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Tennobaum Wishlist Exchange!


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1. I would like a color palette, any would be fine but I just want one with black in it, please.

2. Actually I want some ship decorations just cause mines so bare

3. I would like a syandana preferably the Solstice salix one from you know the winter update.

4. Another thing is a full set of Varida suit for your child.

I know this is a lot but I mean I'll never be able to buy these things so if you see my message thank you so much for the items.

Thank you if you actually give me anything, and I hope you have a blessed day fellow tenno/operator/warframe


Edited by IamtheEagle
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11 minutes ago, CaptainCobrah said:

Gifts? I love gifts, and gifting, and giftology. Happy people are the best people so tis the perfect season. But what would I want for gifts, hmmmm?


Well, there is always:

1. Forma, love me some puzzle pieces that don't fit together.

2. Uh, forma bundles because maybe one day I can make a puzzle out of them.

3. Could always use some samrof.

4. I heard 形式 are great, and come in handy.

5. Maybe some potatoes, or boosters, both useful for/when farming.


Thanks ahead of time for all the nice people out there for participating in this event, I cant wait till I get to return the favors in the near future.


One step closer to the puzzle! You got mail. :)

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21 hours ago, 07Xireth said:

Merry Christmas 'n Happy New Year [Warframe] by DarikaArt

art by DarikaArt

Infested colours  :platinum:75

Kuva Kavat Armor  :platinum:90

Banshee Soprana skin  :platinum:165

My new Tenno is getting squished by her warframes, so inventory slots are also very, very welcome!

Once I'm out of plat-less Limbo, I'll be sure to give everyone gifts too~ (´・ω・)っ由 ❆

I love you all so much, this is for a good cause too ;u;

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Fulfulled Wishes and Random Gifts:

Uru Sugatra - gifted by Skyeborne

Pyra Syandana - gifted by KuroiTorikago

Warframe slot - gifted by Astrus_Darksun, Naith

Orokin Cell decoration - gifted by Nate1387


@Naith Aaa, thank you so much for the warframe slot! My Tenno will have a roomy closet~ (´∀`)♡

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On 14.12.2016 at 10:32 PM, KennySSL said:

My Wishlist:


1. Forma Bundle

2. Update 13 Mega pack

3. Update 12 Mega Pack

4. Update 10 Mega Pack

5. DayBreak

6. Huntress Bundle 

7.Limbo Bundle 

8. Dragon Bundle

9. Lotus



I just wanted to be part of the festive season.  and wish you a Funny Happy Month :D

! ;D Come Come !! :D

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On 12/14/2016 at 6:54 PM, Earthbound93 said:

1: Weapon Slots x.x

2: Literally any ship decoration, noggle, or poster.


I gotta trade with force now to gift random internet peoples things for christmas

TY, Kamentari for the Weapon Slots and Nate1387 for the Orokin Cell Decoration!

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Hi Tenno Santa,

If you would be so kind, my Warframe looks boring, I need some color palette and some cosmetic so I look unique.


Here's my wishlist:

1. Classic Saturated or Dojo Color Palette.

2. Udyat or Imperator Syandana, Winter Solstice is nice also.

3. Porta armor set, love those circle.

4. Orokin Reactor

5. Forma

Thanks @-----iseeu2----- for orokin cell decoration :)

Thanks again @-----iseeu2----- for another decoration :)

Edited by Levilathin
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