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HUD ally markers


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My biggest problem with Conclave that this event brought to light was the inability to recognize teammates. I've seen, and have experienced, at least five separate moments in which my teammate or I would fire snowballs or try to hit the other, before realising that, "Oh! This is a teammate!" And then dying because an enemy came up and pelted us from behind. Oh, and the visibility is incredibly bad for this event, even (or maybe especially?) on a computer with high resolution and particle effects.


Also, Snowballs are OP and Candy Cane is UP, but that's just an event thing.


So, my main suggestion for this would be to add a little marker above teammate's heads signifying that that's a team member, while leaving the enemy as-is.

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4 minutes ago, X said:

Can I see the players name above their head?

  • Yes - He's on my team
  • No - He's not on my team

On a 1080p screen it is ridiculously difficult to see any text, before even adding the pace of conclave, and then the muddled screen of the event. Not to mention that if your cursor is on the enemy their name shows up as well. Which it kind of has to be if you want to, you know, kill them.


Here's a screenshot of my screen, with targeted enemy in place. (I went and played a Conclave match just to take this picture, by the way.)


And, there to my left on the next image, is an enemy which isn't even targeted, whose name shows up as well...



So, yeah. Still looking for that teammate marker that is a little bit more visible than a name, as you can see on the right of the last image.

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2 hours ago, Alpha_Zerg said:

So, my main suggestion for this would be to add a little marker above teammate's heads signifying that that's a team member, while leaving the enemy as-is.

Funnily enough, it used to have the opposite – a large orange symbol over the head of players on the other team. Nowadays, the distinction is that enemies have a red glowing outline around them – I personally don't have any problem telling friend from foe, but neither do I understand why they decided to change it.

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Another way to tell friend from foe in team matches is that all snowballs leave an energy trail, either blue or gold, representing team colors.


39 minutes ago, TheJadrimian said:

Funnily enough, it used to have the opposite – a large orange symbol over the head of players on the other team. Nowadays, the distinction is that enemies have a red glowing outline around them – I personally don't have any problem telling friend from foe, but neither do I understand why they decided to change it.

The constant red balloon over the head was betraying people who were otherwise completely out of sight, negating a lot of stealth play. In very close quarters, it was also difficult to tell friend from foe at a glance.

The red outline adheres to the silhouette of the frame only and is easy to tell at a glance amidst players in close quarters, fixing both of those problems. [so long as none of your teammates are doing something dumb like running 100% red fashionframe]

Edited by Pythadragon
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Bring back chevrons! ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


It's already been mentioned, but I like to elaborate. What you can do to improve the situation is playing around with how the names are shown:



Make sure only one of Show Teammate Names and Show Enemy Names is selected at a time.

Show Health over Enemies is generally useful, I'd leave that on. Another way to distinguish friend from foe is that your allies have red health bars. Your enemies' health bars are yellow because they're armoured and that isn't shown on teammates.


Edit: Just checked, it's probably best to enable teammates and disable enemy names.

Edited by Kontrollo
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