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Rhino 8.3: Feedback Thread


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+1 to Varo_Sanumai indeed it turns pointless to customize it since you'll be all the time looking like a snake changing skin -.-'



btw anybody tested the new Rhino Stome's Range and Strength without Mods?


ofc I didnt read all the posts, 17 pages take time to read and not that bored to do so lol, so there's one more fact about the Radial Blast's damage being nerfed, before it was possible to spam it, I'd just jump into a high lvl mods and spam it like 4-5 times before and kill everything, now there's a cooldown based on the Rhino Stomp's effect

Edited by Kokuen
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So everyone is hating Iron Skin right now(both in looks and usage) but what if...You could reapply it with an already active I.S.?

Would that make it viable for higher levels and Defense Missions??

Would it make the Ability Overpowered?
Would that make the Ability take less backlash?

And you can use Snow Globe as many times as you want as long as you have the Energy so why not? Explain why to please not just a simple no. I need statistics!

So at the start you would have (if you use Flow) 100 or more energy. Apply IS twice for 2400 Absorption. Then as you get more energy you just keep applying. Boom you have enough for Very High End Defense mission mobs, The ability did not need any more changing other than taking off already in use, everyone is happy.

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So everyone is hating Iron Skin right now(both in looks and usage) but what if...You could reapply it with an already active I.S.?


dont think it's exactly "hating" it but more like willing for it to not work as it's meant to... the look, well it has always been like that, it looks more like a snake's skin after an skin change... could be something more like an rough, rock, edge armor or something similar instead of just turning it white-ish -.-'


as for usage I found myself dumping Iron Skin and spamming Radial Blast since it was too damn useless after some nerfs, now it's usable again altho it's skill kinda low that 1200 "extra shield" -.-

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as for usage I found myself dumping Iron Skin and spamming Radial Blast since it was too damn useless after some nerfs, now it's usable again altho it's skill kinda low that 1200 "extra shield" -.-

That's why I had the idea or Reapplying Iron Skin, Turn that 1200 into 2400, 3600, 4800, etc. It only goes up if you have the energy to spend. Great for Defense Missions where you melee the first couple of rounds and then pop Iron Skin, Then again, and again, The point of Iron Skin now is not to apply During battle but Before and After!



dont think it's exactly "hating" it but more like willing for it to not work as it's meant to... the look, well it has always been like that, it looks more like a snake's skin after an skin change... could be something more like an rough, rock, edge armor or something similar instead of just turning it white-ish -.-'


I don't mind if they change it or not. I would like to know when the exact moment it will expire though...as we still don't have a good way to tell how much enemies do in terms of numbers. A Iron Skin Bar would be nice like how Dead Space does the whole health thing. But who knows. I'm fine with it for now.


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I'm loving the new Rhino, but I do have a couple of suggestions to make regarding Iron Skin.


Let me start off by saying that while I don't want the invulnerability back, I do think this skill needs a little bit more love. Either in the form of more utility or a resilience buff with a trade-off.


- - -


- Utility Suggestion:


Players have been clamoring for a visual indicator of how much more Iron Skin can mitigate before breaking, which led me to think about the effect slowly "chipping off", which then led me to the idea of it finally shattering when it breaks. And that's where we could add some utility to the ability, making it so even on content that can break through the temporary health really fast, we'd get something more out of it.


So my idea would be to keep the temporary health component exactly the same, (Although if the tech allows for it, have the effect chip off as you take more damage. It wouldn't be perfectly accurate, but with three stages - pristine, cracked, crumbling - the player would have a nice visual indicator.) but when Iron Skin breaks, or "shatters" in this case, it then produces a small radial burst around Rhino, dealing a low amount of Armor Piercing damage  (Let's say... 25/50/75/125.) and staggering everything around him, much like Smoke Bomb does for Ash.


Perhaps we could even have it operate in a way that if the Rhino pops Iron Skin again before the first was broken, it shatters pre-emptively, allowing him to time it for an interrupt effect.


Now, while this won't necessarily help as much when engaged in long range combat, it would be invaluable when going toe-to-toe with a single tough enemy and/or fighting in close or melee range.


- Resilience Suggestion:


The invulnerability days are long gone, and quite frankly I think it's for the best. But I do agree with a chunk of the community that a static temporary health bonus scales poorly as you fight higher and higher level enemies. So what if Iron Skin had two components?


First, it would operate exactly as it does now when activated, granting you a base amount of temporary health. The value could even be adjusted downwards to 125/250/500/1000 if it seems like it'd be too much.


Next, and here's what I feel like could really fix the survivability issue against harder enemies, once the temporary health runs out and Iron Skin breaks, grant the Rhino a 10%/20%/30%/50% reduction to all damage, with your shields benefiting as well, (Like Ember's Overheat.) for 1/2/3/5 seconds. For balance reasons I'd also suggest making it so the Rhino can't recast Iron Skin until the 5 seconds are over, so as to not take advantage of double-dipping. Likewise, I believe it to be fair if the knockback/knockdown/stagger/drain immunity isn't active during the post-shattering's 5 seconds.


With this in place, no matter how rapidly a high-level enemy strips the Rhino of their Iron Skin, they'd still be able to feel tankier than his fellow Tenno while also still being in a position where it's possible for him to bite off more than he can chew and go down anyway.


- - -


Just my two credits. Hopefully this resonates with more people. (Perhaps even DE people? One can dream.)


Thanks for reading through my wall of text!

Edited by Sophism
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Saryn still laughs about those little numbers ;)

If my math is correct (And ANYONE is more than welcome to prove me wrong here I welcome it as I am not an expert on Saryn)

Deals 125 / 125 / 167 / 212 Poison damage per second for 4 seconds. This is increased by both Power Strength (Focus) and Power Duration (Continuity).

212 x 1.3 = ~275

4secx.1.3=~5 sec

275 X 5 sec tick = ~1375

That's only 175 more damage than Rhino's Focus'd Stomp.

Add rhino And Saryn together....why there the most deadliest duo around.

Saryn's 4th with Rhino's 3rd ability makes her damage ~1787

So not Laughable at each other really. :P

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Before: Rhino Charge, Iron Skin, Radial Blast, Rhino Stomp




Iron Skin: 400, 600, 800, 1200 damage caps, removed timer.


Scott's comments:

Ah Iron Skin, this power has been tricky. I think the dual damage cap and timer made it hard to understand how the power was wearing off. So I removed the timer and left it as a pure damage sink. I also increased the damage caps to help with high end missions.


Rhino Roar: NEW POWER: Radial damage buff for all players within range (10%,15%,25%,50%)


Scott's comments:

This power was born out of a conversation with the community. I wanted to create a power that suited rhinos play style and also created a coop group buff. Damage buff seemed like a simple natural fit.


Rhino Stomp + Radial Blast combined: Rhino Stomp now damages enemies ( 150 300 500 800 )

Scott's comments:

It didn't make sense to have two powers that had mostly the same result. So combining these two powers created a true ultimate for Rhino.

Very much enjoying Rhino now. This is great so far. Much appreciated


I do think Rhino Roar could scale a bit higher when maxed. Also fear the cap on Rhino's Iron Skin may hit a ceiling at some point. 


What mods enhance iron skin now? Flow? If so does it increase the cap? 


Which mods enhance Roar? Flow, Continuity and Stretch?

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Two things, Does Roar effect your sentinel? I can't see the effect on it if it does.

Now the important one,

Would it be possible to make it is so as your Iron Skin loses health (for lack of a better term) patches of it will fall off, giving you some idea of where your ironskin is at?

Nothing worse than walking into a room thinking your fine when it has one good hit left in it.

Edited by Veryk
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Played quite a bit more, and here is some additional feedback.


Iron Skin:


Now that it is permanently up, this skill really needs a graphical overhaul. As it is, I don't even see my own color scheme since Rhino skin is on all the time. On a separate point, we should have a display for Iron Skin's HP so we can have a better idea of when it is about to break.


I will also continue to insist that this skill should have Armor applied to it. It just makes too much sense for it not to be this way, and this skill really does need some form of scaling. Having Rhino's 150 armor would make this skill last a lot longer against higher level content.


Rhino Roar:


The visual indicators are nice, but it needs some touching up. It feels rather plain in its current state.

I also still insist that Rhino Roar have some sort of direct effect outside of its damage buff. Having the ability stagger nearby enemies when it is activated would be a perfect fit.


In addition to the above, it doesn't seem it effects the damage output of the Sentinel at all, or at least the graphic doesn't display on them.


Rhino Stomp:


This skill is utterly amazing, I really only have one major complaint about it now: it doesn't explode bodies like Radial Blast did. This is outrageous, one of the most entertaining parts of Radial Blast was how it vaporized enemies killed by it.

Edited by lZerul
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Two: There is no indication when Roar ends....I'm not sure how long it's ever supposed to last.

they have added the indication for roar. you get a yellow outline (some people cant see it, but thats sometimes easily fixed by restarting warframe or your computer) . as for how long it last, i guess you can just do the counting like how others test it.

Edited by SlowMoMo
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If my math is correct (And ANYONE is more than welcome to prove me wrong here I welcome it as I am not an expert on Saryn)

Deals 125 / 125 / 167 / 212 Poison damage per second for 4 seconds. This is increased by both Power Strength (Focus) and Power Duration (Continuity).

212 x 1.3 = ~275

4secx.1.3=~5 sec

275 X 5 sec tick = ~1375

That's only 175 more damage than Rhino's Focus'd Stomp.

Add rhino And Saryn together....why there the most deadliest duo around.

Saryn's 4th with Rhino's 3rd ability makes her damage ~1787

So not Laughable at each other really. :P

You only count the dot and forget about the 1000 armor ignoring initital damage Miasma does so with Focus and your dot calculation you end up at 2675 armor ignoring true damage.


Saryn laughs, believe me ;)

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You only count the dot and forget about the 1000 armor ignoring initital damage Miasma does so with Focus and your dot calculation you end up at 2675 armor ignoring true damage.


Saryn laughs, believe me ;)

yes saryn does laugh at the numbers, but rhino laughs at the extra effects because he has CC's (not sure if miasma does that cuz most enemies just die) and more range. so its a tie? :) 

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yes saryn does laugh at the numbers, but rhino laughs at the extra effects because he has CC's (not sure if miasma does that cuz most enemies just die) and more range. so its a tie? :) 

If Saryn's 1000 initial damage does not kill the enemy directly the enemy is stunned for 3-5 seconds while the dot ticks.. normally being unable to do anything besides dying in the end. So.. no. Saryn still haha but Rhino get's some points for Range ;)

Edited by Namacyst
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wish the iron skin can cap more than 1000

at a non fusion iron skin that will be awsome  




RHINO is AWSOME but the 800 mb update not cause it is big and my connection is slow too

Edited by Zulhardkidz
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For the slow motion, all they have to do is add some visual to let you know they are dead, regardless how they die. This way there is no guessing. Like when the numbers pop up showing how much damage you delt, if the number is red, they're dead, if it's blue, shoot them some more. Simple.

yeah it could be that way, but dead corpse can act as a human shield (block your bullets) yes you can fix that with ice mods or puncture mods but why go through all that trouble. falling bodies is an easier way out. 




And no the animation is not great. All that force kicking the ground and only a few pieces of metal pop up.


This is what should happen, on a smaller scale of course.


i didn't state the animations were great (i assume thats what you were commenting on), i guess that period was hard to see now that i look at it. anyways i do agree with the animations being unfitting for such a skill and warframe. such a big stomp and big warframe but with small flying metal pieces.

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Guys, I've been playing Rhino all day and have noticed some things about his abilities...


For one, Iron skin feels definitely affected by armor. I don't think this is just 50% higher health pool in IS, I'm actually lasting 10+ seconds vs level 85 heavy grineers on t3 voids in practice, vs. the old 1.5 seconds. IDK how many other people here that have been complaining actually tried out their IS against high levels, but with rank 11 steel fiber, I'm really tanking (and it feels more than 1200 health)


Another important thing I've noticed, is that Rhino's ultimate actually ticks TWICE. For the full 800 (or 1040 damage w/ Focus) with the same armor ignore. Against high level light enemies on t3 voids, they do not die after being lifted into the air, but about 1-2 seconds AFTER being lifted into the air, they get ticked again while in slow motion for full damage. This kills nearly all light enemies level <85, not to mention rids the shields and helplessly levitates the heavy enemies. I really hope that this isn't a bug or something that will be "fixed", because it really gives rhino the punch he deserves. His ult actually kills entire mobs at high levels!


His new roar ability is 10/10. Great addition and super useful in Boss fights. Great addition to a squad now, instead of his previous "standalone" play style. 


All in all, this new rhino is great. Completely balanced and very useful. If the double ticking is a bug, please don't fix it, rhino needs that punch to give  him at least some offensive edge. Very nice.

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Guys, I've been playing Rhino all day and have noticed some things about his abilities...


For one, Iron skin feels definitely affected by armor. I don't think this is just 50% higher health pool in IS, I'm actually lasting 10+ seconds vs level 85 heavy grineers on t3 voids in practice, vs. the old 1.5 seconds. IDK how many other people here that have been complaining actually tried out their IS against high levels, but with rank 11 steel fiber, I'm really tanking (and it feels more than 1200 health)


Another important thing I've noticed, is that Rhino's ultimate actually ticks TWICE. For the full 800 (or 1040 damage w/ Focus) with the same armor ignore. Against high level light enemies on t3 voids, they do not die after being lifted into the air, but about 1-2 seconds AFTER being lifted into the air, they get ticked again while in slow motion for full damage. This kills nearly all light enemies level <85, not to mention rids the shields and helplessly levitates the heavy enemies. I really hope that this isn't a bug or something that will be "fixed", because it really gives rhino the punch he deserves. His ult actually kills entire mobs at high levels!


His new roar ability is 10/10. Great addition and super useful in Boss fights. Great addition to a squad now, instead of his previous "standalone" play style. 


All in all, this new rhino is great. Completely balanced and very useful. If the double ticking is a bug, please don't fix it, rhino needs that punch to give  him at least some offensive edge. Very nice.

Hmm, I've never slotted focus into my Rhino, worth a shot now I guess.

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