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Why not put Riven mod rewards in PvP?


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4 minutes ago, ChillZi said:

So what? Other games does it too and PvP does not take as much time as a sortie.

Nobody plays PvP because of the rewards not because PvP sucks. The PvP is good and has potential (it definitely is more fun than playing a sortie).

Edited my post. Added reasons why players don't like warframe pvp .


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Just now, TheJadrimian said:

This. Every time.

Actually by locking rivens behind PvP you would be forcing people to do it if they want to be getting close to optimal rewards. 
Make people play PvP by having it be good, or accept this is a PvE game primarily and stop dumping resources and dev time on it. 
Don't lock very high tier rewards behind it. 

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32 minutes ago, ChillZi said:

What I don't get is, why don't they atleast put the Riven Mods and some other PvE rewards (maybe some of the sortie rewards) also as a reward in PvP? Maybe some cool syandanas as well.

I really find it funny how people are not able to read my post at all. So if you hate PvP nothing changes for you. You can still get a Riven mod in a sortie.

1. This would make PvP much more popular.

2. People would get a bit more variety.

3. It would even reward players for skill (if they play good they have a higher chance of receiving a better reward --> my suggestion)

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10 minutes ago, Ciaus said:

Actually by locking rivens behind PvP you would be forcing people to do it if they want to be getting close to optimal rewards. 
Make people play PvP by having it be good, or accept this is a PvE game primarily and stop dumping resources and dev time on it. 
Don't lock very high tier rewards behind it. 

No, Rivens are attainable from sorties, that wouldn't change. No one forces you to attain them from PvP. Just because you dont like the game mode, doesn't mean it can't have rewards that matter. Terrible logic.

Adding Rivens wouldnt "Lock" them behind PvP. The sorties would still be, statistically, the best way to farm them. You should average 1.4 rivens per week if you do the sorties every day. (20% drop rate)

PvP has their own dev team. The only time they take other departmental resources is when the art team has nothing to do so they design a few conclave skins. 

You want to farm optimally? You could literally spend 24 hours a day farming items to sell for platinum and buy rivens, Thats optimal, No one forces to you play 24 hours a day. Get over yourself, If you don't like PvP, don't try to hobble it for other players. So petty.

Edited by Skaleek
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1 minute ago, Ciaus said:

Actually by locking rivens behind PvP you would be forcing people to do it if they want to be getting close to optimal rewards. 
Make people play PvP by having it be good, or accept this is a PvE game primarily and stop dumping resources and dev time on it. 
Don't lock very high tier rewards behind it. 

Oh but sorties are the cream of the crop because they are sooo well designed.

Nothing would change for you. What I mean is that give people more variety than just playing sorties and that's it. You can still play PvE and it doesn't change anything for you.



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21 minutes ago, The-Tective said:
  • Host migration
  • Lag
  • Parkour movement and trying to shoot someone who is jumping around like mad

1. Host migration doesn't happen in a match play because of dedicated servers.

2. Lag isn't an issue anymore because of dedicated servers.

3. So what? Because then you have to aim?

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21 minutes ago, ChillZi said:

So what is your problem? If you would read my post more thouroughly, you would see that this was not the only reason why I quit the game. :facepalm:

So what is your suggestion then? Let PvP just be another system that just gets abandoned just because you don't like it? PvP has potential but nobody plays it because the rewards are not good. That's it. The sorties are also boring and not good but they get played because of the rewards.

Nobody plays it because the mechanics are not good, not the rewards. Just like AW. 

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2 minutes ago, ChillZi said:

1. Host migration doesn't happen in a match play because of dedicated servers.

2. Lag isn't an issue anymore because of dedicated servers.

3. So what? Because then you have to aim?

Trying to reply to peoples issues with conclave is moot. It doesn't matter if people don't like conclave. If someone hates conclave they shouldnt even be posting in this thread, the rewards don't concern them. The only reason to protest is to begrudge people who do like to PvP a method of getting meaningful rewards because some the people who don't want to participate are petty and small.

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I think this is a solid idea, and would be all for it. I don't get why people are so salty about having the opportunity to gain an extra riven a week if you choose to do the PVP weeklies. Considering the amount of time it takes to do the weekly, i think it is fair compensation. Furthermore, putting them in the weekly doesn't detract from how PVE'rs currently get their rivens. It won't slow your riven progress down, and won't affect you in any way. If anything, there might be SLIGHTLY more rivens in trade, but that's about it. No one is forcing you to PVP to get a weekly riven.

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14 minutes ago, Skaleek said:

Then don't. Jesus. No one is forcing you to PvP. None of you dedicated PVE'rs should even be posting in this thread, PVP rewards don't concern you. 

If this would get implemented PVP-rewards would concern PvE-players... there is that.
And yeah... even so you don't have to play the mode if you don't like it, you would kind of have to play PvP in order to get the most chances to get Rivens.
If PvP were good designed there would be no problem. But this idea is on the same level as saying rivens should be a reward in Archwing because nobody likes Archwing...
(And th Archwing-idea is more or less better than the PvP-idea, because you don't have to deal with S#&$ty connections which are deadly in PvP...)

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3 minutes ago, (PS4)Regiampiero said:

Nobody plays it because the mechanics are not good, not the rewards. Just like AW. 

No, I dont play AW because they butchered the endo rewards. I don't PvP anymore because i only have an hour or so a day to play and I'm forced to pick and choose the most meaningful methods of loot acquisition. Just because you think the mechanics are "not good", does not justify saying that the rewards shouldn't be meaningful. Some people do enjoy conclave, and the people who participate deserve to be fairly rewarded just like those of you that love to sit in a sortie with a mirage and a simulor deserve your reward.

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4 minutes ago, WhiteMarker said:

If this would get implemented PVP-rewards would concern PvE-players... there is that.
And yeah... even so you don't have to play the mode if you don't like it, you would kind of have to play PvP in order to get the most chances to get Rivens.
If PvP were good designed there would be no problem. But this idea is on the same level as saying rivens should be a reward in Archwing because nobody likes Archwing...
(And th Archwing-idea is more or less better than the PvP-idea, because you don't have to deal with S#&$ty connections which are deadly in PvP...)

That's a you issue, not a loot issue. If you feel the need to maximize your Riven gain then you are literally saying that if you don't like a game mode, you don't think it should have good rewards. What if i just started saying well i hate spy as a game mode, so it shouldnt give anything good, how does that make any sense? It's honestly an incredibly childish argument.

The new dedicated servers have been working amazingly, I havent had a latency problem in conclave in months.

Edited by Skaleek
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Just now, Skaleek said:

That's a you issue, not a loot issue. If you feel the need to maximize your Riven gain then you are literally saying that if you don't like a game mode, you don't think it should have good rewards. What if i just started saying well i hate spy as a game mode, so it shouldnt give anything good, how does that make any sense? It's honestly an incredibly childish argument.

As you may have read in the last line of my post I did criticise the connection-issues in PvP. You want to tell me that's just a problem I've got? You want to tell me every PvP-Shooter would be still great and all if they used the same mechanic for connections as Warframe does for PvP? Servers hosted by players... great...
But yeah... that's no problem of the game-mode. It's a problem only I have. Tell me more. ^^

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6 minutes ago, Skaleek said:

No, I dont play AW because they butchered the endo rewards. I don't PvP anymore because i only have an hour or so a day to play and I'm forced to pick and choose the most meaningful methods of loot acquisition. Just because you think the mechanics are "not good", does not justify saying that the rewards shouldn't be meaningful. Some people do enjoy conclave, and the people who participate deserve to be fairly rewarded just like those of you that love to sit in a sortie with a mirage and a simulor deserve your reward.

For any competitive PvP to ever be worth while, mechanics need to be addressed first, not loot. If you go that route you create a very toxic environment because people would be forced/encourage to play a mode the makes them want to get a root-canal instead. Hit detection and the overall net-code needs to be revised before conclave even be thought of a viable game mode, and that's why people don't play. By the way saying "people", "nobody", "everybody" isn't synonyms with 100% of the people in forum context, it means the majority. 

Edited by (PS4)Regiampiero
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2 minutes ago, WhiteMarker said:

As you may have read in the last line of my post I did criticise the connection-issues in PvP. You want to tell me that's just a problem I've got? You want to tell me every PvP-Shooter would be still great and all if they used the same mechanic for connections as Warframe does for PvP? Servers hosted by players... great...
But yeah... that's no problem of the game-mode. It's a problem only I have. Tell me more. ^^

It is 100% a you issue, because if you're still getting latency issues in conclave, its your connection. The servers that are hosted by players dont suffer from host migrations, and they are constantly monitored and pinged by DE's servers to ensure that they don't have performance issues. I don't need to tell you more, go play conclave right now and keep your ping monitor on.

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6 minutes ago, (PS4)Regiampiero said:

For any competitive PvP to ever be worth while, mechanics need to be addressed first, not loot. If you go that route you create a very toxic environment because people would be forced/encourage to play a mode the makes them want to get a root-canal instead. Hit detection and the overall net-code needs to be revised before conclave even be thought of a viable game mode, and that's why people don't play. By the way saying "people", "nobody", "everybody" isn't synonyms with 100% of the people in forum context, it means the majority. 

Not liking a game mode is not a good reason for begrudging it meaningful rewards. If its like a root canal for you, don't do it. Clearly if you're that starved for Rivens, and you're willing to endure pain to get them, thats your problem, not the game modes.

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2 minutes ago, WhiteMarker said:

Strange... I have issues in Warframe PvP but in no other Shooter I play...
But you are right. You clearly know everything. You know where all these player-hosted servers are. So you know there can never be a distance-lagg And you know these player-hosted servers are totally fine. Tell me, what do you work as at DE? I mean, you have to work there if you know all these things. ^^

I sense someone who has no meaningful context to add to the conversation. By all means, continue being petty, it further reinforces what I've been stating.

Edited by Skaleek
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24 minutes ago, Skaleek said:

Then don't. Jesus. No one is forcing you to PvP.

No. They can't force us to PVP. But they sure try. Example?



2 PVP tactical alerts

25 minutes ago, Skaleek said:

None of you dedicated PVE'rs should even be posting in this thread, PVP rewards don't concern you.

Until they become PVE content locked behind PVP mode. DE won't lock PVE content behind PVP...

Oh, wait. They already do.

Rathuum, Index, 2 pvp tac alerts...

That's why we, ''dedicated PVE'rs'', as you put it, will protest against it. Not that it'll help much, with how DE seem to ignore us these days. But we will protest until we still care about the game.

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3 minutes ago, Flirk2 said:

No. They can't force us to PVP. But they sure try. Example?



2 PVP tactical alerts

Until they become PVE content locked behind PVP mode. DE won't lock PVE content behind PVP...

Oh, wait. They already do.

Rathuum, Index, 2 pvp tac alerts...

That's why we, ''dedicated PVE'rs'', as you put it, will protest against it. Not that it'll help much, with how DE seem to ignore us these days. But we will protest until we still care about the game.

Rathuum and Index are not pvp. Adding rivens to pvp does not lock rivens behind Pvp. It adds an alternative means of acquisition. These are two very different things. They locked 2 cosmetics behind PvP in this christmas TA.

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4 minutes ago, Flirk2 said:

No. They can't force us to PVP. But they sure try. Example?



2 PVP tactical alerts

Until they become PVE content locked behind PVP mode. DE won't lock PVE content behind PVP...

Oh, wait. They already do.

Rathuum, Index, 2 pvp tac alerts...

That's why we, ''dedicated PVE'rs'', as you put it, will protest against it. Not that it'll help much, with how DE seem to ignore us these days. But we will protest until we still care about the game.

Except rivens aren't locked behind PVP. Sorties are currently the only means of obtaining them without trading, and that is a PVE method. Rathuum and the Index? That is PVE. Those tactical alerts? Repeat rewards for any veteran, and the catalyst and reactor are hardly locked exclusively to PVP. The one thing that was new i believe was the sigil, and that is purely cosmetic, which PVP already has.

Edited by Etharien
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3 minutes ago, (PS4)Regiampiero said:

For any competitive PvP to ever be worth while, mechanics need to be addressed first, not loot. If you go that route you create a very toxic environment because people would be forced/encourage to play a mode the makes them want to get a root-canal instead. Hit detection and the overall net-code needs to be revised before conclave even be thought of a viable game mode, and that's why people don't play. By the way saying "people", "nobody", "everybody" isn't synonyms with 100% of the people in forum context, it means the majority. 

Please it is not the mechanics. Look at the patch notes and how much they balance the PvP everytime. It has gotten much better than before. The problem is that people don't like to play competitive. And in warframe it gives you even less reason because PvP just has crappy rewards and isn't even worth it (although it is actually fun)

But yeah the majority doesn't play because they played once and then they never played again. After they realized that not much can be done in PvP anyways they didn't bother. Most of the people haven't even tried PvP extensively so they can't even judge it anymore.

So let me get it straight, people in this thread don't want, that this game mode can even get almost the same rewards as a PvE Sortie because of why again? Because it takes the developers sooooo long to just put an extra reward in there that they will not be able to work on PvE content.

You all realize that there are different teams working on PvE and PvP, right?

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5 minutes ago, Flirk2 said:

No. They can't force us to PVP. But they sure try. Example?



2 PVP tactical alerts

Until they become PVE content locked behind PVP mode. DE won't lock PVE content behind PVP...

Oh, wait. They already do.

Rathuum, Index, 2 pvp tac alerts...

That's why we, ''dedicated PVE'rs'', as you put it, will protest against it. Not that it'll help much, with how DE seem to ignore us these days. But we will protest until we still care about the game.

Rathuum and the Index are PvP? Why was I not informed!

The Christmas event rewarded a handful of recycled sigils and a couple of potatoes, and all you had to was play three rounds for a reward – not even do anything. Forgive me if I don't find that to be worthy of any drama.

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7 minutes ago, Skaleek said:

Rathuum and Index are not pvp.

They are PvP against bots. They even have a Conclave logo on them to prove it.

7 minutes ago, Skaleek said:

Adding rivens to pvp does not lock rivens behind Pvp. It adds an alternative means of acquisition. These are two very different things.

Are you sure? I don't think so. After 2 PvP tac alerts in a row, I wouln't put it past them to remove those things from sorties and add them to Conclave. They sure like their Conclave.

6 minutes ago, Etharien said:

Except rivens aren't locked behind PVP.

Yet. OP suggested putting them in PvP. Locking them there is just a next logical step with all the recent developments.

6 minutes ago, Etharien said:

Repeat rewards for any veteran

Because there are no players but veterans. Right...


Just now, TheJadrimian said:

The Christmas event rewarded a handful of recycled sigils and a couple of potatoes, and all you had to was play three rounds for a reward – not even do anything. Forgive me if I don't find that to be worthy of any drama.

Sure. I skipped those. Why? Because I like my 0 in conclave.

And I especially love how people go ''they are recycled'', ''a couple of potatoes''. Because, obviously, there are no players who play Warframe now and didn't play Warframe 2 years ago. And there are no players how could use a reactor and a catalyst.

But I'm not trying to get to to see the other side of the coin. Don't worry.

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)Regiampiero said:

I hope no one ever put a hole in front of you with a tasty sandwich at the bottom of it, or you'll be be stuck down there for a long time. 

And you're the only one here with nothing meaningful to add. Peace. 

Or, you know, I could walk around the hole, to the subway across the street and buy a sandwich. Welcome to alternative means of acquisition. I think i've been pretty clear and provided some damn fine arguments for adding rivens to PvP. Saying i have nothing meaningful to add, based upon what I've been posting, is rather shortsighted and a very, very poor argument.

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