation, and I have to re-train that memory to holding the button which feels ... clunky.

CLUNKY really isn't a word you should ever use in a space-ninja-parkour game.

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I havent played it so i can't comment on the gameplay, but i think it impossible for you to accuse DE of not testing their product before it ships.  They are a company with protocols and testing processes. unless you work for DE, all of you rantings about them release a product that they didn't test is just your novice frustration showing. 

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Just now, (PS4)supersocc11 said:

I havent played it so i can't comment on the gameplay, but i think it impossible for you to accuse DE of not testing their product before it ships.  They are a company with protocols and testing processes. unless you work for DE, all of you rantings about them release a product that they didn't test is just your novice frustration showing. 

It feels like they don't test it when the quest has several parts where "oh a glitch happened, it means I can't progress", karak skin for conclave looking like braton, or even the unintentional orvius parts being able to be sold for ducats. They might have play testers, but it's not extensive enough to catch things like this without it being around for a couple of days.

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This has been what I was thinking every since I finished The War Within quest. They have the focus system still in beta and the riven mods, was introducing the operator really that necessary? Sure, they are used for Kuva farming, but that isn't really an excuse since they designed Kuva farming to need it. They could have designed Kuva farming for Warframes instead. They have a small niche in high level defense missions.

The only time I use the operator is when I accidentally push 5. During Kuva farming I'll either play Trinity to heal the squishy operators or just kill things. It's just not fun and only there for the sake of saying TWW introduces new features.

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19 minutes ago, (PS4)CuddlyZebesian said:

Not harsh at all.

It was a considerably realistic post from a frustrated player who was upset at the current state of the new patch. In fact with this patch being a bomb the only thing that could really bring people's good vibes back about the game would be releasing Valkyr Prime pretty soon.

Ya know. Valkyr Prime. Released. Soon. Released. This month. Valkyr Prime.

NOT that I'm taking advantage of this thread or anything to subliminally tell DE to release the Best Kitty Prime. Fix TWW first.

But after you release Valkyr Prime.

Fair enough

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5 minutes ago, (PS4)supersocc11 said:

I havent played it so i can't comment on the gameplay, but i think it impossible for you to accuse DE of not testing their product before it ships.  They are a company with protocols and testing processes. unless you work for DE, all of you rantings about them release a product that they didn't test is just your novice frustration showing. 

There are players who are still here from the beta days of this game that can attest to how horribly wrong some of major updates have gone in the initial few days of their deployment. Also who is regulating the extent of DE's product testing prior to major update releases? DE does. Also, what a curiously naive view of the world you have if you genuinely believe that because 'protocols' and 'procedures' are allegedly in place that QA processes (and by no means am I pointing fingers at DE here, but as a generalization) cannot be miraculously half-assed and/or lazy in their execution.

Next thing you're going to tell me is that political corruption doesn't exist in first world countries because of laws and policies.

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the fact they made this great idea for a new mechanic but you can't do anything to improve it after 7months of delay is terrible. 

I was expecting the war within to give us more game-play like second dream did with the focus system, it was something new and big to level and improve and earn.

after the war within I'm just thinking 'well now i have nothing to do but level the odd weapon' again.

 why can't I level and improve my operator? as it is the powers, health and energy are all weak and pretty much useless. 

I love the idea not the execution. 

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15 minutes ago, Monchopin said:

Plain and simple, what are you doing?

This is what the Dev stream is for, to address and share their intent with the system how it'll improve + it's practical use in combat. Theres no need to be aggressive about announcing your concerns regarding the system, there have only been a handful of players dismissing these concerns and i doubt de will choose to listen to them and completely ignore this. Especially considering they intend to evolve it, the Kuva guards are only the first in introducing an enemy that requires a method to take down. 

You can keep up with de on twitter, then realize they are active with the community, spending time that they aren't obliged to, to help.  creating the story and game simultaneously takes time. While de can "play test" they can only focus on bugs and future content in the pipe. Realistically they can't find time to play their own game as it takes time to see from our eyes and this is time that will be taken away from developing the game. So they rely on trusting their play testers and the community. But after years of aggressive community, posts like this get ignored because the last thing they'd want is somebody flaming at them regardless if they have a valid point. It get annoying and it's stressful, no content creator enjoys sifting through all the toxic fueled posts to find a real comment. Positive criticism of their system is needed if you want your voice to be heard. 

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