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Tennobaum Wishlist Exchange!


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29 minutes ago, KuraioNokami said:

I would rather like to obtain...

1) Banshee Soprana pack

2) Echoes Syndana pack

3) Sibear

4) Any present you guys are willing to give a fellow tenno! 

Merry christmas, everyone! And I truly wish that all of your oh-so wished-for items will rest in your inventory once Tennobaum passes!


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I was thinking that I don't "need" anything, but I'm new to this fashion frame thing and don't know where to start.

Actually, I would be absolutely gobsmacked if I could get a new colour palette.

Maybe Ice (<--is that corpus?), or Fire or Infested.... 


Thank you truly for any considerations. Happy Holidays!

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Soo, my wishlist is:

1. The Manduka Pack, I'm pretty tired of the Zariman suit.

2. Wysar Kavat Armor

3. Some Warframe slots, kinda in need of them.

4 The Solstice Salix Syandana, it looks pretty cool.

It would be surprising if anyone gave me any of those, but I would be really, really happy if you did. Also, merry early Christmas to you all, cuties.

Edited by Pogomonster
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dear santa for christmas i would like a new ship also i have a few things id like to tell you santa tenno's thank you very much everykind gifts given to everyone uv gifted i love this community and that everyone is giveing and recieveing lovely gifts and that this christmas s going to be the greatest christmas ever and im sure its going to be a jolly christmas for alll :D much love from me to all you santa helpers out their have a great and amazing day and happy new year!!

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1: Xiphos Ifrit Skin



4:Saryn Orphid Skin

5:Carrier prime Cerebrum

6:Ember prime blueprint

7:latron prime receiver

8:valkyr prime chassis

9:valkyr prime systems

10: Contagion Cloud mod

Edited by kurstein
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1 hour ago, Chrom3Fire said:

To be honest, all I want this Christmas is to see my mum again... I really miss her ;(

But if anybody would be kind enough to gift me ;

- Winter Solstice Deluxe Bundle

- Warframe slot

- Kavat Genetic Code / Kavat Starter Kit

- Orokin Reactor

- Forma

- Greater Vazarin Lens

- Any noggle

- Or anything to be honest, it's your platinum and it's completely up to you to spend it on what you want to spend it on

It would mean the world to me <3 That's something I love about the WarFrame community, everybody is so helpful, kind and generous to each other <3

Edit // 

To the people who I may have mislead, I'm really sorry, no my mum isn't dead xD I just haven't seen her in a very long time because i live overseas and I'm going to be too busy to be able to go home to visit her this holidays :(


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Mybe the Santa Tenno come to me ♥?

My wishlist:

1. Forma Pack from @TakanoKyohei and @ChampionUnknown

2. Airship Deko Noggels all :D 

Lotos noggel from @TakanoKyohei 

3. Warframe Inaros, Merage, Banshee, Wukong  @KuraioNokami

4. Weapen and Warframe Slot >>> 1 Wapen slot from @Noctis-c-r

5. Ice Color  @MooH_Prime

6. Kobow Armor Ifrit and Rostam


The Santa will be link in here ♥


:inlove: SO mutch Thx *-----*

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My Wishlist:

1. Ash Koga Skin

2. Banshee Soprana Skin

3. Excalibur Proto Armor Skin.

4. Loki Knave Skin

5. Nyx Nemesis Skin

6. Oberon Feyarch Skin

7. Rhino Palantine Skin

8. Any Color Palettes

9. Any Syandana

10. Any Decoration


Thanks Lotus for Solstice Sigil, 3 day resource booster and orokin reactor <3

Edited by Polak922
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Probably asking too much but the things I REALLY want would be

1. Xiphos

2. Color palettes (specifically the Twilight, Ice, Storm, Daybreak palettes)

3. Deluxe skins (Nova Asuri, Banshee Soprana, Saryn Orphid skins)

4. Other expensive stuffs :3 (Oberon Feyarch Collection, Palatine Pack)


That's 10 I guess. Chances are nobody is even going to see this but still wishing everyone  happy holidays and sorry if I wronged any Tenno this year. Happy New Year guys!! :D

Edited by Jaylune
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Dear Santas,

This year I've tried to be good, I've tried to be brave,
But now, there are some things for which I really crave...
So to anyone, who has the kindness to assist,
Thanks for taking the time, to look at my list! :heart:


  1. Saryn Orphid Skin Super awesome thanks to Tyrhal for giving my top wishlist item!
  2. Para Carrier + Mask, Tail & Wings
  3. Mag Thanks AGAIN @Tyrhal !
  4. Color Palette: Smoke
  5. Color Palette: Fire
  6. Pyra Syandana Thank you Burritochu and RMSGM!
  7. Any Noggle - Never had one before Thank you .Fire_Fly. (Clem) and foxheman (Lotus)!
  8. Forma
  9. Orokin Reactor
  10. Orokon Cataclyst

I hope, with this list, I am not asking to much,
But hey, don't blame me: after all I am Dutch..
To all, who've received from me: Enjoy it to your best,
And may all your adventures, be forever blessed!


- Zythean

Tyrhal, you're spoiling me and many other Tenno from what I can read. Thank you very much!

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Hi tenno ;)

My list : 


1. Winter Solstice Skin Bundle

2. Solstice Glyph Pack

3. Kuva Armor Collection

4. Kuva Kavat or Kubrow Armor

5. Moth Syandana Pack

6. (x1) Assorted Noggles

7. (Done) Assorted liset interior decorations

8. Any Kuva Landing craft skins

9. (Done) Forma

10. Ash Koga Skin Bundle

Thank you so muuuch..

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