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My personal Apology to the Fans


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10 minutes ago, (PS4)Mofojokers said:

Back in my day we called him the.....

*Bacon wrapped ant eater*

Alot of us did not like the look of him at all. 😂

But he looks like a wierd knight wrapped into freaking molten dragon remains. How is that not cool? D:

And btw, I'm pretty sure that helmet was supposed to resemble Seahorse, and I think it did rather well...

EDIT: OH HELL WAIT. I remember watching that devstream and freaking out as well by the way he looks! That was at the time I dumped the game. And it's not like he looked bad, because I personally loved the design, he just looked completely different to all the other frames back in the day. But honestly, once Ne Zha and Wukong hit the market - he wasn't out of place at all anymore...


Edited by LeCauchemare
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For a few years I did freelance work as an artists for various local and underground metal bands (will not post or link to examples due to most of the art being extremely NSFW). So, I can understand getting heated over changes being made to your work. In a lot of ways it can make you feel like it's no longer your work. Because you had no say in the changes. It's even worse if you went through several concepts and revisions before you have something that you feel is worth showing.

I hope that you don't stop doing free lance work because of this.  I know this whole thing is extremely discouraging. But, you have way too much talent to simply give it up let it go to waste. Use this time to come up with some artwork to beef up your profile and start looking for new projects to be a part of. In general keep yourself working and busy. Before you know it this bump in the road will be a distant memory.    

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15 hours ago, Mr.ToastForPresident said:

Don't really know where you got the part of where Sean Bigham isn't part of DE and making little stuff for them now, even though his artstation shows that he worked on concepts for the Kuva Fortress and Liset Prime.

The Nova Deluxe skin is quite a mishap for most people, and was made inhouse. But the Chroma skin is also in house, and people really seem to like it so far.

Image result for warframe chroma deluxe skin

If you really want to be picky with skins, you can point out many things wrong with Ignus's skins too. You can point out the problems with the new Frost and Mag skin just as easily as you can point out problems with the Saryn skin. Even though they have problems, they are still really good skins.

There are also a dozen or so artists working on Warframe now, each with their own style. We have only gotten a small taste of what ONE artist can do and that ONE SINGE artist can work with any other frame and it could look fine. But if DE doesn't like his/her style as much as us the community doesn't like his/her style, DE can always use another in house artist to make Deluxe skins.

There was a reason why Ignus made deluxe skins in the first place. It wasn't because DE just found some guy and liked his work enough to make skins for the game. No, it was Ignus that was inspired by the creativity and style by the many artists of this game enough to make his own versions that soon found their way to DE, which they loved and decided to hire him as a concept artist. If the game was truly full of inconstancy of art enough to be off-putting, then Ignus would probably never had attempted to make skins in the first place. Somewhere in the mix, the passion of either side became too much, resulting in what we have now.


Where exactly did you see me say Sean Bigham does not commission work to DE? Commission=/= actually work at DE. Sean does not even live in Ontario. In other words, more good talent coming from the outside. If he so much as displeases the art team then he would just get the boot too.

They only let the guy do one skin, while they fumbled the Nova skin, and seem to be fumbling with the Zephyr deluxe skin as well.

Whatever flaws you want to mention about Ignusdei's designs so as to pat DE on the back for ignoring customers, Ignusdei's designs are still better than the inhouse team's present touch, and I give Sean the benefit of the doubt that DE may have DE things like that ugly bulging black thigh tumor, as her prime skin has similar. There may be plenty of artists at DE, but that has not stopped them from steadily releasing ugly frames like nipple Inaros, Atlas the eraser head or clown shoes Wukong, let alone that ugly Nova deluxe skin..

Chroma deluxe skin would instill some confidence if it was much better than the other Ignus deluxe designs, or if DE showed consistency with good looking designs. 

Ignusdei was actually inspired by Kazuma Kaneko, DE commisioned him because they loved that touch, which he expressed in multiple franchise fanart, not just Warframe. DE themselves are also artistically inspired by other sources, especially the likes of Marc Silvestri.

Edited by UrielColtan
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19 minutes ago, NeloAngelicus said:

I still very pissed because Ignus have to go (i expect that Frost deluxe skin don't get in the middle of this trouble)... but in DE defense some of the changes were "good" for my eyes.



Holy crap.. I have to admit, the DE design on the right looks far better to me in Banshee's case.

Also, do want to add that, as said before, it really is best IgnusDei doesn't continue with DE, the bridges are burned, the business relation has turned sour, it's like trying to drink sour milk, don't do it, it'll never go good again.

Edited by Artorius-Alter
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12 hours ago, NeloAngelicus said:

I still very pissed because Ignus have to go (i expect that Frost deluxe skin don't get in the middle of this trouble)... but in DE defense some of the changes were "good" for my eyes.



Funny thing is that the arm disc is optional armor, just like how the additions DE wants to add to Ember, should be optional auxillary. but the main problem with the Banshee deluxe wasn't a change like that, it was the loss of the sleek nature upon making the 3d model, suffering a bit of what happened with Loki and the operators, where they tried  to paste different looks onto their bulkier/uglier base models.

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On 13/12/2016 at 8:15 PM, IgnusDei said:

Hey folks.

I #*($%%@ up.

I got too passionate. I butted heads with the art team over some decisions it made to Ember Deluxe's design, and it butted back harder. I knew this was going to happen, but at the time, I really didn't care. Suffice to say, bridges got burned, bad.

I won't be able to design more deluxe skins for you any more.

I'm sorry.




Please no, seriusly don't stop please! D:

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34 minutes ago, UrielColtan said:


Where exactly did you see me say Sean Bigham does not commission work to DE? Commission=/= actually work at DE. Sean does not even live in Ontario. In other words, more good talent coming from the outside. If he so much as displeases the art team then he would just get the boot too.

They only let the guy do one skin, while they fumbled the Nova skin, and seem to be fumbling with the Zephyr deluxe skin as well.

Whatever flaws you want to mention about Ignusdei's designs so as to pat DE on the back for ignoring customers, Ignusdei's designs are still better than the inhouse team's present touch, and I give Sean the benefit of the doubt that DE may have DE things like that ugly bulging black thigh tumor, as her prime skin has similar. There may be plenty of artists at DE, but that has not stopped them from steadily releasing ugly frames like nipple Inaros, Atlas the eraser head or clown shoes Wukong, let alone that ugly Nova deluxe skin..

Chroma deluxe skin would instill some confidence if it was much better than the other Ignus deluxe designs, or if DE showed consistency with good looking designs. 

Ignusdei was actually inspired by Kazuma Kaneko, DE commisioned him because they loved that touch, which he expressed in multiple franchise fanart, not just Warframe. DE themselves are also artistically inspired by other sources, especially the likes of Marc Silvestri.


That's an incredibly subjective statement. There are plenty of people who are happy with the in-house design teams works, some people may even prefer their's over Ignus'. That doesn't make Ignus' art bad, it's just a difference of opinion. You may dislike Inaros' and Atlas' design. However, plenty of people, myself included enjoy them. Same could be said for Wukong and the Nova Asuri skin. Even though I'm not the biggest fan of either of them, I know there are people who love their designs.

Ignus is an incredibly talented artist, however, to say that his artwork is objectively better than DE's art team is a false statement. While I enjoy most of his work, I'll also state that I don't like his work for the Rhino, Trinity or Loki skins. Now that's not me saying they're bad skins, I just don't like them in comparison to their normal/prime skins.

Edited by (PS4)Aeon014
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12 hours ago, (PS4)Aeon014 said:

That's an incredibly subjective statement. There are plenty of people who are happy with the in-house design teams works, some people may even prefer their's over Ignus'. That doesn't make Ignus' art bad, it's just a difference of opinion. You may dislike Inaros' and Atlas' design. However, plenty of people, myself included enjoy them. Same could be said for Wukong and the Nova Asuri skin. Even though I'm not the biggest fan of either of them, I know there are people who love their designs.

Ignus is an incredibly talented artist, however, to say that his artwork is objectively better than DE's art team is a false statement. While I enjoy most of his work, I'll also state that I don't like his work for the Rhino, Trinity or Loki skins. Now that's not me saying they're bad skins, I just don't like them in comparison to their normal/prime skins.

Anecdotes will always exist, but they are merely anecdotes. The preference for Ignus Dei's art is quite opaque, which is why this topic blew up so fast. Either way, a subtraction of talent is bad. Apparently people's preference for Ignus Dei should remain ignored. 

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8 minutes ago, (PS4)Aeon014 said:

That's an incredibly subjective statement. There are plenty of people who are happy with the in-house design teams works, some people may even prefer their's over Ignus'. That doesn't make Ignus' art bad, it's just a difference of opinion. You may dislike Inaros' and Atlas' design. However, plenty of people, myself included enjoy them. Same could be said for Wukong and the Nova Asuri skin. Even though I'm not the biggest fan of either of them, I know there are people who love their designs.

Ignus is an incredibly talented artist, however, to say that his artwork is objectively better than DE's art team is a false statement. While I enjoy most of his work, I'll also state that I don't like his work for the Rhino, Trinity or Loki skins. Now that's not me saying they're bad skins, I just don't like them in comparison to their normal/prime skins.

That's the correct mindset people in here seem to lack. 

"Every design is unique, me not liking it doesn't make it rubbish." 

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5 hours ago, Kastorius said:

Artists are known to take it pretty personally when people insist on making dumb changes to their art. Spending hours of work and care designing something elegant only to have someone make a bunch of alterations that completely ruin the piece's aesthetics is probably infuriating.

They've altered his designs before, I'm fairly sure they insist on their changes being made and won't take no for an answer, and it looks as though he finally blew his top. People aren't robots, and professionalism only goes but so far. The third choice is to quit politely, but that's a bitter choice to make when someone's butchering your artwork—artwork that the players love, that makes DE cash money, but that they refuse to allow him full creative control over.

The overwhelming majority of respondents ITT and elsewhere dislike the changes made to his Ember deluxe skin design, and the Banshee skin as well. That's because they're bad changes that ruin the aesthetics of the piece.

Not for stuff like this. He doesnt make the choice for that. He isnt making his own art, he is making a commission. Im a technical writer by trade and I do freelance work. If the client says to do it differently, unless there is a legal or contractual issue, I do that. I might give them reasons why I think one method is better than the other, but once they go "We have made a choice"...I shut up and do it.

Thats simply how it works. Sure, if this was his own work and a gallery said to change it before they showed it...he has a right to be pissed. But he has no right when its commissioned work. Its NOT his art, its DEs art. They paid for it.

This is an issue of unprofessional behavior from a freelancer.

Imagine are getting your car painted. The person who is painting it says it should be blue, you say it should be silver, and then they start to argue with you about it. This is the same thing.

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this is such a useless, silly discussion. Ignus admitted that he got pointlessly, childishly emotional over this. DE owns the designs he made under contract, so really speaking out against their changes was only ever going to result in him being sacked.

On a subjective level I really only care about the Frost Deluxe skin at this point, and maybe the Mag one. I don't mind the Nova Asuri since I use the Visage Tennogen helmet with it and it looks fantastic.

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I said I would rejoin the discussion, but it's pretty much ended if it hasn't outright derailed. This isn't a blame thread, or a flame thread, or even a rant thread, this is an apology thread that boils down to "I done goofed up bad, so you won't be seeing my work again, and I'm sorry." It's even in the title. Hijacking the thread for the sake of posturing and hurling petty barbs at DE for perceived slights is juvenile, derogatory towards both DE and IgnusDei, and irrelevant to the thread. Honestly the best you can probably do is offer your condolences or regards or whatever and be done with it.

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Sorry to hear you had a falling out with DE @IgnusDei. I, like others on the forums, don't know how bad the terms on which the parting of ways are, so the best course for me would be to withhold judgement as I don't have the whole story. I do wish to express my sympathy though, as any sort of falling out between two parties is unfortunate.

That said, I very much enjoy your art, and loved the deluxe skins in which you had a hand in making. I'd love to see more of your work on future deluxe frames, if possible. Because of that, I sincerely hope that there's a way to restore or restart the collaboration between you and DE, and that there's a way for things to be patched up. I'm not sure what that would involve on your or DE's part (or whether the possibility of patching things up even exists), but I'll keep holding on to the hope that the relationship and collaboration can be rebuilt.

Edited by Letter13
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1 hour ago, UrielColtan said:


Where exactly did you see me say Sean Bigham does not commission work to DE? Commission=/= actually work at DE. Sean does not even live in Ontario. In other words, more good talent coming from the outside. If he so much as displeases the art team then he would just get the boot too.

They only let the guy do one skin, while they fumbled the Nova skin, and seem to be fumbling with the Zephyr deluxe skin as well.

Whatever flaws you want to mention about Ignusdei's designs so as to pat DE on the back for ignoring customers, Ignusdei's designs are still better than the inhouse team's present touch, and I give Sean the benefit of the doubt that DE may have DE things like that ugly bulging black thigh tumor, as her prime skin has similar. There may be plenty of artists at DE, but that has not stopped them from steadily releasing ugly frames like nipple Inaros, Atlas the eraser head or clown shoes Wukong, let alone that ugly Nova deluxe skin..

Chroma deluxe skin would instill some confidence if it was much better than the other Ignus deluxe designs, or if DE showed consistency with good looking designs. 

Ignusdei was actually inspired by Kazuma Kaneko, DE commisioned him because they loved that touch, which he expressed in multiple franchise fanart, not just Warframe. DE themselves are also artistically inspired by other sources, especially the likes of Marc Silvestri.

Sean Bigham does work for DE. He is a concept artist at DE, as confirmed by his Linkedin, and most of his artwork is of warframe stuff. He has been an employee for over 4 years, and even though he may not work directly in the offices, he is still playing a crucial part in its design.He isn't going to displease the art team if he himself is part of that team. But with most art in media, be it movies or video games, the art director ALWAYS has the final say. Here's an example from his Liset Prime Concept:



As you can see, there is a lot of work that goes into making something to get approved to make it into the game. There is always feedback going back and forth between the artist and the director. They aren't just going to take the first thing they see, and say "Hey man, I admire your work, and I'm not going to say anything because I feel as it might offend you and cause outlash in the community". The final is always the one that takes influence from all the previous designs and makes it into the game. At this point, there is no more reason to discuss or argue over the design, because whatever it is, is the final design.

In this case, Ignus and the director had an argument that lead to Ignus's termination. He isn't being fired, but more like DE isn't going to contact him anymore. The design of new skins aren't going to be either better or worse, but rather different. There are still many artist at DE who haven't tried their skills at making skins, and there are about 5 concept artist listed on the wiki page. So far, we have only seen at least 2-3 of those artist have a hand in making deluxe skins. Claiming that things are ugly is incredibly subjective, as I can easily claim that Ignus's works are ugly too. Each and every warframe has a different influence as well as a different artist working on them, meaning that all the styles will be incredibly varied.

That is one of the draws of Warframe too, as each faction as a unique feel and flavor to them. What Ignus brought to the table wasn't something "better" or whatever positive adjective you would like to put down, but more along the lines of different. The in house artist will also bring something different to the table too. 

Commissioning Ignus was a doubled edged sword for DE, as this meant that maybe you or me can also become a concept artist for DE if we are good enough. The bad part is that if anything goes wrong, pitchforks would be raised as the community is extremely involved with most of the development. I really hope this does not leave a bad taste in anyone's mouth if they too wish to be like Ignus and make deluxe skins for DE, and that DE isn't left with a sour experience to wish to not want to hire from the community ever again.

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14 hours ago, Evanescent said:

What, pray, are you basing your statement on? Are there such stats, where players who liked and did not like it were counted? If there aren't, all we're going on is hearsay. The Forums hardly represent the general reception. 

??? Where on earth did you pill '...hate the concept of crowdsourcing' from?


No frames were 'sourced' from the community...at most DE took inspiration and did a take on the theme. For the frames you mention, no attempts were made at transferring the fan concepts into official concepts. What they did was take the theme-dragon frame, gunslinger frame, wind-based frame-and design a frame.

Regardless, where did you get that statement from?

Well, you imply that the art-direction has worsened in terms of frame design. That would seem to hint at the statement....

.....as does this. 'Few examples'. That must mean there are more? Which means....the rest of the frames?

No actually. If I humour you for a moment and accept that forum outcry is the standard for community feedback, even then there weren't many posts on Trinity's 'jiggly butt'. It was joked on, but in a loving way, and there was no outcry and mass condemnation like you seem to say. Saryn prime looking less like a prime? I recall a few posts saying she was different, but there was never a volume of posts bashing her design.

Yeah, as well as her design.

You know what an outcry is? It's the response to Chroma's helmet when it was first shown. That's an outcry. 

I don't know where you get your facts from, but they need a severe check.


I'd say your reply is par for the course for someone intent on silencing criticism to begin with, to trivialise the community vetting, to ignore the origins of Nova or Stalker, let alone other frames, to be completely forgotten, along with DE's own prior admittance. Anti-consumer wants it both ways, when this topic is locked or gone, customer complaints, apparently never existed, if not yet gone, then it doesn't matter because forum outcry does not reflect the community at all. Someone better tell DE then so they can shut down the forums, its of no help to them, and people here, only post and interact here, and nowhere else, thus spreading parity across the internet and gaming community. We are also so insignificant that we will hurt DE's fragile feelings apparently? Why confront me and most of the people here if we are so insignificant? 

As for Trinity Prime, I said the butt tumor was clowned on in the first place. Back pedaling damage control made you finally acknowledge that, very good. Apparently rioting in the street is the only way to convey  whether you think a design choice is silly or not to you though. 

Same thing in regard to something mundane. Yawning does not entail that there was rage or passion for the Saryn Prime, or that being too different was ever of the highest thing said about it. indeed, more was mentioned about how un-Prime it looked.


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43 minutes ago, Mr.ToastForPresident said:

Sean Bigham does work for DE. He is a concept artist at DE, as confirmed by his Linkedin, and most of his artwork is of warframe stuff. He has been an employee for over 4 years, and even though he may not work directly in the offices, he is still playing a crucial part in its design.He isn't going to displease the art team if he himself is part of that team. But with most art in media, be it movies or video games, the art director ALWAYS has the final say. Here's an example from his Liset Prime Concept:


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As you can see, there is a lot of work that goes into making something to get approved to make it into the game. There is always feedback going back and forth between the artist and the director. They aren't just going to take the first thing they see, and say "Hey man, I admire your work, and I'm not going to say anything because I feel as it might offend you and cause outlash in the community". The final is always the one that takes influence from all the previous designs and makes it into the game. At this point, there is no more reason to discuss or argue over the design, because whatever it is, is the final design.

In this case, Ignus and the director had an argument that lead to Ignus's termination. He isn't being fired, but more like DE isn't going to contact him anymore. The design of new skins aren't going to be either better or worse, but rather different. There are still many artist at DE who haven't tried their skills at making skins, and there are about 5 concept artist listed on the wiki page. So far, we have only seen at least 2-3 of those artist have a hand in making deluxe skins. Claiming that things are ugly is incredibly subjective, as I can easily claim that Ignus's works are ugly too. Each and every warframe has a different influence as well as a different artist working on them, meaning that all the styles will be incredibly varied.

That is one of the draws of Warframe too, as each faction as a unique feel and flavor to them. What Ignus brought to the table wasn't something "better" or whatever positive adjective you would like to put down, but more along the lines of different. The in house artist will also bring something different to the table too. 

Commissioning Ignus was a doubled edged sword for DE, as this meant that maybe you or me can also become a concept artist for DE if we are good enough. The bad part is that if anything goes wrong, pitchforks would be raised as the community is extremely involved with most of the development. I really hope this does not leave a bad taste in anyone's mouth if they too wish to be like Ignus and make deluxe skins for DE, and that DE isn't left with a sour experience to wish to not want to hire from the community ever again.

...He is a contracted freelancer. He is not even at the studio.  I believe at the end of the day, DE should listen to the audience. Ignus was a contributor not simply because DE liked his work, but because the community liked his work in the first place, back when he was a mere fanartist. Because these are the kind of sleek space ninja designs we want to see. You want to spout subjectivity even after that push, but apparently you want to justify rendering preference for Ignusdei, irrelevant? If only we could let the audience decide, oh wait, they denied him from ever contributing again, without our consent 

I've seen the art team's work with the vanilla frames, its pretty clear how bad to inconsistent they are, I'd rather have more assured crisp designs transferred 1:1 for the deluxes I spend money on, thankyou. DE better be putting in the work with the designs from here on after this fumble.

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3 minutes ago, UrielColtan said:

...He is a contracted freelancer. He is not even at the studio.  I believe at the end of the day, DE should listen to the audience. Ignus was a contributor not simply because DE liked his work, but because the community liked his work in the first place, back when he was a mere fanartist, Because these are the kind of sleek space ninja designs we want to see. I've seen the art team's work with the vanilla frames, its pretty clear how bad to inconsistent they are, I'd rather have more assured crisp designs tranferred 1:1 for the deluxes I spend money on, thankyou.

He is a contracted freelancer, which also means he is an employee at DE. He isn't being commissioned for each piece unlike Ignus. You can work at home and still be employed.

Wishing that everything is crowdsourced to the community is also PRETTY DARN DUMB. Imagine how backstabbed you will feel if the community thought otherwise and voted for something that you did not feel was right. Imagine if the community actually like that edgy mohawk. You can't be really sure what the community as a whole will vote on, and whatever they vote on to be relaible, so that is why most decisions are made by higher ups in the company.  There is no "we" in this conversation, there is just you and some other people.
Another problem would be that 1:1 skin to Warframe conversion. Expecting something like that is really taxing on the art team, as each design is quite intricate. It is as hard as attempting to animate a painting without losing quality. Sure it could look very good, but at the end of the day, at what costs? Transferring each  design 100% may lose some details of the aesthetic of Ember, could cost a lot make time trying to model all those little bits, and if the skin is slimmer than the model, could cost a lot more time to re-rig and animate everything. All this for about 10% of the userbase would actually buy and see is a lot for very little. If DE was a much larger studio receiving billions of dollars and was given a magical wand to stop time, then we will be able to see all designs 100% transferred, fully animated and given the utmost care in the world to be perfect. DE isn't some magical god that feels what you are feeling, so many designs may not click for you. The art director isn't you either, so whatever decisions DE makes may not always be your tastes. And you will not always like the designs of Ignus's works.

Oh, and it doesn't matter if you do not buy deluxe skins, because you do not spend money to buy skins. You spend money to buy platinum. Whatever you spend your platinum on doesn't effect the outcome of the situation, as DE just needs to give you a reason to buy more platinum. That means if you just want to buy some slots or and armor set, or even if you buy prime access, and you're buying plat to do so, you're giving money to DE either way.

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1 hour ago, Mr.ToastForPresident said:

He is a contracted freelancer, which also means he is an employee at DE. He isn't being commissioned for each piece unlike Ignus. You can work at home and still be employed.

Wishing that everything is crowdsourced to the community is also PRETTY DARN DUMB. Imagine how backstabbed you will feel if the community thought otherwise and voted for something that you did not feel was right. Imagine if the community actually like that edgy mohawk. You can't be really sure what the community as a whole will vote on, and whatever they vote on to be relaible, so that is why most decisions are made by higher ups in the company.  There is no "we" in this conversation, there is just you and some other people.
Another problem would be that 1:1 skin to Warframe conversion. Expecting something like that is really taxing on the art team, as each design is quite intricate. It is as hard as attempting to animate a painting without losing quality. Sure it could look very good, but at the end of the day, at what costs? Transferring each  design 100% may lose some details of the aesthetic of Ember, could cost a lot make time trying to model all those little bits, and if the skin is slimmer than the model, could cost a lot more time to re-rig and animate everything. All this for about 10% of the userbase would actually buy and see is a lot for very little. If DE was a much larger studio receiving billions of dollars and was given a magical wand to stop time, then we will be able to see all designs 100% transferred, fully animated and given the utmost care in the world to be perfect. DE isn't some magical god that feels what you are feeling, so many designs may not click for you. The art director isn't you either, so whatever decisions DE makes may not always be your tastes. And you will not always like the designs of Ignus's works.

Oh, and it doesn't matter if you do not buy deluxe skins, because you do not spend money to buy skins. You spend money to buy platinum. Whatever you spend your platinum on doesn't effect the outcome of the situation, as DE just needs to give you a reason to buy more platinum. That means if you just want to buy some slots or and armor set, or even if you buy prime access, and you're buying plat to do so, you're giving money to DE either way.

It means open to other employment, as his LinkedIn says, in any case he did one deluxe skin, which I already felt was marred by the leg tumor, and either DE seem to not be wanting him to do more or he is not interested in doing more deluxe skins, going off his vetted art that he isn't even sure DE want, it seems likely for the latter to be true.


Your other problem is you think too small and think it's just about not buying skins as opposed to voting with wallets.

I spend money to buy platinum sure, but things like this or the likes of installing this shady Riven mod ploy, make me pause at continuing to do so.

I'm sure you are paid well to discourage people from doing that though.

Anti-consumer prefers to diminish the effect of the audience, community awareness and vetting and the threat they hold if informed..

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