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Berated for being market savvy


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Don't trust third party websites. I one time searched my own house online and it stated the value to be 1 million dollars. The place is a ****hole. There used to be a pool but now it's filled with garbage. Everything is broken and the owner is a slumlord who owns some heart attack burger place that glorifies gluttony.

Trade is a constantly fluctuating machine. People asking for static numbers are asking for disappointment.

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14 hours ago, Irixa said:

Well, some people do buy and sell. Buy at low price. For example, a guy can say "WTB Nova Prime Chassis at 30p :D" or something like that. He gets it. The next day, same guy goes "WTS Nova Prime Chassis for 150" plat!"

This kind of relates to what my frustrations in the market have been. I'll typically undersell a popular item if I'm going to because I'd like quick plat for it and I figure its' helping someone else rather than sitting in my inventory. So I might sell my old Nova parts for 30-50 plat, and then, inevitably, someone sends me a message about how crazy I must be to sell it that low, and don't I know what warframe market is, and blah blah blah. 

Now, I don't know what other people do for employment, but for me 250ish platinum is a little less than one hour of work. I'm not willing to sit there for several *hours* spamming the trade chat trying to get someone to buy a Nova Prime dangle for 150 platinum when I could be spending that time playing the game. If I'm really hurting for Platinum I'll use my work money and buy some. I'm not interested in working during my playtime; I do enough of that all day. So you might be laughing at my low-ball offers, I might be laughing that you're willing to do all this menial labor for something like six dollars. 

Point is, there's a lot of reasons people buy and sell for the prices they do, and ultimately there's no hard and fast rule to it either. Things are worth what people are willing to buy and sell them for, and that is always dependent on the person. 

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11 hours ago, Artek94 said:

I'm probably one of few traders who made quiet a decent amount of plat by selling items by demand - seeking WTB messages instead of spaming WTS which is not working 95% of the time.

I once sold spare Argon Scope i had for 250p to a demanding customer. Friend said that i'm insane - these things cost 400 and made slightly sad on missed oportunity, but you know what?

The guy told me i'm an awesome person for doing that. That counts for something in my book.


Thats what this game is about but the issue is when people are turning your 250p sale over to 350+ because they switch to another server to do it. That is not as common as it used to be and tbh I nearly did it myself but my personal issue is when you went and did the right thing by someone and that friend called you insane. You met the value someone was willing to pay on an obviously unneeded mod so you scored twice no?

And to the OP people like that are no worse then the people who WTS X and when you ask them their price either dont reply or say why dont you make an offer then rage at you when it isnt what they wanted and /ignore you for them being tools :(

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34 minutes ago, Acos said:

This kind of relates to what my frustrations in the market have been. I'll typically undersell a popular item if I'm going to because I'd like quick plat for it and I figure its' helping someone else rather than sitting in my inventory. So I might sell my old Nova parts for 30-50 plat, and then, inevitably, someone sends me a message about how crazy I must be to sell it that low, and don't I know what warframe market is, and blah blah blah. 

Now, I don't know what other people do for employment, but for me 250ish platinum is a little less than one hour of work. I'm not willing to sit there for several *hours* spamming the trade chat trying to get someone to buy a Nova Prime dangle for 150 platinum when I could be spending that time playing the game. If I'm really hurting for Platinum I'll use my work money and buy some. I'm not interested in working during my playtime; I do enough of that all day. So you might be laughing at my low-ball offers, I might be laughing that you're willing to do all this menial labor for something like six dollars. 

Point is, there's a lot of reasons people buy and sell for the prices they do, and ultimately there's no hard and fast rule to it either. Things are worth what people are willing to buy and sell them for, and that is always dependent on the person. 


In the end if i understand your intent are you just not happy to try and help? While this IS an issue its not as common as I once thought thankfully.

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I always have to remind myself that warframe has a global market with people who may or may not live in places where capitalism, bartering, and negotiation are things.  I use this to my advantage when I can manage...

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So, I wanted to buy a Lex P receiver last night and was offering 35p for it. Shortly after messaging chat someone messaged me saying they will sell me one for 45p. After nicely telling him that I'm only willing to pay 35p, this person went off on me. I got called a few choice names and this person demeaned that I pay 45p for there Lex P receiver for 45p. I left the chat tab open while I proceeded to buy one for 35p from another seller. Simply because the chat was proving to be comedic gold. Even after I told the 45p seller that I bought it from and different person and no longer needed it, the 45p seller continued to go off on me. I LOVE trade chat. 

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I understand the feeling, and I despise those blasted market sites.

I've looked at them before and I've never understood where the prices were coming from on vaulted or other unobtainable items. I quickly figured out the sites do not scale with rarity and practically are never updated, leaving an out of date price on something rather rare. Usually I'll start feeling bad for people I see selling at legitimate prices in the chat solely because I know they're most likely not going to sell, and be ridiculed because these other players worship said sites.

Wish they'd take them down. 

However, this is also due to a few things others in the thread have mentioned, and more or less, I blame simple human idiocy at not understanding basic supply/demand rules.

However, sometimes people actually know this, and you'll get a good deal, but.... that's long and far in between....aa0d15d5ebb3ffd727c34836b0ab3c15ea29376d


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As I understand it, every item has its base price plus or minus a significant time factor. If you want to wait around in trade chat and try to connect with a seller that will give you the lowest price possible, then that's your deal. If you don't want to wait around and just want to be done with it, you can pay some angry $&*^head top dollar and get the item you want almost immediately. ;)

It's mostly about how much your time and plat is worth to you, and that stands for buys and sellers. As a seller, I know I've sold things for less than I could have gotten but I didn't want to do research and endlessly spam trade chat so I could squeeze another 10 to 20 platinum out of somebody. And let's be frank, 10 to 20 plat is worth what, a dollar or something like that? Not worth my time and anxiety.

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18 hours ago, (PS4)PillarOfWar said:

I've had random people send me angry messages for selling my stuff too cheap. Because they are selling it for more. 

Oh yes this. 
And I always undercut, because my policy is never to sell something unless I'm willing to go slightly cheap for it. If not I'll keep it for when it is inevitably vaulted. Plat in the hand and all that. 
And people get upset. It's very confusing. 

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11 hours ago, Noobverest said:

You must have been hot and bothered by this. At least enough for your to bother making a thread.

Anyone that usually has a price about double of what I want to offer for something, usually gets a response of: "K thx Bai"

It wasn't really the childish insults that bothered me but moreso his complete lack of understanding of the most basic principle of supply & demand that sort of bewildered me.

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