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The War Within [+Hotfixes]


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Hi, I just spent $ 10 on platinum in this game and you should not give me 170 platinum and I do not know why you stole it. I do not know how it must have been a bug but I really wanted these platinas because I played this game a long time ago in my main account that also spent a lot of money and I really like it and I'm disappointed that it happened. I'd like you to give me the money or the platinum.

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Gros bug sur warframe, QUETES la geurre interieur sur ps4, impossible de presser R3 transference ne fonctionne pas la focus ne sort pas de rhino donc impossible de vaincre le gardien kuva. A chaque allumage de ma ps4 je revien sur la meme arene la meme quete interminable, je ne peut pas abandonner la mission, je ne peut pas abandonner la quete, j'ai rater le marchand, j'ai rater les even, je peut plus sortir faire d'autre mission, je rate le pack noel ,je suit bloker la ne pouvant plus rien faire sauf cette quetes et se bug interminable, mon amie est dans la meme situation que moi bloker au meme endroit tout pareille. sa fait 7 jour que warframe se repete, j' ai tester toute les combinaison possible mais rien ni fait. Aidee nous sil vous plais                                                                                                                                                        L69frost69

Edited by (PS4)l69frost69
merci, merci, merci ,merci et joyeux noel WARFRAME
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7 hours ago, (PS4)Elctrcstel said:

are you stuck in the mission due to a glitch or bug?


I guess its a bug i cant use transference to defeat guards and the diference with other People i hear with the problem is that it says that i havent unlocked the skill wich is a nonsense since i have already done that part of the story now each time i log i get straight to the misión the little video plays Queen call the guards and no way to kill them i tried die,change controls, change ps4 tried on a ps4 pro, on a Slim and still there, also today noticed that the items on making progress dissapear so hey Just lost a valkyrie prime and some other stuff i tried check the with the companion app for Phone but it says unavaible account Day 12 after ticket sent now

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On 12/14/2016 at 1:24 PM, [DE]Drew said:

Hotfix December 14th:

  • Fixed various Transference bugs
  • Secret Winter Solstice Prep 

I am here to tell you. Those fixes fixed nothing. As of time of posting I am stuck completely without the ability to fight the guardians. Major bug. Games broken bro. Games broken.

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6 hours ago, (PS4)Elctrcstel said:

We will likely get another update late Jan -mid Feb.

as far as Hotfixes for bug/glitches/exploits, they can do that anytime

OMFG! I don't care if they have to push the next update to 2018 as long as they RELEASE ME FROM TWW PRISON.


I am not going to be quite and I am tired of all of you badgering them to screw the game even farther. Glast gambit is not a priority, far from it. I CANNOT PLAY THE GAME. < That should be a much more pressing issue.

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