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Oberon Rework discussion and feedback (including feedback post prime time #161)


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On 4/23/2017 at 2:14 AM, JoshuaJongQR said:

Hi don't main oberon or even use him and I think many warframe players will most probably agree with me 

Firstly, the utility provided the far to limited. Smite bounces around and is mostly effective in narrow hallways. Hallowed ground has too little range that limits oberon's movement to the extend gets him killed in high lvl missions cuz the status resistance comes at a cost of limited movement and bombards or scorches will have a fun time. Renewal has a good amount of healing but takes too long to reach teamates. Reckoning is op and u derpowered at the same time. Anything below lvl 30 dies instantly with the right build but anything higher ot becomes redundant.

Secondly, even if the utility is limited at least have some synergy but oberon doesn't which means it functions far too indepentdantly and does not scales.

Thirdly, a far too situational passive. It is nice on certain lvls but redundant in most.

Considering I have already seen DE's possible rework on oberon here are my ideas on it please dont state that I am just saying these ideas because DE already gave a rough idea on the rework. These are my ideas on how the abilities should be reworked.

1. Smite

Three ways they can fix this. Firstly, upon hitting the first enemy and spliting up later. Make the projectiles seek out other enemies and since it seeks out means it will not hit as many as before if used in a narrow hallway but maybe make it so that it will scale based on enemy lvl or prox radiation or knockdown enemies.

Secondly, make it still bounce randomly but increase the move speed by a lot and make the projectile last longer with power duration and to reward hitting enemies in an open area make the projectile give a certain protection to oberon when the durations end and do an animation that the projectiles returns to oberon granting him a dmg negation based on the range interval upon hitting an enemy.

Thirdly, shoot a projectile that does an aoe woth flat dmg but will get a debuff in which the enemies affected will take more dmg from his abilities or from any source.


smite already seeks enemies. it hits them multiple times, if it has the same AI as it does now after the rework its going to be crazy good

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After playing around with Oberon, his passive isn't for sentinels. Looks like he's getting shelved for me. I personally HATE kubrows and Kavats. I wished his passive included sentinels for those that don't like Kubrows and kavats.

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They didn't do nearly enough. They gave him minor statistical buffs. From what I've heard, Smite has okayish scaling, but who cares because it's single target. Just use a gun. They put in an armor  bonus for allies and armor debuff to enemies standing on his 2 activated by 3 and 4.The numbers are terrible. 200 base armor bonus and 30% base removal. Why are they afraid to give him good stuff?As with every rework they ever do, I hope they don't just leave it without adjusting it according to feedback. We don't need to wait another 4 years for a good Oberon. 

Edited by (PS4)Jedi_Arts_
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23 hours ago, Turtlemancer said:

So good news for some of us:

This means they are currently playing with Renewal. Hopefully this means things are going to work out.


I hope they're looking at Oberon as a whole, not just Renewal. Honestly, it's the least bit of focus that he needs. 

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all those ultimates with flat dmg + a flat bonus damage if meeting certain conditions just need to go... so much for trying to have other abilities scale when oberon 4 ( as well as mag's and others) just go flat dmg....make them doing flat damage + % bonus dmg based on the enemy health and we start reasoning.

That renewal duration issue needs to go as well, it's conflicting with everything else...This rework tastes sour, sadly, like many others before

Ps: the range of  his  abilities is still abysmal if nothing else he should have the base range of all abilities doubled ( again like many other frames ) 21 meters range on his 4th at 160% when u can have 39 meters  at 94% range on bladestorm...'nuff said

Pps: His 2 needs to be a 360° circle around him, get rid of that cone thing...even better, a mobile circle aura which works way better with the mobility and dynamics that come with this game


Edited by arm4geddon-117
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