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Demonstrating a total lack of knowledge on why people are angry about a system you apparently know nothing about? Check.

Dismissing any negative view as "they don't even know why they're angry"? Check.

Telling DE how great the game is and begging for platinum 2 sentences apart? Check.

Edited by ChasePanic
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When you get your 4th riven mod for the laser rifle, with totally sh*tty stats you'll understand why people rage about them so much (I'm not even kidding, I have 4 riven mods, and all of them is for the damned laser rifle, and all of them has totally useless stats). And I can't even sell them, because they suck so much.

Yes the idea is good, to upgrade the old outdated guns. But an old gun with strong riven in it, is still weaker/less usefull, than a simulor with a mediocre riven in it. So the power gap more or less stays.

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So you're telling DE thank you in advance for something you haven't had the pleasure or possibly displeasure of testing or using yourself yet? 

In its current state there are still plenty of things wrong with the riven mods, mainly ones that go against the goal they are trying to achieve.

And while I do agree that some people can be a bit too cynical about it, I wouldn't put a lot of the valid criticisms in the "hate" category. 

There is just too much randomness to the system coupled with backwards decisions that CAN lead to a lot of frustrations atm.

Edited by Madway7
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I am not really looking forward to riven mods on console. Here is my take and concern, and my hope that I am completely off base and wrong in the next few months.

The last f2p game that I played extensively before warfame was neverwinter. For those who have not played, there is a gambling system built into it for lockboxes where all of the best items are locked behind. You can sell these lottery win items on the ah there, but it is an extreme example of my fear of pure rng. 

Prior to this new added feature on warframe, I felt like de has done a great job at preventing many of the things I saw wrong with the neverwinter f2p model and gambling type features in particular. There has always been a sense to me on warframe that I can grind and get whatever item is out there to be at par with other players. The upcoming amout of randomness and layered rng concerns me on the new direction de is taking.

Will there be a point de adds an item on the market where you can buy a riven mod or reset rolls on the mod? They have never done this before, but they have also never had anything like these mods.

Is this a sign of new things to come and a new proven income stream other games have used?

Are these new mods a sign of influence of other parties wanting a pure gambling model added to warframe?


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2 hours ago, (PS4)Tomplexthis said:

i think that riven mods should be give to us as Blank slates

Then we can apply it to a Specific gun of our choosing

That way we pick the gun that the riven mod is for, that would be kinda awesome

Instead of a random weapon, it would be the Players choice of which weapon the mod becomes


I think it would make more sense, instead of getting 4 flux rifle rivens, i hate the flux rifle, its just to weak to bother with

I prefer the amprex, or synapse, or really any other rifle

Good luck getting that through, DE so far they seem to be reluctant to keep the system practically the same, mainly with the RNG aspect of it.

Personally I don't mind the random weapons since we can trade, but I would prefer it if they removed the 15 riven mod cap aswell as the rising cycling cost.

Remove certain stats like Zoom, negative damage, flight speed for full hitscan weapons, magazine size for bows etc.

Currently I don't mind the op weapons getting more op problem, I want to focus more on lesser used weapons getting a better chance at stats they could actually use.

Edited by Madway7
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31 minutes ago, (PS4)Tomplexthis said:

if anything could change about warframe

it'd be boosters

they shouldn't evaporate when we dont play, but instead decrease as we play

as boosters become Usage Play Time Based, versus just expires while we arent even playing base

you know how broken that would be without changing the way they work.......? I normally get the 90 Day Credit/XP boost with the Prime Accessory pack. 90 days = 2160 hours.

i have been playing on and off for 3 years and i am just now peaking 1000 hours. having boosters drain while in-game in their current state would be a terrible idea unless they change how they work.


on topic - i am looking forward to TWW and all that comes with it. however, i will take it all with a grain of salt, and keep an eye on the forums and topics about them. to me- they are exactly as Steve said on the latest DevStream, a way to breathe life into less used weapons, but the implementation was a little off to me. i would have rather had buffs to the underutilized weapons (looking at you Glaive Prime :inlove:  

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Just now, (PS4)Tomplexthis said:

lol thats messed, -187% damage, you cant even use that

touche Patzer, that would explode anyone's blood-vessels in their brain

Please notice it also rolled +crit change on weapon which can't crit at all.

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17 minutes ago, (PS4)Tomplexthis said:

i think that riven mods should be give to us as Blank slates

Then we can apply it to a Specific gun of our choosing

That way we pick the gun that the riven mod is for, that would be kinda awesome

Instead of a random weapon, it would be the Players choice of which weapon the mod becomes


I think it would make more sense, instead of getting 4 flux rifle rivens, i hate the flux rifle, its just to weak to bother with

I prefer the amprex, or synapse, or really any other rifle

There's a problem with this. If we could choose the weapon we want the riven for, than probably everyone would choose his/her favorite. And the favored weapons are the usable ones, and most likely the already op ones (if not for yourself, than for trading, you can sell a good riven mod for ridiculous amount of platinum). So we are where we started. The old weapons are still unusable, and the ops are more op than ever.
Probably the best solution would be to lock out these op weapons from the riven system completely. But this would most likely cause a riot... Nonetheless I don't really want to be in the place of DE, they made themselves a situation, what is nearly impossible to solve... but I hope they will come up with something (I hate to say it, because I love this game so much and I adore the hard work of the developers, but seems like DE started to burn the bridges behind them and I just hope they will realize it in time, because I don't want to see that Warframe goes down in the toilet). I'd like to see this riven system working as it intended to work, but now for me atm, it's a feature that I don't really care of and I won't use it until they do something about it.

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