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What are your wishes for 2017?


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EDIT: I want blood on weapons, too. I can slice through an army with my sword and it's completely clean? Come on.


The new Pumpgun to be released before I have to go back to school, which is in one week.

Better soundsystem. More "realistic" sound. (I know DE is working on it, but right now it's just....meh. The weapons don't sound nearly as powerful as they are :/...also, after watching that PhysX trailer, it seems they removed that "metallic" sound on impact from Rhino's Iron Skin...WHY?)

Better physics and less clipping. Make cloth look like it actually is cloth, not liquid plastic.

Better optimisation. I can run the game at 40+ FPS on max. settings, but since TWW my frames go down to 7 in that "tunnel" in one of the corpus ships.

Better AW controls and more AW content. I LOVE Archwing in general, but there are so many little things that bother me so much. Such as the EXTREME drifting. Come on, it's an archwing, not a Go-Kart on ice.

Talking about physics, better "impacts" on enemies. No more Hollywood-style enemies that fly across the map.

Better and more gore. Yes, I like blood.

When talking about gore, I mean more details. Such as:

-Organs showing

-Blood "shooting" out of a big wound (bad english, I know)

-Corpses stay longer/forever, blood too. Could be toggled in Options.

-Visualy damage on Warframes and Enemies. I mean, if I get hit by a sniperrifle in the head, I want to see some sort of "impact crater" there. Hell, at least make some textures that show that I've taken damage, like some blood on my frame. It can bleed after all.

Better animations in general. Seriously, stop making me watch how I reload my weapon without removing the magazine.

More tilesets. Maybe even a "open battlefield", where Grineer and Corpus fight each other. Not just ships.

For archwing, maybe a battelfield too. Say, sabotage *enter multiple targets here* while you fly through Grineer and Corpus ships shooting at each other. Basically the Crossfire (is that the name?) mode but in AW.

Edited by o0Despair0o
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My wishes for the next few years.


1. Improve the dojos and add more functional buildings into it which can gives a fun relaxing between missions.

2. Some part of UI is not really visible those parts needs a re creation.

3. More additions on panels and functions in the preferences menus like multiple item making or let use make multiple items same time.

4. Slots as rewards for mastery ranking and choosable passive abilities by reaching certain mastery ranks like 10-20-30. For this they should implement more ranks.

5. Option for gender swap or something similar for the frames. This contain the old frame models like female excal, male ember and male mag. 

6. More community created items and frames implement into the game or atleast some wow model viewer isnpired warframe model viewer where the talented artists and model makers could share to show their frames.

7. More pvp games and for clans tournament like games with mod rewards.

8. Balance or change the old mods which not viable anymore and reduce the op mods a little bit. 

9. Dmg 3.0 but not removing mandatory mods instead scaling down them add extra mod slots and separate the mod slots into segments like damage, utility, energy etc which can help to mod the weapon and it won't make the weapon op yet but useful.

10. Major issue the squishy frames and op frames stats so I wish more stat boost on each frames which really needs it but don't turn down the already finely work frames.

11. Exact the same but with the weapons make the old weapons viable by buffing their stats like damage, reload speed, accuracy etc and make the weapons mechanically interesting. I know there happend a riven mod introduction but that won't help the old weapons really and still the peoples whom play the game choose their beloved hardcore boomsticks instead ancient time weapons.

12. More enemy type to each factions and even some new alternative faction.

13. More syndicate and option to become syndicate and give task to peoples (mostly clan thing)

14. More type of pets and increased number and variety of wildlife on habitable (terraformed) planets.

15. Improved networking and maybe normal servers or dedicated servers for the normal game modes not just for the dojo and relay.

16. Probably more tenno for the game and equal handling for each category of players. Make them happy and they will like you more.

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1. Relic/fissure system overhaul. I do not find this system fun or rewarding in any way. Its grind relics to grind void traces to grind for a chance to get what you want. There has to be a better system then this

2. Weapon/warframe rebalancing.

3. Cephalon Simaris revival. I would like to see the community driven lore bits come back.

4. New planets. Come on DE its time to do a Lava planet and Io is perfect for it

5. Archwing movement rework. Once again Freespace 2 is a game that did six axis space flight perfectly. Take some inspiration from it

6. Improved operator system. The current one is in its infant phase and as a result feels clunky and has questionable usefulness. I really do want to see it expanded upon and even mix in with the focus system

7. Improvments to the riven mod system. I want to see the usual boring stat changes turn to something more interesting. Let us get something for doing something and give us a weekly or monthy even where we get a garanteed riven. Right now its just to hard to get what you want with them only being in sorties

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5 hours ago, erny0507 said:

He needs rework on his powers and augments. I dont think that a buff will make him and his augments good. The needs a new 2 and new augment for 2 and for 4.

Nope. 1 ability needs a real change (halloweed ground) and his healing tweaks and some stat buffs. Not useless frame.

Edited by Sziklamester
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I would like DE to stop just throwing things into the game because it seems like they'll be cool. I would like DE to have a single, coherent plan for exactly what they want Warframe to be and where they want the game to go, and I want them to stick to the plan. I want DE to have a coherent, rational view of their own lore and setting, so that we're not left looking at Nidus and the new companion saying "Why is this acceptable? How is it remotely ok to use fully active, infectious technocyte cultures as a weapon? What exactly is the explanation for how we're not seeding outbreaks literally everywhere we go?"


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This is short term heavy work, for long term reward for DE.

1. Wraith, Vandal, Prime, Mutalist and Wraith for everything. Yup, everything. Put a bonus stats (I mean use an algorithm to automatically adjust the stats) Vandal vs. Grineer, Prime vs. Sentients, Mutalist vs Tenno, and Wraith vs Corpus. Then all you have to do is model the weapon/bake a skin, drop it in and insta 'content'.

2. Umbras for all frames. Seriously, for real. Really. I mean it.

3. A new kubrow based charger model for the Helminth charger and a new kavat based model for the Helminth crawler. C'mon, you know you want to.

4. A new quest (no cut scenes, keep it simple). To get prototype Zanuka schematics from Alad V and Zanuka themed versions of the current living companions.

5. Sorties to have a token currency for rewards.

6. Rivens to be tied to Syndicates that DO NOT add stats, but add themed effects. (Chance to proc a small burn effect, chance to become invisible, silent for 5 seconds on reload, etc. for Red Veil (as an example))

7. Meet the Author of Riven mods and generously apply massive amounts of force to the genital/sensitive areas, in game.

8. Old content to be cycled back into the game as scheduled events.

9. More content involving the Sentients, specifically: meeting more of their power structure/personalities. Not simply drones that slap us around.

10. Cross faction survivals. I want to see sentients fighting infested.

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Alright. Let's check out my 5 2017 wishes! I even have a reason of mine for each.

  1. More lore on Stalker & Acolytes. (Reason): I wanna see more story when it comes to the Stalker & the Acolytes.
  2. More Stalker weapons for other Melee categories? (Reason): I at least wanna see what DE can do with other Melee categories when it comes to Stalker equipment...
  3. A Warframe-universal Acolyte helmet. (Reason): I wanna be able to make my own Acolyte-based looks for at least a few of my Warframes. So what would be a better compliment for that?
  4. Customization 2.0? (Reason): More creativity anyone :thinking:???
  5. Umbra weapons & cosmetics. (Reason): ...If we ARE gonna have Umbra Warframes, Then why not this...?
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