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Another riven suggestion thread


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I guess everybody heard the main objective of the riven system when it was introduced: These mods will make underused weapons more popular as they receive strong stat bonuses!

We all know that this failed horribly thanks to the fact that we have soo many terrible weapons what simply cannot get big enough riven stats to become atleast starchart viable and at the same time riven mods with the lowest bonus make the great weapons godlike.

What i want to do is to change the current disposition system into something better.

Currenty we have a five star system where the least used weapons get increased bonuses, the avarage used ones get avarage bonuses and the most popular ones get less bonus stats.

I would like to expand this system into a 10 star one.

Every star gained means more bonus.

10 star gear (almost nonexistant usage) get disposition bonus starting from 250%

9 star gets (maybe got formad?) get disposition bonus starting from 200%

8 star (you can see it rarely) gets 150%

7-6 gets 100% and 50%, these weapons are not favored but used atleast

5 gets no bonus

4-1 gets - 20% bonus per star

With this system implemented good gear still gets close to godlike levels but the trash gear can finally leave the trash tier.

For example:

You get a riven with these base stats:

+150% crit chance

+100% status chance

+50% damage


Applying these to an extremly popular weapon riven would make it look like this (without upgrade):

+30% crit chance

+20% status chance

+10% damage

While it would look like this on a weapon almost nonexistant usage(without upgrade):

+375% crit chance

+250% status chance

+125% damage


What do you guys think?

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7 minutes ago, Fallen_Echo said:

We all know that this failed horribly thanks to the fact that we have soo many terrible weapons what simply cannot get big enough riven stats to become atleast starchart viable

and here i start to disagree

ill give you an example
the Lato you might agree that its an extremely unpopular weapon and you rarely ever see it
i recently got a riven for it adding 410% damage and 2.9 punch through and a bit more recoil (couldn't care less)
dump a few forma on it and now i can do sorties with it easily

i can give you similar examples for the Bolto, Furis, and some other weapons id have to check

the riven system hasn't failed at all
it does make lesser used weapons powerfull
the only problem i can see is that most people are to stubborn and to afraid to try anything new
its like a really conservative political party "this has always been this way, we don't want change and we wont try to change"
another problem i see is most people will only switch to a new weapon if its significant better than their old one
having one that is equal would require forma so they wont switch

back to the idea you are suggesting
the system you are proposing is exactly the same as the system we currently have only making the peaks more extreme
no need for 10 confusing steps
all this can be achieved with the 5 we already have

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16 minutes ago, Weidro said:

the Lato you might agree that its an extremely unpopular weapon and you rarely ever see it
i recently got a riven for it adding 410% damage and 2.9 punch through

Now I'm sad, I just dissolved a lato riven to keep under the cap, oh well.  I don't farm kuva enough to waste on junk rivens anyway.

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8 minutes ago, Xekrin said:

Now I'm sad, I just dissolved a lato riven to keep under the cap, oh well.  I don't farm kuva enough to waste on junk rivens anyway.

sorry for loosing the riven but thanks for proofing my point
people don't even want to try it since its not the meta

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30 minutes ago, Weidro said:

sorry for loosing the riven but thanks for proofing my point
people don't even want to try it since its not the meta

Well to be fair i only added in decreased stat bonus on popular weapons.

From datamining sources (not gonna link or show exact values) Unpopular weapons get 150% bonus while popular weapons get -50%.

I only increased the disposition system and adjusted the stat bonuses to fit the popularity better.

I dont know how the base stats are decided on a riven and without visiting some dataminer i wont know those.


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I disagree that the riven system failed.  I see people using panthera,  dera vandal and many other guns.  I myself use the opticor way more now and have a lot of sidearm rivens that are waiting for rerolls.  Perhaps the reason we don't see as much variation as of yet is for similar reason to my own.  I have 30 riven mods,  haven't rolled the stats I want on a single one.  After 40 rolls on the detron without much success I moved on to the next mod. I'm stuck in the rolling phase and don't get to use any of my toys.  Since the rng on the riven system is uncaring and unforgiving , it will be a very long time before I get to use my older weapons.

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7 hours ago, Weidro said:

and here i start to disagree

ill give you an example
the Lato you might agree that its an extremely unpopular weapon and you rarely ever see it
i recently got a riven for it adding 410% damage and 2.9 punch through and a bit more recoil (couldn't care less)
dump a few forma on it and now i can do sorties with it easily

i can give you similar examples for the Bolto, Furis, and some other weapons id have to check

the riven system hasn't failed at all
it does make lesser used weapons powerfull
the only problem i can see is that most people are to stubborn and to afraid to try anything new
its like a really conservative political party "this has always been this way, we don't want change and we wont try to change"
another problem i see is most people will only switch to a new weapon if its significant better than their old one
having one that is equal would require forma so they wont switch

back to the idea you are suggesting
the system you are proposing is exactly the same as the system we currently have only making the peaks more extreme
no need for 10 confusing steps
all this can be achieved with the 5 we already have

It is a failure but not a complete one.The Rng is too harsh and unforgiving for a huge amount of people.While you got that great riven for the Lato someone got -damage or -multishot and like +flight speed + zoom.The system is too reliant on Rng to be a complete success and we have no way to influence that rng other then just keep throwing kuva at it and hope we get something good.

That needs to change we should be able to lock in stats for kuva because at this point you can roll a riven 50 times and either get nothing good or get a negative stat that completely nullifies all the positive stats.

Also weaker and underused weapons are actually even more screwed since their disposition is low that means the riven stats are higher which includes the negative ones.The weak weapons either shouldnt have any negative stats or atleast change it so that you cant get -damage and -multishot

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22 minutes ago, Gravitus123 said:

The system is too reliant on Rng to be a complete success and we have no way to influence that rng other then just keep throwing kuva at it and hope we get something good.

you are forgetting that DE clearly stated that riven mods will never be mandatory
and no content will ever be balanced around them
instead the rivens are balanced around existing and future content
all rivens and all riven dispositions can change with every patch
there is nothing set in stone

and since its not mandatory the rng is completely fine

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1 minute ago, Weidro said:

you are forgetting that DE clearly stated that riven mods will never be mandatory
and no content will ever be balanced around them
instead the rivens are balanced around existing and future content
all rivens and all riven dispositions can change with every patch
there is nothing set in stone

and since its not mandatory the rng is completely fine

Im sorry but they stated this system is in the game to give life to weaker weapons.The rivens shouldnt even be available for meta weapons then and if its purpose is to buff weaker weapons this much Rng needs to go.The point of this system is to make weaker weapons viable in sorties and higher level content in general so people arent using the same weapons over and over again.                                                                                                                                                                      

Why would you even let meta weapons get rivens if that was really the case.Even though the stats are minor on stronger weapons its still more damage especially since the riven can have up to 3 +stats.They are mandatory for weak weapons because without a great riven that weapon will never scale and unless you have good luck your riven wont make that weak weapon viable.

With melee rivens on their way this system needs to change and it needs a big change.Now its more of a gambling simulator and a plat sink for people then the supposed buff for weak weapons its supposed to be.

Let us lock in stats for an increased kuva cost,give us more then just 15 capacity without needing to buy more slots,increase the amount of kuva we get from siphons and give us more methods of farming kuva,stop weaker weapons getting - damage and -multishot and this system would be way better


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7 minutes ago, Gravitus123 said:

Im sorry but they stated this system is in the game to give life to weaker weapons.The rivens shouldnt even be available for meta weapons then and if its purpose is to buff weaker weapons this much Rng needs to go.The point of this system is to make weaker weapons viable in sorties and higher level content in general so people arent using the same weapons over and over again.                                                                                                                                                                      

Why would you even let meta weapons get rivens if that was really the case.Even though the stats are minor on stronger weapons its still more damage especially since the riven can have up to 3 +stats.They are mandatory for weak weapons because without a great riven that weapon will never scale and unless you have good luck your riven wont make that weak weapon viable.

With melee rivens on their way this system needs to change and it needs a big change.Now its more of a gambling simulator and a plat sink for people then the supposed buff for weak weapons its supposed to be.

Let us lock in stats for an increased kuva cost,give us more then just 15 capacity without needing to buy more slots,increase the amount of kuva we get from siphons and give us more methods of farming kuva,stop weaker weapons getting - damage and -multishot and this system would be way better


I made this increased disposition system to give us more spectrum for all rivens.

I found it strange that one could get a godlike riven for lato as stated upper but at the same time even half of those stats are enough to turn a popular weapon into the newest meta.

With the 10 star disposition system every popular weapon gets decreased stats from their rivens. The supposedly most popular weapons would get -80% stat bonus on a riven which hits them hard as a truck.

You couldnt get anymore +200% crit chance soma riven you would only get 40%, but at the same time tysis could run around with +500%

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21 minutes ago, Fallen_Echo said:

I made this increased disposition system to give us more spectrum for all rivens.

I found it strange that one could get a godlike riven for lato as stated upper but at the same time even half of those stats are enough to turn a popular weapon into the newest meta.

With the 10 star disposition system every popular weapon gets decreased stats from their rivens. The supposedly most popular weapons would get -80% stat bonus on a riven which hits them hard as a truck.

You couldnt get anymore +200% crit chance soma riven you would only get 40%, but at the same time tysis could run around with +500%

Im not exactly sure because sometimes that -80% stat bonus could make the weapon a lot worse.I would rather they just removed rivens for meta weapons

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20 minutes ago, Gravitus123 said:

Im not exactly sure because sometimes that -80% stat bonus could make the weapon a lot worse.I would rather they just removed rivens for meta weapons

Ofcourse it could make some horrible effects on weapons but as i seen it most people aim to have -flighspeed -zoom or other not so negative stats.

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1 hour ago, Fallen_Echo said:

Ofcourse it could make some horrible effects on weapons but as i seen it most people aim to have -flighspeed -zoom or other not so negative stats.

Yeah but youre still fighting Rng to get those stats just so they dont affect your weapon much

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RNG screws rivens big time.  Hell, the RNG and the difficulty just getting them screws them over big time.

Another largely failed system where the purpose is completely over looked for merely further boosting weapons people already use ad nauseum.

DE really does need to just buckle down and rework mods and scaling... or just stop applying hell RNG to every step of every little thing.  This game's RNG makes Korean developers blush.

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