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The Glast Gambit: Hotfix 19.5.4


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1 hour ago, Wolfy_The_Abyss_Hound said:

Why are you (and for some reason so many others) so upset about a little red thing on your neck, it's barely visible and only lasts for a week, get over it and stop crying about it, you're not helping anyone by overreacting, also i don't know what you're doing but neither mine or my friends yin yang wheel of uselessness moves when infecting someone 

Firstly, it does not go away after a week. If you have a Incubator Power Core and can actually breed the Helmith Charger, it will be dormant for one day and then grow back.

Secondly, some people care about their ingame alignment. If you keep infecting people the alginment will go darker and darker. It happend to me. I was almost purely light but am now almost in balance.

Thirdly, those players who actually do not want to ruin other players' fun - which can happen if you infect someone with this damn ugly cyst - are pretty much excluded from public missions because there is no guarantee, that you will not encounter someone who cares. Players that know about the cysts and care about the looks of their frames on the other hand have to play only with people they actually know for a fact are not infected or otherwise always risk that their fun is ruined.

May I return a question? I suppose so: Why do people bother complaining about the cost of Hema research? Only people who need every point of mastery they can get really need the gun and once MR23 you shoud have amassed enough ressources with your clanmates to easily get the research done. So what is that fuss about? - Well, I totally know what it is about of coourse. Not every clan has enough members with enough resources to pay the price outright. My clan had and probaly will have for the next research as well as we only used some of the resources we had; actually I paid for everything but the Mutagen Samples alone and with two players depositing mutagen samples we were 90% done, so out of the five active players of our clan the tree players who always pay for research could do so easyly. And guess what, we since have restocked our supplies quite a bit and our clanmates who never pay for research because they only lock on after the others still have all of their research ressources and can invest the if push comes to shove. To say people should just shut up and pay for Hema research because it does not consume too many resources is as wrong as saying that the cyst is not bad.



I am really fed up by now. I got infected without even knowing that the cyst existed and infected other people while still thinking it was a weird glitch. I was glad when I could drain the cyst on my Nova Prime (61% usage because I love that frame) and thought I could return to at least playing with other unfected players but luckily for me I did not have the time and realised that I would have ruined other people's frames had I played with them in my supposely cured Nova Prime. So still I can only play solo as none of my friends have or want the cyst.


And frankly, I am starting to lose my patience. I am considering leaving warframe for good and the option becomes more likely every day. I surely hope there will be a cure that is affordable for everyone, including new players, in the next few days. Personally I could pay for each and every of my frames if the costs were something like 10 million credits, 10k plastids, 100 mutagen samples, 100 neurodes and 400 morphics per infected frame for a cure and 100k credits, 500 plastids, 1 mutagen sample, 1 neurode and 4 morphics for immunisation of non infected frames. But that would be absolutely unfair for new players. So something along the lines of maybe 5k and a neurode should be maximum curing cost and immunizing ought to be much cheaper.

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what about "could not join because seassion is full" and being locked out of starting any mission after?

It wasn't happening before glast gambit.

I'm well aware that there are workarounds, but at this point I lean towards going alt+f4 and ending wf seassion for a day.

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1 hour ago, Bladereap3r said:

greetings Dev's ~ Still waiting for the Neptune Bug Fix! -


Issue: Before the The War Within: Update 19.4.2 +

I had been deploying Resource Extractors on Neptune for the longest.
I've lost that function to deploy now since the last patch update...whats up with that, please DE?


Warframe Support
Dec 26, 14:21 EST

Hello Bladereap3r,

Thank you for reporting this bug! While we are aware of the problem and our development team is already working to resolve this, your report really helps us understand the scope of the problem.

To see when this bug gets fixed, please keep an eye on the Update notes posted in the forums: PC Update & Build Notes..


Thanks again for taking the time to bring this to our attention!



For  me winning every level of the index once did it and I was able to deploy extractors again.

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4 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

The New Strange Fixes:

  • Fixed crucial progression required mission rewards not being given to players, therefore stopping progression through the quest. A script has gone live with this Hotfix that retroactively administers missing items to those currently unable to progress through The New Strange. To those who were affected by this, please let us know if you are now able to progress through the quest. 
  • Fixed auto progressing through the New Strange quest.

*Please note that we are still investigating a resolution for those that did not receive the End of Mission reward for auto completing The New Strange quest before this Hotfix.

UPDATE: For those of you who are still missing Blueprints for The New Strange, please ensure that the Quest is set as active in your Codex. For those of you who are missing the Signal, this section is still bugged and will be fixed in the next build.  

My game auto-completed so hope maybe like somehow get the mission fixed realll soon.

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No fix for matchmaking "squad is full" and other various issues that are clearly not intended and are just pure annoying as hell?
Also Kuva Siphon missions are still buggy - they either don't spawn at all, spawn in a location players can't access or the kuva clouds themselves get stuck in a wall players can't get to.

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24 minutes ago, Opacor79 said:

Secondly, some people care about their ingame alignment. If you keep infecting people the alginment will go darker and darker. It happend to me. I was almost purely light but am now almost in balance.

No it does not. Stop spreading misinformation. The reason you are skewed towards Moon is because you chose the Neutral Ending to the Glast Gambit which was bugged to give Moon Ending rather than Neutral. By spreading unfounded rumors about something you don't even understand you are creating meaningless noise, distracting from a very real bug which DE needs to correct.

Edited by Aket
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4 hours ago, Heckzu said:

No changes to the Hema research requirements or mutagen sample drop rates? Really?

They will fix the already small amount to its intended 10.000 mutagen sample cost for ghost clans and up from there.

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