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(XBOX)Rey Za BurreI

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So instead of doing the requirements. You came here to complain. If you waited months for the request. Then you had to know about doing the Sedna junction. I knew about it the whole time but I decided to do it late. There was other players who waited last minute to do it aswell. So you would've had help. I don't see how coming here to complain is gonna help you. 

But it's a shame you won't do the Sedna junction. That quest is better than most game campaigns. Seriously hats off to DE. Shame you won't experience it. Shall I link the quest from YouTube so you can watch it since you won't play for yourself?

Edited by (XB1)Cash201293
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23 minutes ago, (Xbox One)freakytiki3 said:

literally started the junction requirements an hour before devstream and was done before it ended

Exactly. Me too. This is the 2nd thread I seen about someone complaining about the Sedna junction. The enemies aren't necessarily hard and the challenge rooms are easy. There's even one that's as simple as filling the nodes with energy. Lol I don't understand these theads. It's a real shame this player won't do the junction. That quest was really well put togethor. Literally from beginning to end.

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So basically your excuse is that because you "don't have time to solve puzzle rooms" and "already killed 10 sentients", you don't have to complete the sedna junction like everyone else?

It's called Playing the acutal game... 


And btw i also didn't complete the sedna junction and it took me about 30~40 minutes to complete everything on it... stop QQ and more PewPew pls

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54 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Rey Za BurreI said:

I waited months on top of months for this quest. Only reason I started back playing was for this quest. Now the day finally come and I can't play it. Why you ask? Because of a damn stipulation! I stayed away doing junctions for a reason, now out of all junction you have to complete Sedna junction? Screw you! I dont have time to deal with solving puzzle rooms, bad enough i had to kill 10 sent. which i did way before the junction exist, same with defeating floaty head earth boss. Im done. Waste of my time.


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It wasn't so much the requirements for the quest that were dumb.  I found the quest itself to be a huge let down.  I honestly hate everything about TWW.  The quest was dumb, operators are dumb, the new riven mods suck, farming kuva and fighting kuva guards is dumb, and there's no reason whatsoever to go to the booby-trap fest that is the kuva fortress.  The ONLY redeeming thing in all of it is the zarr, which is fun to use, but still lags behind some other launchers in game and should honestly be classified as a shotgun.  (gg making it a rifle, just to use rivens with it...)

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1 hour ago, (Xbox One)Rey Za BurreI said:

I waited months on top of months for this quest. Only reason I started back playing was for this quest. Now the day finally come and I can't play it. Why you ask? Because of a damn stipulation! I stayed away doing junctions for a reason, now out of all junction you have to complete Sedna junction? Screw you! I dont have time to deal with solving puzzle rooms, bad enough i had to kill 10 sent. which i did way before the junction exist, same with defeating floaty head earth boss. Im done. Waste of my time.


1 hour ago, (Xbox One)Rey Za BurreI said:

Imma act like I didnt say i havent played this game for months. These requirement are too time consuming and im not dealing with the puzzle rooms, nor the hassle of finding people to do the rooms with. I also dont have time in researching puzzle rooms! I wanted to play it and get it over with so i can continue my FF15 playthrough. Now im just going to delete this game off my hard drive. There should have never even been a requirement after months in delay.


1 hour ago, (Xbox One)Rey Za BurreI said:

I like how people are making all these assumptions. You assume i watch dev stream. You asume I keep up with every forum post.There should be no requirement for the quest, period. Have a good day/night.


You really have a huge, inflated zeppelin sized self entitlement issue.  First off, if you wanted to do this quest THAT bad you would have seen when it dropped on PC that you needed to do the Sedna Junction.  It's not like they (DE) hid the requirements when talking about it.  Secondly, you had a full month so you HAVE no excuse other then being so abhorrently lazy.  Go back to your beautiful boy simulator dude, cool your head in a bucket of ice water, something.  Instead of trying to figure out solutions you want to rail at other people which, let me just tell you... it doesn't give you the most friendly or helpful responses.

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1 hour ago, (Xbox One)Rey Za BurreI said:

I like how people are making all these assumptions. You assume i watch dev stream. You asume I keep up with every forum post.There should be no requirement for the quest, period. Have a good day/night.


The information was on the wiki almost 3 months ago, it was in the devstream, all over the forums and on TWW website. Right now i put the war withon into google, the first link that pops up is tww front page and without even clicking the link the summary text says "players must complete the sedna junction." Last updated october 26th. It has prerequisites much like every single game ever. You just chose to ignore the fact. But have fun with ff15 my friend. 

Edited by (PS4)thedarkness1962
Fat fingers
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1 hour ago, (Xbox One)Rey Za BurreI said:

I like how people are making all these assumptions. You assume i watch dev stream. You asume I keep up with every forum post.There should be no requirement for the quest, period. Have a good day/night.


Not every forum post, but you could AT LEAST look at patch notes.

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If you don't have time to finish the Sedna junction, then you most certainly don't have enough time to finish War Within.

It's really not that difficult at all. I helped a friend finish it in about an hour or so! Plus you had months in advance to prepare. No excuses.


With an attitude like this, maybe you should find a bit more of a casual game than Warframe. Maybe Idle games are more your style? You get stuff and don't have to do anything for it!

Edited by Zandermanith222
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4 hours ago, AtroSpiker said:

Whoa be careful what you say. People here get offended easily and will quickly dismiss you instead of trying to understand your frustration and convince you to give it another try and have someone help you with it.

Frustration that would have been understandable had this not been known for months now.


If something frustrates them and they can't be bothered doing any research beforehand on any requirements that may be needed then it's not my job to convince them of anything.


If a person can't be bothered to do the junction then they don't deserve the quest. There are games out there that hold the hand of the playerbase more than Warframe does, one of those would be more suited for people like this.

Edited by Ailissa
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So, let me get this straight, OP.  You feel that you deserve to be able to do something in a FREE game without investing any time into prep work.  You also feel that the numerous warnings about said prep work (including YouTube, Twitch, and e-mail) were too hard to look up in the span of several months.  Now let's look at this through a new concept for you: "mature logic".

Mature logic dictates that, in a game like Warframe, free or not, some content will be too difficult for newer players.  So, some sort of requirement must be in place to prevent naive new players from becoming overly frustrated with a quest that is too hard for them.  But, it wouldn't be fair for some people to have to fulfill that requirement while others are "grandfathered" into the new content.

Mature logic also dictates that it is literally impossible to have never seen or heard or read anything about these requirements over the span of several months, unless you went through those several months with no access to the internet (which you didn't, since you clearly stated you've been playing since SotR).

Now then, your complaint is that you have to run missions, where people help you clear fairly simple "puzzles" and receive free special mods, in order to unlock a quest.  I'm sorry (honestly not), but I (along with everyone else in my position) had to grind out the following to be able to build Titania: scanning a sentient (RNG) to unlock Natah, playing Natah, playing Second Dream (solo), scanning roughly 100 plant samples (RNG again), running pugs to defeat the guardian specters, and farming the resources I may have been missing to build Titania.  This was for a WARFRAME.  You are complaining about doing less than that for a full, cinematic, amazing quest.  Suck it up and do it.

Also, you CLEARLY do care, otherwise you wouldn't still be lurking on this thread just to argue.  If you're going to uninstall and quit, then DO!  But don't come back just to argue! 

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As an xbox player who is always willing to help players, I have zero empaty for the op. As toxic as chat can get, there are always tons of people like me who randomly jump in and offer help to new or old players who ask for assistance. You don't like the junction requirements, just pick one and post "anyone available to help with lua puzzles etc", problem solved.

At any giving time of the day people jump into region and offer help because the are bored or just like helping, it's something great about the console community that people may take for granted. 

Maybe instead of posting a goodbye thread you could have posted that you needed help, I for one would have offered up my time if you just asked.


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You were given months in advance.  It's not the game devs fault that you didn't keep up with news.

Also the second dream had requirements for you to do it as well.  But I don't see you complaining about that either.  Feels like you're hiding behind this because you just didn't like the idea of junctions.

Oh and don't use the solo route as an excuse.  I met the puzzle requirement in a single day and I soloed them.  You need people for like 1 maybe 2 of them.  But most can be done solo.  it's really just your unwillingness that's preventing you from enjoying the quest.  No one elses.

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If you're playing wf just for quests then you better find some other game. Some quests are good, but they are not the main part of the game. 

On the other hand, if you like quests so much, it shouldn't be too hard to do junction just for it

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10 minutes ago, Hesyol said:

If you're playing wf just for quests then you better find some other game. Some quests are good, but they are not the main part of the game. 

On the other hand, if you like quests so much, it shouldn't be too hard to do junction just for it

Actually, the quests in warframe are getting better and better In my opinion.  I could see someone just playing WF for the quests, but... that's like going into a 60 hour RPG only wanting to play One Dungeon and complaining the whole way until you get to that Dungeon...

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first of all, the junctions are relatively easy, they were supposed to be hard. the junctions are a good way to move by planets, and the fight is fun.

second of all, DE said and i quote "if you want to get the war within quest, you have to do the sedna junction".

the challenges are worth the quest

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If something as simple as making you actually have to play the game to unlock nodes and prior quests so as to be able to play the new one, makes you quit, then thats pretty pathetic on your part. Not like there is a small window of time to play the quest, you could have played it when you are able. Oh well, goodbye.

Edited by UrielColtan
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I was actually in need of some seasoning for my food, thank for all the salt op. And honestly, everyone had to do the same junction and you don't see them opening useless threads based on stupid one sided reasons. Nobody cares, deal with it, uninstall the game and a beautiful time.

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