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Prime Vault and Prime Vault Accessories Discussion


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3 hours ago, AcceI said:

With that kind of logic, you'd think DE would have released Excal Prime to the masses already. U_U

Yeah, heaven forbid us common folk get our hands on it, right?

Actually, Steve wants to bring that back, and make it no longer exclusive. Catch is it's not so simple, what with contracts and promises and the like. In other words: That's a whole different beast and won't happen despite a desire to do so.

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Games would struggle to exist without the purchasers who pay full price and don't "wait it out" for the lower prices. Take away the point of purchasing at full price and yes, no one will. Then everyone suffers because someone needed a cheaper pretty.

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4 minutes ago, DeltaPhantom said:

Yeah, heaven forbid us common folk get our hands on it, right?

Actually, Steve wants to bring that back, and make it no longer exclusive. Catch is it's not so simple, what with contracts and promises and the like. In other words: That's a whole different beast and won't happen despite a desire to do so.

DE could always rework the look of Excal Prime, there have been calls for reworks of the older primes anyway, and give founders the old look as an exclusive skin.

that way founders would still have their exclusivity and Excal Prime could be released to the masses.

Edited by ChuckMaverick
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11 minutes ago, (PS4)Kamranos said:

Would you be happy if they released a $59 pack with just the accessories, boosters maybe a small amount of plat? Because the only way they have ever been offered is part of a larger accessories pack where 1-2 accessories were given at a time. 

I'd be totally happy if they make an accessories only pack, thru in those other items and priced in parallel to the normal vault pack. Some, maybe not in this particular post, have been asking for outright "buy those limited Prime Accessories with plat in market" which I think defeats the purpose of promoting Prime Accessories in the first place, which is to make money so Warframe can continue. 

Yeah, i have no problem supporting DE, i've bought almost every Prime Accessory pack since i've started playing actively. I even bought some Prime Access Packs if i didn't have the time to farm them. But this would just be too much. 2 Frames, 6 Weapons and things i could've farmed.. dunno.

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I certainly want it and I'm ok if it won't be too cheap. I'm ok with spending money on WF but I think we always should have a choice - how and what to buy. And I thought DE understood that, since they always had a lot of options fro PA. 

There isn't much time left but I still hope DE would be reasonable and change their mind. Maybe we should pm links to these topics directly to @[DE]Rebecca

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3 hours ago, ChuckMaverick said:

The point of purchasing at full price is generally "I want it now!", there will still be people who feel that way even if they know it will be offered later at a lower price.

Yes and no. Like anything in life, if you want the goodies you pay for them when the option is offered, not hope for something later then complain/feel ripped/letdown when it doesn't happen.. so to speak. (not directed at you btw, a general thought)

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5 hours ago, Ailissa said:

We merely pointed out that we'd like the accessories but not the whole pack. If DE don't want to sell them separately that's fine, we just won't buy them. It's not a problem. 

This. If DE doesn't want my money, I have plenty of other games to spend it on instead. 

3 hours ago, S0V3REiGN said:

All I want is Pyra Prime but I get the feeling that I am going to get screwed over on this unvaulting. :/

Yeah, I would spend money on the Pyra Prime syandana and the Targris(sp?) Prime armor, whenever it came back, but I am not going to overpay for them just because DE wants to cram them in a pack with Frames/Weapons I already own or could farm (remember: farming is the only content WF really offers), gear I don't want (air support, really?), P2W items that I am against anyway (e.g. boosters), or plat that I don't need. 


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25 minutes ago, Zanchak said:

Like anything in life, if you want the goodies you pay for them when the option is offered, not hope for something later then complain/feel ripped/letdown when it doesn't happen.. so to speak.

Actually, that's exactly what I would do in real life if you tried to sell me a candy bar for $100 just because you wanted to include a dandelion and a geode with it.  I would complain that you were trying to rip me off then I would go spend my money elsewhere.

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Whoa, I left this thread thinking nothing other than the point made originally and came back to see so many varying opinions on the matter. It's a nice feeling to see the different thoughts everyone has not get bashed by one or two uncouth individuals! 

Lots of interesting points from both sides, too. Makes for a good read XD

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Vote with your wallets, idiots.  A syandana is not worth 60 bucks.  If their sales are suffering cuz they're not putting out an accessories pack, then they may reconsider.

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Wellp~ I don't need extra frames or weapons that serves no purpose what so ever! Can't even trade them for ducats! So I will be saving money this holidays.

DE should incorporate a way for us to use extra frames... maybe extra frame/weapons can be fused? That would give extra polarity? Extra compacity? Extra stats? -shrug-

Dear DE don't spit on our face...

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10 minutes ago, ZiLei said:

DE should incorporate a way for us to use extra frames... maybe extra frame/weapons can be fused? That would give extra polarity? Extra compacity? Extra stats? -shrug-

There is some minor benefit in having two copies of the same prime frame, different aura or exilus polarities, for example.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)DesecratedFlame said:

Actually, that's exactly what I would do in real life if you tried to sell me a candy bar for $100 just because you wanted to include a dandelion and a geode with it.  I would complain that you were trying to rip me off then I would go spend my money elsewhere.

This is more like someone selling a limited time geode and as a bonus it comes with a special candy bar for 100.00. You just want the candy bar and the man can only give it as part of the bundle, now the bundle is great as alot of people have missed the chance to get the geode prior and this offers a great chance for them as well as include extra that they also missed out on. Does this mean it is a rip off, no. Is it a bit sad they cannot sell the extra bits on their own, yes very much so. I get your upset and I am annoyed by this as well. (I will just break down and buy the fire pack). Just dont go and call it a rip off, the purpose of the unvaulting is to re-release prime weapons and frames with the sydanas as a added bonus, not the focus.

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Just now, (PS4)DesecratedFlame said:

Most salesmen in real life will push a bundle hard, but if you stick to your guns they will break up bundles to get sales rather than losing an entire sale. You just need to learn to negotiate. 

In some real life cases that is true, but here it is not something that can be done, or should I say it wont be done. You could also wait for some one to buy the Geode and not want the candy so they can give it to you. Made up situations aside, my point was only that calling it a ripoff is a bit extreme and unneeded.

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)talonx5 said:

In some real life cases that is true, but here it is not something that can be done, or should I say it wont be done. You could also wait for some one to buy the Geode and not want the candy so they can give it to you. Made up situations aside, my point was only that calling it a ripoff is a bit extreme and unneeded.

I am not making up the real life salesman thing. I have gotten them to break up bundles to get just what I wanted.  Why? Because they want as much of my money as they can get. If I won't pay for the whole bundle, they will adjust to get as much as they can or they will get nothing. This is no different. 

No, calling it a ripoff is not extreme, and that is precisely why I am not buying it. I am not going to over-pay for items I already own just to get a few cosmetics. 

Ideally, you should be able to get all the items individually for a price, or a bundle for a slightly discounted price.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)DesecratedFlame said:

I am not making up the real life salesman thing. I have gotten them to break up bundles to get just what I wanted.  Why? Because they want as much of my money as they can get. If I won't pay for the whole bundle, they will adjust to get as much as they can or they will get nothing. This is no different. 

No, calling it a ripoff is not extreme, and that is precisely why I am not buying it. I am not going to over-pay for items I already own just to get a few cosmetics. 

Ideally, you should be able to get all the items individually for a price, or a bundle for a slightly discounted price.

Well it is a bit strange you strange you talk to geode sales men but I will not judge. While with salesmen things can work out that way, with games and set pack it rarely if ever happens this way. It is a great deal for those who have not gotten Ember or Frost, just because it doesn't suit what need/want (fashion frame is a need for some like me :P ) doesn't mean it is a rip off. That is all I will say on the matter, I know you have your view and I have mine. We also want the same things you and I. (This makes me sounds like some kind of villain lol) I just think if we ask a bit more respectfully it will improve our chances of getting a alternative pack. Something like boosters plat and the awesome sydanas.

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8 minutes ago, (PS4)talonx5 said:

Well it is a bit strange you strange you talk to geode sales men but I will not judge. While with salesmen things can work out that way, with games and set pack it rarely if ever happens this way. It is a great deal for those who have not gotten Ember or Frost, just because it doesn't suit what need/want (fashion frame is a need for some like me :P ) doesn't mean it is a rip off. That is all I will say on the matter, I know you have your view and I have mine. We also want the same things you and I. (This makes me sounds like some kind of villain lol) I just think if we ask a bit more respectfully it will improve our chances of getting a alternative pack. Something like boosters plat and the awesome sydanas.

The Geode thing is a stand in. What I was actually buying was different.

It is a rip off for anyone that already has the gear. That is the entire point.

10 minutes ago, (PS4)talonx5 said:

I just think if we ask a bit more respectfully it will improve our chances of getting a alternative pack.

Then you haven't been paying attention. Asking respectfully achieves nothing. Massive Poo-Storms with tons of people flipping their wigs all at once is the only thing that has any effect anymore.

See: Parkour 2.Slow, Vacuum Within, etc. 


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I do pay attention and have seen normal discussion on all those topics. Just think if you acted the way people do on forums with a real life salesman, you will likely be denied service or possibly kicked out if you made a poostorm (Typing and reading that makes me giggle a bit). I do get what you are saying, it does seem like that is what causes change to occur in the game. I just wish that we could remain civil about things we do not like and/or want changed, but that is just a wish and honestly will never happen... :(. Bottom line though, just like you I do wish for a pack that is separate from the frames or if they gave use bps as a option.

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6 minutes ago, (PS4)DesecratedFlame said:

If it is a salesroom, the a poo-storm is the equivalent of demanding to speak to their manager. Getting loud and stern and speaking to a manager usually achieves your goal, assuming it is reasonable. 


Being polite and firm after asking to speak to a manager is just fine, you will get respect and will most likely reach a compromise. I was just saying if people over reacted as they do on the forums sometimes that that will not get the desired result is all. I agree with you on the rest though except about the loud part, that is just silly.

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