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July 11Th: Community Hot Topics


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and here i'll ask about this once again,

do you guys aware that there are people out there who plays using a USB modem, not a router, and / or even a router, that isn't able to port forwarding due to being disabled by their ISP ? (they need to buy a more expensive data plan per month in order to be able to port forward)

this is what happened to me, my friends, and almost all the ISP here where i live, they demand a ridiculous amount of money in order to be able to, monthly subscription, three times more expensive than our current data plan etc which i don't think it's rational to get that, or simply unable to keep up with our monthly income.

we have to come to one of a friend house and share one's connection using virtual router / VAPN in order to be able to play together once or twice in a week. in our own home, there's no way we can join each other, thus we always play the game in solo mode.

from that long time ago up 'till now, i haven't heard anything about you guys noticing this (my friend also gave a brief description and feedback about this matter too).

just a heads up, and i am aware that we are in the minority side, so i do not expect to have anything for this matter anytime soon.


I'm sorry to hear that.


But sadly there's nothing DE can do if your ISP is blocking lots of ports.


The game can't function without them, and DE can't magically snap their fingers and make it so the game can run without using those ports.


Sounds more like a crappy ISP and if more people would protest and/or refuse to do business with them and seek alternatives, then maybe they'd realize that they provide a really crappy service and that they need to make it better. That sounds like a really ridiculous setup IMO; it makes the internet nearly unusable for anything but HTML browsing to be honest...

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Dear warframe, as I haven't  receive the confirmation email due to I didn't activate the email account, hope can receive the confirmation email ASAP.below us my email address y3536889y@yahoo.com.tw my account is  thank you and have a nice day.

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3) Mobility and Knockbacks:


Stuns and knockbacks will always have a place in gameplay. Right now we agree too many enemy types have this.  Reviewing the enemies that rely on this mechanic is on the table.




THANK YOU!  A game where you're a ninja and have a melee weapon that does more damage then guns at certain times should not have all these knockbacks.  Sure the game is easy, but making it so you can't use a melee weapon in a group of mobs makes it very pointless.  There are so many other ways you can do to change the game to make it more difficult.  Make it so some missions you can ONLY use a certain weapon.  Make ammo drop a lot less, give guns less ammo, etc...

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The main prize of the event was the weapon, early access to a mod and a statue for a dojo are not things that are super tremendous. Those things were just a bonus.


This was the clan prize possibilities.


1-10 members: Top 10 Clans

11-100 members: Top 5 clans

101-1000 members: Top 3 clans

1001+ members: Top 3 clans

I think you missed my and iBrigandi's point.

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I will try to sort my stuff so it's easier to link to certain topics mentioned in OP.


1. Mastery

I'm all for it. Right now many of my friends stopped trying out new frames and such since they have their favourites and they see no reason for doing it. The clan reasearched weapons having high rank requirements is one thing but anything that comes directly with us gaining ranks is a good thing that makes people more motivated playing.

I don't just mean getting material rewards but if new ranks would give simple things as an ever developing insignia or badge which gets more intricate as you level up, maybe even color schemes/patterns for the different frames you have, new types of crosshairs (like in UT :)etc., I mean vanity stuff.


2. Tier's and Alliances - Clan management tools

As clan-management tools, gaining the ability to "personalize" the dojo with the color palettes we have purchased already would be awesome. I mean slightly coloring walls or at least the lights, preferably by room and not by the whole dojo so we could award the one contributing the most with right to decide how we should set up a room, maybe even making it possible to present our clan's logo somewhere within. Best would be if the game could make a 3d object from a black&white or a vector picture - or at least we could import our logo onto a flag hanging in the clan lounge.


3. Mobility and Knockbacks

It seems like the possiblity to get knocked down instead of being knocked back is dependant on whether you are the host or not. I nearly never get knocked down/over when I host but with my friend's hosting sometimes I have trouble even getting up onto my feet if there are some infested around.


4. Events

I have high hopes, DE has a tendency to learn well.


5. Sounds

Some weapons are surprisingly quiet - i have dual broncos and they sound like silent weapons even though they are like mini shotguns.


6. Strict NAT issues

Well, the invitation/join/host part was always a bit problematic - still having the issue of being unable to join some people and some people not being able to join me... the scary is that the two lists doesn't match. Mostly those that cannot join me can host games I can join and those that I cannot join can join me. Would be nice but since Void keys are not interchangeable we have to wait for the possible patches or other solutions. I mean it would be nice if I could open a port and that's it, but if that's the source of the problem why is that other people can join me/them?


One of my previous posts touches this part in a way:



7. Energy Customization: Optional

I won't disagree with this (from the very beginning I love this effect - hell I loved it before it even appeared as I was among those asking for it) of course but if an option like this appears that means somewhere either a new panel appears or a few new lines in game options. It would be beautiful get some more "vanity" options like this in the future like changable/colorable crosshairs (to choose base color, enemy color, etc), UI color both in game and in menus, teammate/enemy name display modes or even colors (like always on or on targeting, maybe this feature linked to player-info button in a cyclic manner, perhaps an on/off health bar overhead or a vertical one by them as that looks cooler :), etc.

Well if DE would implement such things most likely it would be easier for the eyes if a new button appeares in game options, opening the new panel, instead of dozens of new lines - of course you can always put in a scroller on the sides:)


8. Trading

Resource trading at least would be nice though I'm kinda worried. If something very good or essential becomes easily obtainable to high end players while it's impossible to get to weaker ones trading can overthrow balance as many will seek only to buy that stuff to get strong fast instead of playing the game. We already saw this happen with great titles.

(Ever heard of Diablo3? Like it or not, that game is not even fifth as successful as it could have been, and it's mostly because of the money grabbing attitude of the developers. At least we can hunt Jay in-game.)


Anyway i'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt.


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As i've written in the 4th July topic i'll write again here:


The game and the patch notes often lack in informations, many things are not told, bad explained, stealth updated. This status has to CHANGE!


Add more infos to what you do and how exactly you change/add stuff please!

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As i've written in the 4th July topic i'll write again here:


The game and the patch notes often lack in informations, many things are not told, bad explained, stealth updated. This status has to CHANGE!


Add more infos to what you do and how exactly you change/add stuff please!


The "this status has to change" part is not my style, perhaps a "Thank you in advance!" would sound just a tad less demanding. Anyways they have enough work to do as it is we should be happy they tell us anything at all - though I must say more detailed patch notes would be nice for sure, so I concur.

Or as previously mentioned (maybe by you Phoenix86?), it would be even better if we could see the details of the mods and weapons ingame. Like correct critical chance (right now I never use "critical" mods because I dunno if that weapon has any at all to begin with), or how certain mods are affected by others. Like you could have damage, range and duration shown on mods and when you for example socket Stretch the range numbers would change to the new value so we are better aware of what we are doing :)


Right now I still feel like focus should be affecting all mods on my frame, even SnowGlobe. It doesn't have damage so maybe it could affect range or duration a bit - or the slow effect, that counts as an "attack" against the enemies, right? And even if it does affect a card I can hardly tell the differences between mod ranks... to stay with focus, it's hard even in-game to get all the damage numbers and calculate average damage while I can't tell at all how effective it is in menus since I don't know the original damage of my cards.

I know, I know, there is a wiki, but should I really alt-tab(or in my steamy case shift-tab) and search for it on the net every time i need the info? Of course this is a low-level problem, a bit of polish and that's it. We shall see how it turns out.

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Edited by K_Shiro
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7) Energy Customization: Optional


We have been seeing a lot of discussion on this, the team is informed of the request to have energy colour customization be optional.


One swich in total, one switch per Warframe or one switch per ability?

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I completely agree with the event not having enough notice.  I was away for a huge part of the weekend due to the holiday, and only got back in to play a few matches.


Is there any chance we'll be seeing the Snipetron Vandal as a reward again?  Even if it's just allowing the BP to drop during rare alerts or specific mission types?




See, its a sad face!  Take pity on the sad face!  Lol

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First, the weekend event with the scouts.
The reward system needs a serious overhaul, under the current system you have two types of players: the ones who will do the bare bones lowest amount of kills for the reward and the hardcore grinders who want the top end prize, this leaves most the work of the event status bar on the hardcore guys to fill and little else for the ones who do the least amount for prize.

Solution: Have step rewards or goals to hit for all who take part.

100 kills for weapon

500 kills for blueprint

1000 for mod

This way there is no need for ranking the top 100 and not hurt feelings for those who didn't make it, and allows all who really want the reward to have goals to strive for.

Second, lets talk about the clan system which is broken as of right now. The weapons you are giving the clans are another example of how people are going to do the least to get the most, they will join a large clan and get the weapons and materials and then either stay for the next release of these weapons or quit and clan hop.

Solution: Make these weapons unlock for the mastery level of the player. For the clans let their resource and research labs make dual mods. This is a way you (DE) can also make money from Forma. For dual core mods people need to polarize a slot and then re-polarize for the double slot as well as having to research them in their clan research labs. Not all mods need to be able to merge, this can be pre-made duals that you work out and allow clans to research and unlock.

Mastery levels are about mastering your frame and weapons and dojos are about improving your skills, so this makes total sense to unlock weapons for your inventory through the mastery levels and expand your power levels through dojo research.

Third, controllers for the pc right now are far harder to use than the keyboard and mouse, but since the game is now being made for the PS4 I know this will change. I am asking though that you guys not forget the Xbox controller that most if not all of us use for the pc, if we use a controller.

There is currently no way to move around the universe map with a controller, also people need to take their hand from controller to mouse to hack doors and use the hacking tool. Wall running is very hard to do and even harder to master with a controller, we can not jump from wall to wall as mouse and keyboard uses can.


Solution: Assign a few people on the team to start playing and testing the game with controllers only, better yet assign this task to Scott and I am certain the controllers will improve in a weeks time.

Lastly, The reward system for the void is also a bit broken, I know you shot down the token reward system and that is a good idea as it does not fit the rest of the system. It still needs to be improved however.

Solution: Offer more than one reward for finishing the void mission, easy to put in place as you already have a system in place. Offer two choices, like you do for defense waves, One reward or keep going. Instead of the keep going option, make it another reward to choose from. This does not have to be in all missions for the void but the T3 missions should have a chance to pick a reward, this limits the feeling people are being cheated for running these harder to get missions and lets them feel they are in more control of the prize for running it.

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Still about energy colorz for abilities:

I noticed that many abilities doesn't appear colored properly or colored at all if you are not the Host. First it was Ice Wave from frost, back in the days, last time it was Vauban's Tesla. The lightning strikes were colored but the mine itself was lit with the original light blue coloring - so I would like to plead for a fix to this... Pretty please? :)

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Edited by K_Shiro
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4) Events:


Having the Spy Drone event showed us a lot: a great reward like the Snipetron Vandal that our players know about before hand does a lot to keep Drones at bay. However, valid complaints emerged that focused on:


This event felt like it did not encourage co-op play.

This event did not have enough notice.

Tiered rewards should be introduced.

Drones as content could have been more challenging.


All noted and in the brains of the team as we move forward with planning more events. Thanks again to everyone who played!



DE_Steve, on 06 May 2013 - 11:19 AM, said:snapback.png

In future expect real-time Operation data for lists like this. 


If you conduct competitive events in the future, having a real-time (or at very least frequently updated) leaderboard is infinitely more useful for setting goals and expectations rather than playing in the dark for 3 days.

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Sound Issues - I'm sorry, but the sound guys are blindly protecting their babies (the new sounds) and not listening to feedback.


First it was, "we are trying to remove duplicate sounds", except many of the weapon sounds replaced had nothing in common with any other sounds (D Vipers, Gorgon?).


Then, "Oh, your not hearing them properly because of framerate issues", except multiple people reported the problem with quiet / awful new sounds that have constant 60fps, me included.


Then someone suggested you let us hear how they should sound, "No, that would slow things down!".

Even though the new sounds had already been released, and letting us hear how they should sound would allow people to report their specs if they didn't hear the same in game, and help identify the problem.


If the new sounds are indeed so awesome, upload a couple of hundred kb audio file.


Again I'm sorry, but the Gorgon may have 50 layers of sound, the "bug" may mean I am hearing 1 layer, but that layer sounds like popcorn being made whichever way you look at it.


NB: The Gorgon is just one example, all new sounds were worse.

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3) Mobility and Knockbacks:


Stuns and knockbacks will always have a place in gameplay. Right now we agree too many enemy types have this.  Reviewing the enemies that rely on this mechanic is on the table.

Related to this, I'd like to know if there's any work being done on movement bugs, because they've been around for at least two updates and have never been brought up. Lots of players have issues with things like unresponsive jumps that sometimes inexplicably turn into rolls, completely random wallrunning, random walljumps rocketing players across levels at 1000 kmh, the really slow melee falling attack, the toggle sprint not automatically turning off when movement stops like every other game in the universe, etc. There are (were?) whole threads dedicated to this. But I'm glad there's at least some look at stun and




Stuns and knockbacks will always have a place in gameplay.



wait, what



Edited by PositronicSpleen
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1) Mastery:

A lot of questions have emerged around when will Mastery account for (Slots, Rewards, More meaning?). This is an ongoing discussion here – we have content that is restricted for our higher-mastery players, but agree more can be tied to this system and more will come.


I'm not convinced gating more content behind mastery would be a good idea. Slots would certainly be widely appreciated.


3) Mobility and Knockbacks:


Stuns and knockbacks will always have a place in gameplay. Right now we agree too many enemy types have this.  Reviewing the enemies that rely on this mechanic is on the table.


I'ld still say I aggree with this, although my opinion is evolving.


The only one that's really irritated me recently are the scorpion wire Grineer. Although, I've started to think that if they had a much faster attack at the end of their pull, I might actuall like them more. As it is, whenever one yanks me down, I say to myself "tedious .." then kill it when I stand up. They don't even hurt me. If they were more of a threat, and less of a pure annoyance, I might appreciate them more.

They're definitely my least favorite Grineer tripper. The balls have a love-to-hate-them charm, and the shield guys are so easy to deal with (and the knockback is a less important part of that than the protection the shield provides anyway) that I'ld prefer to keep them too. 


Corpus have few knockdowns aside from bosses and infested .. infested are fine as is when using a 2 handed weapon. When using a shorter weapon, you can't melee runners/chargers nearly as well, though. Maybe do something about that? I'm not sure.



4) Events:


Although Fusion MOAs were a more inspiring enemy, overall I thought this event was very well done. Particularly the reward.



8) Trading when?


However inevitable this is at this point .. I would like to point out that a game without trading is a game blissfully free of spammers and account theft.



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