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Giving Magnetic Procs some love


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Hi everyone,

Recently, I was going through the elemental combinations of Warframe and I looked at Magnetic as I began feeling some disgust. I was like "It's useless, noone would use that...". Then I thought: "It exists... so why does noone use it?" Well, the proc is effective against too few factions and if you fight any other factions it turns useless against one of the most annoying enemies (Bombards) because of the -50% damage against alloy armor. All in all, the sad thing to me is: Magnetic proc doesn't work all that magnetic... Sure, it reduces shield, because bringing electronic in contact with a magnet makes it temporarily unstable/breaks it entirely depending on duration and intensity... but a magnet is supposed to attract metal, so why not add in a CC (croud control) aspect to this proc, making the enemy magnetic over a short period of time.

Enemies with metallic health types like armor or robotic would be either sucked into that opponent and taking a bit of damage for being tossed around. They could just as well be slowed down, or lose some precision.

I know you already have a lot of projects going and a lot of work to do, but I think this revisit of the magnetic proc would allow a forsaken damage proc to come back into the list of actually used damage types.

Thank you for reading and have a nice day!
Yours sincerely,

Dark Sp00n


TLDR: Make magnetic procs turn metallic enemies into little magnets.

Edited by Dark_Sp00n
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Think this was brought up before good idea but i was thinking of something even better they could do with magnetic procs. For all those that did sorties, magnetic anomalies is a major pain in the rump if you dont have that little status side arm with electric? or magnetic attached to it to pop those black holes of energy catastrophe. Anyways i was thinking along with screwing with enemies shields magnetic can cause a small localized magnetic bubble think nova's antimatter ball size but slightly bigger(2x or 3x the ball size) that does sontinuous magnetic dmg and pops after awhile or pops if you continuously shoot at it.

The anomaly created will have the same properties of the anomaly from sorties minus it isnt as huge and it doesnt effect you or allies when passing it(the trolls would have a field day). And it will only appear if you shoot enough at a singlular target like you charging them with magnetic BUT wait what happens to slow firing weapons you say? Well for things like shotguns and some side arms or launchers they wont create the anomally but cause the ending of the anomaly basically its like the anomaly was already there and they pop it doing the explosive magnetic proc with some leftover magnetism on the enemy IF they survived.

I dont know if THIS idea i came up with is feasible but it would make me wanna use magnetic status if only just to screw with enemies XD.

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Since Magnetic procs drain your energy on Warframes, I've always thought that a magnetic proc should have a 'Silence' effect on enemies, stopping them from using any abilities beyond their basic attacks. It'd be better on some enemies rather than others, tho

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Maybe Magnetic Procs could have a similar effect as Mag`s Magnetize, it would create a small attraction area around the target that lasts like 3~5 seconds, attract projectiles that move through it and instead of drawing other enemies in it would have an effect like Polarize, shredding small pieces of armor from nearby enemies and causing extra damage to the primary target.

Imagine a Magnetic proc Amprex with this? <3


12 minutes ago, Varzy said:

Since Magnetic procs drain your energy on Warframes, I've always thought that a magnetic proc should have a 'Silence' effect on enemies, stopping them from using any abilities beyond their basic attacks. It'd be better on some enemies rather than others, tho

It should be able to cancel Nullifier bubbles instantly when it procs against their shields. This would make Magnetic procs very reliable in stages where Nullifiers spawn.

Edited by BiancaRoughfin
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If Magnetic damage to be made consistent with the lore, it must be made to have an effect similar to what it does to us: drain energy and mess up HUD. Since NPCs don't have energy, then it should have a 'nullifying' effect on their abilities instead, while the HUD problem should be a problem about vision. Here is the list of effects I propose:

- Enemies hit with Magnetic proc will have their accuracy lowered to 30% for 6 seconds. Meaning 1 in 3 attacks will miss aka. register 0 damage. Even melee enemies. Because their vision/implants/weapons whatever get affected.

- Enemies with abilities, like Eximus and robots like ospreys, will have their abilities nullified for 6 seconds. Ancient Healers, Toxic, Leech, etc will have their aura shut off for 6 seconds and they cannot use their special radial attack during that time. Nullifiers hit with Magnetic will have their bubble nullified (karma is a b*tch!) but they must be hit in person, not just the bubble. Mine ospreys and others will have their abilities locked up for the same duration.


This would make Magnetic a side grade to Radiation when it comes to dealing with Eximii and their aura. It also scaled in the sense that the enemy would get reduced DPS. The only downside to this I can think of is that this would make Simulor an even more OP weapon since Magnetic would no longer be useless.

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Hi Everyone,

This is my implementation:

ATM: +75% shield and protoshield, -50% Alloy Armour.

Proposed change: +15% Robotic, -15% against fossilized. (along with the original modifiers)


Status effect against enemies:

The Magnetic b Magnetic status effect is Disrupt, which reduces the target's current shields and maximum shield capacity by 75% over a duration of 4 seconds. (Warframe wiki)


Affected Tenno suffer additional effects: their HUDs will be disrupted, 100% of their energy will be drained, and they cannot gain energy until the proc ends.

Something has to be changed.



Reduces the target's current shields and maximum shield capacity by 50%

On Tenno drains 100 energy per second.

On tenno scrambles the Hud

On enemies reduces weapon accuracy by 25%

Stops the victim casting any abilities for the duration, and nullifies any continuous personal abilities that are not "physical" abilities.

Abilities it stops:

- Ancient healer aura

- Ancient disruptor aura

- Embers World on fire

- equinox's maim

- energy leach aura

- arctic eximuses cold bubble

- Nyx's absorb

- most others.


Abilities that are "physical" and not stopped. (But still cannot be cast during the duration)

- rhino's iron skin.

- Inaros's scarab swarm (4th)

- nezha's warding halo


Bombard/heavy gunner ground slam can be cast while mag proc'd, and nullifier shields are unaffected, as they are projected from a backpack / drone.

For a duration of 6 seconds.

Fore more info refer to my thread on this very forum, as a lots of information will soon be posted there.

Edited by Elvangreen
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I agree.Same balance we have with Blast proc.It makes enemies fall down but applied on us it makes us blind for some time.With magnetic proc on other side we have a very punishing effect on tenno and uslless effect on enemies.It would sure be fun if it made surrounding enemies pulled to one of them who is under influance of proc.Same effect of Ferax thrown(that new spear gun,name might not be right) could be applied to proc effect.

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I have an idea:

Magnetic proc nows:

-Drains 50% of the target's maxium energy, but doesn't drain energy  below 50%.

-Prevents ability casting for the duration, both for Tenno and Enemy units (hit an  eximus? no more aura/abilities for duration! hit stalker? enjoy not being able to cast abilities! hit a Bursa? no more abilities!). That way magnetic is fair, because currently is only beneficial for enemies.

-Our usual shield reduction.

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