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Oberon Feedback 20.3.1 and beyond


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2 minutes ago, blazeshadow44 said:

I would still use rage on him. i go all out melee with him.... nice berserker with that healing ability.  

It shouldn't be required to use it in order to function and he isn't tanky enough in order for it to work effectively late game like it does for Chroma, Wukong, and Inaros. Can you use it? Sure, but it should supplement his kit rather than tie it together.

Edited by Music4Therapy
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10 minutes ago, Music4Therapy said:

Bullcrap. Why else would health orbs drop from enemies killed by Reckoning? Why else would it deal increased damage to radiated targets? Why else would it require you to repeatedly spam it in order to actually strip a target of armor?

Its poorly designed. The armor strip should have been on his Smite, the scaling damage should have been on his Reckoning, and instead of being forced to land killing blows with Reckoning to get the orb it should be enemies that get hit by it have an increased chance to drop health orbs when they die.


EDIT: That said, I never use Reckoning to kill. I use it for the CC to provide me cover in between changing rooms, setting up combos, and grabbing life support. The point is that its designed to be a kill move as evidenced by its on-kill and armor stripping mechanics.

The armor stripping is actually a new feature they added, which would make more sense if Hallowed Ground stripped enemy armor. Dunno why they even changed Reckoning so much, it was pretty perfect the way it was before. Ask yourself, how often do you actually need health orbs in the game? If you're doing really well, rarely. Most of the time, when you do need them, they either don't drop, you die, and respawn, or run away and heal or they drop somewhere in combat

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Agreed, communication is severely lacking and DE just keeps making changes that the player base does not want as a whole. No one I have spoken with is pleased with the Oberon rework, hell no one was pleased about the Limbo nukers (thank god its gone now). I don't think a poll alone would fix things though, DE needs a test server for development builds so players can play new content before it goes onto a LIVE server and provide feedback so S#&$ like "nuke limbo" and wet noodle smite oberon (which couldn't even kill a level 1) doesn't happen.

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1 minute ago, blazeshadow44 said:

.... u would be surprised.  i do it all the time

You think you are the only Oberon player I'm the world that uses Rage?

It shouldn't be a prerequisite in order for him, a frame as tanky as a naked Valkyr at his best, to function. Especially with his very energy intensive, synergy filled kit.

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Just now, Music4Therapy said:

You think you are the only Oberon player I'm the world that uses Rage?

It shouldn't be a prerequisite in order for him, a frame as tanky as a naked Valkyr at his best, to function. Especially with his very energy intensive, synergy filled kit.

nope, i just know the best way to use my main warframe for my playstyle.  yes, he is energy hungry and should not be requiredto have rage, which in some cases (like running into a horde of energy sapping a-holes) having the low energy capacity will be imprectical for anyone using him.  Tis just what fits me in the long run.  With all the tweaking done now, he definetely needs alot more energy to help with his synergetic/depedent abilities so that he can be used more effeciently.

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My thoughts: Tweaking him was a terrible development decision. You had 10,000 ways you could have reworked him completely, given him a purpose and theme and you choose none of them. Play on his druid side, make his abilities interact with the companion the player has+other effects for low levels who have no companions. Play on his paladin side, add a self buff to melee attack speed + smite on melee hit like a diablo 2 paladin. I could make a list a mile long of things that COULD have been done. Everything from summoning companions based on what companion he has (default type if he has none, perhaps even with a bonus stat to encourage taking no companion) to summoning elemental orokin trees that heal allies. But "joke scaling" smite? A heal that uses energy consistently and is a toggle so trin can't even help him keep his energy pool up? This is hands down the most disappointing rework of any character in any game I have ever seen.

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5 minutes ago, 1tsyB1tsyN1nj4 said:

Ask yourself, how often do you actually need health orbs in the game? If you're doing really well, rarely.

I can see the armor stripping working on Hallowed Ground, that's a cool idea. But let me address this point.

Oberon's kit synergizes amazingly well with pets. His passive makes them harder to kill, his 3 heals them and raises their bleed out timer. And! His 4 creates health orbs, albeit very inconsistently. Why is this important? Health orbs instantly revive downed pets. Health orbs also would go a long way in solving his energy problems via Equilibrium.

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11 minutes ago, (PS4)Oreic-Reynier said:

Yeah, Ive always found it weird there is no polling options on this site. 

I think there is a polling system... like how DE select candidates for new infested units (vote by all) and in the final round voted by DC (design council). I think augment too (DC only)

The weird thing is... i dont feel that DC is being a true representation for all the players now.

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PC is pretty much as close as we get to a public test environment. We're essentially the "bleeding edge" of updates, which then filters over to consoles.


Edit: There used to be something called "Community Hot Topics" fairly frequently which was DE polling on all things Warframe. But sadly we don't see that nearly as much anymore.

Edited by Mastercontrol98
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1 minute ago, TheBlackAce21 said:

My thoughts: Tweaking him was a terrible development decision. You had 10,000 ways you could have reworked him completely, given him a purpose and theme and you choose none of them. Play on his druid side, make his abilities interact with the companion the player has+other effects for low levels who have no companions. Play on his paladin side, add a self buff to melee attack speed + smite on melee hit like a diablo 2 paladin. I could make a list a mile long of things that COULD have been done. Everything from summoning companions based on what companion he has (default type if he has none, perhaps even with a bonus stat to encourage taking no companion) to summoning elemental orokin trees that heal allies. But "joke scaling" smite? A heal that uses energy consistently and is a toggle so trin can't even help him keep his energy pool up? This is hands down the most disappointing rework of any character in any game I have ever seen.

Well, in a sense, they did go on the more paladin side of him:  a common RPG paladin has a marking technique that marks them for judgement (*cough, cough* radiation proc) that adds additional damage done to marked enemies,  sacred grounds that aid allies and harm enemies, a healing ability.  Just a thought...

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**Before official "rework" a lot of people had post (like me) with ideas for Oberon...example

Some people may had seen this coming so I 'll get to the point.

Smite- fire an Orb that when it hits something it break into smaller homing orbs with their own chance to proc radiation meanwhile large orb procs impact 30% and against heavy units it goes up to 40%

Hallowed Ground/Gaia Thorns- place path in front of Oberon that deals damage to enemies in or near it and turns damage into armor.(Thorns/Vines pulls enemies into it)

Renewal-Heals allies and uses current buffs also after Oberon casts it limit increase in movement speed for X seconds

Reckoning-Enemies killed drop health orb, any that survive suffer short movement/recovery debuff. While those out of killzone are hit with blinding affect. Also if Reckoning is cast in radius of Hallowed Ground/Gaia Thorns it creates an explosion releasing thorns that creates energy shrapnel.



Edited by Jackel7
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3 minutes ago, (PS4)Oreic-Reynier said:

So then we'd all just use equilibrium instead of Rage? Seems like a band aid. 

I agree with you, which is why I've also made several threads and have been pushing towards Oberon functioning similar to Limbo. Limbo gets energy for every enemy killed in the rift and has energy regen while in the rift, what if Oberon (and maybe his allies?) received similar benefits while on his Hallowed Ground?

Edited by Music4Therapy
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I get ya @blazeshadow44 and while it is true that he has that sort of feel, the abilities themselves are so weak, hell, radiation as a damage type is so weak that is simply doesn't make him feel strong. I mean before the patch hit, I was excited about the rework even knowing they were planning on tweaking his current setup but I was hoping for a lot more, I think a lot of people were. More interaction between abilities, more damage, more something. What we got was just meh.

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1 minute ago, Music4Therapy said:

I agree with you, which is why I've also made several threads and have been pushing towards Oberon functioning similar to Limbo. Limbo gets energy for every enemy killed in the rift and has energy regen while in the rift, what if Oberon (and maybe his allies?) received similar benefits while on his Hallowed Ground?

Ive seen your idea, I am a huge proponent for it. If they want "synergy" that'd really go for that mile Scott mentioned. 

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2 minutes ago, Music4Therapy said:

I can see the armor stripping working on Hallowed Ground, that's a cool idea. But let me address this point.

Oberon's kit synergizes amazingly well with pets. His passive makes them harder to kill, his 3 heals them and raises their bleed out timer. And! His 4 creates health orbs, albeit very inconsistently. Why is this important? Health orbs instantly revive downed pets. Health orbs also would go a long way in solving his energy problems via Equilibrium.

The energy problem wouldn't even be a problem if DE realized that Oberon is the perfect marriage between a caster frame and a combat frame. His energy pool also needs to reflect the balance he's supposed to represent. And I hate his "new" passive, it's crap and in no way original like the "taming" one. It's simply Oberons previous passive, word for word pre-SotR.


2 minutes ago, (PS4)Oreic-Reynier said:

So then we'd all just use equilibrium instead of Rage? Seems like a band aid. 

If you intend to let your health get hit, sure. Equilibrium is too RNG, and Rage means you might be dead on the floor

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Just now, TheBlackAce21 said:

I get ya @blazeshadow44 and while it is true that he has that sort of feel, the abilities themselves are so weak, hell, radiation as a damage type is so weak that is simply doesn't make him feel strong. I mean before the patch hit, I was excited about the rework even knowing they were planning on tweaking his current setup but I was hoping for a lot more, I think a lot of people were. More interaction between abilities, more damage, more something. What we got was just meh.

i wouldn't sya meh.  not being drained by orbs that move like snails, the magical carpet is long gone and that armor buff comes pretty handy when a more glassy warframe needs help.  Energy is definetely needed though. buffing the armor debuff is a need, and damage output needs to be increased a bit more.

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