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Please Stop forcing us to use the WIKI for 'everything'


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So, yeah, a few days ago (and a few months ago for that matter) I suggested this

to assist us in locating UNOWNED relics that contain recently released relics (unvaulted, new primes) we do not have, so we know where to farm them up.  In response DE decides we no longer need to even SEE relics we don't own, making it utterly impossible to find relic locations on the new stuff.  What was even the point of providing drop locations in game if the wiki is just going to provide far superior information.

WTF!  I don't know about anyone else, but it is somewhat of a hassle to use the wiki while playing.  Alt-tabbing out is a slow process for my toaster to begin with, add that to how the wiki is just utterly full of ads and unwanted videos that makes its load time insane.  Yes, I use an adblocker extension, but really that is beside the point.  Now we have yet another forceful reason to depend on the wiki rather than seeking information ABOUT THE GAME inside the game.

I want to be able to play the game in a simple process.

  • Decide what I want to farm for today.  Venka, perhaps.
  • Open Codex, type venka in relics/arcanes window.
  • Have a list of relics containing venka parts.
  • click said relic, see which planets/missions it drops on.
  • go to said planet, farm.

Instead it looks like this.

  • Decide what I want to farm, Venka.
  • Open Equipment -> Relics
  • Type venka into search
  • click Lith, Meso, Neo, Axi - see if i own any relics with venka
  • if yes, open codex,
  • type in relic name Axi V5 or whatever
  • click relic - locate missions, start farming for more
  • if no, Alt-Tab, open browser (or steam browser)
  • go to wiki for Venka Prime
  • click locations for parts,
  • write down or memorize which relics drop where
  • open another tab, search for relics by drop location
  • locate relic needed, write down or memorize what drops where
  • close browser, enter game
  • enter navigation, forget which node is needed because I don't write this crap down, repeat process
  • re-enter game
  • farm
  • repeat process for next part


How did this change make anything better? At all?  Some changes to the game really require some form of reasoning from DE, for me this is one of them.  I would like to know the reason behind this change.

Why are we being driven to the wiki so often?  Need to know what a melee weapon's range is?  A gun's maximum ammo? Check arsenal stats? Nope.  Check Wiki.  Need to know which boss drops frame parts, check in game? Nope, Wiki.  Need to know how a frame's ability actually works.  Check the frame's ability page? Nope Wiki, again.  Confused what Chroma's abilities do with color changes.  Where's that again?  Right, the wiki.

I am grateful to all the players and whomever else has taken the time to make the wiki so wonderful, but honestly it should be a reference guide, not be the only place for actual information about the game.

I could go on, but the point should be made.  I realize other players will quickly and harshly repute every word of this, but I honestly do not care, this is how I see things.   This is my feedback.



Edited by Xekrin
added please to title to not sound so demanding
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1 minute ago, NovusNova said:

Steve has already said that he will take a look at this.

"will look I think some bugs got wires crossed sorry" - His response when me and another user asked him about the changes to seeing void relics in codex

That is very good to know.  Thank you.

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7 minutes ago, Klavinmour said:

Uhg what, you do know how to utilise ALT+TAB. Why are you closing your browser and the game in order to alternate between them.

just shift+tab and use the integrated browser if you are using Steam Overlay.

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Point well made, I should think. I only incidentally even make use of the codex, I too have the warframe Wiki on speed dial in my browser because whatever info I can find in-game (if it exists at all) is wholly inferior to the scope, depth, quality and... findability of any and all info available on the Wiki. When a clannie wants info, it's a cold day in a hot place when I dont end up either directly quoting, or referring them to wikipedia, instead of a way to find said info on demand in-game which would have elimiated the need for said clannie to even have to ask the question in the first place.

I'd love to see improvements made to the in-game information system, but when compared to the Wiki I'd say there's alot of catching up to do before I don't always have it open in my browser to alt+tab to.

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I completely agree with you. It seems that each thing in Warframe requires knowledge you either have to ask in your clan chan or go through the Wiki.

Nothing. NO. THING. can be found ingame.

No information about Warframes, weapons, maps, missions or whatever can be found ingame beyond the basis. You have to discover that some weapons have alternative firing modes ... not ingame because why not. I've seen a lot of newbies clanmates asking "Why does my Penta stop working after 5 grenades ?", and I'm still telling some Simulor users that the middle mouse click removes the vortexes. I learned that myself not a long time ago.

Several warframes spells are completely incomplete or missing basic information ingame. Valkyr's Hysteria ? Never mentioned anywhere that Valkyr is made invulnerable while active.

I'm the kind of player that isn't bothered much with alt-tabbing regularly. But not everyone can (because of poor computer) nor want (because they may just want to play, not read a bible-worth of information everytime they want to try a weapon to find some hidden functionality).

It has to be said : Warframe is not at all beginner-friendly.

Edited by Chewarette
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53 minutes ago, Klavinmour said:

Uhg what, you do know how to utilise ALT+TAB. Why are you closing your browser and the game in order to alternate between them.

I don't close the game, just the browser as having it open in the background slows my game down too much.  Feel free to FedEX me a brand new PC and I assure you all complaints will cease.

Barring that, the actual act of alt+tabbing is pretty far down on the list of reasons this thread was made.  The necessity of having to alt+tab out of a game to get info on said game is the issue at hand.  Be it on a toaster pc like mine, or the latest gaming rig, checking the wiki on a game should be an occasional thing, not a constant companion.

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