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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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Hey everyone,


I just wanted to take the time and explain a few things we discussed in our last Skype session regarding this thread.


Firstly, you all must know that SilverBones is very proud of you all for doing so well here. He is truly amazed at everyone's creativity, and I think we should give ourselves a pat on the back for that. 


Secondly, we were on a call for three hours yesterday trying to resolve an issue that arose from miscommunication between a few of our members, leading to them losing control of both the situation and their respective characters. To ensure that this never happens again, we must ensure that no matter what, we always send a draft of any work we have to any person who might be impacted/affected by it, by PMs. This would resolve issues immediately and ensure that no loopholes will exist.


Lastly, we must keep derailing posts and conversations at an absolute minimum until things get sorted out. As of now, the thread is at page 413. This is extremely daunting for new readers, who probably miss out on all the old stories because they aren't able to catch up with the new posts on the thread, let alone the old ones. I am in the exact same state. Two months ago, this thread hit page 100. Within 60 days, give or take a few, we have had 319 more pages. That is 5 pages a day, and about 125 posts a day as well. That is a ludicrous amount, I wouldn't say anything if it was story/feedback. But mostly derailing conversations and other details that could be relegated to PMs. Keep short, one line answers or jokes away from this thread. 


I won't enforce any of these, and I don't possess the power nor the rights to do so any ways. But remember, we're all in this together, and if we get our mistakes and faults sorted, we can make this thread the greatest thing on the forums, and we're very damn close to that goal already.


Good luck with your stories everyone, keep us amazed!


Edited by bejuizb
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Thank you Beju. And Aj, I mean I'd like it more if you could have him actually take notice of Scarlet requesting his presence and going to the dueling room if possible, likely to be stuck outside with Zel and Aigloblam until NQ actually appears to open the door. This is only if you get the time to write that up, otherwise I can just continue things as they are if that's all right with everyong.

(I know this is better taken care of in pm, so I apologize for that.)

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The sound of Magistar colliding with the armored faceplate of a Grineer trooper echoed around the canopy of the forest; it’s ringing, wet thud causing wildlife to rise from the trees and take flight in their primal method of self-preservation. Baaral had not even broken stride as the Magistar came back in its return arc to rest down at his side.


The Oberon stood tall and proud as he stalked, like a juggernaut, through the undergrowth of the forestry ruins towards the fence surrounding the Grineer base. Two more Grineer saw him coming, alerted by the death rattle of their cloned brother falling backwards and landing with a crash. Baaral cared little for their alertness. As he moved forward, his Magistar had found its way to his back again and the Vectis had embraced his grip.


The instinctive snap up of the rifle was followed by a deafening crack, the high-velocity, acid-filled round finding purchase in the chest of the left-most guard, and tearing a hole clean through the back, leaving the acid-soaked remains to fizzle and melt as it dropped. The second guard paused for a moment. The feeling of immediate shock and fear was only present for a moment before the training bred into his mind took over and the Hind in his hands came up to spit death.


Baaral was already sliding another shell into the bolt-action loader of his Vectis.


Even as the massive, horned figure of the Oberon strode forth, the Grineer was quick to act. The Hind spat round after round – some wide, others evaporating as Baaral’s shield flickered to defend him from certain injury, but the thud of impact still stung his synthetic senses. In a previous embodiment, perhaps he might have grunted or made some sign of displeasure at being shot at, but Baaral never found the need to vocalize such things. As the Vectis lined up again, the Grineer turned to run for the alarm system panel, but was quickly halted as a metal sabot tore through the back of his armor and exited through the front of his faceplate, sending blood and metal plating in a spiral of crimson and white.


Baaral did not hesitate to keep moving forward, his armored, cloven foot pressing the fallen body before him further into the mud as his weight shifted over the corpse to step upon, then past it, loading another shell as rain and wind circled around him.


In his mind, the death of these creatures was a mercy. Nature was a thing of beauty, developed in chaos and hardened by years of murder, hunting and exposure. It was capable of color and venom, light and song, but these creatures had taken all he had held in awe of the Origin planet and perverted it with their science and heresy. A flash of light and a deafening rumble stopped him in his tracks as he looked up at the clearing and what was visible of the sky above. The Grineer facility was tall, standing above the trees around it, perhaps as a testament to how much hatred the Grineer had for it ground on which it rested. Smoke billowed out of the top of the structure – thick and noxious, coating the sky in a dark hue.


Such occurrences were not uncommon in the origin system. Machines tore up wood and stone alike, building more resources for the Grineer in their unending effort to make the solar system burn around them as they perished. In the clearing before him, Grineer were already mobilizing after the sounds of gunshots had been heard, but it did little to deter Baaral from his goal.


Flickering into view, Baaral’s shade drifted over his shoulder, ready to help cloak its master from the sensors of the betrayers below. Normally the small, hanging creatures did little else but protect him, but today it seemed even the Shade was aggravated and twitchy. There was no more time to waste. With a silent look to the floating sentinel, Baaral disappeared out of sight and started moving towards the bottom of this monstrosity ahead. His feet picked up the pace as he moved across metal, broken-down railings, only to drop down a good forty feet to land in a soft thud and splash at the bottom. Looking up, three Grineer – two troopers and a heavy gunner – looked up towards the source of the sound, but did not see him. Barking out an order to investigate, the tall, female gunner brought her gorgon up to bear as the two troopers took point, heading towards him slowly and cautiously. They could hear the clicking buzz of the Shade chatting to itself in the background somewhere, and it obviously unnerved them, but they had no idea what was to come.


Baaral gripping one around the faceplate caused him to flicker into view. The grabbed one was stunned for a moment, but the surprise was brief, as a twist of the hand with inhuman strength caused the soldiers neck to over-rotate and snap, severing the spinal column. The heavy gunner, alert as she was, reacted well before her remaining guard could even register the death of his ‘brother’. Opening up with her Gorgon, she made a barking command in her perverted language and advanced slowly, raining death from the high-powered LMG. Baaral could not avoid all the shots, but rather used the body of the man he was holding up as a shield. Even as bullets sheared off limbs and shattered armor, he tossed the corpse at the gunner, causing her to lose focus as she tried to disengage herself from the shredded remains.


By this point, the horned Oberon had turned to address the remaining guard, and had managed to raise his arm in time to block a blow from the butt of a Grakata. With a thud, Baaral was forced back, reminded that the genetic and cybernetic enhancements to the Grineer made them fearsomely strong. The blow hurt, but it was not enough to floor him. The guard responded by the opening of space by lowering his gun and spraying down the Oberon with gunfire. Shields flared and deflected bullets, but the impact of the blows staggered him back, shaking his concentration.


The Shade gave him an opening however. Appearing to the trooper’s side, the sentinel unleashed a blast with the in-built Sweeper that Baaral had installed. The fire-coated rounds ignited the Grineer, causing him to flail in shock as Baaral regained his footing and drew his Magistar. With a solid, crunching sound, the weapon found purchase in the armored shoulder of his attacker, collapsing bone and gristle alike with the impact, while the joint coating of fire and ice resulted in an explosive blast, sending the trooper away and skittering across the floor in a ruined, broken mess. As the Magistar completed the swing, Baaral pulled his arm back to face the heavy gunner, but she was already on him.


With a slam of power, the towering female had moved beside him and punched down. With a thunderous boom and the feeling of being hit by a vehicle, Baaral felt himself in the air before a tree stopped his backwards momentum. With a crunch, he felt his systems warn him of damage, even as he slumped down the heavy bark. It only took him a moment to shake off the impact and looking up, the Oberon saw that the gunner was almost done reloading and the barrel of that huge gorgon was rising to spit death at him once more.


Knowing that his Shade would not make so much of a dent, he called upon his innate power. His suit and power was modified in such a way that he could not hit often, but when he did, it hit hard the effects stayed around long after he had moved on. As burning orange and gold energy spiraled out of his chest and coalesced on his arms, he threw his arm forward from his sitting position and towards the gunner. The impact was enough to send the female flying backwards, straight through a wire fence and into a wall behind. From the impact point, projectiles of energy ricocheted around the walls, blasting anything they came into contact with – some even rebounding to blast holes in the already dead gunner.


When all had fell silent, Baaral looked around to make sure no one else was close before reaching back and slowly picking himself back up from his sitting slump against the tree. As he found his feet, his shield shimmered back into view with a blue, traveling glow before stabilizing. There were still many enemies in the base, and he was running out of time if he was to find his target before he was overrun. This direct combat made him feel uneasy, but sometimes even the wilderness has to overwhelm its problems in floods and avalanches.


More Tenno were on their way, no doubt, but this was Baaral’s fight. His hunt. His prey.


His home.



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Well the rescue is over... do I need to post something short to wrap things up and get everyone to the dojo? I can.


*edit: Actually just give me a couple hours. I'll throw something together if no one has any objections.

Edited by Jeahanne
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Hi all,


I think I owe all of you an apology. I have been rather blind, and blindsided people with my stories that forced you to work your stories around mine. The rescue mission that has just concluded is a prime example of this. Since I am at school and cannot use Skype here, you had no way of telling me what I was doing wrong with any particular ease. I have been selfish, for lack of a better word, thrown you all for a loop. I just wrote and unthinkingly expected you guys to follow on as you could. For my short sightedness, I am truly sorry.


The person I really need to apologise to is Viking. I have completely messed up your plans, wrote stories using Kris without your consent or your knowledge, and forced difficult choices onto you. I have wrecked writing plans that you may have had. It is you who I have hurt the most, because of my stupidity, and for that you have my most sincere apology.


I hope that you accept my apology, that we can put the past behind us, and that we can continue to write stories together.


Thanks for reading, and once again, you have my apologies.



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