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Tennobaum Wishlist Exchange!


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Banshee Soprana Collection -- Thanks a bunch, xFrostKnightx

Loki Delux Skin Bundle

Nightwatch Skins Bundle

Gazal Armor Bundle -- Thank ye kindly, Xenoraptor

Forma Pack -- Thanks, Astrus_Darksun

Color Pallets:

  • Dojo
  • Corpus
  • Daybreak
  • Eximus
  • Grineer
  • Infested
  • Orokin
  • Lotus
  • Storm
  • Tenno


Now the hard part, picking something and someone to gift...

Edited by DeltaPhantom
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Well this is certainly interesting. Here's the things I would like in no particular order:

1.Oberon Feyarch Skin

2. Opulas Robe

3. Salix Syandana

4. Carabus Dethcube

5. Dome Sentinel Wings

6. Rhino Palatine Skin

7. Orokin Catalyst

8. Excal PriAhahaha

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I'd love the what stalker? Bundle. Why the most expensive thing in the market? Well, it all started after stalker dropped his 7th war bp...

I wish that was a joke.

In all seriousness, some kavat dna, some kubrow eggs, and a lot of power cores. And mag noggles. Would love limbo noggles, but apparently they don't exist.

Also, ship decorations!

Edited by BentTheGent
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Well um, I guess ill post mine too. Not on wishlist are items i cant put on there. I;d apppreciate ANY of these gifts, if only tennogen could dbe gifted >.>. I want to send out gift as well but as of now, I'm short on plat. After baro comes and i see how many ducats I need, Ill begin selling what I have to make plat to gift to others. 

  • Solstice Titania
  • Solstice Salix


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If anyone is kind enough to be browsing these forums and is gifting people items, thanks! You're making the community a better place. 

I'm a relatively new player, so anything would be appreciated, but specifically forma / orokin catalysts or reactors. 

The classic saturated color palette would also be sick. #fashionframe

Thanks again everybody!

Edited by Acunos
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Oh cool! Here's my list just in case :satisfied:

1. Warframe slots

2. Izvara syandana, if someone has an extra one that'll be amazing, that thing is HAWT

3. Fire color pallet.... Thanks for that DeltaPhantom, I still have a long way to go to be in the REAL fashionframe  :crylaugh:


Happy holidays to everyone!

Edited by GbLogan
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Well here goes my wishlist:

1. Forma bundle

2. Forma bundle

3. Forma bundle

4. Forma bundle

5. More forma bundle

6. Any syandana

7. Any color pallette

8-10. Any #fashionframe item

I would be happy to receive those, and would be happy to give back as well!

Edited by ItsMeDG
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My comrades, i will be glad to get any item. I hope your wishes will also be heard. 


1. banshee deluxe skin (or deluxe bundle)

2. forma (or forma bundle)

3. weapon/warframe/riven mod slots (thx Irixa for a gift!!!)

4. mirage animation stance noble

5. any  #fashionframe item (thx @Nate1387 for a gift!!!)

Happy Tennobaum!


Edited by MaNpower
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9 minutes ago, BentTheGent said:

I'd love the what stalker? Bundle. Why the most expensive thing in the market? Well, it all started after stalker dropped his 7th war bp...

I wish that was a joke.

In all seriousness, some kavat dna, some kubrow eggs, and a lot of power cores. And mag noggles. Would love limbo noggles, but apparently they don't exist.

Also, ship decorations!

Have a Mag Noggle so you can put the Bent in the Gent.  Get it because Mag is Magnetic and.. Steel and crushing.....heh....uh .  -leaves-  

Can I get some upvotes because I'm selfish. I need to feel good about myself. 

Edited by xFrostKnightx
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Wanted to say this is the coolest "giftaway" i have ever seen!

1: Forma bundle x50 (so many items waiting for build)
2-5: noggles So when i stream people have nice things to see in my ship
6-10:other ship decor  same reason as 2-5

I got a screen that just shows me the top donors :D I know one of them! This is SO cool!

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Just give me free hugs my friends, but my 10 choices will be for my Clan friends for help them in-game (i've personally not thousands of plats for help my friends like i want, and i've only give a gift to one of my friend when TWW is available on PS4, so before this charity event :/)

Hope DE will not moderate me for this demand, because my demand is my gift for my friends.

They are all on PS4

For Goldova, Lostacem and naritik :

1) Warframe or Weapon slots

2) Orokin Catalysts or Orokin Reactors

3) Individual Forma or Formas Bundles

Thanks for them and peace in your hearts with free hugs for all ;)

Kiss and Happy Giftings days to all <3

EDIT : Thanks a lot @(PS4)black_viper21 for this 3 incredibles gifts, but my post is for my friends, not me, but a big hug for you my friend ;)

Edited by (PS4)Crazy_Mr_J
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