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MR20 Test is Practically Impossible with New Archwing Controls


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I'm not mad with mastery test, but I'm definitely mad at people defending new AW flight model. Now DE are going to use that lame excuse "some (weird) people like new AW flight model, so we're not going to change it". How dare they like something I don't like? Ah, well.

Edited by AlienOvermind
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5 hours ago, SilentManiaq said:

and whats that supposed to do?

this is brilliant. you can't make this up. I take my laughs to go.

2 hours ago, AlienOvermind said:

I'm not mad with mastery test, but I'm definitely mad at people defending new AW flight model.

It is indefensible, not having control over one axis and how no one on the devteam seemed to care enough to fix it by now is... "not good"

Edited by Rawbeard
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7 hours ago, AlienOvermind said:

I'm not mad with mastery test, but I'm definitely mad at people defending new AW flight model. Now DE are going to use that lame excuse "some (weird) people like new AW flight model, so we're not going to change it". How dare they like something I don't like? Ah, well.

I don't see the test as being an issue.

I do agree that AW controls need work.

(At the very least an option to lock orientation in a menu, so that the map is actually useful)


On Console we have had small talks about wanting controls closer to Armored Core for AW. Especially before AW Sorties are a normality.

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I had the same issue. I was so ready to come to these very forums and rant about how it's impossible to do unless you have an Itzel (which I didn't have). And then a friend mentioned the boost function. And I was like, wat? So I tried And passed. I didn't even have to go through every ring. I just got through the first 2 and boosted my way to victory with a rank 13 odonata.

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2 hours ago, KaeseSchnitte said:

What axis are you speaking about? Because I can control my warframe on any axis.

talking about archwing, the "z" axis, which you cannot directly influence, and which is not considered by the map or marker, which makes the corpus ships a nighmare if you end up upside down.

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8 hours ago, Rawbeard said:

talking about archwing, the "z" axis, which you cannot directly influence, and which is not considered by the map or marker, which makes the corpus ships a nighmare if you end up upside down.

I can control the z axis. There are keybinds for that. Just take a look at the options.

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