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What do you guys think of this Idea? (Suggestion for a Limbo's Banish)


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Just like ash give him the marking mechanic to choose what he wants to be put inside the rift, banishing enemies one by one is tiring and boring. By marking/selecting all the enemies by all the enemies you want to be put in the rift and then banishing them all at one time would be fairly cool! Thoughts?

Edited by Trickst3rGawd
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2 minutes ago, wolf96781 said:

It's a start, but instead of individual targeting, why not an AoE of sorts?

Cataclysm is already an AOE. Either two needs to be replaced with four and then they brainstorm and create a new ability for his ult or they change the mechanics of four and use the marking system.

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What I want is just better control for Limbo's rift management. Lets say you want to banish the sortie defense guy but he's surrounded by enemies. Good luck targeting him. Lets say you want to activate a life support but you're surrounded by enemies. How can I put all of them in the rift instantly while I swap over to the material plane? You can't. Cataclysm will put you there too.

 I want his 1 Banish to never be able to target friendlies. I want his 2 Rift Walk to have a 3m AoE that can send friendlies into the rift when Limbo goes into the rift. I want his 3 Rift surge to be combined with his 2 that also affects all friendlies. I want an AoE banish that can send enemies in the rift but not friendlies.

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If we're gonna give him a multi banish it could be a cascade. The small AOE just kills cataclysm for me, But hold banish and one by one they start falling. I could see that. Like a chain. 

The 2 sending friendlies into the rift sounds dope also. 

Edited by (PS4)VaDeR81
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The thing I got from hearing "Pro limbo players" talk about banish reworks, is that it is often key being able to banish 1 and only 1 key target.

If you're trying to take, say, a corrupted ancient out of the fight for your allies, you don't want the AOE to also draw in its bombard-friend.


That being said, I'm all for brainstorming on this.

I personally find using cataclysm on a group of enemies as very clunky, and often dangerous if you do it for somewhere other than behind cover. So I'm all for a way to banish multiple targets. It just has to be done right, or it could do more harm than good.


16 hours ago, (PS4)VaDeR81 said:

If we're gonna give him a multi banish it could be a cascade. The small AOE just kills cataclysm for me, But hold banish and one by one they start falling. I could see that. Like a chain. 

The 2 sending friendlies into the rift sounds dope also. 

the Cascade idea sounds interesting. I'm not sure how I really feel about it, as it needs much more fleshing out before I can get an idea of how it'd work, but it's at the very least thematically interesting.

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My only suggestion regarding Limbo would be to delete it from the game. I hate Limbo and everyone who plays it. Every Limbo I've been randomly matched with was a selfish jerk.

"You can just roll"

Sure, and then you banish me again because you machinally banish everything you see, and I spend half of my time rolling instead of casting abilities or shooting, like I'm some damn prowling Ivara.

"Limbo helps to do damage"

Sure, for you alone, while everyone else gets zones where they can't shoot in/out of and get their targets robbed from them while they're aiming at them. Not to mention it messes with loot and can be used to troll you off of hacking consoles.

"Limbo is useful"

I'd rather have ANY other frame on my team than someone who brings equal parts support and annoyance. They cancel out and make Limbo one big selfish burden on a team, a rogue agent that's a pain in everyone's neck.

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Just now, AzureFlash said:

My only suggestion regarding Limbo would be to delete it from the game. I hate Limbo and everyone who plays it. Every Limbo I've been randomly matched with was a selfish jerk.

"You can just roll"

Sure, and then you banish me again because you machinally banish everything you see, and I spend half of my time rolling instead of casting abilities or shooting, like I'm some damn prowling Ivara.

"Limbo helps to do damage"

Sure, for you alone, while everyone else gets zones where they can't shoot in/out of and get their targets robbed from them while they're aiming at them. Not to mention it messes with loot and can be used to troll you off of hacking consoles.

"Limbo is useful"

I'd rather have ANY other frame on my team than someone who brings equal parts support and annoyance. They cancel out and make Limbo one big selfish burden on a team, a rogue agent that's a pain in everyone's neck.

Such exist sadly, such trolls, but you can't view all Limbos the same, people try very hard including me placing its abiltiys at the right time and in the right area and even then if i help out alot people tell me of i shouldn't "troll" even if i don't at all, helped with kills or rifted the defend target only.

They only see a limbo or rift and assume i want to troll them seriously, i played MMO's and look at the group bascily, i'm a supporter, i see one on low energy and if he is not busy putting him in a rift and even putting him out of it like in between waves.

He simply is no easy to use frame, you not jsut press a abilty were it always works the same. You have to plan and think.

Hopefully his rework makes people less look down on him.

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