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R.I.P sorties


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The issue with nitain is that you need so little of it after you get Vauban, Wukong and Nezha.  People have so little of it, because it isn't USEFUL.  Shoving Nitain in the Sortie list isn't going to make people enjoy getting Nitain more.


It's a whole day wasted just because you get Nitain, people like incentives.  Kuva is a incentive.  Replace the Nitain with 600 kuva and even with that people would be mollified.

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13 hours ago, Krumplifej said:

1. Forma bp takes like 1 or 2 relic run with junk relics to get.

2. Veteran players (including myself) have hundreds of each resource needed to craft a forma (and while we are at it, lots of nitain too)

3. Sure, it is built, YAY! Still only able to get 2 each 24 hours, but still not worth choosing over 2k endo (you can faster forma way faster)

4. Sorties are supposed to be "endgame" for veteran players.

I can foresee the change, where you can get only endo 2 times in a row (question: meaning that you can get riven mods only 2 times in a row too? both are common) only to get even worse rewards.

P.S.: switching the exilus adapter to exilus adapter blueprint was also a nice change, and documented in the patch notes too


At least i have more time to play other games ^.^

1. I rather get a bp for ducats

2. Not everyone plays as much as you do.

3. You get endo all day every day from each mission with mods and endo pickups

4. Who said this? They are just a daily for late game players.

This game will never have an "endgame" because there's too much loot and that is too easy to get and can be formad to be good.

Endgame exist to get the most top level gear that is the equipment needed to be the best. This game is not like that. Sure, there's min/maxing that say X weapons and frames are the best but not playing with them doesnt cause to not be able to do anything at higher levels.

And the reason for this is ....... BALANCE. That's right, when everything is essentially around the same level there is no need to go far to be able to play most of the game without any issue.

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17 hours ago, Krumplifej said:

1. Forma bp takes like 1 or 2 relic run with junk relics to get.

2. Veteran players (including myself) have hundreds of each resource needed to craft a forma (and while we are at it, lots of nitain too)

3. Sure, it is built, YAY! Still only able to get 2 each 24 hours, but still not worth choosing over 2k endo (you can faster forma way faster)

4. Sorties are supposed to be "endgame" for veteran players.

I can foresee the change, where you can get only endo 2 times in a row (question: meaning that you can get riven mods only 2 times in a row too? both are common) only to get even worse rewards.

P.S.: switching the exilus adapter to exilus adapter blueprint was also a nice change, and documented in the patch notes too


At least i have more time to play other games ^.^

Built forma aren't bad. The problem with sorties is that you have to do 3 missions for one reward.

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Have to say, today's Sortie is a good example of why the rewards changes are simply not rewarding. To complete all 3 missions today took 50 minutes in total and for all the frustration, we got 1 Forma. I'll add it to the pile of 18 Formas I already have.

The first mission, a Corpus excavation with a 1,000 cryotic target easily took half of this time. The bulk of the remaining time was spent watching the recruit chat text box trying to find replacements after dealing with the likes of people who took Mirage into a melee only mission and quit half way through. Also had a guy who had to go eat dinner because "mom just got home". Finally, Raptor assassination in an Eximus stronghold with level 100 enemies is a whole other level of stupidity, but fortunately Chroma is able to take the hits that one shot basically everything else.

For that level of difficulty, and that much frustration, getting Forma just doesn't cut it.

That being said, receiving 3 Nitain though would be even worse. I cannot comprehend what they were thinking putting Nitain in there under the justification that the average number of Nitain per account is less than 9. Maybe, that has something to do with the fact that it's a resource which is only required in a select few blueprints and once you've built those things, then you no longer need it!

It was said that the developers want feedback on the reworked rewards, well here it is.

  • Please, reconsider the inclusion of Forma and Nitain in the rewards table, it simply doesn't belong there as these items can be attained through other (much less frustrating and time consuming) sources already.
  • Reducing the chance of attaining Endo is a step in the right direction, but given that this will now be much less common, the amount rewarded should be increased accordingly - remove 4000 endo from the 'uncommon' reward pool and move it to the 'common' reward pool.
  • If you insist on keeping Forma in there as a reward, move it from the 'rare' reward pool and shift it to the 'uncommon' reward pool. I would not consider Forma to be in the same 'rare' group as things like Orokin reactors and catalysts considering how simple they are to obtain through relics.
  • Changing the Exilus adapter from a built one to a blueprint was simply unnecessary and just adds another step and more grind to players receiving a useful reward. Exilus blueprints are also already easily attainable from another source already.
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Honestly I would just like Riven Mods to be the only reward we get much like how arcanes are more or less the only rewards for raids. We already have RNG in both what weapon the mod will be for and what stats it will have, so having another layer of RNG to just get the darn thing just adds to player frustration. The starchart already gives players all of the other items that the current loot table for sorties has, or the means to acquire them, excluding the legendary core and lenses. Just add lenses to alerts and give a us a loot table of 99% Riven Mod and 1% Legendary Core.

But then again, after years of playing the game and seeing the loot table of the higher levels of the star chart include items such as "Vitality" and "Fast Deflection" and the fourth rotation of endless missions include items such as "Ammo Mutation mods" and "Serration and Hornet Strike" on planets like Pluto and Sedna... Well my hopes of there ever being a decent loot table anywhere in this game that isn't the relic system is all but none.

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19 hours ago, achromos said:

I haven't done sorties since this change.  Wont do sorties until they make it fair.  Wait 24 hours to get Nitain?  I thought Sorties were supposed to give out decent rewards.  :/


Edit: No.  If you put Arcanes in then you TOTALLY remove any reason for anyone to do ANY of the raid content.  If you want Arcanes join a Raid Schoolbus dudes.

No, it wouldn't totally remove whatever reason you have to do raids that makes no sense,because the sorties wouldn't be a realiable source to obtain arcanes,and for people who raid. instead of winning 3 arcanes on the raids if you do them all, you would get a chance to win 4 a day.. If you only do sorties you would win 1 exporadically.

If they take out 2k endo, make 4k endo and rivens common and arcanes uncommon among other things that would mean it won't be a realiable  source for arcanes and with them on the tables would just be a decent or different reward because some of the arcanes are useless anyway.

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20 hours ago, morningstar999 said:

I would love it if they put arcanes in it instead. but they have ignored arcanes existing for ages now. 

because people complained about 2k endo, they reduced the drop chance of it and filled it with more trash instead. I have no idea why though, they seem to be failing at listening to the majority of their players. 


No doubt the arcanes would solve some issues there and maybe they would actually rework the way they are equiped and removed and etc...

20 hours ago, morningstar999 said:

it's like how with the war within/ riven mods etc -- so far they have ignored most peoples gripes and constructive feed back and have only read the few posts that are like 'it's 120% prefect best game everrr!' posts. 

Totally agree, it's disappoint that the feedback isn't being listened(or ignored) even with the number of threads being created per day about the same issues, it's like they are just wainting for it to be forgotten wich it eventually is, at the cost of players because they leave. 


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2 hours ago, BBOTAA said:

No, it wouldn't totally remove whatever reason you have to do raids that makes no sense,because the sorties wouldn't be a realiable source to obtain arcanes,and for people who raid. instead of winning 3 arcanes on the raids if you do them all, you would get a chance to win 4 a day.. If you only do sorties you would win 1 exporadically.

If they take out 2k endo, make 4k endo and rivens common and arcanes uncommon among other things that would mean it won't be a realiable  source for arcanes and with them on the tables would just be a decent or different reward because some of the arcanes are useless anyway.


I will have to completely disagree with you here.  They need Exclusive rewards for the Raids, few enough people want to do them and put up with newer players learning the ropes as is.  If you put this stuff into Sorties it will devalue them slowly and surely for one, and two it wont solve the issue of:  Nitain should just be removed.  It would further put the nail in the coffin for raids which only have a value in getting them unless it was on the Gold or even Same Tier as the Legendary Fusion Core.

Sure, newer players might need nitain, the question is...  HOW much nitain does DE think we need?  We have very, VERY few things that require it outside of the rare new players who decide to create their own dojo (Then I guess you have a Unique 1/7 occurrence argument there). All in All putting it into the Sortie Drop list has me scratching my head. 

Edited by achromos
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maybe a reward PACK would be better

have some things guaranteed, like some endo, a lens, some nitain, and other things having a chance. also guarantee one of the chance items 

so you could end up with something like
2k endo, a lens, 2 nitain, riven, forma
4k endo, a lens, 1 nitain, reactor

because really, most of these rewards are not worth the trouble of completing the sortie

hell, make it so the guaranteed rewards are something like 2-10k endo, 1-5 nitain, and a lens that has a chance to be a greater
then add the RNG rewards with possibility for multiple RNG rewards and at least one guaranteed roll

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Not sure why people are complaining about receiving endo from sortie rewards?! forma & nitain tho I can total agree that they shouldn't be on the reward tables. but DE is at a stand still with what they can put out on rewards. as a veteran player you basically have everything! right? mods, weapons, frames, lenses etc... seems to me that they need to come up with something new! the riven (not sure i spelled that out correctly) are a good start. some new weapons only available thru sorties would be a good start. 

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I seem to notice a trend that people always want their reward to be a "money item" in 100% of the cases, LMAO. Ofc the rewards are not equal, the drop tables need to be diluted with something, right? If it would be a Riven per day, then everyone would basically be at the Riven mods limit in 1-2 weeks (I already am).

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1 hour ago, (XB1)I0 Mandalore 0I said:

Not sure why people are complaining about receiving endo from sortie rewards?! forma & nitain tho I can total agree that they shouldn't be on the reward tables. but DE is at a stand still with what they can put out on rewards. as a veteran player you basically have everything! right? mods, weapons, frames, lenses etc... seems to me that they need to come up with something new! the riven (not sure i spelled that out correctly) are a good start. some new weapons only available thru sorties would be a good start. 

No, the Riven mods are a good idea for veterans to get from Sorties, but getting 2k endo every day since the tww realse is not what holds them at doing more Sorties.

[Snobmode on]

Basically everything other than the riven mods on the reward table is worthless for veterans.

The focus lenses are worthless because one has maxed Naramon and Zenurik already.

The legendary core has a none existing dropchance and even then: What to do with it?.

3 Nitain is just another drop on the resource mountain in one's orbiters cache.

Exilus adpter BP and Forma!? Why not go prime hunting and sell that stuff for plat and get those at a better time\ piece rate?

Endo!? Hiracon - nuff said.

[Snobmode off]

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3 minutes ago, bubbabenali said:

No, the Riven mods are a good idea for veterans to get from Sorties, but getting 2k endo every day since the tww realse is not what holds them at doing more Sorties.

[Snobmode on]

Basically everything other than the riven mods on the reward table is worthless for veterans.

The focus lenses are worthless because one has maxed Naramon and Zenurik already.

The legendary core has a none existing dropchance and even then: What to do with it?.

3 Nitain is just another drop on the resource mountain in one's orbiters cache.

Exilus adpter BP and Forma!? Why not go prime hunting and sell that stuff for plat and get those at a better time\ piece rate?

Endo!? Hiracon - nuff said.

[Snobmode off]

I see, so they should nerf how often the Nitain alerts appear and ofc reduce the amount of Endo from high level survivals and excavations and see how it  goes then  *takes notes*

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