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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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The Ash woke up. He looked around, already he knew he was not in his dojo, there was a door set in the far wall and several light arrays overhead. He made as to move, feeling resistance he glanced at his restraints, one for each limb. The Ash tried to remember what had happened before being taken to this alien place.


He couldn't.


His mind rejected his own probing as if he were some foreign entity, he remembered everything up to being captured but not how, who, or why. Then the captured Tenno felt the one thing all of his kind have never purely felt. Fear. Captured Tenno were virtually unheard of, their prowess on the battle field were unrivaled, having put their methods into practice for generations. Which is exactly why he was afraid, Tenno do not get captured. 


So who had the power to take him? To subdue him? After collecting his mind he went through the options.


'The Grineer lack the fire power, but are plenty in ranks...'


'The Corpus are great in number but are generally weak...'


'The Infested are strong, but uncoordinated...'


'The Stalker kills his victims, never captures...'


 Then, drawing him from his thoughts, the single door opened. A shadowed figure walked into the room. Immediately the Ash knew the opposing entity was not right, appearing humanoid on one side and utterly bulbous and disfigured on another. He was confused, the disfigured side was a sure-as-hell sign he was at least infected, but the humanoid side was...Too human.


A single source of light was lit above the bound Tenno, all thoughts were erased from his mind as his gaze drew upon the figure. It was another Tenno, at least a shell of one. Still wearing a mutilated warframe covered in what appeared to be a variation of the Technocyte virus.


The seeds of fear quickly took root and flourished, the shell-Tenno began to speak.


'I am not what I once was, a pure Tenno, strong, agile, and lethal. Now I am a weak and vulnerable being. Lend me your flesh so I may become like you again, help a fellow brother...'


The figure advanced upon the doomed Tenno and, producing a sharp protrusion made of bone and flesh, tore open the Ash warframe. The decimated Tenno reached in and grabbed the exposed Tenno.








I dunno, really I don't.

Edited by EDeN153
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Definitely, Ash is my favorite warframe, not like I'd go and let the guy who shares my opinion die.


When I was writing this and I thought about the 'lend me your flesh.' I started thinking about the escape from furnace lol


Edit: Agh, I completely forgot I had gone and backspaced a line.

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"Well. That's our escape. Get in."

A Grineer assault ship was docked into the main chamber of the Derelict. If all went well, Vug would still be alive and capable of piloting the ship, with life support online. Grineer may not have needed to breathe, but Tenno and Jrogar did. The large amount of corpses near the ship showed just how many Infested wanted to destroy it.

"That THING is a ship? It looks more like a massive tick!"

The only response the RHINO got was a smack from Jrogar.

"Now if you're going to be a prick, I'm just going to leave you. At least pretend to not mind its design."


As the group entered the ship, the hopes that it wasn't infested were quickly destroyed. Ancients and Chargers roamed the halls, and the majority of doors were locked. Once the group got to the bridge, the silence told them all that needed to be said about the captin.

“Damn you flying spaghetti monster, damn you to Hell! Damn you and your meatball deliciousness! He was too young, you Italian monster! It should have been me! Or someone else, preferably! Perhaps a telemarketer or door-to-door salesmen! That would’ve been so much better!”

Both the Tenno stared with complete silence towards Jrogars obvious mental breakdown. He sobbed for about a minute before quickly changing his mood.

"Well, we better get rid of his corpse and get out of this Derelict."


"You never did tell me your name, RHINO. I know we have Jadoth, but WHO are you?"

The RHINO was about to respond when the Jrogar received a call from his Mistress.

"Jrogar...where have...you been? The Grineer cannot...locate you...and none have...seen you in...a week. Where are...you? And are...those...TENNO!? Explain...NOW."

The entire ship was silent as the Gyroog attempted to figure out how to explain.

"Well, these Tenno have not been corrupted by HER yet, so I figured they could help us...? And they may have accidentally severed my arm, and I may need a mechanical one prepared soon..."

The bizarre female on the other end of the call was clearly irritated.

"Get rid of...them and...return so you...may heal."

The call cut out after that, creating a silent ship for a few moments, before Jadoth spoke.

"Who was that?"

Jrogar slowly answered with "My commander..."


If it's not good, it's because I'm half asleep.

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*stares at where Quinn was*


...speechless...? Come on, it's not THAT good... o.o


And if you need inspiration, I could always write something with you?

inspiration is hard to come by at the moment and i will be working with Commander on something when they have the details. So yesh, i would greatly appreciate some help.

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Guys I'm really sorry for my lack of activity here ;A; Here's a drabble involving Alad V and that silly boss concept I made, Oracle.


So um... this drabble is based on a prompt on Tumblr:


My muse has &!$$ed yours off. Big time. But lo and behold; here they are, tied to a chair, completely vulnerable. The question is; how will your muse exact revenge?


Oracle has had enough of Alad’s incessant nagging and coldness. Must he criticize her and everything she does? His words made her feel powerless and useless. Why can’t he understand that she isn’t a machine that can be switched on and off? That she’s not a machine he can control? Heck, even machines fail and tear down; what more a human. She’s an ex Tenno operative, yes, but she still have limits. “Why can’t you understand that I’m only human?!" she muttered as she stomped her way deeper within the base, where his laboratory can be found. Oracle is going to give him a piece of her mind.


Strangely, a lockdown was active, and she couldn’t see a single Crewman patrolling the base. It doesn’t matter. Nothing can stop her now. Oracle knocked loudly at the door, almost tearing it down, and yelled at him. Silence. “Alad, don’t make me hack the consoles!” She screamed. Again, silence. After minutes of screaming and knocking, she reached for a cipher in her suit’s pocket and hacked the nearest console, allowing her to enter his lab. What she saw inside made her do a double take.


Alad V was strapped to a chair, his weapons and control apparatus nowhere to be found, rendering him vulnerable. Oracle smirked. “Well, well, what do we have here?” she said. She activated a lockdown and looked over her shoulder with a sinister smile on her face. Oracle slowly made her way to him, eyes dark. She took a scalpel from the lab tables and sliced the gag on his mouth, her face dangerously near his. “Oracle, you noisy woman, untie me now!” he commanded, breathing heavily. Oracle frowned and looked at him sharply. “No.


Oracle earned a surprised look from him. Usually she wouldn’t think twice and listen to him, like a pet. Like a machine. "What?!" he blurted, before Oracle tipped his face up and drew the scalpel close to his face. "How does it feel to be in a powerless position, Alad?” she asked him, her lips grazing against his cheek. “What are you talking about you brazen wen-aah!” He was cut short when she pressed the scalpel against his lip, drawing a bit of blood. “Watch your filthy mouth, you bastard. I’m the one with power in this situation. Do not make me angry,” she threatened him. He never heard her talk to him like this, more so threaten him. He swore he could see fire burning in her eyes piercing through her red-tinted optics. Alad’s breath hitched in his throat when Oracle dragged the scalpel down his chest, making a cut on the grey fabric.


"I’m sure you’ve heard what I was screaming outside your door," she said with venom in her voice. "I am here to remind you that I’m not a machine. I am capable of thinking for myself. Capable of not taking your bulls***." She managed to undo his metallic robe, and tore the grey undershirt. "Don’t worry, I’ll pay for those later," she cooed. She pressed the scalpel against his bare skin, threatening to pierce it with the tool’s sharp blade. "O-oracle, if you don’t untie me now, I swear, I will mmmph-"


Oracle’s lips crashed against his forcefully, effectively shutting him up. She licked the blood dripping from the cut she made. Alad seriously thought Oracle was going to mutilate him, being a sadistic person she is, until this happened. He tried to keep his mouth in a tight line, but her hungry tongue forced itself through. And to his horror, he found himself responding to it. She broke the kiss, leaving both of them panting. “Oracle I-” he tried to speak. She placed a finger on his lip. “I am here to remind you that we are all just human,” she said while unzipping her suit. “Capable of failing,” she said as she pulled it away from her body. “Capable of feeling,” she said, kicking it away. “Capable of losing control,” she said as she climbed on top of him. She sensed his fear and excitement and gave him a wicked grin. Oracle kissed him again one more time, this time more sensually. “And you are no exception, Alad V.



So um, yeah, I'm a bit scared to post this here, but, what the hell...

I hope I don't get a warning point for this...


@CommanderCorgi I'll work on Yanmei's story arc soon I'm sho sorry x.x

I think Venefica will be taking notes from Oracle...

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inspiration is hard to come by at the moment and i will be working with Commander on something when they have the details. So yesh, i would greatly appreciate some help.

Well all you have to do is ask. What do you need me to do? ^-^

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They blew through the cabin door, actually it was more like Yuno kicked the bloody thing down. The female Corpus scientist flew to her computer to try and purge the data within but Karasu put a stop to it. Levi walked over and began to siphon the data. Kevin stayed outside to cover the hallway with his Soma rifle.


"Tenno! Of course!" the woman snarled as she struggled against the Ash. "The Lotus-"


"Shut your mouth." Yuno said whisper quiet and ice cold. "You have been selling our brothers and sisters, Merchant Loch Na. You have a blood debt to pay."


"Blood debt?" Loch Na laughed and spat at the Nova's boots. "I'll give you a debt-" she stopped instantly as Yuno's Skana stopped inches from slicing her head in half.


"Yes...A blood debt. Our Warlord would like to have a word with you." Levi said. He turned to Karasu. "I have the data, let's scoot before we're knee deep in Grineer." 


"All clear so far but we have to hurry." Kevin said from outside.


Karasu forced Loch Na to her knees. The Corpus merchant began to scream, cursing the Tenno to the void as Karasu raised his hand in front of her face.




The ensuing firefight was quick, decisive and the Tenno were mobile. Lancer after Lancer moved to block their way but Cell Karasu was fast and quick. Yuno took the center, her modified Gorgon mowing down the enemy in front of her, particles of antimatter drifted around her like fireflies sometimes colliding with nearby Grineer with lethal force. The other three moved to support her. Karasu flickered in and out of the shadows, his Ether Swords severing heads and legs from the unsuspecting Grineer. Levi took his time, firing quick bursts from his Burston. Lancers fell to his onslaught. Kevin kept the rear guard his Ether Reaper taking its bloody toll on the Grineer platoon. A Scorpion swung her machete at Kevin's head. The Nekros simply Soul Punched her into the nearest wall and used the corrupt spirit as a projectile to kill another.


Nothing was said over their short ranged communication. They moved as one, killed as one. They killed in silence. What would be the point of words? Long ago before even the Orokin emerged to create the greatest empire ever known, humanity had always glorified war. For many it was a noble act, to defend one's honor with blade and gun. To a Tenno it was a mere chore, to cleanse the system of filth one had to take up arms. There was no glory, there were no songs to be sung or for honor to be had. War was never a game, war was cruelty incarnate. But to the Tenno waging war was a talent. To try and negotiate with the Tenno, whose might exceeded any mortal reach, when you have made them your enemy...It would be easier to treat with a thunderstorm.


A mortal could not stop the thunderstorm and neither could he stop the Tenno when they went to war.

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Well, I guess I'll give this a shot. This was a drabble I posted on Tumblr.


She was surrounded by darkness. An unending abyss void of light and yet strangely…
Her gaze looks down and she sees herself. Skin that is not flawed by the transformation she had gone under. Her hand touches her arms, feeling smooth and unmarred skin. In shock, her hands move up to her throat and her face. in joy she does not feel the growths, the scars.
Her voice! Could her voice be back? Her gaze looks up as she is ready to give a cry of joy. One that freezes in her throat when she sees what is standing across from her.
Its her Warframe, Saryn. An eyeless gaze pins her down as it slowly advances.
She can’t move. Frozen in fear? Only when Saryn is already in front of her she manages to fall back, trying desperately to crawl away. But its too late, Saryn grabs her by the arms.
Its a long moment as her Warframe studies her, weighing her. All she can is try to hold back her panic.
Then the Saryn tilts its head and suddenly a mouth appears.
No that is wrong, the lower part of Saryn’s helmet only splits open revealing a monstrous maw of teeth and a long vicious tongue. Saryn gives out a mocking laughing hiss as its hideous tongue licks over its “lips.”
Serket tries to scream, but nothing comes out as the maw seems to grow and swallows  her vision.
Serket tumbles out of her cot, trying to release the scream that will never be heard. She meets a cold metal floor as her breaths come out in panicked huffs. Her heart pounds in her chest as she simply lays there for a while, trying to compose herself in the dark. Finally, her breathing slows and her heart begins to return to normal.
The Tenno crawls over to her storage locker and opens it. Staring back at her is her Warframe, blissfully it is not alive and trying to devour her. Arranged neatly at the top were her three helmets. The Cholra helmet is perched above the actual frame as it was her preferred helmet. To the left, her Helmlock.
But it was the one on the right that made her stand up to stare at it. Her default helmet. Her hands, veins reddened by the venom that flows within her and accented by her pale skin, reaches up to take the helmet and bring it down to look at it.
The way the maw had grinned at her before devouring her.
A shudder as she hurls the helmet in the far corner of the room. She lets out a tearless sob as her hands reach up to feeling around her neck. Serket knows what she will feel, that mess of webbed flesh that stole her voice. Her gaze looks up to the mirror on the wall across from her, the only one she has.
Lavender eyes glow from beneath the bangs of hair. Red hair she knows in light, but here they are merely dark.
Just like the Void…
Serket only gives out another soundless shriek as she backs up until she hits the wall and slides into a heap. Wrapping her arms around her knees, she can only sob. The Void had stolen her tears too.
Was that why she was here? Because she wanted all she had lost back? Maybe that is why she had bonded with Alad V. She understood his rage, the empty hole that he sought to fill.
For the Corpus perhaps, that hole was something they constructed for themselves. Something they always tried to fill and never could.
That is what she had, inside of her. The Void that torn that hole open, taken so much from her.
…Lotus had caused her memories to be taken. Waking her too suddenly from Cyrosleep.
Rage filled her being, the veins along her body glowed with her power as they were fueled by her state. But it cooled just as suddenly as it flared and her powers quieted.
Her head sinks into her knees, suddenly feeling exhausted. She should get back to sleep.
When she finally did muster the energy to crawl back into her cot, she only had a last thought.
She, perhaps, had found her reason of why she was here.
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Does NO ONE actually read my stuff!?

I did read your post. Jadoth's going to have something to say about the spaghetti monster part :P


I just wanted to give others a chance to post before I did.


Stayed up until 5:30 AM to go over the first part of my fanfic, it's making a lot more sense than it did originally.

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I just got a vermillion finished, and since this is the last day of the event, if someone needs to make a run, this is the time to contact me in-game. Not sure who it was that still needed one, that's why i posted it here.

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Venefica is on the prowl again.... And she has been taking notes from Oracle...


The Grineer patrol was about to have a collective mental breakdown. Something had been following them, flitting in and out of the shadows, giggling quietly, making them jump as bangs came from inside pipes and vents. That had just been the start. The first to die had been a trooper. Those who remained were the lucky ones, as they were cut apart by a sword. The unlucky trooper had been covering the rear with his Sobek, when he had found himself dangling from a pipe, upside down, with a Nyx staring at him. The Tenno had slowly retracted her helmet, revealing eyes that swam with psychic power.

The trooper was by this point praying silently for a quick death. What followed scared him even more. The Nyx, having retracted her helmet, started retracing the rest of her warframe, slowly, inch by inch. As Grinner are baseline human, and almost all are male, the reaction was fairly obvious. Despite his fear, the trooper could not hide the feelings running through his body. While the Tenno wore an under suit, it left nothing to imagination. His helmet having been removed by the Nyx, his eyes hid nothing of the desire emanating from him. The Nyx saw this, and chuckled quietly.

"We are all simple creatures," she said, her voice dripping with promises of what might happen, very human promises of what might happen between a man and a woman. A dagger appeared in her hand, it's blade as sharp as diamond. Raising it, she placed the tip on his chest armour, and began to cut, slowly, down his chest and towards his groin. She soon had the armour off, leaving the Grinner dangling in the air, with only a bodysuit on.

Venefica smiled, as the unfortunate trooper tried to cover himself a bit better, to hid how he was feeling. She leaned close and whisper in his ear.

"I think your hiding something," she whispered, "shall we let it out?" She push slightly on his mind, and the trooper nodded. She stepped back slightly, and made three quick cuts with her dagger. She pouted a bit at the result.

"Well your not very impressive are you?" She said, disappointment echoing in her voice. Her psychic whip formed in her hand. "There is only one use for you now." She raised the whip in her hand, but before she could swing, a shot rang out, punching straight through the Grinner's head. She spun round. Kylar was standing there, helmet retracted, holding a Vasto in one hand. His disgust was palpable as he holstered his pistol.

"I was just getting started!" Venefica whined. Kylar just looked at her, staring straight into her eyes, trying to stop his own gaze from wondering. This was his sister after all, but she was still beautiful.

"Get your warframe back on sis, we have a job, and it's not giving the Grinner pleasure before you kill them like some succubus." Venefica just smiled.

"I'm not your sister though, Sophia is your sister," she said as she walked slowly towards him, her hips swaying from side to side. "I am Venefica," her hand was on his chest, "with me it's not wrong."

"Same body," Kylar snapped at her. Venefica chuckled.

"Ahh, I do like-"

"Enough," Kylar said, in a tone that could bend iron, if the iron had any sense. Venefica stopped. She had pushed too hard. Trying more would be stupid. She activated her warframe again so that is re sealed. Before she continued on, she smiled to herself. Maybe Kris would be more accepting....


I did say Venefica was taking notes. Please don't give me more ideas Sam.

Edited by Spikey844
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Spikey, Edit Grinner to Grineer in line 1. Great post btw.

Cheers bout dat.  

o.o ...Oh god no... *shoves Kris into a closet and seals it*

You can run Kris but you can't hide...

Oh and two words for you Viking

'Psychic Impregnation'

I'll let you figure out what I mean...

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