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"Network Not Responding" After Mission Completion [DE REPLY - INVESTIGATING]


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For me its the same in long time mission i got DC's , after every mission i lose connection to my group (to do a raid needs a massiv amount of luck becouse of the 3 steps -,-)


and i need to say all Ports Warframe use are Free its not a free port problem.

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13 hours ago, BenEHonda said:

Funny I never expected the reason for me to stop playing Warframe was because I physically no longer could play it. Hats off to you DE.

Lol, I know right? I ain't even mad anymore. I think this might actually be really good for me. I'm gonna go outside, meet people, make art, learn a new instrument, eat salad, go jogging, move to spain, maybe buy a boat..

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I don't understand why DE isn't releasing a statement about this issue.

This is killing the game experience to me and probably TONS of other people.

Was hoping that with the latest hotfixes they would AT LEAST address the problem, but it's not being mentioned at all. Come on DE, what the actual F*** is going on.

Edited by --Q--ChowYun
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1 hour ago, drakenfacesmash said:

Totally agreed dude, if they would at least say they know there is a problem and are looking into it i would feel better

I basically spent my entire holidays checking Facebook Twitter and Forum no-stop hoping for something that seems like is not going to happen soon. I was so confident that the last hotfix would solve this problem, but nothing.... 

I don't know how to bring their attention to this situation... 

Edited by ZDoppelganger
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The DE has truly done some good work for as long as I've been playing this game, so I still want to give them the benefit of the doubt.
To be very honest this is the first time they've come close to letting me down =(

Fingers crossed that they had already come across this thread and are working on it, tbh just an acknowledgement of this issue would be nice.

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25 minutes ago, ZDoppelganger said:

I basically spent my entire holidays checking Facebook Twitter and Forum no-stop hoping for something that seems like is not going to happen soon. I was so confident that the last hotfix would solve this problem, but nothing.... 

I don't know how to bring their attention to this situation... 

Feels like I've been trying most viable options (Twitter, Facebook, here and reddit). Nothing seems to trigger any attention.
This is still very much a thing - sadly not a thing that's getting any attention (that we know of, at least)..

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In the hotfix just now:


  • Added logging to help identify why some players have slow access to our network leading to a "Network Not Responding" messages when our network is actually fine.


YAY! They're noticing us!

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2 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:


  • Unlimited gifting has been reverted back to it’s original limit in conclusion of Tennobaum! Thanks for your honorable, giving spirit, Tenno. You’ve spread great happiness throughout the Warframe community and to children and their families beyond. We couldn’t be more proud!
  • Infested Melee enemies should now do a better job of attacking Defense Targets on Uranus - Ur. 
  • Added logging to help identify why some players have slow access to our network leading to a "Network Not Responding" messages when our network is actually fine.


EDIT:I did not see that somebody else posted about this before. Sorry, ignore what I posted.

Edited by Flathless
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2 days 4 fixes with no fix for this, i'm getting to be really pieced, losing radiant relics and getting no loot coz of that, funny DE want money so they realese everything with horible amount of nitain and mut samples but dont want to fix loot(network) problem. done farming anything for a week i think till they will even notice TONS of same posts, BYE

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On 1/2/2017 at 3:22 AM, DeliciousKneecaps said:

Same issue, somewhat driving me nuts because it's specifically only on the end of the mission. That's too specific for it to be something with my connection.

Same issue here. And I'm pretty sure it's from the client/DE's server since I ping google's server while playing and it didn't return any RTO while the "network not responding" after the mission occured.

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I remove any firewall I have, and had, even before the update, and now seems it work, I didi a couple of runs, and I receive everything!!! 

I don't know if it can be consider a solution, because I always had firewall, before the update and it worked perfectly! 

In any case they can't say everything is OK with their net since the problem came out with the last update. 

If you guys find some other solution I will gladly ear that, because I don't like having neither one security for Internet. 


I was modding my warframe, and suddenly again network not responding, I get mad and turn everything off, so I don't know if removing all firewalls did something 

I know my English suck, sorry :)

Edited by ZDoppelganger
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14 hours ago, Puxto said:

 maybe buy a boat..

Don't buy a boat its a terrible money sink. So I just tried a few missions to see if it was fixed after the new update, wasn't getting the error so I tried a nidus mission. I get the systems which ive been trying to get for atleast 15 times, aaaaaaand network not responding and i get nothing. T.T DE why have you forsaken me.

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Since before Xmas there have been many different network issues, it's now getting tiresome...

Network not responding is the most common and normally applies to all of the below issues when they happen.

However, here are some others I've been suffering from:

  1. Being kicked from squad at the end of a game, Then if trying to add ppl to squad being told 'the objective has been completed, can't add players to squad' while I'm in my Liset.
  2. Being kicked from squad, at the end of a game then not being shown the rewards screen, Instead the screen is clear just with the cancel/replay buttons shown in bottom right. On closing that, rewards are completely missing, no level up, no XP, nothing, as if the mission was not even done.
  3. Being moved to another instance, frequently a squad in mid mission will be presented with a host migration, and a single member of the squad will be kicked to their own individual instance. Imagine helping a noobie out by going 30 waves only for you to be split up into different instances where they are now alone as a noob facing waves of enemies way out of they ability to deal with, they loose everything.
  4. Regularly being kicked from a mission mid way and not being presented with a way to re-enter the mission.
  5. Having to send multiple squad invites as people are unable to join the squad, even though we're all in out Lisets waiting to play
  6. Fissure rewards not being selected, we had 3 members in squad, were presented with 2 scrap items and a Vauban P. Blueprint, we all chose the Vauban Blueprint, but on compleation of the mission we were rewarded with the default items we acquired from our own relics.
  7. And of course the ever present vacuum pick-ups being transported to the other side of the map or just outside the map.
  8. We also had a very strange issue that's only happened 1 time, where a players position on the map and what they see from their character were different areas of them map. He was running around, unable to trigger doors, not being shot at, not getting pick ups, from his perspective, but his and our maps indicated that was in another part of the level, his shadows would spawn where he should be, but he was not there... it was very strange.
Edited by Carnage2K4
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Yeah the bug is still around it seems but at least from what i've noticed i still get the rewards at least into my inventory when it comes to resources and parts nidus nerouptics dropped and was worried i'd lost it thanks to network not responding but seems i didn't at least dunno if i still got the credits or endo from that though hope they find the route of the problem soon with that log tracking.

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I just tried it with the new update...I had one mission successfully transfer rewards and affinity gain. The next one, not so much. Third one, success. Fourth, no. So... the devs are working at it, and I'm hopeful for further progress soon. 

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Yay, just lost ANOTHER 2k Hieracon run. Wonderful. Now that the devs are back, I really do hope they can get to the bottom of this. It started not long after the first batch of Glast Gambit hot fixes, so...

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I opened a ticket and expected the same gibberish I got last time I tried (December 26th when I figured they had about 2 days to recover from the DdoS and I was still getting the network issue) but I did get a response saying they are aware of the issue and looking into it. Here is the response I received:


Hello FallenAngelNeos,

Thank you for reporting this bug! While we are aware of the problem and our development team is already working to resolve this, your report really helps us understand the scope of the problem.

To see when this bug gets fixed, please keep an eye on the Update notes posted in the forums:

Warframe PC Update & Build Notes

Thanks again for taking the time to bring this to our attention!


Also I would  like to add in the newest update [DE] Megan posted on the forum post 

"Added logging to help identify why some players have slow access to our network leading to a "Network Not Responding" messages when our network is actually fine."

Edited by FallenAngelNeos
added a post from [DE]Megan for an update
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