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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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I have a surprise for you guys.




Sophia aimed down the sights of her Vectis, lining up the crosshairs on the Kril’s skull. She would get only one shot at this. She had to time it right.


Since the night she had trashed the bar then slept with Kris, things had changed between them. They were more relaxed with each other. She hadn’t –quite- moved in with him, but she had managed to get an apartment near him. Often when he was off duty and she wasn’t on a mission she would go to his or he would come to hers, or they would go out to a restaurant or a bar. These nights sometimes ended up back at either if their apartments, sharing the same bed. They were also finding out things that they didn’t know about themselves or each other. Kris found that he enjoyed singing more than he had thought before. Sometimes they would simply sit in one of their apartments sinning along to one of the many songs that Sophia had on her computer. Sophia had found she had a talent for painting. Using a picture she had taken of Kris, she painted that picture, but had added her own slight touches. She hadn’t worked up the courage to give it to him yet.


Something did worry her though. That morning she had woken up and been sick. She hadn’t been with Kris as he had had night shift. What worried her was that she didn’t know why she was feeling sick. She decided that it was something she had eaten the night before. The kidney beans must have been undercooked.


She shook her head slightly to clear the thoughts. She had to get this shot. Kril didn’t know she was here, yet… his stance made him seem he was ready for something. Sophia had to push back a quiet voice telling her to run. She wasn't going to waste her chance.


She knew things were going wrong when the voices in the back of her mind, the result of her scanning every mind in the area, went silent. Then she felt gun barrels at her head, neck and back. She had been found.


“Put the rifle down,” a voice came from behind her. It struggled with the language. Sophia reached for her power… to find it wasn't there. Her powers were being blocked somehow. Slowly she placed the Vectis on the ground. She felt hands pull of her Vasto and Dakra Prime, then pull her to her feet.


A few minutes later she was thrust to her knew before Lech Kril. He looked pleased with himself.


“Take her for a full medical scan,” he said, “I need to know her limits for when I start asking… questions.” The last word was said with relish.


Sophia found herself being marched through the base, her head bowed. There was nothing she could do. Scorchers comprised her body guards, and they had managed to disable her shields somehow. She would be burnt to a crisp if she tried to run.


The medical bay looked closer to a torture chamber. There were too many blades and electrical clamps for her liking.

That was without the ominous tanks, half hidden at the back of the room. Sophia did not resist as she was made to lie down on the table and the restraints were fixed in place. The scan took an hour. Whilst they were scanning her abdomen however, the Grinner medics got very excited or nervous over something, she couldn’t tell which. One of them ran off, obviously to report whatever had got the so fidgety.



Lech Kril came in when the scans were done.


“Some might say I have no honour,” he said, “they are wrong. I won’t harm a woman in your condition, even if you are our enemy.”


“A woman in my condition?” Sophia asked, head spinning. Then the pieces started fitting together, the sickness when she woke, the medics getting jittery when they scanned her abdomen. It hit her like a rock. There was only one answer to this riddle


“I’m pregnant.”


Kril just nodded.

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AAAAaaannnnd that is why you should use a condom


Not a bad idea actually.


I am sure that Tenno have super special powerful medical technology.


That breaks.


Or massive powers of the mind.


That fail.



Moral of this story?

A little bit of protection might go a long way. (Only ONE of the pregnancies in my fanfictions was accidental btw. But Jasmina doesn't mind.)




My problem with Spiky's story is I can't help but see Grineer as a far future totalitarian regime. If said regime suddenly got their hands on an enemy combatant who could be experimented on... would they stop because she was... in a  delicate condition? Probably not. Their scientists would likely be salivating at the chance to... examine a captive subject in that condition.


Grineer don't think anyone else is 'real' or deserves to live. Even if Kril IS an honorable sort, he isn't in charge. Just a Lieutenant.

Edited by Kalenath
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My problem with Spiky's story is I can't help but see Grineer as a far future totalitarian regime. If said regime suddenly got their hands on an enemy combatant who could be experimented on... would they stop because she was... in a  delicate condition? Probably not.


Their scientists would likely be salivating at the chance to... examine a captive subject in that condition.

Or they might want to wait and see if they can get a Tenno born and raised into their society. Thats how it plays out in my head.


And Kal it was you who put the idea that Kril had some kind of honor from 'What Price Honor?'


This is ALL your fault.



Edited by Spikey844
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Or they might want to wait and see if they can get a Tenno born and raised into their society. Thats how it plays out in my head.


I don't see that. Grineer from what we have seen are all about 'We are Grineer! We are strong! Kill all the weak!' Eugenics at it's worst.


I don't see anyone who is different surviving long in their culture since they do not 'raise' people anyway, just clone them.


That said, it is your story. Go for it.

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For those saying Kris should have been wearing protection, he didn't really have the chance the first time round.


Edit: Kal, the Grinner will do their prodding and pocking, they will just be a bit more gentle than normal in an attempt to preserve their 'experiment'. 

Edited by Spikey844
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Remember, this is during Kris's three days off. on the first day.


Shortly after being given some time off and pushed out of HQ, Kris found himself looking over one of the many mission boards, trying to find something interesting to do instead of just sitting in his room and relaxing. He wanted something new, something he hadn't done in a while and something with a tiny bit of challenge. But it seemed that there was nothing of interest on the board at this moment, just groups advertising Orokin tower missions and clans recruiting while at the same time trying to not look desperate for new members. Walking away from the board, Kris looked at his weapons. His Soma wasn't a deadly weapon after the modifications were added and his Prova was only for stunning, thanks to the modifications to it as well. He had to get new weapons before he took on a mission.


The market was bustling as normal. Initiates could be seen drooling over the newest weapons, Veterans were seen trading mods amongst themselves, shopkeepers opening up boxes of new merchandise. The smell of baked goods and cooked meat covered the entire market like a blanket and the sounds of laughter, bartering and conversations amplified the atmosphere. But Kris wasn't here for the standard market as he simply walked through it, heading towards an alley at the far end of the market.


The alley was darker than most alleys on the Station, making it the best spot for shops that preferred credits over platinum and a shop was found every 6 meters, advertising the type of items it sold. Most of them sold barely legal items and had a large customer base but the shop Kris was interested in had very few customers. Opening the door to the shop, Kris was greeted with the smell of gunpowder, molten metals and sulfur. Gun parts hung on almost every wall and completed guns hung on the wall behind the counter. The sound of gentle hammer strikes echoed around the shop and told Kris that the person he was there to meet was in.


''Old man! You busy?'' Kris shouted as he waited at the counter, counting his credits and contemplating his purchase.


''Of course not.'' A raspy voice responded as a rather well muscled Tenno walked to the counter, his weathered face and grey hair complementing his build. ''So, what can I get ya?''


''Well, my dear friend, I am in need of one of your firearms.'' Kris responded.


''Really? And I thought you were here just to stare at me body. What were ye thinking in terms of weapon? A shotgun? A rifle? Maybe one of those new grenade launchers everyone seems to want from me these days?''


''A grenade launcher? Bah! I was thinking about the first two options. Fit me better, you see.''


''Allright, look at the wall and let me know when ye have picked. I'll then prepare one.'' The Gunsmith said as he walked towards the gun he had been fixing. Kris looked at the wall and read the price tags hung on each gun. Some of them were quite expensive, but since the Gunsmith refused platinum it was understandable. Some of them were even guns that had been taken out of circulation, Like the Boar and the Snipetron. After about 5 minutes, Kris had picked the weapon he wanted, calling back the gunsmith.


''Aye? What will it be?'' The Gunsmith said as he put some tools on the counter.


''A Boar Prime.'' Kris responded as the Gunsmith smiled a little.


''Now that is a fine piece of gun. Too bad alot of people don't want ta use it anymore. I had to lower the price of it until it now costs less than the normal version.'' The Gunsmith scoffed. ''Anyways, do you want a Catalyst installed? It'll cost extra but the weapon will benefit from it.''


''Why not? I feel like I deserve it.'' Kris replied as he watched the Gunsmith assemble the gun before his eyes. In less than 20 minutes, the gun was ready.


''Anything else?''


''A Sicarus would be nice too. And before you ask, yes, I would like a catalyst installed.''


A few minutes later Kris held his new guns. All in all, the two guns had costed him about 200.000 credits, but he didn't mind. It was a lesser blow to his fund than the 225 platinum he would have had to pay for a standard Latron. So many initiates made that mistake, spending their platinum given by Lotus to buy a weapon instead of doing a few missions to get the credits to pay for the blueprints so they could actually keep their platinum.


Kris walked back into the market. The smell of baked goods and barbequed meat still hung in the air and the normal market sounds, again, complemented the atmosphere well and walking through the market again made Kris feel relaxed as he walked back towards the mission board. His mood went quickly from relaxation to annoyance as he read the board. The same three missions that had been on it 30 minutes ago were still there. Kris just shook his head as he decided to head for the training rooms. He needed to practice with his new weapons.



There, first story I have posted with open office, yay!

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You know, lore-wise I can see where Kelenath is coming from. At first glance it would seem more like a Corpus thing to want to be patient when it comes to experiments (or want to experiment at all and not just flat out exterminate). However, back in Gradivus we got a message from Sargas Ruk saying something about our skills/abilities as warriors aren't something that they can grow in a test tube. If that's the case, it would make sense to me that they would want to experiment with new sources of genetic material to add to their cloning projects. The Tenno ARE their greatest enemy, and they respect their power, so it makes sense to me that they would want to preserve the opportunity to raise a Tenno child as their own, even if later on they were nothing but a donor for "perfecting" the Grineer genome. If that makes sense.

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I'm writing it now D:


I just have to reread all this stuff... tell me, what's Aiden's loadout?

Burston Prime and Galatine. He's gifted his Burston to Jadoth, so he now gets to pick a new primary and secondary. 

A Karak and a Lex should be his new guns.

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Ooooh, some nice bits of story from you guys.

Nice to see something from Kril besides the 'Hammered' joke and Hammering.


And a possible rescue mission you say? As well as the Fomorian issue? I might have to hurry Nyght along a bit, make him -available-



Time on the firing ranges and practice rooms had done Nyght quite a lot of good. His muscles were remembering and adjusting to the kick of a firearm, re-learning to compensate and absorb the recoil. The Braton Vandal was performing nicely, with a reasonably controllable recoil for an automatic rifle, and after some modifications he reckoned it would be able to stand in almost any firefight. The Magnus, that had a hell of a kick, especially since he was training his arms to wield it one handed. He'd developed a single hand reloading technique too, so he could fully use alongside his blade.

    During his firearm practice, he'd caught a number of what he guessed to be initiates, eyeing and gossiping over Moonshard, who was draped over his back. The ancient Dakra had turned that into a small crowd of onlookers, when he had started sparring in the duel pens; first against produced holographic opponents, then shortly after against a couple of plucky Tenno from the watchers, likely trying to prove themselves to their friends. Or win bets. Either way, the practice against a live fighter did let him relax; close combat was his old forte, his body just seemed to flow with the dancing Dakra in it's singing strokes. It simply felt right.


 There had been some, odd, occurrences in his time at the Clan's dojo and training areas. One in particular seemed to have imprinted itself on his mind.

   A rather panic stricken, run down and outright exhausted frameless tenno, being practically hauled around by a hyperactive, jumpity and almost TOO Happy Nova. A Nova that, when she entered, two things happened. Firstly, the air took on the sweet scent of cherry blossoms. And cherries.

Secondly, most of the other tenno in the area seemed to, retreat, either to a covered area or to the exits.


The colourful Nova seemed quite fixed on some matter, searching around the hall for something. She had, very briefly, managed to notice Nyght and said something. However, Nyght merely caught what seemed an incomprehensible splurge of vocals:




And with that had skipped off again before Nyght could even come up with a response, towing her 'friend' along with her.


"What sort of Dojo have I ended up in again?" Nyght puzzled to himself."I hope those requests for a mission get a response soon. I need to get out of here, just for a bit."


Nyght had done what training he could for now; hours had been spent pocketing moving target drones and holographics with his two guns, and without any experienced live sparring partners available, there was little more he could get from the duelling pens - the initiates had all started using him as practice now instead. He'd practically ended up starting to teach them the basics of being a 'Blade Dancer'.

  For now though, Nyght had retreated to a meditation area, to focus on other matters. He knelt over a sitting pad, his helmet unclasped and laid infront of him alongside MoonShard. His head was bowed down, towards the old pendant, nestled in the palms of his hands.

Over the past couple of days, he'd found that by meditating with his focus on the Pendant and his past, that his mind had started to... interface, with some kind of psychic mechanism inside it. He was slowly, but surely, picking his way back into the ancient era memory device that his original clan had given him. Ultimately, he hoped that somewhere inside it was the truth on what happened to him; The fate of the 'ark', his Tenno packmates, how the hell he ended up inside his Cryopod  in some Corpus cargo bay. So far, all he had managed to get were some older memories, from the golden era of the Orokin and his Clan's more peaceful days. A few included the cheery spirits of his former pack, and dependable friends they became when the going got tough. He was ashamed that he just couldn't summon up any names yet.

   And in this latest attempt to unlock the rune carved crystal, something different came up. Blueprints? Schematics? They seemed to be modified versions of weapons he already say around him. Yes... that was right. His Clan had developed some slightly tweaked variants of existing weapons, based on the specialised fighting styles adopted by them. Including these for his 'Art, Blade Dancing'. They mainly consisted of custom grips and recoil dispersion devices, designed to allow the user to wield more guns single handed, giving them greater flexibility in close combat.


Interesting. Nyght thought to himself. I should draw these out, turn them over to the foundry master when he returns. I bet he could work these into some good weapons for me.


And so he continued to meditate, picking away at the memory crystal and it's forgotten secrets, waiting for the summons to arms and duty.

----------- --------------------- ----------------------- --------------------------------- -------------------------


Yes. Feel free to comment. And work me into the stories of your beautifully crafted and wonderfully creative characters. :D


sorry, I'm so happy.

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I'm currently working over Aiden's introduction. It should be up "shortly". If not tonight than some time tomorrow, so that others can get past it since I've been taking too long.


Also, my apologies to tdsa. The bit I had going with Shade and Akinos is going to get cut and moved. It won't be reworked and reposted for awhile. I'm REALLY REALLY SORRY about this... really. >.<;

Once I get the intro done I'll be able to come back to it with it pushed sometime into the storyline "future". Again. Sorry!


I know I've screwed up my timeline and things are going to be a little confusing, but when I do my next post I will lay everything out and explain what was changed and stuff. Again, I'm sorry guys.

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