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Some quality of life ideas

(XBOX)Knight Raime

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Just as the title states.  Things I feel like would make the game fun or improve the experience.  Note that I said "I feel" not saying my ideas will please everyone or that they should be added no questions.  Feel free to add your own.

Sortie changes: Firstly i'd like them to be arranged in a fashion similar to strikes from destiny.  This would be a bit difficult since these span multiple missions.  So basically i'd suggest they register the missions in an order that makes sense.  Let me try to give an example.  Say the grineer are this weeks theme.  And the overall goal is captain vor is trying to destroy some Tenno.  We'd start out on lua defense mission.  Once we've completed that mission the next would be an exterminate mission to make sure we've got all of the grineer out of the place.  and then that days mission could end with us doing a spy mission to try and figure out where they are going to be next.  that would be the order of day 1's sortie missions and you'd get your sortie reward.Days would be themed like that.  and on the last day of that week for that theme you'd do something to stop the plan.  In this example it would be using the first 2 missions to gather intel on his location and killing his high ranking officers ending out with an assassination mission.

As for Sortie rewards I believe nitan, forma, and exalus adapters should be removed.  And replaced by relic packs, kuva packs, and arcanes.  I know people probably won't agree on the arcanes but I feel they should be added anyway.  Because hardly anyone does raiding on console for one.  and I doubt many do them on pc.  Arcanes themselves while are not required content are still very powerful and important in some end game builds.  I really don't think raids are in a good enough spot right now and I certainly don't support locking something good behind a one time event that is time locked.  Even raids in destiny were "farmable" because you could have 3 characters of the same class.  So I feel the best solution is to simply add arcanes to the sortie pool.


Kuva and the fortress: I'm not the only one baffled by the fact that you can't obtain kuva there.  I was thinking the simplest and easiest fix is to allow grineer caches on that planet have a chance at giving you kuva.  and perhaps make an event that happens once or twice a month where we as a force raid the kuva fortress to get kuva.  it would be a community event.  and I think they could tie in the assault gametype either to this event to simulate the raid or for the community to simply grind out a certain % of assaults to allow the raiding mission to be unlocked for the community.  These changes would give an alternate source to get kuva and the raid thing would be another but not one you can spam.  Justifying the extra kuva we get.  Plus I feel it would give more life to the fortress as there really isn't a reason to go there.

Resources:  Now that potatoes are "farmable" because they are in sorties and argon crystals don't require keys I think we need to give that treatment to other things.  Nitan.  I feel they could simply add the 3x nitian reward into the nitan alerts.  meaning we'd still only have 4 alerts a day but get 3 for each alert.  This would allow smaller clans or solo players play catch up with everyone else who's already finished that stuff forever ago.  I don't think we need another source of forma since relics exist.  They could just add exalus adapters into alerts as well.

Other: This section is just going to be a small bullet post of some things I couldn't or didn't want to make it's own suggestion for.

~Players can obtain extra waframe slots every 5 mr levels.

~Trade tab should get a search function to easily find what people are selling.  you'd have 2 sections to fill.  the first would be "wtb, wts, wtt" the second would be the name of the item you are looking for.

~stats page for weapons needs to be cleaned up. If one build has radiation but you swap to the next build which has corrosive it shows both.  it's just messy.  That and there is currently a bug where if you remove a mod you have to back out and re open the upgrade menu to find the mod again.  Should be fixed.

~riven mods should take into account your MR level.  I as a level 9 MR shouldn't be unlocking a riven mod that demands I be MR 16 to use.  They specifically came up with the disposition system so power wouldn't be an issue.  I can understand it maybe being an MR level or 3 above yours.  but almost double your MR level is insane.  We can complete the war within fairly early in the MR grind along with sorties.  so why is it like this?

~riven mods should take into account what weapon you are going to use it on.  so for instance it shouldn't give critical stuff on a weapon that can't crit.  Negative stuff should have a cap as well.

~Players should be able to trade the blueprints dropped by the stalker.

~Forma'd equipment should give you more focus points based upon how much forma is in it when you use it.

~not my idea (actually DE's) but they should make it so any enemy has a chance at dropping the stance for the weapon when you kill an enemy with it.  the more kills the better the chance of the drop.

I could be missing a few ideas.

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Overall good ideas, but why do we need kuva and relics packs in sorties?  Kuva is really easy to get in large amounts and there are plenty of ways to get relics.  You're just replacing the junk with more junk.

As far as your riven mod idea, when you finally hit level 16 you'll be glad you have that awesome level 16 riven mod instead of the scaled level 9 one.  If you can't use your riven mods now, it's time to start leveling.

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11 minutes ago, (Xbox One)ThermalStone said:

Overall good ideas, but why do we need kuva and relics packs in sorties?  Kuva is really easy to get in large amounts and there are plenty of ways to get relics.  You're just replacing the junk with more junk.

As far as your riven mod idea, when you finally hit level 16 you'll be glad you have that awesome level 16 riven mod instead of the scaled level 9 one.  If you can't use your riven mods now, it's time to start leveling.

But MR doesn't affect the stats. There was a MR 15 Zarr mod that the %s were lower than ones of my current MR 10 Zarr mod. Same amounts of positives and one negative.   

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Sortie changes.  
Any idea is welcome as long as it isn't "make it easier to get the best stuff" type of suggestions. I think your idea is ok sort of, but the change to add Arcanes is a no from me. Rather than salvage goods from the burning ship that is Raids, they can just rework raids so it can be completed solo once a week. This allows "some" people to experience raids, I'm completely aware of how terrible it is for console users to even find a party.  

Kuva fortress.  
I like the idea, i do agree that the tile is completely devoid of life and this is just insult to the artists who spent their time working on the lighting, sounds and design only for it to be played once and ditched.  

I don't think nitian x3 alerts is needed. Very few things even need it to begin with and even then once you've built then, thats it, they become useless. Adding more gained won't help the problem without de deciding it's a good idea to boost the Nitian cost of items/clan upgrades. Small clans are lucky because you pay a lot less than bigger clans for upgrades and etc, so you can always easily catch up. That said, we need a new resource sink that the warframe community could work towards like re-building relays or monthly events. Right now resources are overall useless and easy to get, even for new players as proven by people who reset accounts with the exception of Oxium.

Extra slots tied to mr? .... might be bad business for de. I'd like it but who wouldn't like free plat?  
I do like the other suggestions here. 

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16 hours ago, (Xbox One)ThermalStone said:

Overall good ideas, but why do we need kuva and relics packs in sorties?  Kuva is really easy to get in large amounts and there are plenty of ways to get relics.  You're just replacing the junk with more junk.

As far as your riven mod idea, when you finally hit level 16 you'll be glad you have that awesome level 16 riven mod instead of the scaled level 9 one.  If you can't use your riven mods now, it's time to start leveling.

kuva is a resource we will constantly need unlike nitan or forma or exalus adapters.  makes sense to have more than once place to get it imo. And relics are also end game stuff. either for selling themselves or for junk farms or for parts to sell for plat/ducats.  I don't think DE is going to jump on the idea of having even less in the sortie pool.  So I figured we'd replace the "junk" we have now for stuff i'm more than positive people would rather get compared to nitan, forma, and exalus adapters.  

I was and still am grinding out my MR.  also MR on the mods doesn't influence the strength of what stats you can get.  As I said.  I don't mind it asking me to be higher than my current.  I feel double my current is just asking too much.

15 hours ago, xFrostKnightx said:

Sortie changes.  
Any idea is welcome as long as it isn't "make it easier to get the best stuff" type of suggestions. I think your idea is ok sort of, but the change to add Arcanes is a no from me. Rather than salvage goods from the burning ship that is Raids, they can just rework raids so it can be completed solo once a week. This allows "some" people to experience raids, I'm completely aware of how terrible it is for console users to even find a party.  

Kuva fortress.  
I like the idea, i do agree that the tile is completely devoid of life and this is just insult to the artists who spent their time working on the lighting, sounds and design only for it to be played once and ditched.  

I don't think nitian x3 alerts is needed. Very few things even need it to begin with and even then once you've built then, thats it, they become useless. Adding more gained won't help the problem without de deciding it's a good idea to boost the Nitian cost of items/clan upgrades. Small clans are lucky because you pay a lot less than bigger clans for upgrades and etc, so you can always easily catch up. That said, we need a new resource sink that the warframe community could work towards like re-building relays or monthly events. Right now resources are overall useless and easy to get, even for new players as proven by people who reset accounts with the exception of Oxium.

Extra slots tied to mr? .... might be bad business for de. I'd like it but who wouldn't like free plat?  
I do like the other suggestions here. 

Even if raids were doable solo it still wouldn't solve my problem of only having one place to get said thing and an extremely limited way time wise.  Sorties can get away with their "lock out" because it's daily.  If we could have multiple characters similar to destiny i'd be fine with a weekly lock out.  Either way fixing raids is going to take a lot longer than i'd prefer so I think the best solution atm is to add arcanes in the sortie pool.  Once raids are fixed they can be removed from the pool.

I can't really agree.  Nitian in it's current state isn't acceptable.  Asking someone to be on for all 4 alerts a day (assuming they even have the node unlocked) every day in itself is absurd.  And forcing multiple people in a clan to do the same thing is even worse.  The clan i'm in isn't huge.  but a good chunk of them left because of this.  maybe it can be 2x nitan instead of 3.  or maybe they can just add more nitan alerts.  Point is regardless of how you see it very little people enjoy having something locked behind alerts only.  That is worth looking into.

Also i've got no idea what MR you are or your exact playtime or even what you have and don't have gear wise.  But to say that warframe doesn't have enough time sink currently is just mind blowing.  they add a new resource pretty much each major expansion.  Along the way there is plenty of stuff to grind for.  The only people I feel that can make this claim are people who already have everything.  And the only reason someone would be in that position is if they've played an absurd amount of time or have spent a good bit of money or a combo of both.  I play WF almost everyday for most of the day and i'm still only about halfway through the grind to end game.  DE doesn't need more grind walls.  They need better ways to do the grinding.

DE already makes plenty of money from unvaulting, prime access, cosmetics, and now tennogen.  I really doubt the company would crash if every user got 2 free warframe slots every 5 mastery rank levels.

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riven mods dissolving into kuva instead of endo, scaling with the number of rerolls. We have enough ways of aquiring endo already. This way, we could at least get back some of the kuva invested into a riven mod, if it hits a dead end.

Edited by madhatter10
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In Void Fissure missions, at the select reward screen if it showed on the rewards, "1 owned" or "2 owned", etc. on the list of parts/part blueprints. A very simple improvement that would make my life in Warframe a gajillion times better.

Edited by Ninjacalypse
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On 12/14/2016 at 4:27 PM, madhatter10 said:

riven mods dissolving into kuva instead of endo, scaling with the number of rerolls. We have enough ways of aquiring endo already. This way, we could at least get back some of the kuva invested into a riven mod, if it hits a dead end.

That's actually a really good idea.

15 hours ago, Ninjacalypse said:

In Void Fissure missions, at the select reward screen if it showed on the rewards, "1 owned" or "2 owned", etc. on the list of parts/part blueprints. A very simple improvement that would make my life in Warframe a gajillion times better.

I agree.  I can't keep track of every prime piece I do own.  nice idea.

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