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Sortie Reward Cooldowns


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Since this is the feedback area I thought i would share my feelings towards the current sortie reward system.  Currently, I feel the reward system frustrating.  I understand this is a game of randomness and that is part of the fun, farm, and grind.  However, when there's a once a day activity (like sorties) and you receive statistical anomalies (in my case 2000 endo 3 or 4 days in a row), it discourages me from participating in it.

What would make sorties more attractive to me (given that the seasonal rewards are gone and all rewards are repeatable) is some sort of cooldown on rewards.  For example, if you get an orokin catalyst, tomorrow's sortie a catalyst will not drop for you, and if one drops for the team the same rules for previous seasonal one-time drops would take effect.

In my case, if I get a 2000 endo drop, tomorrow I know, I won't get 2000 endo again, I might get 4000 endo, then the next day perhaps I'll be back to 2000.  Creating a cooldown on rewards would be nice because I know in my case, it's very frustrating to receive the minimal reward in consecutive runs.

I'm not saying that this is the only answer, but it would be nice if the drops felt more random.  For me, at least, the sorties have felt like 2000 endo runs with the chance of something else, and that hasn't been very enjoyable.



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Im not saying that this is the only answer, but it would be nice if the drops felt more random.  For me, at least, the sorties have felt like 2000 endo runs with the chance of something else, and that hasn't been very enjoyable.

I think the main reason you feel this way is because thats exactly what it is "2000 endo runs with the chance of something else,...".

Im guessing the 2000 endo has the highest drop chance and as you go down the list it gets the drop chance gets lower, but if it was really random the drop chances would be equal for everything.

I like this idea, though I dont think like Aphoticsoul about adding to the prize pool, thats not needed, just making it so that theres a 24 hour or 48 hour time period where you CANT get that prize would be enough.

Edited by arolust
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There really isnt a lot for people to get right now after the change to sorties. Having a lot of items made people upset with rng, having checked items made people feel better but items become unwanted and no reason to do sorties if that season had stuff you owned. A small rng pool definately does make peope do sorties, i think it should just reward those who commit daily a higher chance to score other items rather than just simpily having 3 items with the junk item having a 90% drop rate because then it just takes us back to step one where getting anything good had abysmal chance and there was no mechanics that rewarded consistent play of sorties. 

It would be nice if they took a relook at the coin suggestion, and various other idea suggested months ago. I didn't really like the previous system since it required unessasary diluting just to have the check system to function. Though that said, there really isn't a lot that can be offered to players because everything that has been offered resulted in a reward that was "Got it, thats it" and didn't really lead into something else that would generate interest or progression. 
Right now sorties need to evolve beyond A to B with the in between being an rng wall method to keep us reattempting just to get to B. It's be nice if it took us into further steps, similar to how cephalon simaris unlocked more lore as you completed each task.

They can bury us in new items to make us do sorties or make a much better rng system, but at the end of the day theres literally no sort of interaction or player choice that leads up to the rewards and this is where it just makes sorties feel like grinding as it's so dull ti simpily enter 3 missions of spam tonkor or spam 4.

I'm sure theres a ton of ideas at de and most are difficult to implement or don't fit the warframe theme but it'd be nice to hear something in the dev stream besides "We've designed a better rng reward system" while not improving or changing anything about how sorties function. 

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Endo shoudn't even be in sorties imho... There's tons of others places where you can get endo, why put in as reward for doing three consecutive missions that give you no other reward.

Heck, each sortie mission should give you some base endo... First one gives you 200, second 400, third 600, giving you a guarateed amout of endo daily just for running the sorties.

Then you get a proper reward from a list that contains Reactors, Catalysts , Exilus Adaptors and Riven mods, with the occasional Legendary Core if lucky...

I would probably remove Lenses and put there somewhere else... There's so many gamemodes and planets with less than exciting rewards, and considering you need numerous lenses to make a greater lens, and there's like 300 items you can put lenses on, we need a reliable way of getting lens.... Maybe some planets have an allignement with one focus school and drop let's say Zenurki lens as 20 minutes reward in survival / 20 waves defense or something of that nature.

New players are constantly startved of Reactors and Catalysts, while even vets need a huge amount of catalysts to max their gear. Ideally the system would be skewered towards catalysts , since there's alot more weapons than frames...

While DE would lose some profit from catalysts and reactor sales, they would probably make it back since many people would put more catalysts on their stuff, which in turn makes them less likely to throw them away, which also leads to weapon slot purchases.

Edited by (PS4)Stealth_Cobra
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I feel for you.Same thing is happening to me too.I never said endo being common reward is a bad thing but now after season 9 is finally over I'm a bit frustrated cause of 2000 endo reward 4 times in a row in this new sortie reward system.

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