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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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Ok, here's a small thing. I'll post more later on. I hope it's alright. Thanks guys.





A line of text scrolled across Acantha’s HUD, but she didn’t have time to read it. The entire mission had become chaos in the space of a few seconds; Kylar was screaming at the top of his lungs after just having found out that Sophia was pregnant, gunfire was coming from Galen’s end of the com link, the Nekros that Kylar had been carrying had just been unceremoniously dropped on the floor and was stirring, no doubt uncomfortable in his new position, and Kris looked haggard, even through his helmet, as he went to help the fallen Tenno to his feet. All in all, the rescue mission that they’d been sent on was falling to pieces around them and bedlam was everywhere.


“Kylar, stop!” Acantha suddenly yelled as she watched him go even more out of control. The Tenno had gone from just yelling in his com at the top of his lungs, to drawing his weapon, screaming threats at Galen, and charging down the hallway heedless of everything around him like some kind of thick-headed raging bull with nothing in his mind but barreling forwards through any obstacle at maximum possible speed. “Damn it all…” she muttered, “That man is a Rhino trapped within an Excalibur and he’s going to get himself killed acting like that…”


She stared frustratedly down the hallway after him as his silhouette disappeared around a corner, knowing she couldn’t immediately chase him down. She was forced to shift her attention, however, when another line of text appeared on her HUD as Kris addressed the newly awake Nekros: Can you fight? The silent warrior nodded, having stood up and regained his balance a bit fumblingly with the Vauban’s assistance. He had pulled a strange melee weapon out from behind him.


Kris just nodded, and swayed on his feet, as if some realization had just struck him. The fact that he began muttering to himself as well didn’t bode well either.


“What’s wrong?” All the worst possible things that could have happened began running through her mind. Perhaps he was hurt, or ill, or had heard bad news about one of the others… I hope miracles exist if I’m the only one left of this squad who is in any condition to fight. She thought, her stomach clenching with nervousness.


“I’m not sure to hope whether I’m right or wrong.” His voice sounded emotional, but she couldn’t tell what kind of emotions he was feeling. He mostly sounded stunned, like he’d just taken a shock he couldn’t quite process.


“Right or wrong about what?” Her voice came out sharper than she intended, her stress getting the better of her.


“About whether I’m the one who got Sophia pregnant.” His voice came out softly, like he was afraid to voicing his worry would make it true. Acantha stood there, stunned, before shaking her head both in disbelief and to help clear her mind.


“We’ll sort that out later, right now let’s just save her.” Kris visibly collected himself and nodded. She shot a glance at the Nekros, who’d been standing quietly, strange sword in hand, the entire time. She didn’t know if he could hear them, and he at least seemed unable to speak, so she sent him a text communication to be sure he would understand what she was going to tell him.


We’re going after Sophia, a Tenno who is being held prisoner here. I know you are in no condition to fight, but I must ask you to do so anyway. I am sorry for this necessity, but speed is our largest concern here. The faster we secure Sophia and regroup with the others the faster we can extract, and get you the help you need. Are you with us Tenno?


He glanced at her, then down the hallway that Aiden had left down earlier, before sending her a reply. What of the other? He is alone.


She looked down the same hall as the Nekros, the concerned look on her face covered by her helm. The best way we can help him now is to accomplish our goal and return for him as quickly as possible. The note betrayed none of her apprehension, but her unconscious actions did. Her knuckles whitened as her grip tightened on her weapon, and tension could be read in the set of her shoulders. She hated leaving Aiden alone, but she saw the necessity in his actions. The Nekros seemed to hesitate, then nod.


The remaining members of Team One moved together to follow the path Kylar had taken towards Sophia. Acantha knew they weren’t far from her and Galen’s location, but she was still surprised by the lack of Grineer forces that they encountered on their way to them. At least that was until they turned a corner to face a fairly imposing amount of cloned abominations. Kylar was already in the middle of the mob, drawing inordinate amounts of attention as he hacked, shot, and otherwise decimated his way through anything that moved. Acantha couldn’t even see the doorway she knew Galen and Sophia were behind due to the mass of armor and flesh that blocked her view, but she could see the general direction that the natural-disaster-that-was-Kylar was heading in, so she had some general idea of where their target was.


She and the others lost no time assisting in the fight. The Nekros, she still didn’t know his name, hadn’t waited on anyone. He’d jumped into the fray like a ravenous animal, beating the others to the fight and shredding anything that came near him with his strange but effective blade. Kris had immediately thrown a Vortex into the center of the seethe, which instantly began drawing in unlucky enemies. He and the Nova had then taken advantage of both his ability and the chaos it had created to clear a large section of floor, pressing their advantage of surprise they surged into the gap in the Grineer lines, sowing death in their wake.


Acantha just let antimatter fly, allowing her Null Star to take out anything that managed to get close to her as she moved to the far side of the clearing and scaled a precariously stacked set of crates to begin taking out enemies from above. Kris was managing to keep up a steady barrier with his Bastille, and the glittering net kept the large number of enemies from retaking the floor. Only a limited number of the troops could force through it at once, and any that got stuck were easy prey for Acantha, whose kunai flew with silent grace to end the lives of those who struggled against the hold of the Vauban’s deadly net. The Grineer force, while impressive, stood no chance against the group of warriors, and was quickly thinned under their assault. Acantha was feeling good about their chances when she saw the Nekros begin to have trouble. His movements became pained and jerky, and after a few moments he collapsed to the floor.


“Qarin! Cover him!” she shouted as she fired at the Grineer who attempted to take advantage of the Nekros’s vulnerable state. The Djinn flew quickly to him and was able to hold off the few remaining Grineer as his mistress scrambled from her perch to his aid. Most of the Grineer already lay dead around them, and by the time she hit the floor and ran to the downed Tenno’s side what remained of the force was in full retreat. She knelt by the downed Tenno, who’d fallen not far from the door where Galen and Sophia had taken refuge, and tried to assess his condition.


“Damn it. We need to get out of here, things are getting out of control…” she glanced behind her as the others grouped up in the storage room, hoping things wouldn’t get any worse than they already were. She could only hope Aiden and Team Two were having an easier time of things than they were. “Kylar, can you carry him again? We need to get to Team Two and extract, fast.”

Edited by Jeahanne
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My next chapter is either going to be either late or early. I woke up sick this morning (it's currently 6:30 in the morning for me), and if I can't get back to sleep and/or make it to class I'll likely end up writing. Whether or not that writing make SENSE, however, is an entirely other matter... lol


So depending on how things go, I'll either get a lot done and posted, or will having nothing up until I feel better.

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Thanks everyone for the kind words. Really means a lot. Now I need to work on the final part of the fight...it's tricky, so you shouldn't expect it for another few days. Sorry to anyone who's waiting for it!

And congrats Viking! Enjoy that swag

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Damnit. Typed up a continuation for Team 2, and now it's refusing to let me copy paste.


It shall (hopefully) be with you shortly.


Bloody forum text box.


(Accepting fix ideas.)


Is the loading bar just going and going without stopping? if so, it may just be taking a LONG time to load. One of mine took 5 min last night.


If not, copy it again, then hit the previous page button on the bottom of the page. THEN go to the last page and try to post a reply again. Sometimes THAT works. Just make ABSOLUTELY sure you have a good copy somewhere other than the forums (RichText, Word, whatever) before you do ANYTHING. Sucks to lose a few hours (or more) worth of work due to a glitch.

Edited by Kalenath
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*grumble grumble grumble* Once again, I present the continuation of Team 2's unfortunate endeavors.


A Hurricane. A hurricane of lead, fire & Malice.


Nyght had effectively lost track of how long they had been wedged into the generator core room. It felt like hours, but could have been a mere few minutes. Impacts resounded from the doorframe & various consoles & machinery his team were hunkered behind. Tracer fire streaked through open air alongside the plumes of exhaust from rocket fire, erupting like fireworks upon contact, spiralling shrapnel rebounding around the chamber.


The deck beneath their feet had become blanketed in a mixture of spent, smoking casings, shattered fragments of metal & a carpet of crimson, inching its way forward as more Grineer filled the gaps left by their fallen clones. It was startling how many of them there seemed to be; each one to be felled by a bullet of get close enough for a strike in melee, several more seemed to be almost queuing to take their place. And not just simple lancers. Greater & greater numbers of heavier armed & thicker armoured marines were joining the fray, adding yet more explosives & lead to storm around the 6 Tenno.


Hell, for a brief moment the Stalker had turned up, with what goal he did not know. All he did know is that their Rhino, Lycanos, had promptly dented a wall with his body before throwing him into the mass of oncoming clones. A brief bout of cursing and he was simply gone.


“What’s the others status Ghost” Nyght yelled over the torrent of fire instinctively, still knowing full well Ghost would hear him regardless.


‘Team 1 is split; 3 of them have ‘acquired’ a Nekros, and are about to rendezvous with Galen & Sophia. They should be heading our way soon.

Aiden has run off to buy time for us all. I’m not sure how he’s holding, I’ll check in a moment.’


“They better hurry; I doubt we can last much longer. How’s everyone doing on ammo?”



‘Sidearm only’

“1 magazine”

“Few more rounds”

“Maybe Mag and a half”


“Make them count everyone. We don’t know how long the other team is going to be.”


Nyght’s own rifle had been spent not long earlier, the Vandal pattern Braton not being the most efficient against the armoured Grineer. The Magnus revolver was still going, each large calibre high impact round either tearing open a face plate or simply buckling it into the cranium beneath. Every shot had to hit its mark, each one becoming more & more precious, vital to-


Click. Click.


Oh. Oh dear. Out, completely out of munitions. All Nyght had remaining was MoonShard & one of the detonators for the charges they had set. Neither particularly useful given the wall of rather aggressive Clones closing a few metres away.


Nyght, Team 2 has Sophia, they’re moving to relieve us now. They should be here shortly.


“Tell them to pick it up, We can barely hold this line as it is, we don’t need any more complications.



Bang. Bang. Bang. A short, muffled yet very angry spout of commands.


“Where’s that coming from?” He already knew the answer, dreading the reply.


‘One of the side doors, they’re trying to flank through!’ replied Aktos. He had been positioned further back, near the sealed auxiliary doors.

This was all snowballing too quickly. ‘They’ll either manage to override the lockdown or more likely, given their nature, blast that access door apart.’ Nyght muttered to himself. Without ammo or good room to manoeuvre, they were going to end up pinned and assaulted on two fronts. Not great additions to their existing odds.


“Aktos, Vulcana, try and unseal one of the other doorways. We need to get out of here before they get in that way.”


The two of them quickly slunk away from their combat positions, rapidly trying to undo their own lockdown work on the opposite side passage, relentlessly tapping away at the consoles, occasionally coupled with an agitated kick to the shoddy Grineer system. After a few moments, it hissed, releasing its seal ever so slightly.


“Lycanos, pry it open. Everyone, pull back to the door way, we need to move. Ghost, tell the others, we cannot hold this position any longer. We’ve left some trip mines behind & set the charges to a timer, but added a booby trap if the Grinner try to disarm.”


The metal creaked & groaned as Lycanos forced apart the two heavy door panels, making a gap just wide enough for all 6 of them to clamber through one by one. Aktos, Vulcana, Idrhen, Lycanos. Just as Ghost got through, she stumbled, seemingly a combination of pain & exhaustion, with the Rhino & her apprentice barely catching her fall.


Aiden, he’s falling. Darkness. All I see is Darkness.


The two of them carried her onwards a bit further, until she regained her own footing. Nyght was last through their escape route, taking one last glance as the barrage of fire moved to pursue them, leaving additional hit marks & shrapnel across his already scarred and drained frame, only finally interrupted as the doorway resealed itself behind the spent team.


Scurrying down the narrower tunnel, Nyght started inspecting both his own status as well as that of his comrades. All were showing signs of exhaustion & heavy injury, some limping whilst others breathed far deeper and faster than they normal could. He began to register the searing pain across his own body, spiking as he extracted what fragments he could from his armour, having to leave others deeper in. Behind the whole team, a fine trail of red footprints reflected the low, warm overhead lights. They had to circle round the Grineer, find an alternate route to the others, before the clones starting catching up on their trail.


They had to end this, soon.



*Grumble Grumble*

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