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10 minutes ago, XenoAlbedo said:

Is the mechanic/quest for this going to be implemented soon, or am I going to be stuck with this ugly thing on my Warframe's neck for half a year?

Its DE way,making you hype for the quest half a year for 1 hour long quest....

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4 minutes ago, Xenox_Ilz-ot said:

You mean that I'm always here? X)

You know,leading and informating new posters,helping other players,actually search and share new infos and theories,showing screenshots,basicly keeping this topic alive.Much appreciate it.

Edited by Verrenen
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Just now, Verrenen said:

You know,leading and informating new posters,helping other players,actually search and share new infos and theories,showing screenshots,practicly keeping this topic alive.Much appreciate it.

Well, thanks, I'm not the "Master" of this topic but I want everyone to know what's happening in here yeah.

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3 minutes ago, Xenox_Ilz-ot said:

Well, thanks, I'm not the "Master" of this topic but I want everyone to know what's happening in here yeah.

Feed me master,forgive my sting.I think as soon Helminth will take our Kubrow we will have to feed him with some infested resources,like neurodes or mutagen samples,also the requirements for Hema in Dojo are ridiciulous

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Just now, Verrenen said:

Feed me master,forgive my sting.I think as soon Helminth will tak our Kubrow we will have to feed him with some infested resources,like neurodes or mutagen samples,also the requirements for Hema in Dojo are ridiciulous

Yeah XD

But I hope this "Helminth Charger" is not too bad.

And I don't want to feed him stabilizers! Fu.ck those things!

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6 minutes ago, Xenox_Ilz-ot said:

Yeah XD

But I hope this "Helminth Charger" is not too bad.

And I don't want to feed him stabilizers! Fu.ck those things!

They should make him stronger then other companions pet like.Maybe he will have powers typical to kubrow with some special infested abilities,like health/energy regen wave that ancients can do or poisonous coulds like mutalist ospreys.And I hope he will not look like typical charger.Maybe like Kubrow with ifested armor or animal version of Nidus.

You know what would be awesome?If strength of pet would scale to Niduses mutation stacks,his damage will be increased just like Niduses power damage.But that would be ridiciulous.,because there would be no purpose to use that charger with other frames

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1 minute ago, Verrenen said:

They should make him stronger then other companions pet like.Maybe he will have powers typical to kubrow with some special infested abilities,like health/energy regen wave that ancients can do or poisonous coulds like mutalist ospreys.And I hope he will not look like typical charger.Maybe like Kubrow with ifested armor or animal version of Nidus.

You know what would be awesome?If strength of pet would scale to Niduses mutation stacks,his damage will be increased just like Niduses power damage.But that would be ridiciulous.,because there would be no purpose to use that charger with other frames

Hey that's a great idea there!

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All of my pets are in statis, because i find them usless, because of lack of vacum! I dont think this charger will have much different destny. Its pitty that we cant have some kind of vacum option for kubrovs and cavats... You always need to pick between sentinels and pets, which kinda sucks.

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